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v2 Chapter 432: Honest man

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In the 26th year of Jian'an (221 AD), March and late.

In fact, according to the almanac, Liu Xie, known as Emperor Xian, has abdicated, regardless of whether he was harmed by Cao Pi, this Jian'an year number is actually not suitable for reuse, but Liu Bei's ascension has not been held, and Cao Wei's year number is obviously It is impossible to use it again, so in the land of Jingshu, the title of Jian'an Year is temporarily extended. After Liu Bei ascends to the throne, he will change the year name.

This year was a relatively calm year for the entire world. Cao Pi was actively restoring internal affairs. The Jiu Pinguan Law compiled by Chen Qun and Sima Yi had begun to gradually increase its implementation. Liu Bei was called The emperor made preparations, and now the office has been moved to Hanzhong. After more than a year of repairs, the Nanyang region began to restore its vitality. As for Dongwu, it continued to strengthen the defense line around the Jianghuai area. Several of Liu Yi ’s disciples had already begun. He is famous in Jingxiang area, and he is also designing for Hanzhong New City. Nanzheng, as the capital of the emperor, even if it is not a place where it has lived for a long time, it still has to have a certain style.

At this point, Liu Bei actually hopes that Liu Yi can personally preside over the design and construction of the new capital, but Nan Zhongwei is not in peace. During this time, Liu Yi is constantly uploading good news, and it is not easy to change positions. Moreover, Liu Bei Group In the planning, Hanzhong is only a temporary capital city, the Han thieves are not mutually exclusive, and Wangye is not biased. No matter Liu Bei or Zhuge Liang and others, including Liu Yi, the most ideal capital city in mind is Changan, Hanzhong ... after all, it is biased Some, if not for strategic needs, Chengdu is obviously more suitable as a capital than Hanzhong.

Liu Bei obviously knows that it is difficult for him to see the day when the world is unified, so he wants to fight a lot. He has used Zhuge Liang ’s policies to gradually standardize the administration of officials, but the Jiu Pinguan Law introduced by Cao Wei will undoubtedly affect the already formed Shu. The rule of law in China has an impact. After all, the law of the nine ranks of officials is an extension of the Han Dynasty's system of adjudication, and it is easier to be accepted by others.

Moreover, any system has its timeliness. In the view of future generations, the Jiu Pin Guan Ren Law is undoubtedly the root cause of cholera, but in this era, the Jiu Pin Guan Ren Law has no doubt played a role when it was launched. It is benign. At least for the moment, the introduction of the Jiu Pin Guan Ren Law has given Cao Pi the full support of the rulers under the rule of law, and has also enabled Cao Wei's overall strength to grow rapidly over a period of time.

This growth is not to say that the political system, but that the forces Cao Wei can control is rapidly rising, Cao Pi also quickly stabilized his position.

In fact, in Liu Yi's opinion, Zhuge Liang's system is actually a kind of progress across the times. There have been some buds similar to the later imperial examination system. Of course, it is only a trace. It is not popular in culture and the talents are concentrated in a few people. In the middle of the year, the Jiu Pinguan Law is actually more suitable for this era, because the talents are basically from this circle, and Zhuge Liang ’s law pays more attention to fairness, care for the people at the bottom, plus Jingshu and Erzhou, although the funds have lost money in the past two years Grain is also a bit nervous, but the potential is constantly being tapped by Liu Yi, and there are enough conditions for him to implement his system a little bit and constantly improve it.

Nowadays, it is a collision between the two systems. While being impacted by the Jiu Pinguan Law, it will also be impacted by the new law here. Liu Yi ’s new colleges in various places are now fully operational. For middle and lower people, at the same time, the college There are a large number of printed paper books in the provided library building for learning.

Zhuge Liang ’s new law lies in the advancement of the selection system. In colleges across the country, talents are selected through assessment. The students in the colleges are given priority to the children of the families of meritorious scholars, which also drives the enthusiasm of the people to be ruled into the army.

As for who will win the New Deal implemented by both parties, it can only be verified by waiting time.

"How often do you think you are?" Liu Yi put down the information sent by Shuzhong and looked at Ma Duan with a smile.

"It's hard to say." Ma Zhen shook his head: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For now, Cao Wei obviously has the upper hand, but if you look at it in the long run, Mr. Law is more advantageous."

Even the most powerful wise man cannot see the future. Zhuge Liang ’s New Deal is indeed very thoughtful, but in the end it is a bit ahead. Its opponents are not only from Cao Wei ’s New Deal, but also from internal pressure. The war between the two countries, Many times it is not just a military collision.

Liu Yi nodded his head. This stalemate is already in place. He does n’t know how much of Zhuge Liang ’s new law is based on his own opinions, but he is not concerned about it at the moment. Gao Ding has not solved it yet. Has already begun to gather, he must integrate the strength of the counties before the arrival of these barbarians, and try to win the barbarians for their own use.

"By the way, Wang Shang has obtained a rare jade according to Tinghou's request. Recently, it will be sent. This is the story of the national jade seal. Radon thought it was more important than Gaoding." Ma Daon smiled.

"Yeah." Liu Yi nodded. Liu Bei set the date of claiming to be the Emperor in May. It really didn't take long. In order to make the best work to deserve the status of uploading the national jade seal, Liu Yi must adjust the state. .

"Then before the jade is delivered, let's settle down!" Liu Yi said seriously after a moment of silence.

"Good!" Ma Dun nodded.

"Report ~" Zhang Bao quickly stepped forward and bowed to Liu Yi: "Tinghou, that Gao Ding has already agreed to Tinghou's invitation to fight, and the two sides will be in a diplomatic war in the city tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Ma Dun groaned his chin and smiled, "It seems that Gao Dingjun is short of food."

The grain shortage is affirmative, and Shuzhong is not affluent. In addition to the events of last year, the food that the state government sent to Nanzhong every year was detained in Zhuti. Even if Gaoding had some grains, he was previously Ma Dayi. Burning a lot of fire and then mobilizing from the rear, the consumption of these tens of thousands of people is not a small amount.

"The messengers of Yongchang County have been dispatched, but the road is far away, and it will take at least ten days to arrive." Ma Yun looked at Liu Yi and asked with a smile: "How does Tinghou intend to defeat Gaoding?"

"Send someone to burn grain again tomorrow." Liu Yi casually said: "Since his weakness is on the grain and grass, then attack the grain and grass! Hold the grain and grass, then Gaoding will have nowhere to go."

To put it simply, I do n’t touch you hard, and I do n’t expect to succeed in robbing grain, but I just stare at your grain and fight. Now that Gaoding is short of grain, you are forced to hold the grain and keep it on your own. This team of horses will naturally hold back, and then the problem will be much simpler. When Yongchang starts to do it, Gaoding will not collapse.


One night without words, the next morning, Liu Yi ordered his soldiers to leave the city. The warm spring wind blew the red tassel above his head, and the red cloak swayed in the wind, forming a tumbling red storm. From a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​fire. Spread outside the city.

Gaoding's soldiers and horses naturally don't have such a military capacity. In places like Nanzhong, the armor can be worn by generals. As for the service of the soldiers, they are also colorful, not colorful, but it is difficult to feel too much from the other party. The sense of oppression and people's mental appearance are often brought by clothing. If the individual is the same as the army, at least from the military capacity, the Han army with bright and neat armor is easy to form a kind of elite teacher. I feel that although they are not, the momentum is enough to let the opponent lose a point first.

Liu Yi didn't ride a horse, but sat on a spacious carriage. On his side, Ma Dao stood beside him, with a faint smile on his face. Behind the carriage, Lv Lingqi, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Wei Yue , Chen Ergou lined up, and then, the army of barbarian and county soldiers was split, and the carriage was centered on both sides, and the momentum of the 20,000 armies was connected together to form a mountain like a mountain. The sense of oppression squeezed towards each other.

That kind of real sense of oppression and suffocation caused a chaos in the Yuezheng Army, which was two hundred steps away. Before it was fought, it grabbed people first. Even if Gaoding was a little reckless, he knew that fighting at this time was not good for the army. His eyes fell on E Huan.

E Huan was aware of it. When he urged the crotch to war horse, he came to the front of the two armies. He knew the power of Liu Yijun ’s bow and arrow ~ ~ When he came down, he opened his voice and shouted: "General Nao Yuedai, E Huan, who dares to fight!"

Is Nan Zhong's combat method so wild and primitive?

Liu Yi looked at Ma Dun with some amazement. What time is this? Who is going to fight this set?

Ma Yun naturally understood Liu Yi's meaning and nodded and smiled: "The population in South China is not large, and worships the strong. Generally, when the two armed forces are at war, most of them will decide the victory or defeat in the future to ensure that they will not be affected by the war. There were a lot of casualties. "

"It turned out to be so." Liu Yi nodded with a smile: "It turned out to be honest, then came to bully and bully him, so that he understands what is in danger!"

This kind of silly and bold enemy, Liu Yi likes it the most, because to clean up them, without wasting too many brain cells.

Although I do n’t know what is honest, Ma Chen clearly understood Liu Yi ’s meaning and smiled and nodded his approval. This kind of futile man, Ma Chen is quite despised, but he will not say, after all, there are many people under Liu Bei ’s It was promoted by force, and there are not many such people.

Looking at the burly figure, it was just a battle material in terms of body size, but unfortunately, looking at Wei Yue, what he was trying to say, Zhang Bu beside him saw that no one was answering, afraid of weakening his morale, Immediately shouted loudly: "The barbarians, I do not know the sky is thick, I will fight you!"

After finishing talking, Malaysia raised the whip, lifted the spear, and hurried away in the direction of E Huan.

Liu Yi: "..."

"Ma'am, Anguo, you two go to fight for him." The matter is here, and it's too late to say, it seems that Zhang Bao should re-educate him once he comes back. The Central Plains battlefield is not a good thing.

"Hello!" Lv Lingqi and Guan Xing bowed to each other, and each spurred their horses to fight for Zhang Bao.