Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 188: The truth is revealed

Chen Lang smiled and said, "Niu Fu, the outcome is undecided, don't be too happy!"

At this moment, Dong Yuan rushed out of the forest with her machete, glared at Niu Fu, and shouted: "Niu Fu, come out, I will kill you!"

Niu Fu saw Dong Yuan standing next to Chen Lang to fight against herself. He couldn't help but raise an evil fire in his heart, and shouted, "Miss, come here! Following him can only be a dead end!"

Dong Yuan was anxious, so she urged to kill Niu Fu immediately. Chen Lang's eyes were quick, and he grabbed Dong Yuan's horse rein, and said angrily: "Don't mess around!" Dong Yuan exclaimed angrily: "If you don't kill him, it's hard to get rid of my hatred! Chen Lang looked at Dong Yuan. This angry and murderous look, can't help but secretly sigh: "If a woman loves you, she will be willing to do anything for you; but if you hate you, I am afraid that you will be slashed and won't let your hate go!"

Chen Lang threw these messy thoughts behind his head, and said angrily: "I have my own plan, don't mess around!" Dong Yuan glanced at Chen Lang and pressed her anger in her heart.

Seeing that Dong Yuan was so obedient in front of Chen Lang, Niu Fu couldn't help burning with jealousy, and shouted at Duan; "General Duan, don't entangle others, take Chen Lang as soon as possible!"

Duan Yan raised his promise, and then ordered some soldiers and horses to continue besieging Dian Wei and his fangs, while he himself led the other soldiers and horses to rush towards Chen Lang! Niu Fu looked at Chen Lang grimly. He couldn't wait to see the panic and frustration after Chen Lang was taken down!

At this moment, the woofer horn suddenly rang loudly and echoed over the mountains and forests! Duan Yan waited for a start. He quickly stopped the horse and shouted: "Stop! Stop!" The charging cavalry stopped quickly, and the scene seemed a little chaotic.

At this moment, Duan Yan suddenly saw fierce cavalry rushing out of the woods behind Chen Lang, straddling a healthy horse, carrying a sword of Qinglong Yanyue, majestic and murderous! At the same time, smoke and dust rolled in the woods behind them, and there seemed to be infinite people rushing out of the woods! Duan Yan turned his head in a hurry, and yelled in shock: "It's not good! There is an ambush! Go back! Go back!" Xiliang Tieqiben was already in a panic. At this time, I heard Duan Yan's panic. The screams made them panic, and they turned their heads and fled for their lives! Everyone scrambled, horseshoes ran wildly, the scene was in chaos, unfortunately fell off the horse, before he could get up, he was trampled by countless iron hooves! Niu Fu only saw thousands of cavalry all rolled back, and was at a loss for a while!

At this moment, more than a hundred Huns cavalry rushed out from one side and rushed into the already disordered Xiliang army, killing the Xiliang cavalry like cutting melons and vegetables! Xiliang cavalry has no intention of fighting, just vie for their lives!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Niu Fu, the thousands of cavalrymen, were smashed and defeated, and the defeated remnants would rush towards Tianshui.

Chen Lang ordered the troops to stop pursuing and retreat quickly. The group went north into the mountains and forests and arrived at the river bank before noon.

In other words, Niu Fu was defeated and returned to the city. Dong Zhuozheng, who had received the news, led Li Ru and others out of the city and ran into Niu Fu. Dong Zhuo was very annoyed, and shouted: "Come on, take this rebellion to me!" Dang even a flying bear army stepped forward and grabbed Niu Fu. Seeing this scene, Duan Yan and others were frightened and rolled down their saddles and knelt to the ground, shivering.

Niu Fu shouted: "I am not guilty! I am not guilty!!"

Dong Zhuo pointed at Niu Fu sternly and said: "You beast! If you dare to lead an army to besiege Haruku, you are rebellious! I will cut you a thousand swords!!"

Niu Fu shouted: "That's not some uncle Xianbei! That's a fake from Chen Lang! Taishi you were deceived!!"

Dong Zhuo was taken aback, thinking that he had heard it wrong. Li Ru said angrily to Niu Fu: "The general made a mistake on the impulse, and sincerely apologizes to the Taishi. The Taishi will certainly forgive you for your past merits! But it's so nonsense, it's not right! Knowing that this is the crime of deceiving the emperor!" Dong Zhuo snorted heavily, looking very angry.

Niu Fu said anxiously: "If Taishi doesn't believe me, you can ask Duan Yan them to see if what I said is true or not?"

Seeing Niu Fu saying this, Dong Zhuo couldn't help but look at Duan Yan and the others. Duan Yan hurriedly said, "What the general said is the truth! The so-called Uncle Xianbei is indeed Chen Lang! He has removed his disguise, and the general recognizes it. Chen Lang, nothing can be wrong!"

Dong Zhuo and Li Ru stared at each other, only in disbelief. Dong Zhuo suddenly became furious, and roared: "Chen Lang is playing tricks on me like this! If you don't kill him, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!!"

Niu Fu was overjoyed when he saw this scene, he quickly broke free from the flying bear army, and clasped his fists to Dong Zhuo: "Taishi, Chen Lang and the others must not have escaped far, they should be able to catch up by chasing at this moment! Taishi quickly order!"

Dong Zhuoyang said: "Send the order to the entire army and capture Chen Lang!"

The army immediately left the city and rushed to the north. The army was aggressive!

Before the evening, Dong Zhuo's army rushed to the shore of the Weishui River, only to see many rafts docking on the opposite side one after another, obviously they could not catch up. Dong Zhuo was furious, and shouted: "Chen Lang, you despicable villain!"

I only heard Chen Langyang say: "My father-in-law does not have to give it away, Yuanyuan is my Chen Lang's wife from today, and I will love her forever!"

Dong Zhuo felt only angry, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell off his horse. The scene was in chaos, and everyone rescued Dong Zhuo.

Chen Lang turned around and saw that Dong Yuan seemed to be depressed, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

auzw.comDong Yuan got into Chen Lang's arms and shook her head; "It's nothing." Chen Lang stopped asking.

Jia Xu led the three thousand infantry army to catch Chen Lang, smiled and worshipped; "Subordinates welcome the lord."

Chen Lang smiled and said, "Wenhe has worked hard!"

Jia Xu laughed; "The subordinates didn't work hard, but the lord really worked hard!" Chen Lang laughed.

Temujin looked at Chen Lang and said in disbelief, "So you are the master. You turned out to be the legendary General Yingyang!?"

Chen Lang nodded and said with a smile: "I had to hide it from you before, so don't be surprised."

Temujin hurriedly said, "The master is serious, and I understand the master's previous difficulties."

Chen Lang patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's too bad for you to believe me unconditionally, otherwise I really don't know how to arrange you!" Then he said to Jia Xu; "Wenhe, Temujin and their clansmen should have recently Then you will enter our site. Then you can mark a place for them to settle down in a new village!" Jia Xu glanced at Temujin, holding his fist and promised. It turned out that when Chen Lang was planning the operation, Temujin had already secretly sent someone to the Temujin tribe to pass orders to his tribe to nomadic people in the Guanzhong area. The Temujin tribe is a nomadic nation, and therefore nomadic behavior. It does not arouse local suspicion. Originally, Chen Lang only used Temujin and his people, but after getting along with Temujin, Temujin served Chen Lang wholeheartedly and won Chen Lang’s trust. Therefore, Chen Lang decided not to abandon them, but to take them with him. Go back to your own turf.

Temuzhen bowed to Chen Lang, "Thank you, Master!"

Chen Lang patted him on the shoulder.

That night, Chen Lang and his party and the army that came to pick up Chen Lang and them camped in the wilderness.

At dinner, Dong Yuan went to her mother's tent to see if her mother had woken up. Seeing that my mother had woke up, I couldn't help panicking, feeling helpless! When Mrs. Dong heard the movement, she looked towards the door and saw Dong Yuan who was struggling and retreating, and said in an angry manner: "I have done everything, what are you afraid of!"

Dong Yuan walked up to her mother nervously and whispered; "Mother!"

Madam Dong said in an angry manner: "Do you still know that I am your mother?"

Dong Yuan knelt down, hugged her mother's arm, and said pitifully, "I really don't want to leave my mother! Mother, do you want to leave me?"

Madam Dong sighed, stroked Dong Yuan's hair, lovingly said: "How can my mother be willing to leave you?" She frowned, "But how can your mother abandon the family and leave privately!"

Dong Yuan hurriedly said: "I will leave now if I don't leave, mother don't think too much!"

Madam Dong gave Dong Yuan a blank look, and said in an angry manner: "This is the end of the matter, what else can I do!" Dong Yuan smiled slyly.

Madam Dong was silent for a moment and asked, "Is it Chen Lang's idea to drink medicated liquor?"

Dong Yuan shook her head quickly and said: "No, it was my idea, eldest brother he didn't even know!" Madam Dong looked at Dong Yuan, as if she believed it or not. Upon seeing this, Dong Yuan asked cautiously: "Mother, are you still angry?" Madam Dong glared at her daughter and teased: "This is called a guilty conscience!" Dong Yuan smiled coquettishly and hugged her. Holding her mother's arm, she said, "Mother, don't be angry, let's go out for dinner!" Madam Dong stood up and got out of the tent with Dong Yuan's support.

The mother and daughter came to a bonfire. As soon as Dong Yuan saw Chen Lang, she ignored her mother. She ran to Chen Lang and hugged Chen Lang's arm.

Chen Lang smiled and looked at Madam Dong. Seeing Madam Dong looking at him strangely, he suddenly felt a little unnatural.

Mrs. Dong said in an unpleasant manner: "Yuanyuan, if you have a lover, don't you care about your mother?"

Dong Yuan stuck her tongue out at Chen Lang and whispered; "Brother, I have served my mother in the past, or my mother will be angry!" Chen Lang smiled and nodded. Dong Yuan left Chen Lang's side and went to her mother's side, serving her mother to eat barbecue, very happy. At this moment, Dong Yuan is like a bird that has finally escaped the cage, incredibly cheerful! Chen Lang smiled slightly.

Jia Xu came to Chen Lang and sat down.

Chen Lang ate a piece of barbecue and asked, "How is the situation in Guanzhong?"

Jia Xu clasped his fist and said: "I am about to report to the Lord. The situation in Guanzhong is now going well. Many people who had fled the switch before have returned. The population of Chang'an City has returned to one hundred thousand."

Chen Lang frowned and said, "Chang'an City has only recovered to a population of 100,000, which is far from enough!"