Back to the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 410: Loss of soldiers

In any case, the Ying Yang army finally retreated, and Sun Gan Pang Yi and others were finally relieved.

Zhang Liao led his army back down and joined the army led by Jia Xu. Zhang Liao said, "Although the enemy's reinforcements arrive, we should be able to break the barrier with our army's combat effectiveness!"

Jia Xu thought to himself: "Wen Yuan is right. But Mianzhu is very dangerous. Wenyuan only used a surprise attack before nearly breaking through. Now the situation is different. Not only has the enemy's reinforcements arrived, but they are also prepared. If our army attacked by force, it would be impossible to take Mianzhu in a short time. I got news from Hanzhong not long ago that Liu Zhang has surrendered to Liu Bei, and Liu Beizheng led the army to the north. The strength and weakness will soon be. reverse."

Zhang Liao was taken aback and said in disbelief, "Liu Zhang surrendered? Is this too fast?"

Jia Xu smiled and said, "I didn't expect Liu Bei to wipe out Liu Zhang so quickly. It seems that we have all looked down upon this hypocrite who is full of benevolence and morality before!" Taking a look at Zhang Liao, he said, "The war opportunity has been lost, we should give up. Attack, retreat to Baojiang Oil and Qishan."

Zhang Liao frowned and nodded.

It is said that Liu Bei received the emergency report of Qishan, Wenchuan Jiangyou and other places on the road and was very anxious. In order to prevent being broken by the eagle and the army, he hurriedly ordered Liu Feng to lead all the 20,000 war horses under his command to rush at full speed, and he led the army. follow up.

Liu Feng led the 20,000 war cavalry to leave the brigade as if rushing forward, arriving in Chengdu half a day later, and then bypassing Chengdu to continue northward, and half a day later, in the early morning of the next day, the army finally arrived at Mianzhu.

Sun Gan Pang Yi heard that Liu Feng, the righteous son of the Lord, had arrived, and hurried out to welcome him. Seeing that there were many cavalry rushing behind Liu Feng, I couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly stepped forward to see him: "My son!"

Liu Feng got off his horse, and clasped his fists towards the two of them: "The two adults have worked hard!" Sun Gan hurriedly asked: "Please, please!" So the three of them walked into the gate and went straight to the hall, Liu Feng said. The upper head sat down, while Sun Gan and Pang Yi sat in the left and right heads respectively.

Liu Feng asked the two of them; "My father and I received an urgent report saying that Zhang Liao led the Ying Yang army to go southward like a broken bamboo until Mianzhu Pass! Why is it so quiet at this moment?"

Even though Sun Gandang briefly talked about the whole battle, he said with a grateful expression on his last face: "If General Pang Yi hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid this Mianzhu would have been broken by the enemy!"

Liu Feng nodded, and clasped his fist towards Pang Yi and said, "The general has worked hard!" Pang Yi hurriedly replied, "This is a matter of his subordinates!" Then he asked, "Now that the enemy has retreated, what should our army do? what?"

Liu Feng thought: "The enemy must have noticed that our army's reinforcements have arrived one after another, and felt that the opportunity has been lost, so they gave up the offensive and retreated. At this moment, the enemy never expected that our army would counterattack, so I caught them by surprise! "

Sun Gan and Pang Yi were taken aback and looked at each other. Pang Yi hurriedly hugged Liu Feng and said: "My son, that Zhang Liao is a general under Chen Lang's command. Not only is he brave but also very cunning. Jia Xu assisted, that Jia Xu is a sly and deceitful person. I only worry about whether they would expect that there will be chasing soldiers and arrange them? Please be careful, the son!"

Liu Feng said unhappily: "Don't blow up those Zhang Liao and Jia Xu! I don't expect them to be defensive! I will keep the army, and it will be enough to raid the enemy with only five thousand war horses!" Sun Gan Pang Yi looked at each other. , I was a little worried, but I couldn't say anything more.

Soon after, Liu Feng took advantage of the night and led his five thousand spirits to ride out of Mianzhu Pass, and quickly rushed northward. The rumbling sound echoed in the mountains and rivers of Mianzhu, and they were soon inaudible. Has disappeared into the vast darkness.

Not long after Liu Fenggang left, an officer rushed to report: "Your Excellency, General, Master Mi Zhu and General Mi Fang are here!" The two of them moved their hearts and turned around to look at them, and saw that they looked rather embarrassed and Mi Zhu Mifang was walking hurriedly over. The two greeted them immediately. The two sides met with great sorrow. Mi Zhu blamed himself indefinitely: "Oh! We have failed the lord's trust!"

Sun Gan said, "Brother Zizhong does not need to blame himself. It is excusable to think that the eagle and the army are sturdy and good at war, and Zhang Liao is wise and brave. This result is excusable! Besides, if Brother Zizhong had not put down the fireboat to warn, the consequences are really unimaginable. Yeah!"

Mi Zhu asked in surprise: "Brother Gongyou knows that it is the fireboat I put down?"

Sun Gan laughed and said, "Who else is there except your brother Zhong!" Then he said with a lingering fear: "Thanks to Brother Zizhong for warning, otherwise we would never have thought that the enemy army would have arrived! At this moment, this Mianzhu is afraid. It's already lost!" Mi Zhu sighed and said: "I just made up for my sin a little bit." Then he asked: "Gongyou, how is the situation on the lord's side?"

Sun Gan smiled and said: "Liu Zhang and his remnants have returned to the lord, and now the whole of Xichuan is settled! The Lord has just led the army to the north for reinforcements!" Mi Zhu Mifang was overjoyed, and Mi Fang exclaimed excitedly: "Great! Xichuan is finally us. The world is under heaven!" When everyone present heard this, they couldn't help frowning. Mi Zhu hurriedly shouted at Mi Fang: "What nonsense! The lord's army is for self-protection, and the other is for the well-being of the Xichuan people. Finally, the sky did not give up and finally succeeded. I should thank the sky and at the same time find ways to benefit the people and eradicate the traitors for the court, so as to live up to the sky!" Mi Fang realized that he had failed to speak, but promised.

It is said that Liu Feng led five thousand fine riders to take advantage of the night out of Mianzhu and headed north, preparing to catch the eagle and Yangjun by surprise.

At midnight, Liu Feng led his army into the vicinity of Jiangyou. At this time, the sky was gloomy, and there were heavy black shadows around him. Jiang You in front was concealed in the heavy black shadows. If there were no lights flashing, it would be impossible to tell that there was actually a city gate.

Did Liu Feng stop, the army stopped. In the dark night, Leiban's voice gradually returned to silence.

Liu Feng looked around and asked the officer beside him, "Do you see the enemy again?"

The officer shook his head and said, "I didn't see it. The enemy must have passed Jiangyou." Liu's cover was thoughtful.

咚咚咚咚咚......! The thunderous drums of war suddenly rang loudly, breaking the silence of the night. Liu Feng and others were taken aback, and hurriedly looked around. I was shocked to see that countless torches were lit up in the originally dark surroundings, and countless figures had already surrounded oneself.

Liu Feng shouted anxiously: "No! There is an ambush! The whole army will break through with me!" At this moment, there was a sharp wind whistling in the night sky. Liu Fengjun was caught off guard and was shot and turned on his back! The horses shouted loudly! Immediately there was a surge of people from all directions, and more than ten thousand eagles raised their army from all directions to besiege, shouting like a tide, and the momentum was like a rainbow!

Liu Fengji led his troops and horses to turn around and ran. At this moment, an enemy general suddenly led a war cavalry with less than a thousand people into the diagonal stabbing like a sharp knife! The leader of the enemy rushed towards Liu Feng and shouted sternly; "The enemy will take his life!" Seeing that the opponent was coming fiercely, Liu Feng's heart was so tight that he couldn't worry about escaping, and he quickly turned his head to face the battle. The two sides fought together. It will wield a broad sword with great power and great momentum, and all moves are to start! Liu Feng reluctantly fought fiercely with his spear for more than ten rounds, and he was embarrassed by the left and the right! Liu Feng was frightened and did not dare to fight again. He deceived his opponent with a false shot, and quickly turned his horse's head and ran into his cavalry group. At this time, Liu Bei's cavalry had been defeated by the Ying Yang army, and he was rushing to the south in a noisy manner. He would want to search for Liu Feng's figure, but the figure was in chaos, and Liu Feng's figure was nowhere to be found.

Zhang Liao chased his army for more than ten miles before stopping the attack.

Liu Feng ran all the way and fled back to Mianzhu before stopping. Seeing Sun Gan and others, I couldn't help feeling ashamed, and couldn't help but sigh: "If Zhang Liao is not removed, our army will not be able to leave Sichuan!"

Two days later, Liu Bei led an army to Mianzhu. Liu Feng, Sun Gan Mi Zhu Pang Yi and others all went out to greet them. After some etiquette, Liu Bei entered Mianzhu surrounded by the crowd, came to the lobby of the Mianzhu Office, and took the main seat. Glancing at the people, smiling and raising his voice: "Sit down, everyone." Everyone thanked them and sat down one after another.

Liu Bei looked at Mi Zhu Mifang and asked, "How did Shangfang Valley, Wooden Gate, Tielong Mountain, and Qishan fall?"

The eyes of everyone immediately gathered on the two of them, and they couldn't help feeling ashamed.

Mi Zhu stood up, threw a fist at Liu Bei, and then succinctly explained the whole battle. Liu Bei frowned, while Fei Guan and others started talking in a low voice. Fei Guanchao Liu Bei held a fist and said, "Master, there are two ways to enter Xichuan from the north. One is from Baishuiguan Yangpingguan, passing Jiange, and then into Langzhong, and the other is from Qishan south, passing Wenchuan, Jiangyou, and passing through. Mianzhu entered the middle of Sichuan. Now that everything from Qishan to Jiangyou is lost, it is not safe to rely on a Mianzhu alone! If Mianzhu has a case, Chengdu will not be guaranteed! The subordinates believe that it should be recovered as soon as possible while the army is not stable. Jiangyou, Wenchuan, Qishan and other places!" Everyone agreed.

Liu Bei thought and nodded, and immediately ordered Zhang Ren to be the vanguard, leading his 20,000 soldiers and horses to advance, and then the army set off to order Mi Zhu to supervise the transportation of grain and grass, and Mi Fang to guard Mianzhu Pass.

After receiving the order, Zhang Ren set off immediately, leading an army of 20,000 yuan straight to Jiangyou. Now Zhang Liao and Jia Xu have retreated to the north of Jiangyouguan. Zhang Liao led 10,000 soldiers and horses stationed in Jiangyou, and Jia Xu led another nearly 30,000 soldiers and horses to Qishan.

Zhang Ren led 20,000 soldiers and horses to the north along the Minjiang River, and marched along the mountain path. At the same time, Zhang Ren sent several teams of elites to prevent people from lying in ambush on the steep mountain roads, and they searched forward in various dangerous places ahead of the brigade.

A fierce fighting sound suddenly came from the distant mountains, and then such and this kind of fighting sounded one after another. Zhang Ren smiled coldly and sent his men to support the battlefields.