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Chapter 353: .divorce


Life seems to have returned to peace, but peace is only on the surface. Everything is different from before. Zhang Qianqian has grown up from a carefree and ignorant child. Because of Zhang Qianqian’s incident, the relationship between Mencius and Zhang Zhou is also Since then, Wan Zhongshan has been separated.

Soon, Zhang Zhou filed for divorce with Mencius. And the attitude is firm, honest people don't make decisions lightly, but they make a decision but they can't pull it back.

A woman is in her forties and her child is also older. Although a man has no great prospects, he has no major problems. Mencius does not want to divorce. Not only is age unable to withstand such toss, divorce means a failure in her life for a woman, she is a good face, and she does not want to be ridiculed and sympathized because of divorce.

Before her daughter was involved in a car accident, Mencius could not have imagined that her husband would ask for a divorce one day, but her daughter had a car accident because she made a wrong decision, which not only harmed her daughter, but also her husband and herself. Separated.

Zhang Zhou filed for a divorce and said that he would consider Mencius for three days. If Mencius did not agree, he would file a lawsuit in the court after three days. Zhang Zhou left these words and gave Mencius no room for words and walked out of the house.

So Mencius just wanted to quarrel, scold, and ask him who he wanted to vent without venting.

Mencius calmed down, knowing that she didn’t want to be divorced anymore. She didn’t want to divorce, but she was determined to see Zhang Zhou. Her only hope was to ask her daughter to persuade him, because he loves his daughter. Will listen, maybe for his daughter's sake, he will change his mind. uu1;

So Mencius could only tentatively ask her daughter, "Qianqian, your father said he wants to divorce me, what do you think about this?"

Since coming back, my daughter has either practiced walking every day or buried her head in front of the computer. She walked in the living room and said, "Mom, my father has asked my opinion about this matter. He said he can no longer live with you. Together, he really doesn't have any feelings for you. In that case, you can let go. The melon is not sweet, where is there no fragrance in the end of the world."

The daughter said this understatement, and it was even more shocking to Mencius. There is no child in the world who wants her parents to separate, but her daughter takes this matter so lightly, she must be hating her for letting her lose a leg, no wonder Zhang Zhou's attitude was so determined, it turned out that she had already passed her anger with her daughter, and her daughter supported him.

But Mencius still didn't give up, "Qianqian, don't you want me and your father to continue living together"

"Mom, of course I hope you will continue to live together, but the problem is that Dad doesn't want to live with you anymore."

"Because of your business, my dad may still be angry with me, so I said such words impulsively, Qianqian, can you persuade your dad not to disturb this family and not let you suffer? To the pain of losing a leg, I also face losing the integrity of my home."

Zhang Qianqian walked to the kitchen, poured a glass of milk, drank it, and continued walking, "Mom, I persuaded my father for a long time yesterday. I can see that he really doesn't want to face you anymore. I think he is very painful, so I Stay neutral and not participate in the affairs between you. I do not support or oppose your divorce. I cannot control your lives." uu2;

Mencius was stunned and uttered a daze for a while, "So, Qianqian, if I divorce your father, who do you want to live with?"

"Of course I live with my dad. Usually my dad takes care of me more. Mom, you are always careless. You can't even take care of yourself. Let alone take care of me. So mom, I live with my dad, he You will definitely take care of me. Don't worry about that."

Mencius was completely disappointed. She didn't know if her daughter was heartless or heartless. Mom and Dad were divorced. How could she be so nonchalant?

"Qianqian, are you still mad at me because of my mistake, which made you lose a leg."

"Mom, it's impossible to say that I don't mind at all, but this has already happened. You are my mother, and you don't want that, so I won't hate you. After this incident, I understand a lot. Things, I also understand Dad better. Dad used to tolerate you for this family. Now he can't bear it anymore, so he wants to divorce you. Because I understand him, I can’t stop him. Mom, Dad is no longer The original dad, don’t you feel it?"

As Zhang Qianqian said, she walked back to her room, leaving only the heartbroken Mencius beauty.

Meng Zimei has a very high spirit and loves face in this life. She can't bear the fact that her husband who has been honest and obedient wants to divorce her, and her well-behaved and caring daughter is also indifferent and alienated to her. All these changes are too fast It seemed that her life was turned upside down just overnight. uu3;

After thinking about it, Mencius thought it all because of the hateful Ling Yunlu, and Ling Yunlu did that because she had a contradiction with Meng Qingqing, and she became an innocent scapegoat for Ling Yunlu’s hatred. Reported, this Meng Qingqing, she didn't want to let it go.

After returning from the provincial capital, Meng Zimei received a text message. The content of the text message was a mobile phone number. It said that it was Meng Qingqing's mobile phone number, but nothing else.

Mencius guessed for a long time, and guessed that this text message might have been sent by Ling Yunlu. She called, and the owner of the number who sent the text message was a stranger. She was scolded by the other party, saying that he had not sent it. Such text messages prevented her from making excuses to harass him by calling him.

If the owner of that phone number did not send it, then someone else must have borrowed his phone to send it. This person secretly sent Meng Qingqing's phone number to her. Why must he know the grievances between her and Meng Qingqing, so he has ulterior motives? .

Mencius saved Meng Qingqing's mobile phone number.

Now, the depressed Meng Zimei found out Meng Qingqing's phone number. She now needs to vent. This Meng Qingqing is the culprit of her miserable life. Meng Qingqing is the best object for her to vent her trash emotions at this moment.

Today is the weekend. Meng Qingqing is resting at home. Seeing that the caller ID is from Shangzhong County, Meng Qingqing has a premonition whether it will be Meng Zimei. Besides her, she can't imagine anyone else calling from there. she was. To be continued. Door-to-door events, **** car models, school beautiful girls, star photos, please follow WeChat public account beauty island search einvao123 and press for 3 seconds to copy