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Chapter 378: Speak out


Meng Qingqing was very surprised. So Bang Sha Sha is now a junior, a rich man. The second is raised. The milk is based on Meng Qingqing’s understanding of Bang Sha Sha. If Bang Sha Sha does something that goes against the world, it will be a good face. She would not speak out easily, especially in front of her, she would only try to conceal it in every possible way, and speaking frankly like this, it does not look like Bangsar Sha’s style.

Bangsar Sha asked: "Qingqing, maybe you must be despising me in your heart now, laughing at me."

Bang Sha Sha sighed, "Yes, as a junior, no one can think of it, Qingqing, I have been compared with you for a lifetime, and I have been fighting for a lifetime. Now, I finally admit that I am inferior to you, and I will never be better than you in this life. , Will never be better."

"Shasha, people live for themselves, so there is no need to compare yourself with others. To compare yourself is to compare yourself with yourself. The present compares with the past, and the future compares with the present. I also have people that I can’t compare to, but I don’t. Compared with them, I only compare with me before, so I will always be content and happy."

"I am not only incomparable with you, but also incomparable with me before. In the past, at least I was a hopeful and healthy person. Now, I have no health and hope."

"What happened to your body? I remember that you have been in good health since childhood, and you rarely have colds."

"He already has a daughter and has always wanted to have a son. He invited people to see and said that I would have a son, so he promised me that if I give him a son, he will give all the family property to my son. I followed the light and enjoyed the blessing. But the first child I was pregnant with was a girl. At five months, I went to the hospital for an induction operation. After the operation, my body went from bad to worse. Later, when this daughter was born. Difficult to give birth, almost entered the ghost gate, now my body has become like this, and I can no longer give birth." uu1;

"Shasha, how come your stupid daughter is also your own flesh and blood. It has been five months, so you can take it away when you say it."

"Yeah, so I am retribution now"

"Shasha, I don't know why you want to tell me this. Since you said it, you must regard me as a friend. Then I will do my friend's duty to persuade you to say a few words."

"You said"

"Shasha, if he can't give you a complete love, can't give your child an upright name, you are also a college student anyway, why can't you be self-reliant? Although it's a bit harder to rely on yourself, but at least live upright, your child I won’t be pointed and pointed in the future."

Bangsar Sha didn't want to be like this, but she was in poor health now, and she was sick and uncomfortable twice. The child is young, and she has to rely on Lu Zhiling, although he is becoming increasingly unreliable now.

"Shasha, let me tell you, money is not the most important thing, maybe you will say, because I don’t have to worry about food and clothes, I don’t need money, so say this, because I have experienced the helplessness of my dad when he is critically ill, so I know, In this world, money is not the most important thing." uu2;

"Qingqing, I have been short of money since I was a child, but I have never regarded money above all else. If I have a person who loves each other like you, I would like to eat chaffy vegetables with him."

Bang Sha Sha paused, she looked at Meng Qingqing, and Meng Qingqing also looked at her.

"Shasha, we both grew up together. I know you. In all fairness, you are not a wicked person, but you are not a good person. We should have been a good pair of friends, but you are very jealous. People, that’s all. What I can’t stand the most is that you like to **** my things. I don’t understand why you have such a hobby.”

"Yes, I like Qin Haonan. I am afraid that there are very few people who dislike him. When I first met him, I liked him. He sponsored me to go to school and was my lifesaver. Benefactor, my feelings for him can be interpreted not only by liking two words"

"Bang Sha Sha, enough, now Qin Haonan is my husband and my son's father, what do you mean by this, what do you mean? Originally you said that you are not doing well now, I still sympathize with you and want to help You, but I found out that everything you have now is self-inflicted. If you respect yourself, you won’t play a role that makes yourself very passive. If you have a little conscience, you won’t take your child’s life improperly. Your body will not be damaged. Because you are a girl, you are ignored by your parents at home. You also discriminate against your gender and your daughter. People like you do not deserve my sympathy, I I think that after these hardships, you will change and become mature, but you have not changed at all. I regretted my softness again. You and I will never become friends, because we will never be. A class of people."

After Meng Qingqing finished speaking, she turned to leave.

"Qingqing, don't go, I haven't finished my words yet" uu3;

"I'm not interested in what you want to say."

"Qingqing, I was committed to Lu Zhiling at the beginning because of Qin Haonan. In order to help Qin Haonan get the contract signed with Lu Zhiling, I was ruled by Lu Zhiling, so I was with him." Shouted at Meng Qingqing's back.

"Why did you help Qin Haonan for his contract with Lu Zhiling, so how could your reason be too far-fetched?" Meng Qingqing turned around.

"Qingqing, I still remember that two years ago, Haotian Group was in crisis because one of its shareholders withdrew its capital. Qin Haonan needed Lu Zhiling’s cooperation contract in order to get out of the predicament as soon as possible. Lu Zhiling knew that I like Qin Haonan. , I hope Qin Haonan will get that contract, so Lu Zhiling said that if I agree to him, he will immediately sign a contract with Qin Haonan. For Qin Haonan, I promised Lu Zhiling"

Meng Qingqing knew that Haotian Group had indeed had such a crisis two years ago. Later on, it seemed that Qin Haonan signed a big order and reversed the situation in time to alleviate the crisis, but Bang Shasha actually said that she helped That contract signed by Qin Haonan. And it was at the expense of her, which made Meng Qingqing couldn't believe it and couldn't believe it.

Meng Qingqing shook his head, "Bang Sha Sha, you come up to me and say that there are some and none of these, is it interesting? You have said so much about your tragic experience before, is it just to say this, what do you want to do?" To be continued. Chongqing University **** school flower selfie, real child-looking **** photos, please follow WeChat public account to watch online beauty beauty island search einvao123 press and hold for 3 seconds to copy