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Chapter 411: .Disappointed

"Qingqing, why are you here"

Meng Qingqing threw her son into his arms, "Lu Zhiling, you have been out of jail a long time ago, why didn't you come to see our mother and son, you have no conscience, do you know how I lived alone with the child?"

Meng Qingqing couldn't help crying sadly.

After hearing that Lu Zhiling was arrested, Meng Qingqing lived tremblingly every day. Later, she heard that Lu Zhiling had only been sentenced to five months of detention. She waited for Lu Zhiling to come out and look for their mother and son. Dare to squander like before, because waiting is an uncertain factor, because she has no financial resources, because she and her parents have completely fallen out and she has no assistance, so Meng Qingqing fired her nanny, like an ordinary An ordinary woman in the family lives like a budget.

In this way, five months finally passed, but Lu Zhiling still did not come to her.

Meng Qingqing patiently waited and waited, one month later, another month later, Lu Zhiling still did not appear.

Did he forget that it was impossible for her and his son? Even if he forgot her, he wouldn't even want his son.

Seeing that the food was about to run out, Meng Qingqing, who was full of doubts and anxious, asked about Lu Zhiling's news everywhere. After many setbacks, a person who had known Lu Zhiling saw that Meng Qingqing was really pitiful for a woman with a child, and agreed to help her inquire. It's about Lu Zhiling's situation, so Meng Qingqing was able to find here.

Meng Qingqing had already learned about Lu Zhiling’s current situation from others, and her disappointment hit her again. She thought that she had given birth to a son. From then on, her mother could live a good life at the expense of his son, but the situation changed suddenly. Lu Zhiling Turned into a pauper overnight, but Meng Qingqing was desperate. Lu Zhiling is the father of her son. He has the responsibility and obligation to support this child, so Meng Qingqing still found her.

Before Lu Zhiling, although he was middle-aged, he was pampered and well-maintained, so he looked very young and looked like a successful person. In just seven or eight months, I saw Lu Zhiling and Meng Qingqing again. I can’t believe it was him. At this time, Lu Zhiling was struck by the sudden change and was haggard, and he was not trimmed, had a stubborn face, greasy hair, especially in his mental state. People are very decadent, they seem to be more than twenty years old all at once.

Seeing that the man she once admired suddenly became such a bad old man, Meng Qingqing felt even more disappointed, and this supermarket was much smaller than she thought.

So how could Meng Qingqing not be sad? Carrying Xiaosan’s infamy, she did everything possible to hide from her parents, she was with a man as old as her father, gave birth to a son for him, worried and feared for him, and worked hard to bring children for him. That's the result. Knowing this a long time ago, she relied on her beauty to find a boy of her own age to fall in love and marry normally, which was much better than now.

Meng Qingqing cried loudly, crying for the suffering and grievance she had endured during this period, and crying for her miserable and helpless status quo.

Not only did Lu Zhiling look down and down, but Meng Qingqing was also haggard and thinner. She lost her previous water color, just like a plump, hydrated, shiny apple, lost because of the long storage time. Moisture, dull and dry.

The child opened a pair of round eyes, looked at Lu Zhiling curiously, saw a strange face, and looked at Meng Qingqing, who was crying faintly. He also cried loudly.

Lu Zhiling stuffed the child into Meng Qingqing's arms and roared: "Whenever you cry, you will cry when you see me. I am not dead."

Meng Qingqing held back the tears and coaxed the child.

Lu Zhiling remembered his experience during this period. Knowing that it is really not easy for Meng Qingqing to take the child alone during this period, he slowly said: "I didn't come to you, because I couldn't protect myself, so I came to you. It’s useless. Now you’re here, and you’ve seen my situation. I’m relying on this supermarket for my living now. The conditions are much worse than before. If you are willing to stay, it’s not a problem to eat and wear, but I don’t have anything else I can guarantee it."

Meng Qingqing whispered and said: "This is your son, of course you should feed him."

"My son, of course I can support it. Don't worry, I won't be like this for the rest of my life. I will slowly get better in the future."

Meng Qingqing also had nowhere to go, so she could only stay.

Lu Zhiling rented a single room of only more than ten square meters, and a family of three ate, drank, and slept in it. Meng Qingqing was very frustrated in such days, but was helpless.

The arrival of Meng Qingqing and her son gave Lu Zhiling's desolate heart a trace of comfort. No matter how much, he is now a person with a family and a mouth. He is no longer alone. He now has three meals a day every day. Eat dinner and have a warm bed at home at night. There is also a lovely son he has been looking forward to for many years, so he is very satisfied with his current life. He secretly made up his mind to run the supermarket well, slowly expand and grow, and fight for a few more years, let alone return to his original wealth. In the grand occasion, buying a house or a car to live a good life is not a problem. If Meng Qingqing can spend this difficult time with him, he will treat her well in the future, and the family of three will live a solid life.

But Meng Qingqing did not see any hope in such a day. Although Lu Zhiling treated her many times better than before, she was still thinking every night how to leave this bad old man and pursue her new life. She is only twenty-one years old and her life has just begun. She is unwilling to be reconciled to buried her youth with this bad old man. She once lived the luxurious life of a rich wife, so she could not bear this ordinary life. She was young and beautiful, and she had the capital to live that life.

Meng Qingqing secretly saves money every day from buying vegetables and deducting a little money from living expenses. She plans to leave here as long as she saves a thousand yuan, and find a job anywhere, it is better than being stuck in this mud pit. Strong.

That day, when Lu Zhiling came back from the outside, it was already very late, but the house was deserted and deserted, and Meng Qingqing was not seen. His son was already asleep, and his little face was much smoother than before.

The neighbor heard the noise and said that Meng Qingqing went out in the afternoon and asked her to take care of the child, but after six or seven hours, she has not returned. Will there be anything wrong?

Lu Zhiling thanked the neighbor and checked the room, and found that Meng Qingqing’s clothes and related things were gone. He instantly understood that Meng Qingqing was gone, leaving him and the child behind, and this one that she didn’t like. life. To be continued.