Bai Yueguang Omega Always Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 103

At noon in the winter, the downtown business district is still crowded with people, and the streets are crowded from outside the barbecue restaurant.

After Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu finished the barbecue, they didn't forget to pack a portion back. While Ji Xiao was waiting to pack, Wei Qingyu went out to the underground parking lot to pick up the car.

The rotisserie’s package is very generous, and Ji Xiao feels heavy carrying a large yakiniku set meal.

The retro paths lined with bluestone slabs were bustling with hustle and bustle. Ji Xiao was still thinking about whether to eat with Aunt Wu and the others later, or save it until noon tomorrow when Wei Qingyu came back to eat with her.

As a result, before Ji Xiao thought about it clearly, she heard the voices around her.

Before Ji Xiao looked back to check what was happening, she felt a pain in her elbow, and a teenager riding a mountain bike whizzed past her, bumping all the way along the way.

"It's really unqualified." Ji Xiao scolded fiercely. Turning to check his arm, he found that there was another victim who was hit by the teenager not far away.

That person looked much more serious than himself, and his whole person fell to the ground.

He looked a little sloppy, and the clothes on his body seemed to be ragged clothes that others didn't want. They were hung one by one on his body, which looked extremely bloated and awkward.

The hair that grew to his ears was tangled in dust, a torn hat covered most of his face, and a seemingly smelly smell emanated from his body, and the pedestrians passing by all frowned. He evasively took the initiative to get out of his vicinity.

Ji Xiao stood not far away and watched, but he couldn't bear it.

It may be that the same sickness was hit by the young man, or it may be sheer kindness. Ji Xiao hung the barbecue packaged in his hand on his wrist, and had to take the initiative to support the man with some inconvenience in his hands and feet.

Just don't know why, as soon as Ji Xiao approached the man, the man staggered and avoided her.

Ji Xiao watched, and the hand hanging in the air paused awkwardly.

She knew that she was an S-level Alpha, and many people would be afraid of her, but how could this person be so afraid of her?

Although somewhat puzzled, Ji Xiao asked kindly: "Um, are you okay?"

Hearing the sound, the man hurriedly raised his collar, shrank in front of the glass window of the 711 convenience store and shook his head.

At this moment, Ji Xiao saw a scab on his accidentally exposed side face, and the hideous wound was still white.

Ji Xiao was startled and hurriedly said, "Are you being bullied? Do you want me to take you to the hospital or call the police directly?"

Hearing Ji Xiao's words, the man's refusal became more intense.

He shook his head desperately and waved his hands to Ji Xiao's kindness.

"Do you really don't need help?" Ji Xiao was still a little worried. She began to worry about whether the man was being manipulated by a beggar organization. "You can rest assured that the police will ensure your safety."

Ji Xiao's voice fell, and the man paused obviously.

A pair of dark eyes lightly rolled in the lowered hat, watching Ji Xiao as if he was standing opposite the rotisserie just now.

As time goes by, the traffic around it decreases slightly.

The man leaned against the glass window, not nodding or shaking his head late, Ji Xiao didn't know what to do.

She looked at the man in front of him who was covering herself very suspiciously, feeling that his eyes seemed to be looking at herself.

A cool wind blew from behind Ji Xiao, and the aroma of barbecue fell between the two of them.

Ji Xiao looked at the man's eyes through the gap between the hat and the collar of the windbreaker, and immediately understood what he was doing.

"Hey, I gave you this barbecue. Haven't I been full today? I grilled it myself. It's absolutely delicious." Ji Xiao said, "Am I right?" Smile.

The sunlight behind him enveloped Ji Xiao, and his kumquat eyes were slightly bent, like a pair of delicious cashews.

The man looked at the smile on the face of the girl in front of him, his chaotic eyes trembled.

As if he didn't want to kill the girl, he took the barbecue she handed over and nodded to her without speaking.

When the man lowered his head, the wind that had just passed by blew back. Ji Xiao seemed to smell something in the air mixed with the aroma of barbecue. Suddenly, he felt that the man in front of him seemed a bit familiar.

"are you……"

It's just that Ji Xiao didn't finish what he said, but the man straightened himself up by the window.

As if he had something to give Ji Xiao, he took Ji Xiao's arm and pointed to this place, as if to signal her to wait for his return here.

Ji Xiao watched the man ran into the convenience store aside with some unknown meaning. He looked as if he had some inconvenience in his legs and feet, and his legs in his big pants were limp.

The red lights at the crossroads turned into green lights, and then from green lights to flashing yellow lights, and there were waves of people on the street.

Ji Xiao just stood there and waited according to the man's request, but she looked at the scene in the convenience store through the glass, but she did not see the man just now.

what the hell?

Ji Xiao glanced at the phone, Wei Qingyu had sent several messages to herself, the latest one was that she was going to drive over to the agreed intersection.


Just as Ji Xiao had just finished reading the news, a car horn came up on the asphalt road beside the sidewalk.

Wei Qingyu just arrived with Fang Yiming's black Passat.

She shook down the glass, shook her long golden hair at Ji Xiao, and gestured with an exceptionally cool gesture: "Get in the car."

Ji Xiao glanced at Wei Qingyu, as if something was affecting her, then glanced back at a convenience store with a lot of customers.

The figure of the man still did not appear.

Maybe he was just saying that he will be here in the future?

Do you mean to call the police?

Ji Xiao thought and glanced at the convenience store again. After hearing Wei Qingyu’s urging horn, he believed his inference for the time being. Holding his mobile phone, he went straight to Wei Qingyu’s car that was parked on the side of the road. Go.

There was a muffled car door closing sound at noon on a noisy winter day.

The man finally hurriedly ran out from the door of the convenience store, still holding a large box of clean cellophane candies in his scarred hands.

But when the man ran against the crowd and returned to the place he had agreed with Ji Xiao, Ji Xiao disappeared.

All kinds of figures passed by him, but they were the only ones who couldn't see the figure of the young girl just now.

The man hugged the candy box and looked around in a hurry, with helpless eyes on his dark and dirty face.

"Dad, hurts..."

A little girl in a tulle skirt broke into the man's sight with a crying voice.

The man at that time was still dressed decently, with a name he could tell-Ji Qingyun.

He looked at the crying little girl with rain in Ewha, and squatted down and hugged her with love.

He put the little **** his lap, and made a glass candy like magic from his pocket: "Come on, give us Xiaoxiao a candy, it won't hurt after eating candy."

With that, the beautiful red transparent candy was delivered into the little girl's mouth.

Ji Qingyun looked at the gradual crying on the little girl's face, and asked softly, "Is it sweet?"

"Sweet!" The little girl smiled and nodded, showing her missing tooth.

"Does that still hurt?" Ji Qingyun asked again.

The little girl shook her head and replied crisply: "It doesn't hurt anymore!"

"That's right." Ji Qingyun rubbed the little girl's head tenderly, and put another candy into the little girl's hand as he said.

"Xiaoxiao, remember, you have to be brave and you can't cry casually. In the future, if it hurts, just eat a piece of candy. After eating candy, it won't hurt."


The sweetness of the first date still lingered in the two of them, but the day came in a blink of an eye a week later.

Ji Xiao bought several more games with her small sum of money. Now she was sitting cross-legged on a soft cushion and playing games, the door of the room was knocked.

Ji Xiao was playing at a critical time, and without looking back, he yelled, "Go in."

The door opened a light slit, and Aunt Wu walked in with today's lunch.

It's just that this time she gave Ji Xiao lunch and didn't mean to leave. She hesitantly copied a pocket and said, "Miss, can you pause the game for a while?"

Ji Xiao was a little confused when he heard this, "Something?"

Aunt Wu nodded: "Yeah."

But Ji Xiao's game was not paused at all, and she saw that she was about to kill the boss, how could she give up.

She had to press the handle crazily and said: "Then tell me, I'll listen."

Aunt Wu looked at the back of Ji Xiao concentrating on the game, pursed her lower lip, and said: "I went to the vegetable market this morning to buy vegetables, and I ran into my husband."


Aunt Wu's voice fell, and the Boss on the screen heard a roar of victory.

Two scarlet words were typed on the grayed-out screen: Gauver.

Ji Xiao looked back at Aunt Wu incredulously. In her cognition, Ji Qingyun should have been sent to the police station by Wei Qingyu according to the original text. How could she still appear in front of Aunt Wu.

Ji Xiao: "Are you right?"

"I'm not mistaken, it's indeed a sir. He seems to have escaped from somewhere." Aunt Wu tried to recall and described to Ji Xiao, "There are a few wounds on her body, but it doesn't look very embarrassed."

"By the way, he gave me this back."

With that, Aunt Wu took out a silver-white watch from her pocket.

The watch is inlaid with a circle of exquisite diamonds, and the capital letters "JQ" are also engraved on the dial on the back.

Ji Xiao had seen this watch on Ji Qingyun's wrist many times before, and he had also taken it off and handed it to his hand.

At that time, he was full of praise for this one, especially the latter "JQ", who showed his identity, was particularly satisfied.

This can't be fake, it is indeed Ji Qingyun.

Aunt Wu looked at the astonishment that slowly appeared on Ji Xiao's face, and then said: "Mr. said that he wants to meet the young lady before leaving, and the car has stopped outside."

"Where to go?" Ji Xiao frowned upon hearing this.

Aunt Wu shook her head: "Mr. said that the lady knows, and he said that the car will only wait for the lady for five minutes. After five minutes, the lady will never see her husband again."

The line lights around the roof of the small black house flowed slowly, and the room was silent.

Ji Xiao frowned even more after hearing Aunt Wu's words.

She knows, what does she know?

She is not the original owner, how would she know where Ji Qingyun wants to meet her?

The tap of the watch on the table made a click, and the already dull room seemed to freeze time.

Ji Xiao thoughtfully looked at the treasure pile guarded by the ferocious dragon on the screen, and his drooping eyes lit up.

She seemed to have guessed where Ji Qingyun asked him to meet.

"Miss, there is one minute left."

The clock on the wall slowly stuck on the number five, and Aunt Wu stood aside and reminded me cautiously.

Ji Xiao hesitated.

Ji Qingyun, who didn't know how to escape, was about to escape. This was the only way she could bring her to justice. But she also understands that for an old fox like Ji Qingyun, not only he, but his driver must be guarded, and he can only go alone.

"In this way, you will call the police when I leave, and then contact Wei Qingyu and tell them to go to Ji's house. Go in from the west gate and bypass the forest behind the main house, and you will see a two-story building. I My father and I should be there. But I’m not sure if it’s here. If it’s not, I’ll find a way to pass the message to you.”

"Miss..." Aunt Wu suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart when she heard Ji Xiao's instructions, "Or let's not go."

Ji Xiao looked at the photo of her and Wei Qingyu placed on the table, and felt a force pushing her out of the room.

She knew what Aunt Wu was worried about, but this might be the only chance they could catch Ji Qingyun.

"Aunt Wu, I have to go."

The author has something to say: the author has nothing to say