Bai Yueguang Omega Always Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 40

The round lamp above the head dropped a soft light and enveloped the weak girl.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly squatted forward to Wei Qingyu, and while supporting her, he asked: "Wei Qingyu, are you okay?"

Wei Qingyu, who had just arrived in the fever period, still had some sober consciousness, she stood up with difficulty half-supporting Ji Xiao's arm.

When his body stabilized, he said to Ji Xiao: "I'm fine, please go out first."

Ji Xiao knew that her alpha was indeed not very suitable in the omega room during the fever period, so he nodded, let go of Wei Qingyu's arm, and said, "Do you need me to help you take out the ** before leaving?"

Wei Qingyu lowered his pupils, avoiding the sight of Ji Xiao, and shook his head: "No, thank you."

Because of Ji Xiao's arrival, the originally light air dripped with the smell of peach brandy belonging to this alpha.

The nerves that Wei Qingyu was forced to amplify, keenly caught the lingering sweetness, a heart that was not peaceful at all.

"You go out soon..." The girl tried her best to restrain her own sex, and her voice became a little dumb.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao nodded hurriedly, said "OK" and raised his foot to walk outside the house.

Wei Qingyu also supported the table and walked towards the bookshelf next to the desk.

The smell of brandy permeated the girl's heart, and the aggressiveness Hao Hui described at the time spread raging in her heart.

But obviously in the past few times of fever period contact with Ji Xiao, there has been no such reaction.

It was like a soldier from the guardian city who opened the gate of the city one second before the soldiers approached the city.

There is no need for threats of one soldier and one soldier, and the soldiers behind the city gate are already defeated.

Wei Qingyu looked at the medicine box placed on the shelf, his arms trembling weakly.


A sound of many things falling from a height cut through the silent corridor, and Ji Xiao took it back just as soon as he stepped out of the room.

The light casts a gentle light on the empty room, which seems to be quiet for years.

But in the corner that was not noticed, Ji Xiao saw a mess in a place.

The powdery and white medicine box fell to the ground in an embarrassing manner, and various medicines were scattered all over the floor.

The girl's slender arms were still struggling to grasp the edge of the bookshelf, but the person had fallen into a seat with exhaustion.

The cylindrical medicine box rolled several times on the ground, and finally stopped at the foot of the bed.

The ** slowly flowed out with the broken glass, wet the heavy carpet, and piled up under the girl who had fallen on the ground.

From the knees to the wrists hanging on the ground, a large swath of crystal liquid was stained on the red skin.

The taste of mint was filled with the relief that the omega couldn't deliver in front of me.

Embarrassment and depression are intertwined, like a rattle in the hands of a witch in the desert, instantly awakening the sleeping beast in Ji Xiao's heart.

The most primitive impulse in every alpha gene at that moment.

She looked at the girl in front of her, and if she really marked her temporarily at this time, then she who had no resistance would only accept it.

Then you can enjoy the mint aroma that belongs to this omega that you have passed by countless times, and let this smell fill your heart a little...

Although Wei Qingyu was trapped by the fever period, his consciousness had not been swallowed by the muddy mud.

She looked at the girl who dropped a dark shadow at the door, and her heart was tense. The nightmare that Ji Xiao dragged from the utility room next to the small black room to the small black room that day burst into her mind.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao vigilantly, his voice was much harder than before: "You... why are you back again..."

The voice was faint and weak, like smoke blowing from the sky, and it disappeared with a wave of his hand.

But he pulled back Ji Xiao's mind that was about to lose control.

She shouldn't take advantage of others.

"I heard the sound, so I rushed back." Ji Xiao replied, walking towards Wei Qingyu, and said: "Is there anything wrong with you? Did it hurt?"

Wei Qingyu couldn't help feeling nervous as he watched Ji Xiao walking towards him.

She shrank her legs almost subconsciously, and shook her head pretending to be unharmed: "I... it's okay... you... you go..."

It's just that this voice is still very strenuous, and he doesn't appear to be half-okay, how can I convince Ji Xiao.

She still didn't stop walking towards Wei Qingyu, looking at the fragmentation of the place and the guard in the girl's eyes, and said: "I will help you up and give you an injection."

The golden orange eyes lit up again in Wei Qingyu's sight, but this time she was still sober that she did not accept Ji Xiao's kindness, and the two forces in the chaotic brain kept clamoring.

Reason is warning her that this person is not worthy of her trust. Have you forgotten the lesson of the little black house last time?

But sensibility pushed her to get close to this young girl with a smell that made her feel comfortable.

Wei Qingyu's eyes were still full of warnings and warnings, but Ji Xiao could see the shaking under these eyes.

She understood that her impression in Wei Qingyu's heart had been better through these days of getting along.

So Ji Xiao squeezed his palms fiercely, pressed the throbbing in his heart, and continued to walk towards Wei Qingyu.

Mint became stronger and stronger, presumptuously in her heart, and the girl's eyes were always kind and firm: "Wei Qingyu, do you believe me a good time."

"I am no longer the one who will put you in danger."

After that, Ji Xiao slowly raised her arm in Wei Qingyu's line of sight, and stretched out her palm to Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu's misty eyes trembled slightly, and suddenly a lot of emotions surged in Wei Qingyu's heart.

Obviously not long ago, she scolded herself for being ignorant and threw herself into the small black room with the intention of being unruly.

Now she told herself that she would no longer be dangerous to herself.

is it possible?

As time passed by minute by minute, Ji Xiao could clearly smell the more intense mint smell floating in the air.

The hand placed on the side of the leg has been pinched so that the palm of the hand is completely white.

Anxious and perturbed.

Ji Xiao looked at the few doses lying on the ground that were not broken, and even decided that even if Wei Qingyu rejected him later, he would give her an injection.

Just when Ji Xiao decided to do this, there was a slight coolness in her palm.

The light fell impartially between the two, and the girl's trembling fingers finally fell on the palm of Ji Xiao's hand that had been open to her from beginning to end.

Probably because of omega's natural trust in alpha.

Or it may be disturbed by the smell of peach brandy floating in the air.

Or maybe it's just a person who has gone through thousands of nights without the sun rising, and is about to drown in pain and despair, finally waiting for the promise that I don't know if it is illusory or not.

But in any case, Wei Qingyu finally chose to believe in Ji Xiao again.

She looked at the sincerity in every move of the girl in front of her, and let go of the last trace of guard against her in her heart.

The taste of mint became pure and strong at this moment.

Wei Qingyu leaned on Ji Xiao's shoulders freely, holding on to the reason that was about to be swallowed by Qing Nao, panting and preaching to her: "Ji me..."

"Well, I understand." Ji Xiao nodded and lightly swept over Wei Qingyu, who was already weakened, and picked up the undamaged **** that he had just aimed at from the ground.

The girl's fingers pushed the cool needle, emptied the air in the injection neatly, holding her breath and leaning in front of Wei Qingyu.

The shirt collar that was originally buttoned tightly had been unbuttoned by the girl, and the slightly open neckline exposed a large amount of white.

A few crystal beads of sweat slid along the slender neck in Ji Xiao's line of sight, and landed on the beautiful bend of the collarbone.

Concealed and secretive, but with a mint-flavored pheromone, it is filled with the lure of an alpha.

Ji Xiao rolled his throat, but still raised his hand to aim the ** at Wei Qingyu's neck.

The sound ran across her throat with a bit of hotness, and it rang in the girl's ears.

Ji Xiao said: "Wei Qingyu, if you feel pain, you can hold on to me."

The sense of security belonging to alpha falls on Wei Qingyu's head without reservation.

The girl lightly leaned on Ji Xiao's shoulders, her hair shook slightly, and nodded a head that was barely visible to the naked eye: "...Hmm."

When the voice fell, the sharp thin needle pierced the girl's delicate silky skin.

The pain was also permeating Wei Qingyu's body, who was a little confused, just as the person in front of him said.

The girl couldn't help tightening the hand holding Ji Xiao's arm, her misty eyes caught a stream of tears.

She looked for the delicious peach brandy like a child, then curled into her arms, leaned against her ear and left a seemingly weak cry: "Um..."

It was at this moment that the rose-like lips were printed impartially on Ji Xiao's neck.

The scent of mint was full of ambiguity, leaving a dense numbness behind the girl's shoulders, neck and ears.

The previously controlled pheromone was released out of control at this moment.

The inhibitory stickers attached to the glands behind Ji Xiao's neck were instantly infested, and Ning Yu hung on her neck stubbornly.

And what caused all this was just a kiss that Wei Qingyu brushed across her neck in the chaos.

You can't even call this unintentional "kiss."

Ji Xiao held the needle tube in his hand and lost consciousness for a moment.

She doesn't know the origin of this uncontrollable heartbeat, is it also the normal reaction of alpha when facing omega in this abo world?

Suddenly, a heavy blow came from Ji Xiao's shoulder.

Wei Qingyu's small round head fell heavily on her shoulder, pulling her away from the chaos abruptly.

The smell of mint surrounds its owner, wrapping Ji Xiao together.

After the injection, Wei Qingyu fell asleep again, curled up in Ji Xiao's arms, enjoying the sense of security in her arms.

The fever period was relieved in time, and her jet-black hair hung smoothly and dryly on the girl's chest, without the slightest embarrassment.

Ji Xiao lifted Wei Qingyu from the ground horizontally, and a layer of delicious matte was floating on the sensual face on her arm.

The window frame framed the night outside into a quiet picture, and the soft white bedding wrapped the girl's peaceful sleeping face.

It seemed that the little demon who dazzled Ji Xiao's heartstrings just now was not her.

"Are you the white moonlight in their hearts, or my little devil in this world."

Ji Xiao helped Wei Qingyu tuck the quilt and thought helplessly in his heart.

The dark night is like ink sprinkled by a painter, and a few bright stars hang on the canvas to adorn the lonely night.

A gradual clarity of light came from Wei Qingyu's heavy eyelids, and the girl struggling to open her eyes.

The familiar room was lit with her most commonly used vegetarian fragrance, and the soft quilt was tightly pressed under her body.

The shattered and wet white carpet on the ground was replaced with light gray, and even the corner of the bookcase that had been knocked down by him had been restored to its original appearance.

Everything is exactly the same as when Wei Qingyu entered the room before the estrus period.

Except for the plate on the bedside table, which has been eaten a lot.

The bright yellow glaring reflected in Wei Qingyu's pupils, causing her to frown.


At this time, there was a faint sound of flushing in the bathroom, and Ji Xiao sorted out her school uniform and walked out of the bathroom in her room.

She saw Wei Qingyu sitting up from the bed, and she was a little surprised: "Woke up so early?"

Then she sat back on the chair next to Wei Qingyu's bed and said, "I used the bathroom in your room in a hurry, don't you mind?"

"Don't mind." Wei Qingyu shook his head gently.

Then she looked at Ji Xiao sitting in a chair so comfortable and skilled, and said: "How long have you been here."

"Starting when you fainted again? Go..." Ji Xiao said and looked at the clock in Wei Qingyu's room, "It took three hours. It seems that you slept for a long time, but you slept well. have to."

When Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's ridicule, his cheeks were slightly hot, and his eyes blinked unnaturally.

She looked at the changed clothes on her body and pressed her lower lip lightly: "Since I fell asleep, have you been alone?"

"Of course not. I asked Aunt Wu and others to come and help you clean up the room, change clothes, and then call the doctor at home to show you." Ji Xiao said, "but don't worry, the doctor has checked, your body is fine. The big problem, except for a little bit of anemia, all indicators are normal. Although the fever period came suddenly this time, but fortunately, it was handled in a timely manner. It is enough to inject ** on time these days."

Wei Qingyu said "Yes", and there was a trace of loss in her turquoise eyes that she hadn't noticed.

"Want to eat mangoes?" Ji Xiao remembered that Wei Qingyu was looking at the mangoes he had put on her bedside table when he came out just now, and asked enthusiastically.

Hearing that mango was put on Ji Xiao's mouth again, Wei Qingyu's hand hidden under the quilt couldn't help clenching a little bit tightly.

She knew that most of the mango that was eaten on the bedside must have been brought by Ji Xiao, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

In the silence, Ji Xiao in his line of sight wanted to pick up the fruit plate again. Wei Qingyu interrupted hurriedly: "Ji Xiao, I don't like mangoes."

The voice was as cold as when she mentioned the mango just now when she came home.

But I don't know if it's because I just woke up, there are still some delicate and awkward little tempers in that tone.

Ji Xiao paused with the small fork in her hand, her eyes filled with puzzlement.

Upon seeing this, Wei Qingyu made an excuse at will, and explained without changing his face: " will be uncomfortable to smell the mango, just like an allergy."

The light was on the girl sitting on the bed, and her lips faded away and she was still pale with weakness.

The turquoise pupils were a bit weak and deliberately avoided the mango, they looked as if they were really uncomfortable.

"Why don't you say that you are allergic to mangoes?" Ji Xiao said, getting up from the chair hurriedly, taking the mangoes in his hand away from Wei Qingyu.

Then she looked at the few mangoes left on the plate as if she suddenly wanted to understand something, and then turned to Wei Qing and said, "Did you have this fever because of the conflict between the pheromone and the taste of this mango? Is it four days ahead of schedule?!"

"Just now the doctor said when he checked your body, you must have something that affected you so many days in advance. Now it seems that this mango has affected you!"

Wei Qingyu was startled when Ji Xiao said this.

She does know that some omega or alpha will not adapt to a certain taste after differentiation due to physical reasons, and will also trigger a fever or susceptibility period due to a certain taste. But she obviously had eaten mangoes after she split up, but she had never been like this before, and she didn't even smell the mangoes at home when she went upstairs just now.

How could it be because of this...

"Miss, Miss Wei's medicine is ready."

At this moment, Aunt Wu took the medicine and pushed open the door.

Before Wei Qingyu could deny Ji Xiao's inference, Ji Xiao hurriedly greeted Aunt Wu and said, "You came just in time. Go and throw away all the mangoes at home."

Although Aunt Wu is accustomed to seeing Ji Xiao's moodiness, she feels distressed about the mango fruit that can only be bought for a few hundred dollars. "Miss, what is wrong with this mango? Is it not to your appetite? Or..."

"It's not me." Ji Xiao waved his hand and interrupted Aunt Wu. "It's Wei Qingyu. She can't smell mangoes and is allergic to mangoes. You can't see mangoes at home in the future, you know?"

"Yes." Aunt Wu nodded quickly upon hearing the words.

Now Wei Qingyu is no longer someone who can be bullied by his servants, but the master who all their young ladies will give up.

Not to mention a few hundred dollars of mangoes, it was this old man who had been working in the Ji's house for a long time that one day made Miss Wei upset, and she would have to throw it away if she should be thrown away by the young lady.

After a moment of sinking, Ji Xiao seemed to realize that his behavior just now was a bit wrong.

She tilted the legs of the chair, looking cynical, and asked Aunt Wu: " said, if this old mango is lost, isn't it a bit violent?"

"Yeah...Miss...This mango has been waiting for a long time." Aunt Wu lowered her head and replied weakly.

"Hiss—" Ji Xiao stroked his chin, thinking about it, and said: "Well then, you servants can take the remaining mangoes and eat them or try if you can return them... You can do it anyway, don't do it anyway. Let it and its smell reappear anywhere in the house where Wei Qingyu would go, understand?"

"Understood! Miss."

Aunt Wu, whose face was still clouded just now, was full of joy in an instant.

In the past, she never thought that she could eat such a golden mango. It turned out to be the blessing of Wei Qingyu.

"Okay, don't let it stand here, go down and take care of it for me." Ji Xiao said and pointed to the mango on Wei Qingyu's desk, "and this one, take this one too."

"Yes, miss." Aunt Wu nodded, put down the medicine in her hand, and happily retreated with the mango.

Only Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were left in the room again.

Ji Xiao put his hands on his back in the chair and preached to Wei Qingyu: "How about it, this lady is interesting enough?"

The girl's triumphant eyes lit up in Wei Qingyu's eyes, but Wei Qingyu still didn't feel disgusted this time.

There was even a little more joy in my heart.

She remembered the mango that she had almost thrown into the trash can that morning not long ago, her eyes were dark and weird.

With a secret selfish heart, the young girl watched Ji Xiao just so protect and nervous herself, she selfishly chose to default, and did not clarify Ji Xiao's misconception.

Wei Qingyu followed Ji Xiao's words and nodded, and said softly, "Thank you."

When Ji Xiao heard this, he knocked on the medicine bowl on the bedside table with a smile, and said, "Hey, if you thank me, then drink this medicine."

"This medicine is two fever periods once. This is your third fever period in this course of treatment. Just now the doctor came to prescribe the medicine for you. Drink it while it is hot. It will be more bitter when it gets cold."

Wei Qingyu listened to Ji Xiao's words and looked at the glass bowl containing the brown-black Chinese medicine.

She still remembers the last time she was wary of Ji Xiao, even if she tried the medicine for herself, she still poured the medicine into the pot of green plants at the door of the room.

At that time, Wei Qingyu thought it was Ji Xiao's revenge and torture against him again. Only two months later, instead of dead, the pot of green plants became more lush.

The soft white light fell on the lush leaves, exuding a green light from the inside out.

This bowl of medicine, it seems that Ji Xiao really asked the doctor to prescribe it to help him recuperate...

Seeing that Wei Qingyu had not spoken, Ji Xiao thought she was still skeptical of the medicine she had sent.

The girl sank and held up the medicine bowl, intending to take a sip for Wei Qingyu herself as she did last time, and show her the medicine.

Some brown-black medicine beads hung from the transparent glass bowl and fell on the girl's lips.

After a month or two, this bowl of medicine did not taste any lighter, on the contrary, it became more bitter.

The strong bitter taste poured into Ji Xiao's mouth with a smell similar to mud or tree bark, trampling on the tip of her tongue crazily.

Then, with a little bit of acrid throat, he rushed towards her fragile stomach.

At the end of a bite, Ji Xiao quickly peeled a piece of candy from his pocket.

The grape-flavored crystalline candy was stuffed into her mouth, and the girl vaguely preached to Wei Qingyu: "You can see it, it's okay."

It's just that Ji Xiao tried hard to show that there was nothing wrong, but his cheeks were full of pain.

The brows were raised high like a hill that couldn't be crossed, stretching to the depths.

Not at all convincing.

"I'm not looking at you, yeah, remember to eat after drinking."

After all, another candy wrapped in streamer colored sugar paper was shot on the table by Ji Xiao.

Before Wei Qingyu could react, Ji Xiao couldn't help the bitterness of torment in his throat, and left in a hurry.

The room was quiet again as usual.

Wei Qingyu sat on the bed and looked at the closed door quietly before the girl who had been with him in the room really left.

The air condensed heavily in this small house, and Wei Qingyu could smell the bitterness of medicine and the fragrance of mango.

And the peach brandy belonging to the young girl just now.

Wei Qingyu ghostly put his hand on the little peach basket on his wrist, and the goose tooth prints that belonged to the girl's heroic protection of her appeared densely on her soft fingers.

It was she who once again rescued herself from the quagmire of the fever period.

She was also the one who threw away the expensive fruit she had been looking forward to for a long time because of her disdain.

Time slowly passed, and the warm air floating on the warm medicine had completely disappeared in this space.

Wei Qingyu thought of the golden orange eyes of the talented girl and the furrows between her brows, and gently moved the glass medicine bowl with his fingers.

Click, click.

Subtle and crisp.

The shadow on the wall reflected the girl's thin body, and that pair of slender arms covered the shadow of the glass bowl.

Wei Qingyu finally picked it up.

A gentle white light fell on the top of the girl's skull, and the lip print on the glass bowl kissed the tip of her nose.

With a light touch, it became smooth with the rolling of the throat, no one knew.

The author has something to say: I kissed, but not completely.

Wei Lengmo: The photographer helped me cut out these two paragraphs separately. I want a single loop, thank you.