Bai Yueguang Omega Always Wants To Monopolize Me

Chapter 92

At noon in the winter, with a rare warm sun, a few pieces of snow fell from the roof.

As soon as Wei Qingyu got down from the stairs, she saw a very familiar car slowly stopping in her sight. Then Feng Yue got out of the car with her briefcase and walked to the door neatly.

In the next second, Wei Qingyu heard a crisp doorbell ringing.

The little maid trot out from the parlor on the side and opened the door with a big smile: "Hello, Mr. Feng."

"Hello." Feng Yue smiled at the little maid, and then she passed the little maid and saw Wei Qingyu behind her, still smiling: "Miss Wei good morning."

Wei Qingyu saw Feng Yue so calmly, even though he was a little out of the situation, he nodded to her politely and pretendingly: "Hello."

"Mr. Feng." At this moment, Ji Xiao walked out of the study room and said hello politely.

Feng Yue looked at the very different Ji Xiao he saw at the police station that day, smiled lightly, and said, "Ji Xiao, we haven't seen each other for a long time. It seems that you are ready?"

"I can start at any time." Ji Xiao said and looked aside Wei Qingyu, "Would you like to come and listen?"

I don't know if it was the reason for waking up during the lunch break, Wei Qingyu stared at Ji Xiao and didn't know how to answer.

At this moment, she felt a burst of power coming from her back.

Feng Yue pushed Wei Qingyu's back extraordinarily indifferently, and said, "Then come here together."

Maybe it is really important that Feng Yue came to teach. Under the instruction of Ji Xiao, Aunt Wu cleaned up the study room on the first floor where Ji Xiao once used to learn Chinese characters. The bundle of Jinnan wind that stayed here a long time ago was sent. Hua long disappeared.

The sun shines through the glass sliding door on the side, bringing the brightness of the room.

Wei Qingyu probably figured out the situation and understood that Feng Yue was the teacher Ji Qingyun invited to give Ji Xiao a tutor.

It's just that Wei Qingyu didn't understand how Ji Xiao, a person who was still arrogant and unyielding in front of Ji Qingyun, would start to learn these things.

There was a soft opening sound from the sliding door leading to the backyard on one side, and Feng Yue took advantage of the gap between the end of a class and went out to get some air.

As the sliding door closed again, a new beam of sunlight was refreshed with the black door frame, brightly falling on Ji Xiao's profile.

Because at home, Ji Xiao dressed more casually, she didn't even comb her hair, lying loosely on her shoulders.

Wei Qingyu rarely saw Ji Xiao with loose hair. The light through her black hair softly portrayed the girl's profile, softening the heroic energy between her brows a lot.

Wei Qingyu quietly shifted his gaze a little and looked at Ji Xiao, starting from her full forehead, passing her eyelashes and lips, and finally falling down her white neck into the open white of the neckline. , Causing Wei Qingyu's throat to roll subconsciously.

Ji Xiao is now accustomed to writing with her left hand, and her brand new notebook is filled with fonts that are almost the same as her own.

Those strokes were all correct attitudes that Wei Qingyu had never seen before.

Xu Yi noticed the sight of the people around him that hadn't left for a long time, and Ji Xiao raised his head in confusion, "What's the matter?"

Wei Qingyu didn't expect that Ji Xiao would raise his head suddenly like this, and he couldn't react enough, and the kumquat slammed into the green.

The rustle of strokes across the paper stopped, and the room suddenly became quieter. Wei Qingyu's rare voice was muted.

The second hand of the wall clock made a slight click.

Wei Qingyu reacted for a second, then lifted his sight slightly upward without any trace, and replied indifferently: "It's nothing, I'm looking at Teacher Feng."

Ji Xiao didn't doubt it either. She pulled La Wei's sleeves and said, "That's just right. I don't understand this case. You can tell me about it."

Hearing the words, Wei Qingyu calmly retracted his gaze that was not interested in Feng Yue, looked down at the question Ji Xiao pointed out to him, and said: "I think about it, I remember this case should have a prototype...some At that time, we have to analyze why the leader of the team made such a decision based on the environment at the time..."

Unlike the personal education that Feng Yue gave to Ji Xiao in the Wei family, the lessons Feng Yue taught Ji Xiao were more basic and took a long time.

At the end of the afternoon class, the sun has hung on the horizon, and a gold line separates the sky from the ground.

The two stood at the door to bid farewell to Feng Yue, and went home to the house together.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was standing next to him, remembering the cute astonishment on her calm little face at noon, and proactively confessed: "I know all about it."

Wei Qingyu knew the meaning of Ji Xiao's words, and the blankness on his face turned into surprise.

Ji Xiao pursed her lips and smiled, took out the fruit wine that had been chilled a while ago from the refrigerator, and asked, "Would you like to drink and chat in the backyard?"

Wei Qingyu nodded when he heard the words, and walked towards the backyard behind Ji Xiao, a little nervous and a little bit suddenly.

In fact, this matter has been delayed for a long time, and she should have confessed it as early as Ji Xiao's birthday.

It's just this delay that came to this day, and it was brought up by Ji Xiao on his own initiative.

The night is very nice tonight, the moon is not so bright, but the stars cover the sky.

Sitting on the padded wooden table at the door, Ji Xiao handed the opened aluminum can to Wei Qingyu: "I know all about the relationship between Feng Yue and you, and the relationship between Chen Linji and you, Liu Yueliu The relationship between Tiger and you, and the thing that you want to take back your inheritance from my father."

Wei Qingyu's fingertips just touched the jar, and the cold temperature robbed her of the warmth of her hands.

She looked at Ji Xiao in surprise, and said: "When are you..."

"After you went out the other day, my father came to see me, and he told me everything." Ji Xiao opened a can for himself as he said.

She looked very free and easy, but Wei Qingyu was a little bit sorry.

I said that it sounds like two concepts with others.

Wei Qingyu lowered his gaze, looked at the fruit wine he was holding in his hand, and said, "Sorry, let you know in this way."

Ji Xiao shook his head, without any harshness.

She smiled at Wei Qingyu, her tone still smug: "Everyone thinks we should be enemies, but how can they think that we would sit together and drink?"

When Ji Xiao said this, Wei Qingyu couldn't help but smile.

Whether it is Ji Qingyun or Chen Linji, they are trying their best to separate them, wanting them to oppose and become enemies.

But how can they do things that even fate can't do?

The light alcohol slid down the girl's lips and into her throat, bringing a little burning sensation.

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl who had just opened the heavy door of the mall this afternoon and asked, "Then...Are you still going to be a teacher?"

Ji Xiao shook the jar in the handshake, and shook his head short and heavy.

Sure enough, even though she has done a lot of psychological construction for herself, she still feels reluctant when asked.

But what's the use of reluctance?

People who are empty-handed can't even protect the people they like.

Ji Xiao drank a sip and preached half-jokingly: "My father threatened me, saying that I would not come back to inherit the family company, so he swept me out. I have such a wall of hands, how can I be willing to do it."


Wei Qingyu listened to Ji Xiao's relaxed tone and looked at the relaxed smile on her face. He knew what Ji Xiao was saying was not true.

There must be other reasons for Ji Xiao to give up his original ideal of vows.

And the reason she didn't want it was herself.

Wei Qingyu: "But are you happy to learn this? Being a teacher is your ideal, isn't it?"

Ji Xiao didn't answer directly, instead he threw the question back to Wei Qingyu: "What about your ideal, Wei Qingyu? Actually, you don't want to do this, right."

If it weren't for the sudden death of his parents, if it wasn't for his precious inheritance to be taken over by his father's friends.

Who would choose to bear all this at a young age.

Wei Qingyu was also silent.

The night breeze gently blew the girl's profile, bringing her an artistic conception of writing poetry.

In fact, Wei Qingyu's dream when she was a child was to be a writer, and Xu Manlin also deliberately trained her in this direction.

It's just fate that makes her, she has to choose to suppress it in her heart. Only when she comes back to her home occasionally and finds out her past things can she spare a few seconds to miss it.

Ji Xiao took a sip of wine, looked up at the dark night, and said: "In fact, this shouldn't be said that things are contrary to our wishes, but that we have made a deal with our ideals and destiny."

"For something more important than ideal."

When Ji Xiao said, she retracted her raised head and looked at Wei Qingyu.

And Wei Qingyu also looked at Ji Xiao at this moment.

The night is dark and the stars are brilliant.

She saw herself in Ji Xiao's eyes.

Ji Xiao raised the jar in his hand and stretched it out in front of Wei Qingyu, preaching somewhat freely: "Come on, respect your ideals."


Wei Qingyu calmly returned to his senses, and touched Ji Xiao's jar with the jar in his hand.

The **** touched lightly at this moment, and the smell of peach brandy drifted over.

She looked at the wine in her hand and the girl sitting with herself, and when Ji Xiao was about to take the wine jar back, she added: "Respect destiny too."

To her, once again sent you back to me.

As the night darkened, Ji Xiao drank the last jar of fruit wine, and his shoulders sank slightly.

Wei Qingyu was too strong to drink, and when he finished drinking the third can, he began to sway, and now he leaned directly on her shoulder.

The girl's plain white face was filled with two clusters of peach-like pink, and a few strands of broken hair ran across her soft pink cheeks, which made people look protective.

The fan-like eyelashes are spread out on this layer of pink, delicate and cute.

The drunk man didn't say anything, and went to sleep.

For some reason, Ji Xiao was still a little disappointed. She looked at Wei Qingyu who was sleeping on her shoulder and didn't know what to say for a while.

A cold wind blew by, reminding Ji Xiao that the night in winter is very cold, and people who are asleep should not be allowed to stay outside.

Ji Xiao cautiously moved Wei Qingyu's head leaning on him, lightly holding her up with his hands and feet.

Wei Qingyu was very light, and Ji Xiao didn't take the slightest effort to hug it horizontally.

Her slender legs hung on Ji Xiao's arms in this way. They were white and slender, and they were soft and warm on the girl's arms.

I don't know if she would actively seek a sense of security in her sleep, but that quiet little face was unexpectedly active and well-behaved and softly nestled on Ji Xiao's chest.

It's just that the slightly open mouth is lustrous red, and the breath containing alcohol slowly spit out from her slightly opened lips, and the smell of mint rushed into Ji Xiao's heart.

Obviously it looks so innocent and harmless, but in fact it is a seductive fairy.

From downstairs to upstairs, it is only half a minute's journey tomorrow, but Ji Xiao walked for three minutes.

She returned to her room with Wei Qingyu in her arms, only feeling that her arms were sore.

The girl was placed on her soft bed, and her drunk face was wrapped in a pure white quilt, and she was overly well-behaved.

Ji Xiao looked at this lost treasure, smiled while pursing her lips, and couldn't help reaching out to help her tidy the hair on the side of her face.

It was at this moment that a paragraph of text surged in her mind.

[Ji Xiao looked at the girl in front of her who had been through her life, and used her life to render the clear waters, and presented her with the last show she carefully prepared with death.

As for her future life, she might get better without herself. 】