Banished to Another World

Chapter 106: Times 106

Burgundy suddenly raised his head. "What is that sound?"

The soldiers present were very surprised and walked out of the big account with Burgundy.

"The voice is like coming from there." The head of a Yi warrior is not sure about the direction of the valley.

"Let's keep an eye on the movement of the valley! The fire is all up!" Burgundy looked at the sky and ordered.


The strong bones of the Haola people looked at the direction of the valley and felt that the voice was strange, but they did not pay attention to it.

However, the red fox family's red flag has been facing the valley for a long time, and the doubts on the face are not condensed.

"Red, we have all done, if the original tribal warriors dare to flee to us, hehe!" A Red Fox warrior came over and sue.

The Equatorial Guinea did not look back.

"Adult?" The soldier got in front of the red.

Akio suddenly said: "I don't agree with the patriarch to attack the original tribe with the Yi people. The Yi people are too greedy. Although the original tribe is strong, their expansion is not big, otherwise they will not wait for the Yi. Snatching the salt mountain."

The soldier grabbed his head. "But the patriarch said that we can get a lot of salt and slaves."

"How many warriors have we died so far?"

"Ah?" The soldier could not answer.

" Sixty-four people. Do you know what it means?"

The soldier shook his head.

Akasaka sighed softly. "It means that the Red Fox fighters are half dead."

"grown ups?"

"Our Red Fox population is not too large, and the force is not strong. We can survive in this land so far because everyone likes my women, they will come to them and leave behind, this is us."

A few people turned to look at the tents of the Yi people. "If one day, we can no longer protect the women in the family. If someone steals them, the red fox will not be there."

"Red is a few!" The soldier is no longer called an adult, but a friend's name. "You are the smartest person in the family. What do you want to do? You said, we do what you said! The patriarch also said Red Pocket and we all listen to you."

Akio patted his shoulder, and the beautiful face to the gorgeous face showed a bloodthirsty smile.

In the valley, the soldiers' chins fell to the ground.

First, the soil platform that suddenly rises, and then the sorghum horn that they have never heard. The warriors almost always pointed the spear to the soil platform in an instant. They did not regard the original war and the enemy as the enemy, but the natural reaction after being frightened.

Although the horn sound makes them curious, it is obvious that the earthen platform that appears out of thin air is more noticeable.

Hunting and carving looked at the original battle with surprise. They knew that the war had the ability to control the earth and stone, but the scene that appeared in front of them has greatly exceeded their expectations.

The battle is not limited to the level of the warrior, his ability seems to have become very powerful!

I don't know that the original war awakened the blood, and he was shocked quite a bit, but as a homosexual, it was ecstasy after being shocked!

"War! You awakened the power of the **** of the earth!" I was so excited that my eyes were red.

Original battle default.

Ice is jealous and my eyes are red, why why? Why do all the good things come across this sinister and savage beast! God is too unfair!

The old priest's face closed his eyes ugly, and his most worrying thing finally happened, and the ability to control the soil displayed by the war was significantly stronger than that of several **** warriors that had been seen before.

Several elders had different faces, and the elders of the Siberian family slowly gripped the palms that were too excited and trembling.

Strictly pressing the earth wall on the soil platform, he sat down on the edge of the earth wall.

The original war looked up and saw his two legs hanging outside the earth wall. He smiled and raised his hand to make a false posture.

Suddenly, I felt that the earth wall under my **** became thicker and much wider. The earth wall soon turned into a chair with backrests and armrests.

Strictly put the arm on the armrest, raise his hand to cover his half face, and cover the twitching corner of his mouth. Well, this animal is also worthy of returning home. It is also reasonable to want to show off. But why does he have the illusion of seeing a big-tailed wolf smirking his tail?

When the old priest opened his eyes, he saw everyone looking up at the earthen platform. He also looked up and saw the scene of the change of the earth wall.

The old priest had a strange feeling. He felt that the war seemed to be particularly different for this other priest. It was not just a fear of the priest, it was more like a kind... just like a soldier's love for his own weapons? No, the white-headed boy is obviously more important than the weapon in the eyes of the war, much more important!

"Are you also the ability to wake up when you become a fourth-class warrior like the chieftain?" The old priest smacked his face and asked the original battle, only to find his voice became hoarse.

The original war shook his head. "No, I have awakened very early."

The color of the old priest changed. "So important, why have you been squatting?"

I understood the reason almost immediately, and there was a sneer on his face.

The original war raised his hand and touched the old cockroach on his face. He slowly said: "Because I have the same ability at that time, I have to do a stone tool at a time."

And at the place, as long as it is a bit of a brain, I know what the real reason for the original war is. The elders of the Sectarians bowed their heads shyly. The old priests were highly weighted in the tribe. The elders of these ethnic groups also had similarities. If the original war was spoken at the beginning of the awakening, he did not know. Can't keep this child.

"So your current ability will be so strong..." The old priest felt that he had found the reason. The sooner people wake up, the easier it becomes to become a powerful warrior!

"Do not!"

The old priest was surprised and did not expect that the original battle Zhangkou vetoed his guess.

The original war looked up. "I will become a fourth-class fighter in just one winter, and my ability and strength will reach the fourth level, all because of him, my priest!"

The sound of the original battle was big enough, not only the soldiers nearby, but also heard in the distance. And everyone is very clear that the priests who were said in the original battle are obviously not the old priest Qiu Shi.

Heartbeat? Of course, heart! The warriors of the original tribes looked at the eyes of the white-headed boy on the soil platform and became very hot!

This ancestor priest can not only let the soldiers upgrade, but he can also let the soldiers awaken the blood? And can you also upgrade your capabilities? God, why is he not the priest of our tribe? Change!

The carving thinks that he should be able to pass the war with the white-headed priest, and maybe he is in a good mood, and he will be a four-level fighter. If he can get his blood ability, it would be better...

Suddenly looking up at the sky, he is not a modest person, but by so many people, or the same gender of his man with such a burning look, he only feels like being covered with ants. Say goodbye to see me again?

The soldiers felt that they didn't see enough. The white-headed teenager holding the horn, looking up at the sky, sitting on a strangely shaped platform, looks particularly mysterious in their eyes, especially like a priest, even wearing his feet... eh? What it is?

In addition to the all-inclusive sandals on the head of the white-headed teenager, he hangs the leather sac at the waist, the horn caught in his hand, and the animal skin bag tied around his waist, including the appearance of the animal skin he wore. Let the soldiers be amazed.

"What did he do to you?" The old priest was full of jealousy and unbelief. He had never heard of a priest who could help the soldiers to upgrade, let alone the ability of the warrior to awaken, that is, there is no such thing in the legend of the Three Cities. !

Looking at the old priest in the original battle, the look calmly said: "He has done a lot of things for me. He taught me the correct method of training soldiers, telling me how to exercise and improve my ability, to adjust my body, to give me his vitality. Blessed, I also treated my left leg."

He and the hunters couldn’t help but look up again at the white-headed teenager on the soil platform.

Even when he was watching him strictly, the right fist clenched his chest and licked his left chest! He is expressing his respect and gratitude to him. Because of him, the blood of the gods of the Digo people really awakened.

Strictly nod to him, he is a real warrior, let go of each other's position, this person has a lot of qualities that he admires.

The valley is quiet, obviously many people, but can only hear the voice of the original war. "Autumn adults, the chiefs have a chance to live. Do you really have the heart to see the chiefs die like this?"

The old priest clenched his scepter, and he was angry about what he was going to refute.


At this time, there was a long and bright eagle in the sky.

Silent! I am coming, I have brought you delicious food!

Suddenly raised his head, his face opened with a bright smile.

Strictly no longer blew the horn, he sat so high, the valley is relatively spacious and there are not many trees to cover, his family's eyes are so sharp, the smell may be very sharp - he remembers a hawk olfactory distance It can reach sixteen kilometers. I don’t know how far the nine winds can smell?

Nine Winds does not need him to remind him with the horn. It sees its small two-legged monster in the sky.

"Hey-!" A lot of two feet strange.

The tribes in the valley first heard the sound of the nine winds, but they did not see its majestic appearance, but the tribes who camped on the grassland saw the fare while they heard the sound. A huge black shadow flying around.

"Great bird!" The tribe warriors lamented. The big bird hasn't come near yet, but the wings that have spread have surpassed all the birds they have seen.

As the nine winds flew closer and closer, almost everyone outside the tent looked up at it.

The nine winds began to decline and gliding.

"Ah! Look! The big bird is flying to the valley of the original tribe!"

The tribal warriors may be grateful, because the nine winds did not fly from their direction, but from the back of the valley. But because of this, they did not see the details of the nine winds.

Burgundy got the news and came out to see the big bird, which was no longer visible.

Why did the big bird fly to the valley? Back to the nest? No, they have never seen this big bird in these days.

Then is hunting? or……

Burgundy was inexplicably reminded of the strange noise that had just been heard from the valley. Soon after the sound rang, the big bird flew over. Is there someone in the valley who is summoning this big bird?

correct! That white guy! He can drive the eater bee, and it is difficult to keep him from driving other long wings.

The burgundy got up and asked the soldiers nearby: "Is the fire all over?"

The soldier replied: "As long as the sky is dark, it will be."

"No! Let's order now, fast!" Burgundy felt that there were too many strange things happening today, which made him uneasy and very upset.

"Ah! Birds! Birds are really human faces! It’s really a mountain god!"

The soldiers of the original tribes were disciplined and could not remain calm at this time. This fierce bird is a living legend!

"The white priest actually summoned the mountain god! God!" If it weren't for the old priests and the warriors, many of the soldiers couldn't help but succumb to the white priest.

"God! It's so big!" Everyone looked up and his mouth widened and looked at the giant bird that glided down the sky.

Look at the nine winds, then look at the white-headed boy, the heart that was difficult to decide finally stopped swinging, he decided.

Hunting swallows, "It's a lot bigger than before."

The vulture was staring at the white-headed boy on the soil platform. The boy raised his hand, and the terrible mountain **** adult fell on it... It was still down, and the claws of the mountain gods grabbed a donkey.

"Hey!" Two donkeys were thrown to the ground.

Meat! Someone is green at the place.

"You'd better not move the two scorpions." The original war was not very pleasant to warn the slobber to drip out the carvings and other people, "That is the food brought by the priests of the mountain **** nine winds, who dares to move, wait It was caught by it and fell to death."

Ah, don't give it to eat, it's cruel! The soldiers shed tears.

The old priest stepped forward. He didn't want to move the blind. He just wanted to ask the original battle. What is going on? Why is the mountain **** nine wind birds really can be summoned by a young boy! Did he say everything before?

The nine winds are about to close their wings. When they look at an old two-legged geek, they dare to approach it to bring the silent meat, and suddenly they are not happy. Dare to steal the meat of the bird? Hey! Eat me a wing!

"Call!" The big fans at close range have the heads of the warriors standing unsteady, not to mention the old priests with near-zero force.

Hey. The poor old priest screamed and was swayed by the wings for several rounds until Qiu Ning and two soldiers hugged him.

When the original battle saw the movement of the nine wind wings, he stopped his nose and mouth. When the wind and sand all fell, he looked helplessly: "Look, it will not work."

It is said that the old priest who has just been helped to climb up is almost mad!

Nine winds look at those two-legged monsters have become more honest, and this is only to fall on the soil platform, it still remember to be careful not to encounter silence.

Oh, but it’s a good idea and a little two-legged quirks.

"Hey!" Can't be silent, not happy!

Strictly want to pat it, but I can only smile at it with apologetic. There is a big squad waiting for him, he has to keep enough physical strength.