Banished to Another World

Chapter 198

Suddenly opened his eyes and turned to sit up, through the weak embers, looked at the environment in which he was.

This is a cave, about four meters high, about 26 square meters in area, not far from the hole, you can hear the faint vocals from outside, there is space in the hole, and it is not clear to turn a corner. inside.

In the corner of the cave, there are a lot of things to eat the remaining bones and messy fur, claws and the like.

This is where? Strictly want to stand up, but found that the lower body is a bit wrong.

Looking down, a pair of skins that are dark and thin are not much better than the hemp.

Is this only a better leg than a hungry refugee in a certain continent?

Touched, touched, really his legs.

Looking up, I didn't see the shorts. The boy's belongings shrank into a group. The thighs and legs had blue-violet marks. When the legs moved, the buttocks split and burst into pain. It seems that there are still some weird things. Going out.

As a doctor, he first judged that this body had just been violated not long ago.

This is not his body, not right, this is his body, his new body.

How can he have a new body? What is his original body?

Has his research broken through to change his body?

There seems to be something wrong with him. He also gave a doodle to the lab yesterday.

Dudu! Hold your forehead tightly.

No, no. Dudu is dead, and he has been dead for half a year. In the past six months, he has been trying to make the toot come to a resurrection. He has nothing to do with the research. He does not know what happened outside.

Yesterday, someone came to ask him to ask questions, but after asking less than two sentences, he gave him impatiently out.

Wait, still not right, how did he remember that he was taken away, he...

He should be in jail now!

The memories were finally coherent. He was confined to the cell, single room, and was obviously treated preferentially. During the period, some people came to see him from outside. Some people said that they could help him, but he wanted to hand over all the research results and materials.

Ha ha! When is he a fool?

Those research materials are his achievements and his evidence. He handed it out and it was good for anyone, but he was the only one who ordered the order.

The man told him that if he cooperated with the country, his behavior would belong to the medical research allowed by the state.

He wanted to laugh. When the man arrived at that time, he still used him as a fool. The country would cooperate with the institute for the sake of justice. The only partner is not him. When he handed over the research materials, he did not have any use value. If the person wants to thoroughly wash himself, he needs a sinner. Who is more suitable for this sin object than him?

When he died, the institute and the man could not only wash the white, but also completely possess the results of his research. From then on, they became famous, and he turned to the ashes in the flames.

One by one is very beautiful. He used to care about things, but he was too lazy to manage. It does not mean that he did not know anything.

I want to harm him, I want to take advantage of him, and I don’t see if he is a good old man.

He refused that person, what happened behind?

Strictly squinting at your head and thinking carefully.

Later, his single room treatment was cancelled and he was sent to a cell that was all evil.

What is it like? He is not a weak chicken with no self-protection.

I thought that the man came to see him again with a sickness, but he saw him in the prison with the appearance of a fish, then his expression... haha!

If it is not that he does not want to live, how can he kill him?

Before he died, he handed over the research materials, but no one could think of who he had handed over. After receiving the information, the country sent people to come to see him, gave him a chance to live, and asked him if he wanted to sin, he refused.

He did not hand over all the research materials, and some of them would not be handed over or taught to anyone.

That is his original sin.

He deserved his sins and his sins were in vain.

Your mother! What happened later? Why did he become like this? Why can't he think of it at all?

Strictly thinking about the headache, someone came in outside.

It was a savage native who was tall, with a tattoo on his face, and a short leather skirt on his lower body.

Savage? !

When I saw this person with rigor, I suddenly had a raging anger in my heart.

He knows this person, this bastard! brute!

What is his name? I can't remember it, but he remembers very clearly that this animal violated him, and he repeatedly took him as a slave and a domestic animal.

He wants to kill him!

The man walked up to him, kneeling down / body, reaching out to him, just opening his mouth: "Mom, how are you..."

The man looked down at the chest.

A sharp bone knife was deeply inserted into his heart.

I don’t know exactly where the bone knife came from, but when he wants to kill this man, he has more of this bone knife in his hand, and the man is unprepared for him.

The man’s expression is weird, and it seems to think of something. The whole face looks like anger and unbelievable. The expression is distorted. “How much do you hate me? See me once and kill me once, fuck! You remember to me! ”

What do you mean? Strictly still did not respond, I saw the man instantly sanded, collapsed and disappeared in front of him.

The bone knife landed, and the bone knife was firmly held in the hand, standing on the ground regardless of the body pain.

He didn't know why that person would be deserted, but he killed people and didn't want others to find out. He had to flee quickly.

Someone outside the cave, he looked up and looked at it quietly, did not dare to go out.

There was a fire outside, a group of strange humanoid monsters roasting around the fire, and the monsters were like lizards!

There was a grilled yellow-colored prey on the fire, and a barbecue couldn't help but drill into the narrow nostrils.

It is not only because of the appetite of this meaty fragrance, but also almost nausea.

Even if the prey that was grilled on the fire had no head, he could see at a glance that it was a human body!

A lot of people were tied behind the fire. The people cried and pleaded, but the lizard people sitting around the fire did not move.

The guide is on, where is he going?

Guide? What is that thing?

Strictly did not think much, retracted into the hole, turned and looked deep into the hole.

If you can't go outside, you can only walk around.

Strictly and cautiously walked to the corner, carefully peeping out the head, it is a very deep space, but there is a bright spot in the far away, it seems that this cave has another exit.

Suddenly found that his vision seems to be better than before, many times, then the dark environment, through the light in the distance, he can clearly see the environment inside the cave.

Going two steps in, kicking a black stone, the stone rolled two rolls.

I don’t know why, I think that the stone is particularly attractive, and I bent down and looked at it carefully.

Black hard rock, is this coal?

Why is this so sure that this is coal?

It seems that he also picked up a few pieces before, and he was particularly happy when he was sure. He even forgot to make a sound, but he turned back and shouted.

Strange, he didn't burn it at the time, and he didn't test it. What method did he use to determine that it was coal? Still so sure!

Who is he calling back? Why can't you make a sound at that time?

and after? What happened later?

Suddenly in the brain, the body shook and fainted again.

The bones are rolling and the coal is rolling off his hands.

Suddenly felt that someone was kneeling on him, the man’s rough breath came from his ear, and the post/court sent a weird feeling.

Pain, shame, anger, let him hold on to the fur under his body.

Who is this to him?

Which **** dare to do this to him!

Are they not afraid of his revenge?

He knew that prison would not be a paradise. This kind of thing is not a legend, but he clearly remembers that he has already flattened those evil heads.

No one will be willing to offend a doctor, especially if the doctor will recognize the hole, and a sewing needle will allow most prisoners in the prison to shun him.

Why is it so dark here?

Was he locked up?

Who put the animals that are pressing on him?

What about his needle? Has the sewing needle he has been hiding on his body been searched?

Just thinking about it, he suddenly had a small and sharp item in his hand.

Squeezing the needle tightly, he moved, and wanted to turn over. The animal that was pressed against him was particularly strong, and he pressed him to death, and forced him to force him.

Strictly clenching the roots and no longer moving, he was waiting for an opportunity, his hands were tied, and he was waiting for the animal to relax after the vent.

At that time he would knock him over and insert the needle into his head at the fastest speed to kill the acupuncture points.

Forbearance, bear forbearance...

It's now!

But he still hasn't tied the beast, and the beast has disappeared.

The voice of people talking outside.

Strictly wide-eyed, isn't it a confinement room that he thought, not a cell, but a cave? !

Hold on to the body and feel uncomfortable, and look at your body carefully through a little bit of a hole in the hole.

Huh? Who is this healthy wheat-colored skin and young and powerful body? Why do you look so familiar?

The feeling of being uploaded tells him that this body is his.

However, he is a middle-aged man who is almost forty years old. Even if he is usually well-maintained, there will not be such a mature body that is only in his teens and still developing.

What is wrong, it seems that everything is wrong.

Someone came in from outside the cave.

Strictly looking at the figure of the person, he did not see the face, he was drowned by anger.

It is the animal!

Don't think that pressing him, he doesn't know who he is!

Again and again, no matter whether he wants or not!

Even if he saved him, he could not do this to him!

save him? Strictly stunned. This animal saved him? When did it happen?

The man walked over to him, kneeling on one knee and reaching out to him. He seemed to want to hold him up. He said in his mouth: "I am looking for you for a long time. How come you ran here?"

Strictly endured nausea and was picked up by men.

The man hugged him, seemed to be relieved, let him sit on his lap, and he sat on the ground very casually, glaring at him, patted his pocket wrapped around his waist. "Get something to eat, I am hungry." It’s dead. It’s strange, how can I be hungry for half a day? Are you hungry?”

Strictly, I was not hungry, and I was so hungry when I was mentioned by a man.

When the hand touched the pocket, I just thought about what food would be there, and I had a piece of barbecue in my hand, or just baked, braved the oil, and the hands were hot.

Strictly and unprepared, he was forced to let go and was caught by a man.

Look at the man tearing open the barbecue, give him half, and bite the mouth. Strictly in the heart, the hand touched the pocket again, "Drinking water?"


In the hands of the stern, there was another stone can. Before the stone can was handed out, he opened the bag of powder wrapped in leaves in front of the man, sprinkled the powder into the stone pot, and shook it. Give a man, "Drink."

The man clearly saw him sprinkle a pack of powder, but he didn't even ask, and he took a lot of water while he took the jug.

Suddenly, there was a strange feeling in his heart. He looked complicated. " don't ask me what is in the water?"

The man looked up, licked his lips, and asked a little lazily: "What did you put? It seems a bit bitter."


the man,"……"

"It will make you all rotted. You will die. It will probably hurt a whole day before you die. Before your internal organs are all rotted, you will die hard because of the extremely unbearable pain." ”

The man grabbed his stomach and twitched his face. He began to feel pain, and he seemed to think of something. "I am fucking... come again? Is this the first time?"

"Well? What are you talking about?" Eyebrows sharply. Very strange, after the man was poisoned, his awkward hatred dissipated.

The man grabbed his chin and hated the earthly: "I said how much do you hate me? Ah? Needle-knife 捅 □ □, once more than once, every time I changed the pattern, the last time I dig my eyes, on Last time I opened my skull and stirred my brain, this time I still want to live and kill me. You don’t want to give me a happy life, right?"

Strictly, "...what are you talking about? I don't understand." I don't even remember to kill you so many times.

"Give me a good time, kill me with a knife! Otherwise, **** / **** you!"

"Oh." Suddenly found that he even reached out and touched the man's face. How is this possible?

But his movements are completely uncontrollable by his thoughts. The most terrible thing is that he is sitting in the man's arms, and he is not worried that the other party will shoot him. It is obvious that this person has spare energy to kill him.

I don't know what kind of mentality, he found a bone knife that didn't know where to come from, and handed it to the man. "You can lick yourself."

When he said this, he could feel a smile on his face.

Too strange, on the one hand, the hatred that just dissipated but still felt, on the one hand, the trust and familiarity of this man, and the man’s indignation with a bit of grievance and dissatisfied distorted expression, he did not feel embarrassed Still feel cute? !

What's up with him? Is it abnormal?

Although he was not quite normal, but I think that a savage savage savage is cute when I look at the five big three and three looks.

Is he smoking?

The man silently put the bone knife back in his hand, grabbed his hand, and sighed at his heart, leaving only one sentence: "I don't know what it is all about, but it seems that only you can kill me, I Suicide is useless."

The man disappeared and became a sand, and began to collapse from his fingertips.

Strictly sitting on the ground, playing with a bone knife, all the memories in the brain can be connected in series.

His memories stopped after the man dragged the sickly body to the prison and saw him. After that, he didn't have any memories about the present, but what is interesting is that he is dead on the cave, the body now, and the one. The man in his hand has a very familiar familiarity.

At the same time, he has a sense of "deja vu" for everything that happens in front of him. It seems that the scene has already happened, but he has no memory.

How is this going?

Slightly got up, kicked something, bent over and saw a black lacquered stone lying on the ground.

Is this coal?

Why do you know that this is coal only when you look at it?

Suddenly picking up the coal, inexplicable, he thinks this is a very important clue.

Someone outside the cave was talking, and walked to the hole and looked out. He was about to hide back into the cave and stopped.

The feeling of deja vu came again.

He seems to have returned to the cave like this, walked into the corner of the tunnel, and then... he would not remember.

So this time he will not enter the depths of the cave, but what will happen when he goes outside?

Strictly holding the coal in one hand, holding the bone knife in one hand, and slowly went out.
