Banished to Another World

Chapter 366

The bone bird flew to Tucheng with the fastest speed.

Strictly and deliberately did not fly high, looking at the terrain below, pay attention to observe the presence of tribal people, but his eyesight is not as good as the original ice, only to see a rough.

The original battle is still unconscious, and his beliefs are still falling.

If you change someone who is enthusiastic or responsible, you will be back to Jiuyuan as soon as possible.

It is possible to have a sense of responsibility for Jiuyuan, even if the belief point becomes negative, knowing that Jiuyuan may have changed, but in the case that the first beater is unconscious and the nine winds are no longer strong, he would rather Take a little time and spend more time looking for people like Jiufeng and Mantra.

If you can find the best, even if you go back to the original nine things, under the curse of the wizard, the nine winds and his own deterrence, it is not difficult to solve the problem.

On the contrary, if he goes back to the nine winds and other people, there is no absolute force deterrence around him. Before he knows the enemy's bottom, he only relies on the bone bird and his own attack. If the mermaid's side is not willing to help, Going back can not only solve things, but may also take their own insults and lower their prestige.

He thinks so cold and selfish, but first because he is such a person, his nature is difficult to move, even if he has realized this, it is impossible to reverse personality so easily. The second is because of the various things that he had encountered in his life before his life, and he gradually learned to think about everything when he was in trouble.

For the rest of his life, he saw everything around him in his eyes. Some people have small movements and are not good for him. He also understands, but he is too lazy to manage. He only feels that he has the skills and knowledge. Others must rely on him. Die him.

The last fact tells him that he is no longer great, but only a general practitioner and a researcher. Those who are obsessed with power and interests will only think that without him, there will naturally be Zhang Mo and Li Mo.

He is not good at political skills, and even his interpersonal relationship is not very business. In the end, once he was framed, he almost became a dead end.

When he came to the world, he still hated playing with people and playing with political skills, and he did not want to experience interpersonal relationships. However, he was forced to step into the priesthood and was forced to assume the responsibility of a tribe.

So, he doesn't like it anymore, he also needs to think about what he should do to be better for him and for the tribe.

He can fly back to Jiuyuan on the bone bird like this, then?

If the original war did not wake up on the way, everyone saw the priests go out. When they came back, the people around them and the nine winds were gone. The leader was also unconscious, how would he look at him? How do you have confidence in him?

Therefore, he must be prepared, and would rather go around the road to find the nine winds and the curse and other people along the road.

He even hugged if he couldn't catch up with the nine winds and other people, let them go back first and go back to good ideas.

If the nine winds go back first, perhaps the nine original people will be more sad and shaken when they hear the disappearance of the leader and the priest, but if he comes back with the leader?

That is totally different! The order is different, but the effect can be completely different. In the former, his beliefs will be even lower, and the rescue will not be much better afterwards. However, the latter may have fallen in the previous beliefs, but once he returns with the intact battle, he and the original battle will become public. I hope to return to the Savior.

The tribal warfare will be greatly different!

In addition, he detoured Tucheng in addition to looking for the nine winds and the curse, but also wanted to see what he thought was the blackwater tribe and the Dona who wanted to go to Jiuyuan with them. If they still want to go to Jiuyuan with them. That beater is naturally more good - want to enter Jiuyuan always have to contribute, you say yes?

As for the bone bird in Tucheng, you can get the best. He can also bring some beaters back. If not, he will not force him. It is not too late to find the reason to pick up the treasures when he finds the reason.

Holding these thoughts, I naturally chose to bypass Tucheng first.

Seeing that there is a large city in the distance, the bone bird will rise immediately and immediately, if you look down from it, you will only think that the sky is flying over a huge bird.

Tucheng was patrolled and watched around the enemy day and night. Naturally, people with good eyesight saw the bone bird and quickly reported it.

A road message finally reached the ears of the Tucheng King. He walked out of the palace and looked up. He found that the huge bird hovered around Tucheng and seemed to be looking for prey.

"It's not like a normal bird," said a high-ranking warrior with good eyesight.

“Is it a flying bone in a city?” another priest guessed.

"Do you want to knock it down?"

The King of Tucheng immediately opposed: "No! We are no longer suitable to add new enemies. No one is allowed to do it before they know the purpose and origin of the other party."

"But if it is against us in the sky...?"

"First let the city soldiers prepare for the enemy! The long-range guns are all aimed at the bone bird!"


With the order of the road, Tucheng quickly operated and quickly entered the state of martial law.

Standing silently on the bird's head, watching the huge artillery erected on the wall of Tucheng City, silently, the world has already had such a cannon like a gun! And the variety is different, the gun barrel body is long and short fat and thin, it is completely imaginable how powerful the soil bomb shot inside.

No wonder Tucheng can stand for so long, no wonder Tucheng can be passed from ancient times to the present, he is still too small to see these uptown, but fortunately he came, and did not mention these things to him.

Now I want to come to the sorcerer and the nine winds and screaming in Tucheng. I can still retreat. It’s probably not that Tucheng people really fear them. They don’t really take them. They just look at them and just want them to make trouble. Enough to leave early. After all, the curse has the ability to avenge the city of Tucheng and has a deep relationship with Wucheng, and behind the nine winds, there is a powerful and super-protective person.

There are earth cannons in Tucheng, is there a sonic gun in the sound city? And Fire City and Water City are artillery and water cannons? What other powerful weapons are there in the other cities?

After strictly seeing the equipment of Tucheng, I felt that I was too conservative about the development of Jiuyuan. He thought that it had transcended the times, and in the case of people with abilities, it completely changed into a form, even powerful. It may not be worse than modern weapons.

I thought about how to develop after nine days in the past, and raised my hand to scream the horn of the nine winds.

"Hey--" The melodious horn sounded far and wide in the air.

On a hill in the distance, the nine winds that are talking to their younger brothers suddenly looked up.


"Hey--! Silent! It’s silently pulling!" The nine winds excitedly forgot his younger brother and the cursed witch and so on. They spread their wings and flew to the sky, screaming and darting away in the direction of the horn. .

The changes in the nine winds surprised the cursed people and others.

Fortunately, the wizard can use the mental power to communicate with the nine winds. He heard the sound of the nine winds, and soon he reacted. What is the meaning, but he may be old. He heard that the good news was sluggish for a while, waiting for the nine winds. Going out, the ice came over and asked him what happened to the nine winds. The curse was screaming, and the child jumped up and shouted:

"My disciple is not dead! Strictly not dead! I know how the guy will die before me! Wow haha!"

"The priests are still alive?!" Ding Fei and Ding Ning, who heard the cursing witches, are also crazy, and they are going to rush down the mountain.

"Stand up! Do you know where to go? They are waiting here! The nine winds find the priests, and naturally will come to pick us up." Ice became the most calm person.

Zi Ming saw the appearance of Ding Ning's crying, and the corner of his eyes also opened a glimmer of joy.

"Hey--! Silent!" The nine winds have seen the bone bird, and they are even more energetic.

Strictly close the horn and look at the huge black spots that flew in the distance.

The nine winds flew to the front, the body brush narrowed, and the whole bird opened its wings and squatted to the face.

Strictly, "..."

"Silent, silent, silent!" The nine winds screamed, the voice was very happy.

Suddenly raise his hand, touch the warmth of the nine winds, tear him off his face, hold it in the palm of his hand, really smiled: "Long time no see."

"Oh-! Silent, I want to die!"

"Haha! Are everyone else okay? Where are they now?"

"Oh, it’s all good, everyone thinks about you. What about the big guy?"

"You said A war? He is sleeping inside. Nine winds, you first take me to find the witch and ice them."

"Oh! No! I asked my younger brother to send them." The nine winds flew from the hands of the wind, and flew into the sky, the body became bigger, and then screamed.

More than usual, the long screams pierce the clouds and spur into the distance.

The bone bird hovered magically on the sky, and in the distance a large group of black-pressed flying beasts quickly flew to the bone bird.

Open the back of the bone bird and stand at the entrance waiting for his partners.

Answers, Lamo's listening and the grass all stood behind the stern, but Ramo and the grass stood in the rear position, and the answer was in front of the door and flanked to show off.

The British tactics of the camel and the witches first flew to the entrance of the bone bird.

Strictly raised his hand and laughed, "Come on? I heard that you are clamoring for Tucheng?"


"grown ups!"


Everyone almost died of life and death. Once again, they were excited and embarrassed. Ding Fei was not good at controlling his feelings, and he cried with austerity.

Strictly backhand hugged him, while patting his back while touching other people's bodies.

The ice went behind him and suddenly reached out and hugged him.

Answers have long been at the door, see everyone, triumphantly rushing to everyone: "Hey! Murder, I found!"

Ding Ning and the curse couldn’t hold the sternness, and the answer was satisfactory. He couldn’t help but rushed to give him a few excited joys.

After a while of excitement, he and the curse and other people introduced the Ramo and the grass.

"This is the friend Lamo who I met with the A-war in the sound city. This is the grass, the sister of Caomachi." Lamo heard that he had already expressed it with him in advance, and did not want others to know the identity of his prince.

Everyone was very curious about these two strangers. I heard that the grass turned out to be the sister of Caomachi, and the affection was lifted.

Strictly, he introduced the curse and other people to Ramo and the grass.

The curse did not immediately recognize Ramo's hearing. After all, after twelve years, his impression of the Great Prince of the City was just a small squad. As for the name of Ramo, his old man only felt a little familiar.

Ramo’s hearing was impressed with the curse. Seeing that the other party did not recognize himself immediately, he did not take the initiative to recognize him, only to recognize it later.

After the introduction, Yan finally finally asked about the business. Everyone was clamoring for Tucheng. He almost knew it from the answer. Now he wants to know another thing.

“After we got out of Tucheng, did the Blackwater Horde and the Dona have been affected? Where are they now?”

Listening to the seriousness of the business, everyone gradually gathered up the excitement and began to answer his questions.

The ice was observed with the utmost care, and he said, "We rushed to Tucheng one step ahead of them. When they arrived in Tucheng, the guards of the temples in Tucheng were selected because we had a lot of trouble in Tucheng. Soldiers from all over the city can only stay in Tucheng for a while. At that time, no one knew about the relationship between Blackwater and Donna, but after the incident broke out, the priest named Wuyan took the black earth city called the snake daring. When the priest came back, he said that Blackwater and Donner had met with us, and later..."

"What happened later?"

"The Tucheng then sent people to hold the two people together, and sent people to the two patriarchs, priests and elders to the Tucheng."

Strictly frowning, this is innocent for the two families. You can see the tips given in the guide, and there is no relevant scum value added. Is it because the two communities have not been implicated in their casualties? But how is this possible?

Soon, Ice gave him an explanation: "Blackwater and Dona are affected by us. The ancestors and the nine winds have shown to Tucheng that whoever hurts them, even if they only hurt one person, they will not let go. Tucheng, so the two communities are now trapped, but there is no danger to their lives."

Strictly rubbing his fingers on his knees, "We have to get people out and not let them stay in Tucheng."

The curse of the witch pokes the apprentice. "What good way do you have?"

Strictly look up and smile. "Master, I am afraid I have to rely on the power of your old man."

Half an hour later, the corner of Tucheng.

The Blackwater Winstone and the Dona Chiefs are eating meat and maiden together. They hear reports from their men, jump together, and drop the meat bones to rush out of the earthen house.

The huge bone bird in the sky is hovering, and there is a horn horn.

Blackwater won the stone, "They actually came! They said that they would see them when they heard the horn, and they saw it at a glance! What bird is that? How big is it? The family of the nine winds?"

The Dona patriarch also looked up at the sky. "It seems to be a bone bird?!"

"Bone? Flying bones?" Blackwater and Dona were shocked together and immediately ecstatic. Jiuyuan seems to have more than what they imagined!

The river bank whispered with joy: "It’s the sorcerer and the warlord! They picked us up according to the agreement!"

Blackwater won the stone standing next to the Donna patriarch, did not look at him, and asked directly: "How do you say, do you stay in Tucheng, or go with me to find Jiuyuan?"

The Donna temperament is hot, and Zhangkou screams: "What are you still doing in Tucheng? Continue to look at their eyes? The idiots that grow up on the navel of the mother's belly! We said that it doesn't matter to Jiuyuan, they don't believe it! Tucheng Since we regard us as the ally of Jiuyuan, then we will show them to allies! Grandpa, I will bring the whole tribe directly into Jiuyuan!"

"You are not afraid of Tucheng revenge?"

"What about you?" The Dona chief slapped him.

Blackwater won the stone and sneered. "When we stay in Tucheng, they don't retaliate? They put you from the Dona, and also drove our people from outside each other, not just wanting to threaten us, waiting After solving the nine originals, we will solve them together! If it is not a curse, the old man said that whoever dares to move us, he curses the other family, we are dead!"

Dona patriarchal interface: "But the threat of the sorcerer is only temporary. During this time, I have not seen the sorcerer and the nine winds to make trouble. Tucheng guessed that they probably have returned to Jiuyuan without the curse protection. It is also a matter of time for the city to deal with us. I think they are willing to kill and not let go."

Blackwater won the stone and looked up. "Jiuyuan said that Xinyi said that if we are willing to leave with them, we will come to pick us up. Now they are really coming. They are so bright and bright. We don’t take this opportunity to leave. I am afraid there is no chance. go away."

"But how do we leave?" The Dona patriarch raised the most realistic question.

Blackwater won the stone but was full of confidence in the mysterious and magical silver-haired old man. "Since they dare to pick us up, there must be a way to pick us up."

The strict method was simple and rude. He directly tore a piece of cloth and threw it to the Tucheng Royal Palace.

On the cloth, please ask Ramo to read in the lingua franca: Want to relieve the curse? Want to be no longer cursed by the curse day and night? Hand over all the people of the Blackwater Tribe and the Dona in Tucheng, and send them all to the nearest mountain on the east side of the city, let them safely take the bone bird to leave, and let the great curse choose one from the Tucheng. A native souvenir, the great curse will swear by the witches and completely remove all the curses that fell to Tucheng.

Seeing this piece of cloth, the Tucheng high-rise violently vibrated.

As long as you hand over two irrelevant tribes and add a special product, the curse can completely remove all the curses that have been sent to Tucheng!

The deal was too cost-effective. They didn't even have the idea of ​​continuing to negotiate and attacking the bones. They just wanted to let the wizards fulfill their promises.

As long as the curse is lifted, Tucheng regains its vitality and order, and Queen Cui Yu invites him again. Soon, Tucheng will recover all the shame received from Jiuyuan today!

When Ramo listened to the three words of the souvenirs, he smiled for a long time after asking the meaning. He said that these three words are very appropriate and much better than gifts.

The curse is strange. "I don't have anything I want? If you want, there is too little one?"

Strictly and mysteriously laughed, "One is enough. I thought I couldn’t get it. I know that Tucheng actually caught so many people from the Blackwater and Donna tribes, plus those British recruits. Bone birds are not enough to hold them."

Tucheng soon invited a big doorman to stand on the wall and yell at the sky, agreeing to the terms of the witch.

Ding Ning and others are also surprised, "How can they agree so easily? I thought I would at least have one."

Clearly aware of the sternness of the situation and Ramo’s glance at each other, the Tucheng people are probably looking forward to the Queen of Cui Yu to hurry back and ask for help to revenge them. Before that, they are not planning to move again – they can’t fight themselves. Playing in the city, whether it is losing or winning, the unlucky ones are themselves.

Jiufeng became a special envoy to select local products and supervise the Tucheng people to release the two ethnic groups.

Although the Tucheng high-rises are unwilling, some people say that since the curse is so focused on the Blackwater and the Dona, they should at least leave some hostages, but the cursed person only wants to lift the curse soon, and does not want to let the curse Not happy - for them, as long as they can lift the curse and let them send their own son, they are willing!

After the people of the two ethnic groups, such as Jiufeng, left Tucheng, they became smaller and quickly flew to the Temple of Tucheng. They circled around the temple and found the bone bird on the pillar that was silently described.

The bone bird can be placed in Tucheng for thousands of years without loss. Naturally, it is not the force of the nine winds that can be caught.

Nine winds were annoyed, but silently expected this situation and told him how to deal with it.

The nine winds became bigger and bigger, and the priests and the priests who were guarded in the hall reacted. They dig a hole at the bottom of the column and loosen the column a few times.

The pillars and bone birds are not located in the place where they should have been. After being sent to the temple of Tucheng, they simply buried the bottom with soil.

The nine winds grabbed the column and, together with the bone bird on the column, flew outside the hall.

The intermediate priests in the hall finally reacted and quickly reported.

The king of Tucheng questioned the priest of the temple: "What is special about the bone bird they took?"

The priests of the temple priests dripped cold sweat. "This, only the three priests know, I only know that the bone bird has been in the temple for a long time, but it has not been valued."

"Not valued? A common bone bird and column, the curse will go to it?" The King of Tucheng angered the armrests of the chair.

"Bone bird... Wait, will it be a flying bone?" A smart person responded.

Stupid, immediately counterattack: "So small, no pheasant, even if you can fly, how to bring people?"

The Tucheng high-level arguing over the bone birds, but things have been taken away, even if it is really a good thing, now regret it is too late.

But when they saw the bone bird that was only in the temple hall for a thousand years or more, it was not as good as the pheasant, and it turned out to be as big as the huge bone bird in the sky. They are Really regretful and painful!

The curse is really big! What kind of native products, this is obviously a bone treasure that is rare and cherished, how many people dream of it! And it's still the most useful, least visible, and capable of carrying a lot of combat bones!

The Tucheng people regretted their chests, but they did not want to fight with the wizard and the nine winds, especially after the two bone birds spurt two huge fireballs with them!

Now it is only a complete relief of the curse that it can comfort them a little bit of a wounded heart.