Banished to Another World

Chapter 380

The wind is rising and the seasons are changing.

The original war and the rigorous leadership of the Jiuyuan warriors began to battle the entire wild land, where the two men went where they would repair the road.

First, the prairie where Jiuyuan was located, from the southernmost cliff to the foot of the northernmost Father's Mountain, Jiuyuan soldiers occupied this million square kilometers of land with a ruin.

The dwarfs chose to join Jiuyuan and become an ally of Jiuyuan, helping the Jiuyuan people to fight the Savage tribe around the Father Mountain.

Because of the strict instructions of the priests and adults, the Jiuyuan people adhered to the purpose of not invading and attacking others, and established diplomatic relations with other tribes in order to promote the friendship between the various tribal tribes and the friendships of the various tribes.

Imagine a weak savage tribe with only a few hundred people. In winter, you can't eat enough. Every day, you are in a hurry. One day, you suddenly see a powerful tribe with hundreds of thousands of soldiers coming to your door. They smile. Say, as long as you are willing to join Jiuyuan and become a Jiuyuan person, you will no longer have to worry about hungry, and when you have a house to wear clothes and have strong fighter protection, how would you choose?

Of course, there is also stubbornness or fear of not joining. It doesn't matter. Jiuyuan people will hunt and hunt around your tribe. If you have other tribes around, he will let you clearly see the difference between joining Jiuyuan and not joining Jiuyuan. .

The road is repaired. When the winter is over, Jiuyuan people will bring along the road to bring ample food fur, etc. Once again, ask if you want to join Jiuyuan. If you want to be the best, if you want to robbery, then it’s better.

The Jiuyuan warriors would like to take the initiative to rob, because only then, they have reason to let go of their own lessons, and then turn all the people who attacked them into prisoners of war and return to work as a coolie. Naturally, the forces that rob them will be occupied by them. .

The original battle was very bad. Before the "friendly visit," he would send a scout to inquire about the power and strength of the nearby tribes. If it is very weak, he will directly pull out thousands of people to let the other party see the power of Jiuyuan. If it is a little more powerful, he will send a dozen or twenty people with a lot of valuables such as food fur to pass through the door of the house, seduce people to take the initiative to rob, and then...

I have to say that this method is shameless but also very useful, especially in the face of weak forces below a thousand.

In the later period, the prairie known as the Nine Winds has almost no forming forces. Most of them are savage tribes like the original Awu, and some of the slightly larger tribes are only three or four hundred.

Jiuyuan needs a population. In addition to establishing military fortresses in certain important sections, the original war brought all the willingness of these people back to Jiuyuan.

After conquering the Nine Winds, the original battle began to focus on the vast land south of the Black Forest east of the Nine Winds.

There are Yi people, snakes, people, Japanese, and Hora.

In order to facilitate the capture of the land, the original war began to build a road around the Qingyuan Lake to the Black Forest. This road was built according to the route of the original tribes who fled to Jiyuan, and it was also a route strictly provided.

The road from the Qingyuan Lake has been paved to the extension of the Black Forest. During this period, I strictly visited the old Samar of the Maple, and asked him about the problems he had encountered before, the cursed witch and the sorcerer could not and told him not to tell him. .

Old Sama saw that the silence was quite happy. The two talked a lot. Later, they strictly signed the slate contract that the Nine Plains and the Maple Sama signed forever infringing the Black Forest, and made it clear that if there were Jiuyuan people. If you mistakenly enter the Black Forest for more than 300 meters or take the initiative to harm the Maple family, it will be disposed of with the Maple.

This slate was engraved into a stone monument standing on the west entrance of Jiuyuan and the Black Forest.

The Maple Sama sees it with sternness and simplicity. It is also generous to say that the Maple people will not join the Jiuyuan, but they will not actively infringe on Jiuyuan. They do not want to leave the Black Forest, but if anyone wants to pass the Black Forest, Attacking Jiuyuan, the Maple will block them and send letters to Jiuyuan.

The original battle was very satisfied with this contract. Although it is a pity that the Feng family could not become the ally of Jiuyuan, the Feng family promised that they would not let the enemy of Jiuyuan pass the Black Forest. This is equivalent to the whole black forest has become the barrier of Jiuyuan. In order to make a good mentality, the original battle sneaked to the Feng people and sent a lot of cruel heads of the Yi people as a child.

In the current strength of the original war and Jiuyuan, in the face of the original Yi people, I only feel like an adult and a child fighting.

In the original battle, all the greedy and cruel tribes were all tempted to give food to some weak people and show their wealth, but to hide the powerful force that can protect this rich.

The first one to be fooled is the insatiable Yi.

The Yi people are fierce and can be dumped only between one night and one night.

The Red Fox people heard the news and ran to take the initiative to vote, and the weak tribes basically chose to actively merge into Jiuyuan. At this time, there is not a strong sense of race and territory. Many weak tribes are not allowed to join a big tribe as long as they can guarantee food and not to use them as a slave. They are even more willing to join a big tribe.

The female patriarch of the Japanese family is very clever. She found that the rise of Jiuyuan is overwhelming, and that their strength is very different from that of Jiuyuan. I heard that after joining Jiuyuan, I can get a training method to improve my blood ability. Jiuyuan took the initiative to ask them, and took the eight subordinate tribes, such as the Haola, to Jiuyuan.

The snakes who can hide the snakes in the valley do not want to join the nine originals at first. Their environment and special abilities make their lives not too difficult, but when the snake-like people who really have snake tails appear in front of them. This human snake family immediately surrendered.

After the strict discussion with the original battle, let the 壕 lead a thousand soldiers to stay in the land known as Hessen, and establish a new city, mainly to manage and annex all the tribes on this land.

The more threatening Japanese and other tribes were brought back to Jiuyuan to conduct a so-called brainwashing education.

Because of all kinds of external pressures and persecution, the change of Jiuyuan is almost the same every day. Today, Jiuyuan has been very different from five years ago.

Let's talk about Jiuyuan City. Her inner and outer walls have been re-established. Both height and difficulty are more than twice as long.

The population of Jiuyuan is also increasing rapidly. There are not many people in the outer city. Nowadays, several major commercial streets have become bustling.

There are many villages outside the outer moat, where Tian Mo is horizontal and vertical, and various fruit crops are planted in fields. Looking further away, there is a beast camp dedicated to keeping beasts and mounts, and there is a farm camp for raising meat.

The inner city has become the world of power institutions and schools. The population of the inner city has not increased since five years ago, and the school is expanding.

The school is divided into two campuses, which occupy the north and south of the inner city. The south side is called the Jiuyuan Military Academy. Only the nine original people can enter. The military management is carried out. Only 18 years old can enter the school. The content of the study is slightly different from that of the other school. .

The school in the north is called the War School. The college has a very low entry threshold for Jiuyuan people. Regardless of the age of the race, you can enter as long as you want to enter the school, and the tuition fees for the Jiuyuan people are free. The preschool classes are divided into 12 grades and begin to be divided into professional disciplines from the fourth grade.

Wararmes College also accepts other tribal tribes and students from the city. There is also no entry threshold, but the age must be over seven years old and tuition fees are required.

Whether it is Jiuyuan or other forces students, as long as they are well-educated, they are likely to receive scholarships. The scholarships are not only free of charge for tuition and fees, but also for the daily use of the students according to the force and blood level of the students. The currency ranges from five to twenty.

And the outside world combined the warrior's force and blood level into a different one. In Jiuyuan, people have become accustomed to separate the level of force and the level of blood, because the new warrior training method from the Jiuyuan Temple broke the ordinary warrior. After rising to level 5, it is difficult to have a limit of progress.

Nowadays, in Jiuyuan, a warrior who cannot inspire the ability of the blood of the gods can exercise purely force and practice well, and the same can be used to beat the blood-blooded warriors.

The blood-blooded warriors are usually weaker before the third level, and the level four starts to have a relatively strong offensive and defensive ability.

A young boy who seems to be only about sixteen or seven years old looks very thick and looks up to the south of Jiuyuan City. There is a new mountain range, the mountain is full of verdant bamboo forest, and there is a temple on the top of the mountain.

This towering mountain range, which was not originally there, naturally originated from the hands of our powerful Jiuyuan leader.

The chief adult spent five years, and whenever he was fine, he ran here to vent his energy in the body to spew out.

In five years, he hardly pulled out the original flatland out of a mountain with sharp peaks.

This shrine mountain range begins from the forest on the east side of the Red Salt Lake and crosses the Red Salt Lake. It divides the Red Salt Lake into two, extending to the forest in the west.

This piece of land that has been separated is called the Holy Land. There are people who face the old nest of Peng Peng and nine winds. There is a family of iron-backed dragons, and there is a younger brother of the nine winds, and there are nine original people on the top of the new mountain. The shrine where the most worshipped priests live.

The top of the temple looks sharp. In fact, there is a large flat land. The chief adult has thick and fertile soil on it, transplanted a large number of trees, and manually dug out the mountain lake. In short, how come it is, the chief adult is afraid of wronging the priests. Like, I can't wait to transfer all the good things to the top of the temple.

The young face of the face grabbed the skin and looked at the towering mountain. If you get so high, you have to climb up every time. Although you can take the British stroke, but the wind is strong on the mountain, you can't feel comfortable sitting on the British recruit.

I really didn't want to enter the empty temple that was so boring and boring. The young man turned around and changed direction and walked toward the inner city.

In order to prevent some people in the city from recognizing him, the youngsters wore a fight, and many people in the city wore fighting, most of them were farmers and people who had been working outside for a long time. Jiuyuan’s summer sun was very powerful. Since the fight was compiled, After a while, the entire Jiuyuan City was popular.

At the entrance to the inner city, the gate guard did not let him show any proof. The outer city of Jiuyuan was tight, and the day did not prohibit other people from coming and going. As long as it looked like a bad person or a large team, the gate guards generally did not. Will block.

There are many people entering and leaving the inner city. When the teenager walks through the crowd, he hears a few boys and girls who are about the same age as his appearance.

"Have you heard that? The voice city of the Nine Great Uptown sent messengers. I heard that people are their princesses."

"Ah, I also heard that I saw the princess of the princess and said that she is beautiful."

"You said, what is this princess doing?"

"do not know."

“Would you like to marry our leader? Just like the princess in front of Tianzhu City and Luoqicheng said that they want to marry us?”

The teenager heard this and touched his nose. The original battle was so powerful, and now there are more people who are staring at him. In the case of not wanting to fight with Jiuyuan for the time being, the large-scale forces near the vicinity are mainly based on marriage, and they basically hold the relationship with Jiuyuan. I entered the nine originals and tried to clear the details of the original nine. Of course, these forces are most interested in the red salt and new training methods of Jiuyuan.