Banished to Another World

Chapter 391: Times 391

C_t; Being called a child by a child, let him go home to wash and sleep? What does this mean? Is it ridiculing that he has a taste? Ma was so angry that his face was distorted. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"This is a kind of curse. The medium of curse is in my hand. Do you want to use force to **** it? Even if you can rob the past, this is not your ability to sacrifice!" Ma Xian added difficulty to the strictness. Shamelessly plug the easiest way to crack.

The curse witch grinned disdainfully, not just a small medium. Look at it, my apprentice's method of lifting the curse can surprise you!

Suddenly opening his mouth, it seems very surprised. "Oh, how can this be?"

"Why not? I am a tester, I can say it!" Ma Xian did not intend to face, anyway, they were already vengeful with the curse.

"Then can you tell me what curse you have for my guard?" Surely thinking, the other party is a witch-maker of the city. He does not give the opposite side a chance to give the witch a little face, as long as this person is willing to be slightly less Awesome.

But Ma Xian thought that the temperament was not high, and he looked at him with a smile. When the other party couldn't solve the curse, he immediately laughed and said: "Kid, if you don't try to find a way, your warrior will die." This is a test for you, you can't solve it, and the warrior is dead!"

Strictly smile and put away, this man does not leave a little room for doing things, then he does not need to leave this face again.

Lv Wei looked at the curse and the expression was wrong. I was afraid that it would bring me a revenge. I quickly rushed and said: "The little priest, you listen well, two tests, your bodyguard is poisoned and cursed, if you can lift Even if you pass the test, if you can't believe it, we will immediately remove the curse and poison/drug from the warrior.

When I thought of Ma Xian, he smiled and said: "No! Can't lift it. This is the death spell that I just learned from the Quipa High Priest. The Quipa High Priest may have a way to lift it, but I can't."

This Lu Wei can't speak.

The curse sneered.

Strictly watching Ma Xian's gaze no longer a trace of temperature. He can use the points of faith to relieve Ding Ning's curse, but now he decided not to use this easiest method.

Ma Xian smiled sternly and smugly. He couldn’t wait to curse the little priest. He hated that he was jealous of the cursing witch. Considering that the little priest was probably a cursing disciple, he did not dare to directly Instead, I chose the guard. However, he did not keep a hand on the guard. He showed one of the most powerful curses he had just learned. The poison/medicine was also used as an upgrade of another high-ranking priest. He did not lie before. This curse He really can't lift it, but now he has to see how much this young teenager can do.

The atmosphere here is getting tense.

On the other side, the soldiers buried in the soil opened to the side for help. This is the test of the armed forces in the eyes of the other three fighters. Jiuyuan has already passed, and they no longer stand by. The two soldiers walked over to help the soldier get out of trouble, and sneered at him by the way.

But when the two soldiers touched the soil, they found that it was wrong. This is the soil, which is clearly a hard stone. But they were just about to break the stone, and the stone instantly turned into a soft soil, and automatically spit out the warrior.

The three soldiers were amazed, not surprised at the rock turning into the soil, but surprised at the speed, and the territory-controlled warrior was still some distance away from them. How can this fine control be done to this extent?

It’s as simple as a firefighter burning a person, but it’s just as difficult for him to surround a person with a fire and not hurt him.

The short-shoulders who have been standing around Lu Wei’s eyes are a bit strange and have a clear appreciation of their eyes. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway. Others may only think that this change is magical, but as high-ranking fighters, they understand how many difficulties there are.

The short warrior nodded slightly to the original battle. "You are very good, I, Chang Ge, the guardian of the Wucheng Temple. Are you the leader of Jiuyuan?"

The original war turned to Chang Ge. After a moment, he seemed to see something, and he nodded to the short warrior. "The ninth leader, the original battle."

"Jiuyuan's military force passed the test." Chang Ge announced in a flat voice, and then continued: "Look at your priest now, is he really your priest?"

Do not blame Chang Ge and doubt, it is really a strict face is too tender.

The original battle lips evoked, "Of course."

In the original war and Chang Ge’s speech, he was already mentally prepared.

No way, dancing in public, shame is too high, if not necessary, strictly do not want to dance in front of others.

However, after many years of verification, this is the best way for him to crack and resist the curse, because he does not know what the reason, his soul power is the most radiant and the best effect when dancing.

In order to ensure mystery, but also to relieve the poison / medicine on Ding Ning, strictly take out two braziers and put them on Ding Ning's head and feet, and then put some symptomatic drugs inside, indicating that Ding Fei ignited.

This is not a necessary process, everything is to cover the power of the true sacrifice dance.

As soon as the drugs in the two braziers were ignited, the blue-violet smoke was slowly raised.

As the smoke drifted, the expression of most people on the scene became a little dreamy.

The cursed witch rushed to the side and pulled a few long grass into the stern hand. The stern expression solidified and took over the latest chapter of the world.

Unfortunately, there is no dry ice, otherwise the smoke effect is better. Strictly sighed, holding the long grass, slowly spread the limbs around Ding Ning in the smoke, and dance while singing.

The song is a sing, and the dance is a slow dance.

"The land of Jiuyuan, sheltered by the ancestors. The soul of the gods, the sacrifice of the priests, the sacrifice of the ancestors, the sorrows of the spirits. The grievances hidden in the souls of human beings, please listen to my call."

What is the curse?

The curse said: The curse is based on the drug, the environment, the climate, the soul of the curse, the power borrowed by the curse, and the psychological cues of the cursed.

Of course, his original words are not like this, but after strict rationalization, this is understood.

What if I want to break the curse?

The curse said: It is not a true curse witch, it will only respond to the appearance. But the real cursed witch, he will first sneak into the soul of the cursed, looking for curse and grievances, if the curse is not strong, it will directly attack the grievances and eliminate them. If the curse is very powerful, then you must find a way to offset this power.

This curse and resentment is strictly interpreted as a lesion hidden in the human spiritual world.

And what he has to do is to remove or dissolve the lesion.

No cursing media?

It doesn't matter, after a while, Ma will regret it. Why should he hold the puppet that is contaminated with Ding Ning's blood!

"Have the whales hidden in the soul of human beings, please listen to my call." In the same words, sang three times.

But the curse and resentment is the most powerful curse of Ma Xian. When I heard such a tempting voice, I couldn’t help it.

Very good, I hope you don't regret it!

The change of the dance steps has changed, and the words of sacrifice have changed. "In the mountains, please listen to my call."

Strictly dancing around Ding Ning's body, from time to time, licking his body with his long grass.

"Bell -" The sound of the clear spirit that seemed to scream in the temple was once again ringing in the ears.

Strictly closed eyes and half closed, the mouth naturally issued an ancient humming voice different from the lingua franca: "Come, come, I am here, let me see you."

Ding Ning suddenly sat up, no, it should be said that his soul, his mental form formed by the human form sat up.

"Adult!" Ding Ning turned to look at the first four, and was surprised to see his hand through his body.

"Ding Ning, tell me, your pain."

"Adult, I..." Ding Ning touched his heart and frowned: "Adult, I am hurting here, and there is something in it that bites my heart."

Severe body dancing suddenly became faster.

There was a laugh in his ear. "Come on, we are here, we like you, what do you want us to do?"

"Who are you?" Strictly silent, the soul is asking.

"We are the spirit of the land of this mountain." The light spots that are invisible to the human eye are gathered in the tightness of the body. Those light spots seem to really like him very much, and they are desperately screaming at him.

When the original war looked up, he felt that the mountain seemed to be lively at once. He tried to control the soil and it became easier.

"Lear of the land, please listen to my pleading." Yanmou mouth again issued an ancient singer, the Wanshen Jianzong full-text reading.

"We have a name, we are Jiuyuan Mountain." The spirit of the land has become more lively, and they have even begun to crowd out other spirits who heard the call and ran to join in the fun.

Strictly closed his eyes, his face smiled and his mouth scorned: "The spirit of Jiuyuan Mountain, please listen to my pleading."

"Quickly say!"

Strictly holding the long grass, one finger Ding Ning's chest, "Please help me to grab the curse of the soul hidden in his soul!"

"Three drops of blood, no, one drop will be made, we are Jiuyuan Mountain, we protect you, don't want you a lot." The spirit of Jiuyuan Mountain kicked and kicked other spirits, vowed to get the most out of the exclusion.

"Deed!" Severely pierced the tip of the hand, a drop of blood dripping.

The spirits of Jiuyuan Mountain have cheered and rushed to the blood.

Subsequently, these well-received spirits of Jiuyuan Mountain immediately rushed into the chest of Ding Ning.

Ding Ning looked at their priests with adoring eyes and danced and sang the ancient spells he couldn't understand. He didn't notice the movement of his chest.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Ding Ning single-handedly chested, seems to feel the pain.

The light that can't be seen by the human eye emerges from the chest of Ding Ning. A lot of light points you to pull me back, and forcefully pull a black mist out of Ding Ning's chest.

The black fog struggled and formed a resentful face.

On the opposite side, Ma first seemed to feel a little. He even laid a number of strange instruments on his side, and then he grabbed the slave and stuffed him into his mouth.

The slave soon screamed, and the body couldn’t keep rolling on the ground, but it didn’t move after a few laps.

If the horse is innocent, the body begins to whirl and whistle and whisper.

Other Wucheng people also seem to be accustomed to this, only Chang Ge slightly frowned.

Nine original people have secretly concealed: good poison and good heart!

At the same time, he is secretly encouraged by his own priests: adults, kill the hearty dog!

He did not look at the opposite side, he was watching the dark fog of the group.

The black mist suddenly became bigger and bigger.

"Catch it out, grab it!" The spirit of Jiuyuan Mountain cheered and jumped. They seemed to completely ignore the change of the black fog, and the black mist quickly flew to the treasure in front of the fierce.

Strictly dance back to the top of Ding Ning's head and drink low to Ding Ning: "Go back."

Ding Ning is very obedient, "Yes."

But he didn't know how to go back, until he pressed him back to his body with his hand.

Ding Ning's soul and body merged into one, and soon his eyelids began to shake the reads;

"Do you want it?" The spirits of Jiuyuan Mountain screamed at the black fog and asked for humility happily.

Slightly laughing, his arm swinging gently, he wants to stop dancing, but when he stops, he will break the connection with the spirits. It’s really a lot of potholes!

"Want to eat?"

The spirit of Jiuyuan Mountain is happy together. "Can you give us something to eat? Eat and eat!"

"Then eat it." The gentle smile can be gentle.

In the eyes of other people, they only saw the juvenile priest dancing like a spring breeze in the blue-violet smoke. I don’t know because of the smoke, or because there is something to protect him. His dance is not a clear sight. Chu, you see that he is dancing, but when you look down the road, you will find that you don’t even remember his specific action, Wei Wu Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms.

They also heard the strange sound of the Qing spirit, and they heard the old chanting in the mouth of the juvenile priest.

Jiuyuan people have seen it many times. Except for the original war and the curse, all others are devoutly kneeling on their knees, and the name of the priest is meditation in the mouth. Everyone in Jiuyuan believes that the name of the priest adults can ward off evil spirits. And can bring blessings and luck to yourself.

The people of Wucheng were shocked and stunned. They were not the witches of other savage tribes who sacrificed their gods or performed some witchcraft, but they never saw such a beautiful dance of sacrifice.

There were obvious envy and jealousy on Lu’s face and eyes. “The cursed witch actually passed the dance of the sacrifice to him.”

Chang Ge only felt good-looking and nice. He distractedly looked at the busy Ma Xian and whispered to Lu Wei: "Is the little priest already breaking the curse of Ma Xianshen?"

Lv Wei’s eyes swept through two people intricately. “I never knew that the dance of the sacrifice could break the curse, but look at the way the horse first waited, maybe... broken!”

The accident happened at this moment!

"Eat it! Eat it!" The spirit of Jiuyuan Mountain was allowed to be strictly allowed. Their tastes were not picked. The blood of the priests who could communicate with them, they liked it. This dark ugly guy smells strange. A little bit, but also full of energy, they are equally acceptable.

The black fog horrified at a lot of light spots rushing toward it, and it wanted to struggle to escape to Ma Xian, but the light spots tied it tightly.

Fortunately, Ma Xian was helping out, and his hiding puppet was there. He got an external force and actually struggled with it and fled to Ma Xian.

"It's going to run, grab it!"

The black fog plunged into the puppet, and the light rushed in.

Ma Xian felt that he was out of control of the curse, and he wanted to increase his strength. As soon as he felt his heart, he even bite his tongue and sprayed a blood on the puppet.

"Ah, ah--!" Ma Xiangang screamed with screams after the blood was sprayed.

The puppet in his hand suddenly burst, and Ma Xian actually followed his heart and fell.

The curse of death, Ma Xian did not curse others, the curse reversed, Ma Xian was first cursed by himself.

Curse Wuhe laughs: The curse is so cruel, not enough people don't play curses.

At the same time, the dance of the sacred sacrifice ended.

He expressed his gratitude to the spirit of Jiuyuan Mountain with his final movement.

The spirit of Jiuyuan Mountain only feels that today's game is very fun, and it is a few laps around it. This is slowly reluctantly spread out.

Ding Ning lying on the ground opened his eyes and sat up from the ground.

"Brother!" Ding Fei rushed over with tears and hugged his brother.

He looked up to the opposite Wucheng messenger. He didn't look at Ma Xian, because he knew what kind of end he would get. "The ambassadors, are I Jiuyuan now a pass?"

What about customs clearance? Lv Wei stood up from the ground bitterly. He had already confirmed that Ma Xianshen had died and could not die any more. The blood he spurted later brought black internal organs.

The four soldiers were calm.

In the end, the long warrior Chang Ge said: "When are you going to follow us? At the latest, you can't exceed tomorrow night, you can only bring up to ten people."