Banished to Another World

Chapter 6: Times 6

When the squirrel was not easily used to peel off a large voles, it was near evening, and the sunset glowed in the west and the sky was gorgeous red.

Many people have already done a good job or are doing dinner, and a strong barbecue smell can't keep going into the harsh nose.

I swallowed a few mouthfuls of water in a row, and Cao-cho, who was diligent in the hands and feet, had already baked the meat. When the owner came out to eat, he came over to help the other voles.

"Have you been hungry for a long time? I don't think you have any strength." Caomachi screwed the neck of the large voles, and used a stone knife to draw a circle around the bleeding hole, cutting off the muscles connected by the flesh, etc. Pulling the leather down to the next.

The whole field mouse skin was so torn off.

The manpower here seems to be not small. Look at your hands with sternness. Is he because he is hungry because he is hungry? 90% is.

Strictly embarrassed to let Caomachi help him do all the things, pick up the stone knife to open the laparotomy of the skinned voles, this is the cost of his predecessor's life, changed his body, although there is a strange feeling, but the basic skills are there.

The first voles were slow to handle the internal organs, and they were much skilled when they were the second.

When Caomachi was discovered, he had evenly distributed a voles to the corpse.

“Without mashing, it’s most convenient for such a small prairie rat to roast.”

Strictly stop, he is habitually planning to cut the meat into pieces and plan to braise or stir-fry, but forget that there is no concept of braised and fried.

Caomachi helped to cut another complete prairie rat, smeared coarse salt and placed it on the fire pit.

"The mashed can only be used for cooking. The next time you remember, the meat is best not to cook, our salt will be bitter when put in the water, and there will be no bitterness when it is roasted with fire." Caomachi sighed. When you are not strict, you can't cook. The disciples of the priest may not need to cook for himself?

"Salt will be bitter because it contains other minerals. Just boil it and filter it several times. It will be much better." Strictly pointed out.

Caomachi looked at him strangely. "How many times do you cook? How much waste? Do you know how valuable salt, water, and burning grass are? Isn't the salt mountain family so wasteful, the original warrior is good, let you use it. There is no salt, water, or burning grass. If you change other adults, you will be hungry for a few times without being beaten."

It turns out that people here don't know how to get better salt, but they are not willing? No wonder he taught the knowledge, but the exile guide didn't respond.

Also, even in the 21st century, the people in many poor places in China still live an extremely primitive life. They do not know how to live better, but only suffer from no conditions.

Strict and thick, and did not blush.

If the guideline on geography and hydrology can be used now, this climate and environment may find natural salt ponds and salt lakes nearby. The temperature here is so high, the sun is so strong during the day, and the cooking of salt is not complete. It is possible to carry out the salt-salting method, and the method of drying the salt itself is much more environmentally friendly and economical than the method of boiling salt.

It can be thought of before the **** value of others has dropped to 100 million.

Strictly, I wanted to make the pieces of rat meat that were cut into pieces into kebabs, but found that there was no suitable sign and I could only give up.

The original battle came back with a large tank full of water. He saw that he was going to cook the meat, put down the water tank, and kicked him. "The meat is not allowed to be cooked in the future. There is not so much water for you."

Caomachi did not dare to say a word, bowed and left.

Suddenly and silently endured, he has to completely change his own ideas. In such a ghost place where nothing is missing, instead of thinking about making life better, think about how to live longer.

In the original battle, one person ate one and a half of the prairie rat meat, leaving half a pot of boiled meat to be strict.

Strictly felt that the original battle may not have enough, the half-pot of meat gave him a reluctant reluctance.

Strictly, it was almost a flutter. As soon as he got the consent of the original battle, he immediately climbed to the side of the stone pot and reached out to fish the meat that had cooled off.

He was hungry, even if he cooked white meat with salt water with a bitter taste, he ate the same meat as he had never seen, and even the broth was held up and dried.

It was dark, and the original battle carefully covered the fire pit.

Speaking with a stern finger, he asked: "Don't you keep the fire?"

"There is a fire pit in the family. There are slaves who look at it. After that, you remember to go up to the fire pit every morning to get the fire and go back to cook. When you sleep at night, the fire is extinguished."

“Why don’t you keep your fire?”

"How to stay? Let Chai Wo burn one night?" The original battle with your brain is not broken, contemptuous eyes to see the silence.

Strictly shut up again. He remembered that when he was a child, his grandparents burned the stove. In the evening, they used the mixed carbon to cover the fire in the furnace. They only took out a small fire eye and let the coal inside burn incompletely. The fire can be kept until the next morning.

But this method is obviously not suitable for this, and he is not proficient in this, and he has to study again.

It seems that it is much more difficult to reduce the scum value here than he imagined.

Strictly trying to erect the **** again, God was dragged into the tent by the original war.

Leaving the tight arm, the original war pointed to the corner of the pile of "garbage". "You will sleep here later, and those furs will be used by you."

There was no fire in the tent, black and lacquered, and it was only half a day to see something faintly.

In the original battle, he took a torch and came in, and inserted it into the ground at the stone table at the center of the tent.

Strictly clear that some small bugs on the ground quickly dissipated to the four sides, and then look at the dark corner, will he sleep with the worms in the future?

In the original battle, put down the curtain of the tent, cover it up, press the corner with the stone, turn around and look at the severely injured leg. "Take the broken leg with a wooden board, so that the broken bone should be displaced? This method is good, I have not seen us. Used by the priests, is the Salt Mountain priest teaching you?"

Slightly nodded and reached for a rotten fur... He swears that when he picks up the fur, absolutely no less than five worms fall out of the fur and climb.

The original battle went to the edge of his bed, untied the leather skirt and left it on the stone table, so he sat on the bed so slyly.

Strictly seeing the big shadow of the shadow, it is silent. Are the people here so well developed?

"What is your name?"


"how old are you?"


"I am three years younger than me, but I don't even have a class of fighters. You are useless." The original battle smashed the lower abdomen and spared no effort to crack down on his slaves: "I am a first-class fighter at the age of twelve, and I will rise at the age of fifteen. At the second level, if there is more training and fighting, I will soon become a third-level fighter. I will have two slaves by then, and the second slave will definitely pick one and pick a long one. It’s beautiful and well-born.”

The stern expression is a bit cracked. Was this guy who claimed to be his master turned out to be a minor? The original man was precocious, and he thought that this kid had already been twenty.

However, from his memory, the people here are precocious. The age of thirteen or fourteen is already the age at which a family can be held. Many people will even marry and have children at this age. For modern people, he is still a child. However, for the locals, he is already an adult, so at the age of seventeen, he is truly a full-fledged labor force here.

"Adult, if this is the case, why don't you accept a female slave at the beginning? Just like the original engraver in the next door." Yan Xiaoxiao stabbed his master. Then he endured the severe pain in his legs, pulled out a piece of rotten fur, shook it and laid it on the ground.

Strictly did not expect the original battle to answer him, did not expect the original war actually answered: "The female slave is expensive, and with the female slave will have children, I am afraid to raise."

After a while, the original war was sullen: "I don't want to eat my own children, and I don't want to give my children to others."

Suddenly the hand slammed, the tribe arrived in the winter, the living environment would be so harsh? Not only eat slaves, but also eat their own children who are not living in the tribe?

This kind of situation is completely absent from the Yanshan people. Although the Yanshan people also have the custom of eating people, because it is rich in salt mines, winter is not too difficult. In the memory of the fourteen years of the boy, the Yanshan people have not eaten a person. . Probably because of this, his people would rather abandon him and not treat him as food.

"But if I rise to a third-level fighter, I can support my child." The original battle lay down, and the tone turned cold: "It is my turn to go hunting tomorrow, the shortest five days, the longest ten days, there is not much food in the house. I will talk to the original sculpture, let Caomachi take care of you, eat less, and when I come back, I will return your ration to the original carving. I am not here, you should not run around, you have not stabbed my mark on your body. Being caught, trouble!"

"Yes, adults."

Not long after, there was a slight snoring in the original battle. He was physically exhausted during the day and fell asleep at night.

Suddenly, the light was turned on, and a bed was barely spread out. He struggled with his arms and moved himself to the bed with a few pieces of broken fur.

Although these shredded furs have a terrible smell, it is not comfortable to poke the skin, but it is better than sleeping on the cold ground.

There are a lot of broken fur, but not big, and the stacking time is long, the mold is a lot worse, and it takes a long time to find a piece that barely covers the stomach.

Lying on the bed, sighed with a sigh of relief, finally got a good night's sleep.

Once quiet, the surrounding sounds are magnified, but a layer of fur tents can't stop the sound.

There is no entertainment at night, what can every family eat after dinner?

Listen carefully to the original pieces of music that are completely undisguised, and slowly close your eyes.

The physical and psychological double fatigue makes the stern and quickly forget the harsh environment and quickly fall asleep. Even if he was hurt in his dreams, he was not willing to wake up.

As the night darkens, the temperature also drops a little.

The climate here is really similar to that of the desert. It is hot to die during the day and cold to death at night.

In addition to the injured leg that can not be distorted, the cold is shrunk into a ball, holding both hands tightly against the cold and pain.


"Ah-!" Suddenly, a sudden scream was made, and the whole person was awed by the pain.

The original battle in his sleep was awakened, cursing and opening his eyes, and got up and walked to the side of sternness, kneeling down, grabbing his hair and angering: "What is it called?"

Strictly holding his injured leg, his face was full of sweat.

He even forgot the punishment that the guide said, that **** the pain of fire!

Just now, in his sleep, he dreamed that the old priest was holding a burning wooden stick and branding his injured leg!

The dream is fake, but the pain of fire is true.

The original war looked like him, frowning asked: "Wound pain?"

The sense of sternness is a bit sham, no answer.

"Trouble." The original war left him, removed the stone that pressed the curtain, walked out of the tent, took a scoop of water back, lifted his head, and sent a scoop to his mouth, "Drink!"

The strictness of sweating is indeed thirsty to the extreme. Just holding the hand of the original battle, holding the scoop, I sighed and drank.

"Continue to sleep, no more screaming, or I will block your mouth."

The original battle was packed, and a piece of sturdy fur that was hung on the wall was thrown, and it was thrown into the stern body. If nothing was said, go back and lie down and continue to sleep.

Slightly and slowly, he reached out and hugged the fur that covered his entire body and covered it.

The pain of broken bones, coupled with the pain left by the pain of burning, was very uncomfortable in the middle of the night, and he did not even know that he had made a low snoring.

The young and fierce original battle was stunned by the screams of his own slaves. After swearing a swearing word, I turned my body and started to be self-reliant.

I woke up in the morning and smelled the special smell that had not been exhausted in the tent. The mouth was pumping, and I was seventeen years old... Is it just the age of a tree hole?