Bank of The Universe

v1 Chapter 214: I am your grandfather! (Seven)

Big fat monk hates the sky!

His golden body!

The Buddha's golden body has been gathered for three thousand years!

It was actually broken by a person's fairyland with fists!

Three thousand years of hard work turned to ashes!

The fat monk has the heart to kill!

He stared at Tianguangming violently, with a fierce look, making Tianguangming laugh out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" The fat monk was imposing and screamed angrily, without the ridiculous mentality that he had just now.

He just looked down on Tianguangming just now. He didn't shoot in the early stage. He wanted to play with Tianguangming, but who thought that Tianguangming was so violent, it broke out in the back and pressed him down.


When the fat monk thought of the last punch, the terrifying power had already crossed the legendary realm. If he did not resist, he would definitely be seriously injured.

Instead of losing the Buddha’s body, he spit blood.

"I'm laughing at you, where there is a little bit of Buddha's compassion now, it's completely that the **** demon came to the world, the devil is the Buddha, the Buddha is the demon, and the Dalin Temple is the place to hide dirt and dirt, feeding you a group of demons! "Tianguang Ming slowly got up and sneered."

He now has no real Qi in his body, empty, just a hundred and eight punches just consumed all his Qi.

"Are you really not afraid of death, you are gone, and dare to be so rampant in front of me?" The fat monk said coldly, stepping over step by step, he was going to tear Tian Guangming's mouth apart.

This mouth is the most annoying thing of a fat monk in the last hundred years!

The last most annoying thing was shattered by him, the bones were gone, and now he was going to tear Tian Guangming's mouth.

"Fat fat man, forget to tell you something." Tian Guangming said suddenly.

"What?" The fat monk was stunned, immediately angry, staring at Tianguangming, and dare to call him a fat man?

"You're going to die!" The fat monk was furious, originally step by step, now striding meteor, two or three steps will come to the front of Tianguangming, the big hand grabs Tianguangming's head.


But at this time, the body of Tianguang was abruptly burst into a fiery awn, shooting into the sky dome and guiding the sun to land.

This divine mankind enters the sea like a mud cow, then enters the sky dome, and then guides the sun to land on the grassland, and instantly submerges the earth.


The fat monk just wanted to catch the light of the sky, but was shocked by the infinite sunlight, staring in disbelief.

"You are obviously exhausted!" The fat monk only felt that his previous experience was not enough. You are exhausted, can you be so powerful?

Under the endless sunlight, Tianguang's body stood upright, his jacket burst, his muscles were clearly visible, he looked at the fat monk, and suddenly smiled, said: "I said, forget to tell you something!"

"What?" The fat monk looked at Tianguangming in exasperation, and he had a bad hunch.

"I said... today, at this time, I am God's favorite cub!" Tianguang Ming screamed, swallowing the sun, and the infinite sunlight poured into his body.

The sky starts to break through!


This momentum is very huge, just like a rising sun, slowly becoming fierce and fiery...

In Tianguangming's body, there is also a big day for the human body, rising from Dantian to the heart, and to the mind.


The sky was rumbling in the body of the sky, as if there was a boundless sea, a round of big sun shining on the sea surface, saw the vitality, saw the vigorous, saw the infinite hope...


Outside, the sky's bright momentum suddenly soared, like the blazing sun in the sky, reaching its peak, and the endless breath came out.

In the ancient city, people were hiding, empty, these two big brothers are fighting, mortals can't afford it.

Tian Guangming looked at the fat monk, grinning, and said: "Now I am standing in the same realm with you, will you be my opponent?"

The fat monk knows that it is broken, Tianguangming has even made a breakthrough, and the peak of the human fairy is so powerful. Is it even more powerful to break through the legendary realm?

"We will have a time in the future..." The fat monk immediately wanted to slip away.

"Stop me!!!" Tianguang Ming roared and reverberated in the void, the next second an infinite flame appeared in Tianguang's body, burning his body.


The flesh was burnt clean, revealing a jade-like skeleton.

Tian Guangming stepped out, and flesh grew instantly on his feet.

In the second step, one leg was covered with flesh and blood.

third step……

the fourth step……

the fifth step……

Tian Guangming took nine steps, and the whole person was completely reborn.

It was the rebirth of the fire, all the clothes were burned, the body was sparkling, full of mysterious power.

Tian Guangming stood in front of the fat monk, and transformed into a sunlight armor, covering his majestic male body, coldly said: "Now, I can kill you with one punch!"

Breaking through the legendary realm, like ascending to the heavenly road, once you successfully cross that step, wait for the difference.

Tianguang Mingneng injured the fat monk in the realm of human fairy, and now can even crush the fat monk.


The light of the sky is like a flame, covering it at once, staring at the fat makes the fat monk very stressed.

"To die, die together, don't want to humiliate me!" The fat monk couldn't accept the pressure. He couldn't breathe and yelled, he was desperate to fight with Tianguangming.


Tian Guangming gave him a punch without saying anything.

The punch hit the fat monk's chest.

It was incomparable to the time when there was no breakthrough. Tianguangming, the first fist before, was directly bounced, but now, after this fist, the fat monk's chest collapsed instantly.


I don't know if it's a single sound or countless sounds, the explosion sound seems to be continuous, one after another, one after another. But it seemed to be heard again, but it lasted a little longer.

The bones were all broken and there was no resistance.


The fat monk vomited blood, mixed with internal organs, and looked desperately at the sky.

This gap is too great.

Before he broke through, he could spit blood!

After the breakthrough, a punch, just a punch, solved him.

"You...don't...happy...too early..." the fat monk said intermittently, vomiting blood while talking.

Tian Guangming said indifferently: "Someone else will kill me?"

"Dalin Temple is something you can't afford, and you will pay for it." The fat monk seemed to return to the light and said something clear.

"The forces behind me are also something you can't afford." Tian Guangming smiled confidently and said.

"I have informed other people that they are surrounding them and you can't run away." The fat monk vomited blood.

"Okay, come one. Your grandfather Tianguangming killed one, all sent to chat with my good grandson, okay?" Tianguangming asked.

"You bitch, don't die well..." The fat monk's breath of old blood spurted out, and he was taken advantage of by Tianguangming before he died. He became the grandson of Tianguangming for nothing.

He is not reconciled! ! !