Bank of The Universe

v2 Chapter 686: Taixuan for help!

Li Xiandao is madly absorbing energy in the sky.

With his breakthrough, the energy in the sky has diminished at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Three days later, Li Xiandao walked out of the sky. His slender figure, his eyes like a torch, looked at the sky. The bright and magnificent galaxy was suspended above his head. It was very beautiful and people couldn't bear to look away.

Li Xiandao ignored these beautiful sceneries. He was the meeting point of the heavenly spirit fluid after seeing countless beautiful sceneries.

World Avenue!

Part of the origin of the fairy world is here.

So Xian Ting has been controlling the Milky Way and not letting others get involved, which is equivalent to controlling a huge wealth.

"Unfortunately, I still don't have the ability to fight against the entire fairy world, otherwise I will move the Galaxy to the Tiandi Qianzhuang." Lin Jiufeng shook his head regretfully.

If someone hears him, he must be surprised. This is simply a delusion, even trying to move the Galaxy.

However, Li Xiandao knew that if he broke through once, this would not be a delusion.

"For the time being, I haven't seen it. The Soul of the Sky has been absorbed. It's time to leave. There is nothing worth commemorating in Xianting." Li Xiandao turned and left the realm of the sky. The liquid also lost some color and became less beautiful.

Outside the sky, the three brothers did not close their eyes this month, and kept staring all around, very alert.

At this time, Li Xiandao stepped out.

"Master Qianzhuang, have you absorbed it?" the boss asked in surprise.

"This is a few days away from a month." The second child also looked at Li Xiandao in surprise.

"Master Qianzhuang, cattle criticism!" The youngest man was straightforward and gave his thumbs up.

Li Xiandao said calmly: "I have absorbed the firmament spirit liquid here, and I will soon be discovered that you can leave now. The farther you go, the better. Our contract is over."

Li Xiandao took out the contract, in front of the three brothers, burned it directly, turned into flying smoke, landed in the air, disappeared without a trace.

The three brothers watched in surprise.

"A big rock in my heart finally landed." The boss said with emotion.

"Our brothers did not ask for any great skills in their lives. They should have been busy and inaction. They could not touch the realm of the fairy in their lifetime, but by chance, they entered the heaven and earth and became an ancestor. It is also a glorious door. The expression is complicated.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, I want to go home, I'm homesick." The youngest man's eyes were red and red.

As soon as this remark came out, both the boss and the second son were excited.

"Master Qianzhuang, our brother left, the mountains and rivers are far away, so don't pass it." The boss clenched his fists.

"Master Qianzhuang, bye." The second child also said seriously.

"Master Qianzhuang, goodbye."

Li Xiandao showed a smile and clenched his fists: "I hope you can go back and live a good life, don't be found by the people of Xianting, and hide it strictly."

All three brothers smiled, and they still had confidence in this.

Hell is different from Immortal World. The power of Immortal Court in Hell is about zero, and the tentacles cannot reach.

"Let's go back to add soil to the father's grave, the unfilial son finally wants to go back." The boss said with emotion, turned and left.

The second and third immediately followed, disappearing in Li Xiandao's eyes.

"It's chic," Li Xiandao said with emotion.

He can abandon his business in Xianting for more than 10,000 years, return to his hometown, and conclude the contract with Tiandi Qianzhuang. He is a trustworthy person.

Li Xiandao gave them a high glance, which was better than 90% of ordinary people.

Keeping his promises, he is very accurate in seeing himself, without much ambition, knowing that he can only sway in the realm of ancestral fairy in his life.

Get Fenghuo Jindan, become an ancestor, and then guard the sky spirit liquid for ten thousand years, none of their three brothers have broken through the ancestral realm, which is enough to prove that their talents stop here. Can't break through.

The gap between people is inherently determined.

"I should go too." Li Xiandao raised his head, and finally looked at the Milky Way. He must move this thing to Tiandi Qianzhuang for Xiao Qi to see.


Li Xiandao's departure is to leave the sky, not to leave the fairy court.

He came to the Twelfth Chongtian, where he found the ancient fairy, and then saw the moon angel and other people scraping the mansion of Gouchen Emperor, and everyone was full.

Tian Guangming came out with a satisfied face and said, "I have searched the mansion of Gou Chen the last few days. Finding treasures makes me feel hard. There are too many treasures."

His storage fairy space is full.

"Each of us has gained a lot, enough to go back and make a business trip." Moon Angel was also very satisfied.

Zhu Yunlin didn't take any treasures. He took care of his daughter, and he has been cultivating feelings for the past few days, so that women can get close to themselves.

A group of people talked and laughed, very satisfied, and then urged by Taiko Fairy to leave here.

Throughout, they did not see Li Xiandao.

Even if Li Xiandao was beside them, they were only a foot apart, but Tianguangming still could not perceive it.

Even the moon angels in the celestial realm did not notice it.

Even when the light turned around and walked through Li Xiandao's body, Li Xiandao's body fluctuated like water, causing ripples, which were not found.

This is the strength of Li Xiandao now.

They form a world by themselves, although it is only one foot away, but the gap is separated by a world barrier.

Li Xiandao didn't call Tianguangming them, since all the treasures were taken out, and Zhu Yunlin's daughter was rescued, he didn't need to come out.

Li Xiandao stepped out in one step, rotating in time and space, moving from star to star, and he went directly out of Xian Ting and stood on the land of Zhongzhou.

"After entering the fairy world, it wasn't until now that it was standing firm in the fairy court." Li Xiandao felt comfortable.

No need to worry anymore, now he has enough confidence to start to expand the world bank. UU reading

Just when Li Xiandao was feeling emotion, suddenly a gaping call for help came.

"Senior, I was stopped by a big Luo Jinxian." Tai Xuan, he sent a distress signal.

As the reincarnation of Gouchen Emperor, he does not have the terrible power of Gouchen Emperor.

There is a realm of ancestral fairy on the bright surface, which may be able to kill enemies across the ranks.

Li Xiandao sent a message to Taixuan across the endless void: "What about your old ox?"

Before that old ox, Li Xiandao didn't see any clues, but now with his strength, it became clear instantly.

Old Huang Niu is to protect the reincarnation of Gou Chen Emperor, and he entered the nine heavens and ten earths with him, and slowly entered the fairy world.

The strength is very strong.

There is an old ox, Li Xiandao actually does not need to shoot.