Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1089: You can all be your own

"This is so hard..."

After watching halftime, many Knicks fans expressed some disappointment, not all because of the ten points behind, but mainly because the Knicks were completely suppressed by the Thunder.

Of course, many people will think this is nonsense, and they are more than ten points behind. Isn't it just being suppressed, how can they lose so much without being suppressed?

Don't be ridiculous, you fans!

However, this is really not the same, it is also a loss, and the regretful defeat of exhausting the last bullet is completely different from the disastrous defeat of Huli Hutu who has no resistance.

What I'm talking about here is that the Knicks didn't play their spirit at all. In the last round against the Heat, the Big Four were aggressive and rushed every time, but the Knicks have always been better, whether it is mental state or scene, All impeccable.

But this time, the Knicks are like eggplants beaten by frost, and it feels so bad.

On the contrary, the Thunder changed a team tonight. The whole team felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

In fact, do you think the Thunder has any special tactics? No, it's just passion, passion, and work!

Durant had 17 points in the half, Westbrook had 12 points, 5 assists and 3 steals, Harden had 5 points and 7 assists, and Yin Baka scored 8 points, even shooting 100% from the field!

The overall feeling of the Knicks is that they are not awake.

Most commentators and fans believe that the poor state of the left side is the main reason for the Knicks falling behind at halftime.

In the half, Li Li made 6 of 14 shots and 5 of 6 free throws. He scored 17 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 block, and his shooting percentage was 42.8%.

This statistic is actually not bad. Considering the defense that Zuo Li faced in the second quarter, it feels a bit good.

But the outside world's expectations for Zuo Li are too high, so I feel that 17 points in the half is an average performance, and the shooting rate is less than 50%.

Not only that, but the Knicks also rely heavily on Zuo Li's performance. If Zuo Li can't play, others seem to be unable to play.

So in the halftime, not only did the left side play averagely, but the others also played averagely.

Battier, who used a three-pointer to kill the Mavericks in the last game, even made 0 of 3 shots at halftime.

The overall Knicks shooting rate is only about 39%, and there are 11 turnovers.

No wonder Barkley said after seeing it: "The Knicks seem to be hungover."

Kenny Smith: "It feels like it's time for the Knicks to wake up."

O'Neill: "Didn't they go to do something last night?"

Zuo Li: "Nonsense, it's just that he didn't wake up!"

Back in the locker room, Zuo Li rubbed his face. It’s not difficult to understand his performance in the first half. The Thunder should thank the fans for their dedication. This is a big victory outside the game. It’s hard to imagine that Zuo Li will have a day. .

Zuo Li tried his best in the first half, not only finding ways to improve efficiency, but also trying to save energy.

This halftime left stand only played 16 minutes, a new low since the Eastern Conference semifinals.

But even so, through this halftime, Zuo Li also found that his state is not very good tonight, and this is not a state that can be changed by thinking of a way.

This is also easy to understand. Every player will encounter poor nights, even if you are Michael Jordan, there will be no exception. Although Zuo Li is considered to be the player with the best state, it is impossible to completely avoid it.

Tonight, just so happens to be this time.

So when he got off the field, Zuo Li understood that if he relied on himself alone, it would be difficult to make a comeback tonight.

Even if his state explodes, if the Thunder maintains the state in the first half, it will not be easy for the Knicks to come back. can the Knicks come back...

Zuo Li looked at his teammates in the locker room and fell into deep thought...



give up?

Call back next time?



The Japanese surrendered!

Surrender is not in Zuo Li's dictionary, although this proposal seems reasonable, leading 2-0, the state is not good, there is no problem in maintaining the state and going all out to play G4.

But that's just what it looks like.

After all, who knows what the fourth game will be like. If the fourth game is not good, should they continue to play, let it go, and just give him the championship directly!

So even if you want to lose, you have to do your best, this is beyond doubt.

The only problem is how to spell it.

After looking around, Zuo Li had a plan, so he got up to find De Shuai.

"Deshuai, I'm not in good shape tonight."

"Don't worry, Zuo Li, it's okay, everyone has such moments, you don't need to care about it, you have performed very well..."

"That's not what it means, coach. I'm fine, and my mentality is not blown. I mean, in the second half, we need different tactics." Zuo Li stopped the German coach from continuing to pour chicken soup. To be honest, Zuo Li will not It is Zuo Li's character to feel sad after one or two setbacks. When encountering problems, solving them is Zuo Li's character.


"In the first half, everyone was making the ball for me. I ended up with a lot of the ball, but my efficiency was not high, which also affected everyone's self-confidence."

"In the second I can't guarantee that my hand feeling will return. To be honest, I can already feel my thighs shaking."

"So, in reverse, I will handle the ball, and everyone will finish it!"

This is what Zuo Li came up with.

In fact, the Knicks have a lot of finishing masters, Curry, Randolph, David Lee, Ke Liu, Danny Green, and the substitute Klay Thompson, who is not seen much in training, each of them has a good finishing ability .

It's just that in the Knicks, they are used to playing around Zuo Li, and let Zuo Li come to fly.

But that doesn't mean they can't score.

So tonight, since Zuo Li can't take the lead, let's just let the finishing power go, he won't attack, let his teammates come!

"This way... that's okay." D'Antoni thought for a while. Originally, the German coach was going to let Zuo Li continue to play in the second half. Not to mention winning the championship.

But since Zuo Li was so frank and told himself that his condition was not good enough, it would be fine to just let others beat him a dozen more times.

So D'Antoni arranged tactics. Curry, Randolph and others were assigned a lot of offensive tasks, while Zuo Li and Shane Battier, who was also in poor form tonight, were assigned defensive and other chores.

No one has any objections, it's just that the person who was entrusted with the important task was a little flustered.

Especially Curry, who was arranged by the German coach to become the Knicks' main attack point.

"Relax, you can be your own, Westbrook? He is not as good as you." Zuo Li patted Curry on the shoulder and said.

In the past two years, Curry and the Warriors have been behind him. This time, he needs to stand in front of the team and carry the team.

"It's not just Stephen, each of you can be your own, relax guys, use your strengths, your abilities are stronger than you think!"