Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1243: Blessings never come alone, misfortunes

Chapter 1244: Good fortune never comes alone, but misfortune never comes alone

An injury that was completely unexpected before the game changed the taste of this victory. Compared with Klay Thompson's situation, the victory of a small game became a bit insignificant.

After the game, Clay was immediately sent to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. The Knicks management also immediately made an appointment with the best experts in the United States to diagnose Clay overnight.

Fortunately, Klay Thompson's ankle ligaments were only slightly damaged and not ruptured, which means he does not need surgery.

But any injury related to ligaments is not a trivial matter. Three months of recovery time means that Klay Thompson will not be able to return until after the All-Star Game at the earliest.

This poses a big challenge to the Knicks' rotation at the second and third positions.

Fortunately, the Knicks have a deep bench, Danny Green is enough to shoulder the responsibility of starting, and there is also veteran Vince Carter, so there is no big problem in the short term.

Klay Thompson also seemed very optimistic. On the hospital bed, he was still in the mood to joke with everyone. He also said to Carter: "Vince, the boss said before that you have to take on more responsibilities. I didn't expect that I can't do it without you now."

"Have a good rest, we'll wait for you to come back." Carter shrugged. This was not the situation he hoped for, but he would work hard to fulfill the coach's request.

Zuo Li on the side was thoughtful.

In his memory, until he time traveled, Klay Thompson should not have suffered any serious injuries. He was even known for his endurance in the early stages of his career. From the time he entered the league, he did not suffer from an injury for the first time in November 2014. Absence.

Because of this attribute, Zuo Li has not allowed him to do any special training for injuries like Curry did after Clay joined.

However, I didn't expect that in this life, Curry would be fine, but Clay would be the first to suffer serious injuries.

The three-month training period is still a conservative estimate. If it doesn't go well, it may be reimbursed for the season.

Zuo Li is not worried about Klay Thompson's career and future performance. The first is that Klay is not made of glass. The second is that as long as it is handled properly, this thing will allow Klay Thompson to continue to evolve.

Jordan and Kobe both suffered similar ankle injuries, especially Jordan, which was the only season reimbursement in his career, and Kobe was left with 2 points in the playoffs.

But after they recovered, they conducted targeted training. For example, Kobe even trained on the technique of landing after shooting in order to prevent his feet from being stepped on. This also made the two more confused.

Zuo Li was also ready to make arrangements for Clay, so he said: "Recover with peace of mind, this time we have to remember. The more powerful we are, the more others will want to defeat us. When they cannot achieve their goals through normal channels, , going to extremes is inevitable.”

The suspension of the player who stepped on Klay this time is a sure thing. Before coming, the Knicks had received internal information from the league. It is said that Stern was very angry and said that he would severely crack down on this kind of bad behavior that cannot be beaten.

But to make up for sheep has been lost, so it is wise to be wise.

"The same goes for you, remember this. Protecting yourself is the most important thing at all times. We are athletes and we rely on our bodies for food."

Zuo Li said to the other players who came to the ward.

"Yes, boss!"

Others also understood Zuo Li's good intentions and naturally nodded in agreement.

However, sometimes, accidents always follow, and they will not change just because you pay attention.

On December 8th and 9th, the Knicks will usher in their first back-to-back schedule this month, challenging the Magic and Celtics at home respectively.

Two seasons ago, this would have been a devilish schedule, but if it were now, it would be a welfare state.

Needless to say, the Magic have not yet recovered from the loss of Howard, while the Celtics have just disbanded the Big Three, leaving only Pierce and Rondo struggling to support themselves, with a current winning rate of only 30%.

In these two games, D'Antoni also adopted rotation tactics in order to reduce the risk of injury.