Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 323: Beauty Kamochi

"Hourichet!" Buckley jumped up directly: "Zuo Li is like walking in the air!"

Ross directly threw the towel in his hand, forgetting the grief of losing to Zuo Li just now, and rushed into the court to celebrate with Zuo Li hitting his chest, O'Neal held his head, Duncan's eyes widened, and he didn't forget to pull Parker beside him told him not to get excited.

Wade also jumped up excitedly, rushed over and gave Zuo Li a high five and shouted, "That's it, that's it, an!"

Kobe opened his mouth wide and pointed to the big screen above his head, as if to say, "Watch the replay, guys!"

The five judges at the scene raised the scoreboard without waiting for the playback.

The 10 points of the swipe together gave Zuo Li his first full-point dunk tonight!

With the advent of slow-motion replays, the fans in the audience raised their 10-point signs one after another, and even O'Neal funny stacked two ten-points together to form a 100-point appearance.

I saw Zuoli on the big screen soaring into the air, the camera zoomed in, Zuoli's foot clearly appeared one step away from the free throw line, this distance can be called the longest dunk in the history of the NBA slam dunk contest.

And the posture in the air is also impeccable, stretched, elegant, and agile, which is similar to Michael's button at the beginning.

The most amazing thing is that when Zuo Li finally smashed the ball into the goal frame, he added elements of violent aesthetics to the style of this dunk.

"50 points! The first full score was born! There is no problem! The atmosphere at the scene was finally ignited. I can no longer hear other sounds in my headphones. The roar of the fans is too shocking" Yu Jia shouted excitedly .

"It must be, it must be, it can't be another score, the judges didn't make mistakes, this dunk is too difficult, don't look at Zuo Li, there is no extra action, but this is the road to simplicity, it is impossible for ordinary people to fly this far Yes, Zuo Li is in perfect control, his body is elegant, and he looks so good-looking, and he is not at the same level as the first two people." Instructor Zhang also raised his voice.

"Now the pressure is on Howard's side, it depends on how he buckles." Yu Jia said.

Nate Robinson and Fernandez on the sidelines looked at each other, Zuoli's dunk is not about martial arts!

Not to mention jumping from the free-throw line, not talking about being so high in the air beyond the basket, and still controlling their bodies so well, the two of them asked themselves, even if they practiced a hundred times, they couldn’t do it, their bodies wouldn’t allow it.

And Howard is under the most pressure, because this dunk is obviously enough to threaten his title defense, and he also has to take out the bottom of the box, otherwise it is very likely that he will not be able to enter the final.

So Howard, who played in the fourth game, chose the technique that Iguodala had used. He first walked behind the backboard, then threw the ball high over the backboard, then caught the ball and dunked and dunked across the backboard.

The result may have been too much pressure, the first time the ball didn't get to a reasonable position, the second time it didn't work, until the fourth time, he tossed the ball on the left side of the backboard, and after flying over the backboard, the ball bounced on the floor , Howard received the ball on the right in front of the hoop and made a big windmill dunk.

In the memory of this action, Howard got a full score, but Zuo Lizhuyu was in front, this time Howard scored only 48 points.

Howard's expression is not very good-looking, but he also has to admit that the success rate of this move is too low, and the comparison with Zuo Li is indeed a chess move.

At the beginning of the second round, Fernandez, who scored the lowest in the first round, started first. He chose to cooperate with his Spanish teammate Pau Gasol. Gasol passed the ball behind the basket and smashed the ball to the right behind the rebound. Fernandez started from the bottom line on the right wing. Cut in, received the ball under the basket on the right side of the backboard, then glide to the left side of the ring, turned and dunked, but unfortunately, until two minutes were used up, after nearly 10 dunks, he couldn't finish.

In the end, Fernandez regretted leaving, and he also bid farewell to this slam dunk contest in advance, but he himself did not regret it and hurried back to find a place to stand.

Nate Robinson then came on the court. He was the one with the most pressure. As the third place, he was 2 points behind Howard, who was second. He had to come up with a 50-point move. Action taken out.

After I saw a dance, a hot bunny girl put on a cape, which was Howard's Superman cape last year!

Nate asked Howard to wear the cape of Superman, went to the sidelines to take out a green ball, and tore a piece of it, which was also impressively green.

"Superman is afraid of Kryptonians! Robinson actually put this button on now." Zuo Li also stood up and watched the scene on the field.

The button in memory was Nate's last button in the finals. Dressed in Kryptonian, he leapt over Howard dressed as Superman, making last year's slam dunk contest and this year's dunk contest a perfect series.

Although he pressed his shoulders to take advantage of the leap, he had to admit that it was a very good idea. With this dunk, he won the slam dunk king while the overall difficulty was not dominant.

But now, it may be that Zuo Li put too much pressure on him to take out this dunk in advance.

As in memory, Howard stood under the basket wearing a cape, and saw Robinson take off from the 3-point line after running, and then press Howard's shoulder to help him take off, successfully leaping Howard and dunking the ball.

The fans at the scene also applauded for Nate also stood in the center of the court and roared excitedly. The stars also cheered for the face bulging. Except for Howard, everyone was very happy...

The judges also gave full marks to the face, and Nate, who scored 96 points with two deductions, also put the pressure on the latter two.

But Zuo Li has no pressure!


It was Zuoli's turn again.

Fans, celebrities, and stars at the Phoenix scene all stood up.

The first deduction is enough to defy the sky, how will Zuoli's second deduction be deducted?

Zuo Li originally wanted to replicate the dunk of the uncrowned king, Gordon, but the scene was too enthusiastic, and with Nate's dunk, Zuo Li gave up the idea and decided to come up with a big move!

But what to do...

Zuo Li took the ball and glanced around the auditorium, and then he saw the twinkling eyes of Aomei and...the Olsen sisters!

"It's up to you!" Zuo Li had an idea in a blink of an eye, so he walked straight to the auditorium.

"Let's see, Zuo Li walked to the auditorium. Is he trying to take something or..." Zhang Guizheng was guessing when he saw Zuo Li walking out with two blond beauties in one hand.

"Hey! This is..." Director Zhang didn't know him, but Yu Jia did!

"Oh!~ This is the eldest sister of the famous American movie star Olson's sisters, as well as their family's younger sister, Elizabeth Olsen, who is said to be a very good friend and classmate of Zuo Li. Zuo Li is inviting the two of them. Help?! I'm really looking forward to what kind of dunk this is going to be!"

"No matter what dunk, Zuo Li is now the most envied guy on the court." Barkley said humorously.