Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 801: 1 accidentally became a model

Sloan resigned.

This became the biggest news in the nba and even the entire basketball world in January.

The departure of a handsome man is not only his own business, but also represents the end of an era.

Few people remember this period of history. In the two seasons of 1997-98, they fought against the Bulls to the death. The Jazz coach Sloan was a "natural bull" in his playing career.

When the Bulls established the team in 1966, Sloan was the first player they selected. Ten years later, Sloan, who retired due to injury, became the first Bulls star to retire his jersey.

And Sloan's coaching career also started with the Bulls. During the three seasons from 1979 to 1982, Sloan became the head coach of the Bulls. The Bulls star was fired just like that.

Later, Sloan moved to Utah, became a scout for the Jazz in 1983, and became an assistant coach in 1984. Two years later, the Bulls ushered in the second draft pick in their team history. This time the draft completely changed the Bulls. Even changed basketball.

Since then, the position of the Bulls has almost been equated with Michael Jordan.

And the subsequent story, we all know. Sloan, who took over the Utah Jazz in 1988, quickly showed his talent on the coaching bench. At that time, the Jazz was the sufferer of most western teams.

In that era, Sloan led the Iron Triangle composed of Malone, Stockton and Hornacek to dominate one side and made several Western Conference finals. In 1997 and 1998, he reached the finals twice, and his book strength is stronger than that of the Bulls.

But it's not the same, Jordan has the final say.

With Stockton retiring, Malone went to the Lakers to embrace O'Neal, and the Utah Iron Blood generation came to an end. It was a mighty team with 19 consecutive playoffs and a winning rate of 50%+ in multiple seasons.

It can only be said that good luck tricks people, the first coach of the Bulls to retire his jersey, and the two most likely championships in his life, were spoiled by a genius who is also the Bulls shooting guard.

Time and fate.

After that, Jordan finally retired, but the Jazz also embarked on reconstruction. After several years of troughs, a hurdle was placed in front of the Jazz again.

In the 2005 draft, when Chris Paul's statistics were significantly better than Deron's, Sloan resisted the crowd and firmly chose Deron.

This is the story that Chinese fans may be most familiar with next.

I don't know at this moment, if Sloan will regret his decision if he recalls that year. Probably not. After all, parents are the most selfless to their children. Sloan, who is like an old father who ruled the army with iron and blood, absolutely gave everything to Deron, and he was earnest.

Unfortunately, it is often their elderly parents who children find most annoying.

Before the child's wings are hardened, beating is kissing and scolding or love, and when his wings are full, he will break the casserole and ask the end!

This is the key to the detonation of this conflict.

"People, you only know how to cherish after you lose it." Zuo Li looked at the major websites that were almost filled with this news and shook his head.

This wave of Deron and Sloan can only be said to be a lose-lose.

No one knows the future story better than him. Sloan retired, and since then he has only asked about world affairs, but he is proud. Deron, who is about to enter the peak, was traded to the Nets. Then, as Sloan said, he began to frequently It's really a pity that he suffered injuries and has never recovered from it. He has slipped from an all-star point guard to no one cares about him.

However, Zuo Li did not sympathize. What happened to Delong can only be said that he could not recognize himself. The peak is only temporary. If you want to maintain the peak and achieve further success, you still need to do a lot.

What Zuo Li regrets more is Sloan. The old coach was inducted into the Hall of Fame as a coach in 2009, and his desire for a championship is palpable. However, this incident also means that he has no chance to touch that trophy again.

As a coach, Sloan is definitely not the most successful, but holding the whip for 23 years with nothing in his hands does not affect Sloan's greatness in the slightest.

So after learning that Sloan left the Jazz, Zuo Li also posted a post to express his respect for the old coach.

For Zuo Li, these were the guys he was most familiar with, and seeing them leave, he was still a little emotional.

However, at noon, Zuo Li sternly rejected Dolan's idea of ​​recruiting Deron on the phone. Although from the current point of view, Deron is an All-Star, Curry and Dragic are nothing.

But in the long run, Deron, who has no self-discipline and is extremely inflated, will hardly develop any more. There are still people in the Jazz who can take care of him. Once he leaves Utah, according to Deron's personality, he will definitely let himself go immediately. Can't stop.

Although Dragic's achievements are not as good as Deron's, he is also very self-disciplined, his career is long enough, and his peak is not bad, let alone Curry, who has a huge growth potential.

That... I'm not saying you're dumb, Nets, don't get me wrong.

You are doing poorly now because the management and the boss are not good people. If you change the boss, you know, it will definitely take off immediately!

Ahem, Zuo Li still doesn't know how miserable Boss Cai is...You are young and young...It is really outrageous to turn the team into an Arkham Asylum.

After paying tribute to Sloan, Zuo Li will let go of this matter. Is this a disaster for Rose and the Bulls? Some unreliable guys on the Internet have counted Sloan as "Zuo Lida retired coach" It's in the collection This is an insult to Zuo Li!

"No, I have to let Ross treat me to a meal!"

Zuo Li has always respected his coaches since he was a child. He never gets angry when he encounters conflicts. It's the behavior of a child.

Look at Lao Zhan, he can overwhelm the coach at any time, this is called ability.

Deron didn't see any effect other than playing himself into it.

Pick up the phone, edit the text message: "Owes me a meal. to Ross"

In a blink of an eye, Rose came back: "???"

Then add another: "The person who should treat you is you, a model general."

This time it was Zuo Li's turn: "???"

"What the hell, what a role model, what kind of general, what happened again." Zuo Li continued to surf the Internet speechlessly, sometimes he was really convinced by the old sixes in the nba, why don't you play well, you have to make some fools.

After looking around, Zuo Li understood.

It turns out that after this incident happened, some fans began to count the famous generals' discord incidents that occurred in the NBA in recent years, such as the Iverson and Larry Brown incidents that were also noisy back then.

After the statistics were finished, fans who felt unsatisfactory began to look for a model of the general's selfishness.

The most famous and most recognized are of course the Spurs Popovich and GDP, while Zuo Li and D'Antoni squeezed the core players and coaches of multiple teams, becoming a model of cooperation between generals and coaches in the eyes of fans.

Even ESPN came to join in the fun and said: "Without the perfect cooperation between Zuo Li and D'Antoni, the Knicks would not be able to complete the revival so quickly, and in the game, Zuo Li is often seen holding a tactical board to formulate tactics for his teammates. If there is no tolerance from the German coach, maybe it will be another good show for the Jazz."