Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1119: Super God of World War I

"It's great, the series dragged into the tiebreaker, we still have a chance to win this series."

"Everything is possible in the tiebreaker. Maybe we can beat the Heat and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals."

At this moment, the Wachovia Center Arena fell into jubilation.

The fans jumped and screamed, some were laughing, some were yelling, some were crying happily, and people were cheering and celebrating the hard-won victory.

Although just rewriting the big score to 3:3 and dragging the series into the tiebreaker, it does not mean that the 76ers will be able to pass this round of the series and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals, but it is enough to make the home fans happy.

Now that they can win the Heat in three games and get back in desperate situation and tie 3:3, can't they beat the Heat in the last game?

Jiang Xue also jumped up happily, and hugged a little girl named Lisa next to her. Vivian stood beside her, looking at the president as an innocent child, somewhat unacceptable. She looked on the court with her eyes falling on Surrounded by a group of 76ers players, Qin Hao finally didn't demote Qin Hao this time: "He is indeed very good."

On the court.

Lu Wei, Xiaoka, Nene, Speights, Mozkov, Iverson... a group of 76ers players, including Iguodala with his wrist hanging on his neck, all jumped on. , Encircled Qin Hao.

"Haha, Qin, we won and the score was tied."

"Qin, your supplementary deduction is really great."

"Qin, I love you so much, really..."

The crowd talked incoherently excitedly.

It took a long time for Qin Hao to break free from the crowd, and smiled: "It is not me alone who can win this game, but each of us, Xiaoka, Alan, Lu Wei... .." He read out the names of his teammates one by one, including Blakeins, who did not play today, and Iguodala, and did not miss it. "We are a team, and each of us has made our own efforts. Victory belongs to everyone."

"Victory belongs to everyone."

The crowd chanted.

But Qin Hao is undoubtedly a hero today. He made consecutive hits in the last few minutes, making three mid-range shots, one three-pointer, and the final dunks, which is worthless.

Today, Qin Hao scored 41 points, plus 6 rebounds, 11 assists, and hit a 40+10 stat, which is a magnificent mess.

When the cheers of the fans subsided, a huge voice rang out shortly afterwards, but this time the sound was consistent. Tens of thousands of fans shouted in unison: "mvp, mvp..."

For a time, the sound was thunderous, echoing in the arena and spreading far away.

The on-site cameraman pointed the camera at Qin Hao. Qin Hao raised his hand and waved to the fans in the audience, making the voice of "mvp" louder.


new York.

Seeing the TV screen, Qin Hao raised his hand to greet the audience, listening to the huge "mvp" call, Nash and Anthony couldn't help but shake their hearts.

After a while, Anthony exhaled and said, "This kid has grown up too fast. I remember when I first met him, he was a college player. How long has it been since he was so strong."

"Yes." Nash nodded and couldn't help but sigh, "This is only the second season, and Qin is already so strong. 41 points, 6 rebounds, and 11 assists. If I hadn't watched the game, I would have thought this. It’s LeBron’s stats. And, his performance at critical moments is really amazing. He is a born hero."

After finishing speaking, Nash suddenly laughed: "Now the series has become a 3:3 tie. It's really hard to say in the tiebreaker. Maybe the 76ers can really eliminate the Heat. It would be too interesting if it was that way."

"It's not that easy, right?" Anthony raised his brow and felt that it was not necessarily true.

After all, the 76ers can play this way with the Heat, dragging it to the tiebreak, which in itself has exceeded people's expectations, it is incredible.



Butler jumped up in excitement and exclaimed.

It took a long time for him to sit back on the sofa, happy for his good brother and full of envy in his heart. When can he do this too? Not to mention slashing 41+10, as long as you can make the playoffs, you can also experience the feeling of the playoffs. It's been two years, and I don't know what the playoffs are like.

"But." Butler touched his chin. "In the end, Qin made three CICs in a row. Is it luck or strength?"

As a good brother of Qin Hao, he also trained together last summer. Butler knew Qin Hao well and knew that Qin Hao's middle distance has been inferior to three-pointers. In the previous series, Qin Hao's middle distance has been unstable. There are good times and bad times. If only the middle distance is evaluated, the combined shooting percentage in a few games is less than 40%.

So Butler is a little curious, could it be luck, then this guy is a little too lucky, right? Why am I so unlucky?



It was a jubilant noon. Because of the time difference, it was night in the United States, but it was noon in China. The fans didn't even bother to eat and didn't mind. They were immersed in joy at this moment.

"Qin Hao is simply too strong."

"It's very hanging, too awesome. 41 points, 6 rebounds and 11 assists. This should refresh Qin Hao's personal scoring record in the playoffs, right?"

"I checked. 41 points are indeed Qin Hao's single-game scoring record in the playoffs. It's a pity that there are fewer rebounds. If it is a triple-double, it would be perfect. By the way, Qin Hao has been with Iverson since 2003. After scoring 55 points in a single game in the playoffs, the only player in the 76ers who scored 40+ points in a single game in the playoffs over the years."

The 76ers won the game and dragged the series into the tie-break, allowing Chinese fans to see hope again.

Moreover, Qin Hao's 41+6+11 data also shocked the Chinese fans and was full of pride, because what Qin Hao brought to them was unprecedented.

In fact, as a Chinese player, Qin Hao broke many records in this battle. Not only did he set his own record for scoring in a single playoff game, he was also the first Chinese player to score 40+ in the NBA playoffs. , The first Chinese player to get 40+10 in the nba playoffs...


Southern Province, Yunlong Team.

A group of players gathered together.

Although this is the offseason, how can they miss such a game? A group of people met to watch the game together. At this moment, one by one was admired or admired.

Jiang Feng and Wang Lei looked at each other, and they were speechless. There was nothing to say. Qin Hao was so fierce that he slashed 41+6+11 in the playoffs. There is nothing to say about it, it's so strong.

At this time, a group of Yunlong players treated Qin Hao as if they saw the heavens, and they all became Qin Hao's little brothers.

This game Qin Hao is a super god. After a game, he not only conquered countless fans, but also many players.