Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1368: Surprise not surprise, not surprise

Heat rest area.

A group of players have a solemn expression at the moment. The 9-point difference has become 2 points in an instant. The huge advantage is gone. This is the terrible three-pointer.

He made 3 of 4 shots and three three-pointers, one more unreasonable, which shocked the Heat's players and made their hearts tremble.

"Coach," Wade shouted, frowning.

"I know." Coach Spoelstra raised his hand.

Before seeing the 76ers play against the Eagles in the first round, Coach Spoelstra felt uneasy.

Now he finally found the source because of Qin Hao. Because of his three-pointers, the regular season is still crazy. He throws more than a dozen three-pointers in one game. In the last game of the regular season, he threw 28 three-pointers alone. , Such a lunatic arrived in the playoffs, but suddenly calmed down, averaging less than 8 three-pointers per game.

This is abnormal.

Coach Spoelstra didn't know that there is a saying in China called "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon", but he still keenly perceives something wrong, very wrong.

Just now when Qin Hao made the second three-pointer in this quarter, he felt it vaguely. When the third three-pointer hits, he still makes a strong shot against James. It is totally unreasonable, and he understands that Qin Hao It's not that you calm down in the playoffs, but you're hiding.

A madman is still a madman, just pretending to be a normal person!

"Let me stare Qin to death and watch his three-pointer." Coach Spoelstra took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and continued: "If necessary, you can double-team in advance to force him to split the ball. . Even if it is for other members of the 76ers to vote, he cannot be given a chance."



Several players enthusiastically promised.

In the previous three quarters, the Heat did not double-team Qin Hao, at most they helped defend, but last season, they double-teamed Qin Hao crazy, and even double-teamed in the first quarter.

This is because Qin Hao was the strong point of the 76ers last season, and the team would finish with double-teaming him. Others shouldn't be afraid.

But now there is more Butler, and Xiaoka has improved a lot compared to last season. In addition, the three people practice together every day and cooperate with each other. Once Qin Hao is double-teamed, it is equivalent to giving Butler and Xiaoka a chance.

That's why the Heat never doubled.

But at this time, I can't care about so much.

at the same time.

On the 76ers side, coach Luke nodded to Qin Hao with a smile on his face, and said: "Next, the opponent will definitely further strengthen Qin's defense, especially the three-pointer. So we must give him more cover and Pick-and-roll, the tactics should not be too simple, it is easy to be seen through by the opponent."


"This is very important. We must protect the rebounds." As he said, Coach Luke suddenly frowned and hesitated. To protect the rebounds, Speights is more effective on top, but Speights is on top, then Butler , Xiaoka, Iguodala, one of these three people must not be able to go.

In the end, coach Luke decided to change, replacing Speights with Butler, and still came up with a "big and four small" lineup.

Because the other party will definitely target Qin Hao later, and will probably double-team directly.

At this time, other people need to stand up and score, so the combination of Butler + small card + Iguodala is still needed.

"All right."

After some arrangement, coach Luke clapped his hands: "Boys, go on. We are only 2 points behind. Give me a go-ahead score and win this game. Can you do it?"


Everyone shouted in unison.


The suspension is over.

There are only three minutes left in the game, and the difference is 2 points.

The Heat also changed their ball possession. They replaced Ray Allen with Chalmers, but did not change the inside line. It was Bosh and Anderson, and Bosh played at the 4th position.

James had the ball, and after coming to the front court, he first tried to put the ball to the low post and let Bosh rely on his height to play, but was unsuccessful. As soon as Bosh got the ball in the low post, he was assisted by defense, so he had to divide the ball and return to the outside line. . In the end, it was Wade who played singles by himself, continuously changing directions, and scored inside the draw bar.

The difference is 4 points.

The 76ers fought back.

Wade quickly stepped forward and pounced outside the three-point line. At the same time, Ray Allen also pounced over. The two began to double-team Qin Hao directly outside the three-point line, forcing him to split the ball.

"Sure enough." Qin Hao secretly said, passing the ball to Iguodala.

Then the basketball was passed by the hands of Iguodala, Butler, and Xiaoka, while Qin Hao was running fast, crossing positions with his teammates, catching the teammate's screen and getting rid of the defense, making an air cut, and then Suddenly ran back and returned to beyond the three-point line.


The ball passed and landed a little in front of Qin Hao. Qin Hao grabbed the ball, turned his body, facing the basket, adjusted in an instant, then grabbed the ball and jumped up.

This series of actions were completed in an instant, and Lei Allen had already pounced here, but Qin Hao was too fast. From catching the ball to jumping, it may only take one second.


Return in.

"Crazy, this is crazy."

"I can make it, it's the fourth one, and I made four in this section alone."

People exclaimed that there was only 1 point left.

Some fans yelled excitedly, as if they were back in the regular season. Qin Hao was crazy at that time, but they liked it very much.

In the next few rounds, James scored a layup and made a free throw from the free throw line, scoring three points. On the 76ers' side, Qin Hao used the opponent's double-team to split the ball to Butler. Butler hit the rim and then threw it directly onto the rim, assisting Kaka to catch a dunk.

For a time, the score between the two sides was tied, becoming 114:114, and there were only a few tens of seconds left in the game.


The Heat called another timeout.

After some arrangement, James went directly to the field and played in singles. With only a few dozen seconds left, he was the most sure to play. I saw that he was a breakthrough against the small card, and the speed was not fast. Kaka slammed open and rushed to the inside line arbitrarily.

Nene stood under the basket.

The next moment, James jumped up, but he didn't make a shot. He hesitated for a moment because he saw Ray Allen. In the bottom left corner, Ray Allen had a three-pointer.

Perhaps it was because Qin Hao scored a few three-pointers in a row, which made James unhappy and wanted to return one; or he was extra sensible and felt that Ray Allen was in a better position.

After a moment of hesitation, he chose to divide the ball.


However, Ray Allen missed the goal.

The 76ers fought back.

Qin Hao came to the front court and immediately ran after dividing the ball. With the help of his teammate's pick-and-roll, he also covered the defender. He returned to the three-point line and asked for the ball.

"Quickly, he has to shoot another three-pointer."

Someone yelled, and the hearts of the Heat players also jumped wildly. Wade and Bosh pounced on Qin Hao together, one left and one right, with a fierce aura.

However, Qin Hao didn't even make a shot. Instead, he slammed through the middle of Wade and Bosh, making the two who jumped closer to him.

Why... Didn't vote?

Qin Hao didn't shoot a three-pointer, but made a breakthrough. The Heat's players were all blinded and couldn't react. He just watched Qin Hao rush into the post, and he was a dunk.


There was a blast.

Qin Hao landed and looked at Wade and Bosh, surprised or surprised?