Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 235: you lose!

"Come again." Zhang Yu growled, staring at Qin Hao coldly.

"I've just hit two goals?" Qin Hao shook his head and laughed. He didn't expect that he would not join the Yunlong Youth Team this time, and would not be a teammate with Zhang Yu, but he would still inevitably face him.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the relationship with Zhang Yu was not good at the beginning, and there was not much friendship, so naturally there was no psychological burden, let alone mercy.

As for whether or not Zhang Yu can be defeated, Qin Hao is quite sure.

Zhang Yu knows almost nothing about him, but he knows Zhang Yu well. For example, Zhang Yu's characteristic is that he is stronger offensively than defensively, and he has a big disadvantage on the defensive end, that is, his lateral movement is too slow.

Therefore, Qin Hao was a breakthrough in changing directions twice in a row. It was aimed at Zhang Yu's disadvantage. Zhang Yu chose to let him attack first, but the result was actually doomed.

"Kao, another breakthrough."

Seeing Qin Hao lowered his center of gravity and was about to break through, Zhang Yu cursed secretly in his heart, but he had to be extremely careful. He had realized Qin Hao's strength just now with the two balls.

This is by no means an ordinary high school player.

"This guy is so fast."

"Breakthrough is very sharp. It doesn't slow down when changing directions. It's still so fast. However, Zhang Yu's lateral movement is slow, which is impossible to prevent."

"It deserves to be the national high school league mvp, and the strength is still very strong."

The youth team players on the sidelines sighed.

Qin Hao started and broke through from the left.

In fact, Qin Hao does not only break from the left. His left and right hands control the ball and layups are almost the same, but for breakthroughs, it is easier to break from the defender's left than from the defender's right. Therefore, beginners generally like to break through from the right side, while those with a certain level prefer to break through from the left side.

"Left." Zhang Yu judged the direction of Qin Hao's breakthrough and immediately withdrew.

He knew that he moved slowly laterally, and Qin Hao was extremely fast, it was difficult to block Qin Hao directly, so the first reaction was to retreat, at least not to be overtaken by one step.

But he still underestimated Qin Hao.

I saw Qin Hao suddenly holding the ball and taking a step to the left, making a three-step layup from the left. When Zhang Yu moved to the left again, Qin Hao suddenly took a step to the right.

"This is...European step."

"Should it be Wade's lost step?"

"Idiot, the Lost Step is originally one of the European Steps. In addition to Wade, Ginobili of the Spurs will also do this."

Someone in a group of players exclaimed and recognized Qin Hao's technical moves.

Ten years later, the European step was carried forward by a bearded man, almost anyone who can play knows about it, but in this era, the European step is not yet popular. In some people's opinion, this is the difference between walking and not walking. Crazy temptation, so in the Yunlong Youth Team, many players simply don't know.

Including drag steps, up and down steps, in the eyes of many people, they are walking on the edge of walking.



Zhang Yu's eyes were glaring, and he couldn't prevent this guy. If he really let this guy into the team, would he still be able to control him?

Just now, Yang Xun only said that Qin Hao had won and promised to help him. He did not disclose Qin Hao's intention to go to the United States. Therefore, including Zhang Yu, the youth team players still think that Qin Hao is coming to the Yunlong Youth Team.

On the fourth ball, Qin Hao was still a breakthrough.

"Huh, do you really think that one trick can be eaten all over the sky?" Zhang Yu sneered, leaving enough distance to react, "I think you are still abrupt."

As a result, Qin Hao saw that he was more than a meter away from him, no matter where he was polite, he was a dry draw, the basketball traversed an arc, and finally made a hollow hit.


Zhang Yu was a little dumbfounded, why didn't this kid break through?

Qin Hao scored four goals in a row, and He Jianjun couldn't stand it anymore.

Coach Yang said just now that Zhang Yu is the team's strongest player. If Qin Hao directly beats 10:0, wouldn't it be a shame for the team?

"Zhang Yu, come on." He Jianjun shouted.

A group of players also spoke up, cheering for He Jianjun.

However, He Jianjun frowned, shook his head secretly, and said to Yang Xun, "It seems that Zhang Yu is not Qin Hao's opponent."

"Zhang Yu's strength is still very strong." Yang Xun said: "It's just that he is too big, so letting the opponent advance without knowing the opponent's strength is equivalent to handing over the initiative to the opponent. And you have not noticed. Qin Hao's continuous breakthrough was premeditated from the beginning."

"Oh?" He Jianjun raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

Yang Xun continued: "Qin Hao should be a test for the first ball, but it turned out that Zhang Yu moved slowly laterally, so the second ball still changed direction, and the third ball seemed to mislead Zhang Yu deliberately, and then used it. An uncommon European step that hit Zhang Yu by surprise. As for this fourth ball..." He shook his head, "Seeing Qin Hao's breakthrough sharply, I think he didn't shoot well. Zhang Yu took it for granted."

Although he has only played a few goals, Yang Xun has realized that Zhang Yu will not be Qin Hao's opponent.

It's not the technical level difference, Zhang Yu's technical level is still very strong, if he is the advanced attacker, maybe the score should be reversed at this moment.

Compared with Qin Hao, Zhang Yu's poorer is the ball quotient, consciousness, and mind.

In the past, Zhang Yu was compared with a group of players in the youth team, and he was really outstanding among them, but now compared with Qin Hao, there are more problems.

"This kid Qin Hao is only a teenager, but he is so veteran." Yang Xun sighed.

Qin Hao vs. Zhang Yu, they have been crushing from the beginning. Zhang Yukong has a strong body, but now he can't even touch the ball, so how can he show it?

Actually Zhang Yu is not to blame.

This heads-up match itself is not equal. Qin Hao understands Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu doesn’t understand him. What's more, Qin Hao has an adult soul and was a national team player. His experience, consciousness, and basketball quotient are all enough. Zhang Yu has several streets, how could he be Qin Hao's opponent?


There was another soft noise, this time Qin Hao hit a three-pointer.

The score became 8:0.

"Zhang Yu is going to lose."

"Qin Hao is so strong, he has breakthroughs, CIC, and three-pointers. How can this be prevented? It can't be prevented at all."

A group of youth team players secretly shook their heads.

On the court, Zhang Yu gasped, he had tried his best and tried his best, but there was still no way to prevent Qin Hao.

why is that?

Is he really inferior to this guy?

"you lose!"

At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly spoke. Zhang Yu's heart jumped, and he saw Qin Hao lower his center of gravity and take a step to the left. Before he could think about it, he subconsciously took a step back.

At the next moment, Qin Hao also retreated, a reverse crotch dribble pulled the ball back, his feet had already returned to the three-point line, and Zhang Yu was stretched away, then he jumped up and his wrists shook.


With a soft sound, the basketball hollowed into the net.