Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 251: Anti-kill

At this moment, there were only four of Horn and Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked at Horn with a grin and said to Butler: "Jimmy, do you have any strength?"

"Don't worry." Butler chuckled. "It's okay to pack a few of them."

Qin Hao saw that although Butler was still gasping for breath, he was much better than Horn and their dead dogs. I have to say that although Butler is not top speed, not top jumping, and not top shooting, but the body is really strong and resistant to fucking.

Not far away, Horn and the four leaned on their knees to gasp, and their tongues came out. Their physical stamina was much worse than that of Qin Hao and Butler.

At this moment, seeing Qin Hao and Butler stopped running, but turned and walked towards them, all of them couldn't help but feel a little bit frustrated.

"It's okay." Horn cheered up several people. "What are you afraid of? They are only two of us. We have four of us. We take advantage of the hands. Could it be that the four of us can't beat both of them?"

"Yes." Williams agreed.

Brown and the white guy didn’t say a word. The white guy took two steps back, ready to run away at any time. It’s a matter of his own for a dozen to hit one, but now four hits two, that’s another matter. Up.

And he always felt that the situation was not good, the Chinese boy and Butler were too calm, and they even had a grin on their faces, they looked like murderers in every way.

No, I have to flash.

"Jimmy." Qin Hao had already approached Horn, only a few meters away. He shouted, "Go."

The two rushed out almost at the same time, raising their fists and rushing towards Horn.

If it hadn't been for Clay to report the letter in time, and be blocked by this group of people in the dormitory, then it would be over.

Besides, after being chased so far this night, Qin Hao and Butler are very angry. Anyway, Horn and the others just want to fight, so what is there to say, if you don’t commit me, I don’t commit. I... Then it's the **** one, just punch it.

"Hit." Horn was also a little embarrassed. He lost more than a dozen teammates and lost more than half of his confidence at once, but at this time, he couldn't admit it.

Shouting, Horn rushed out first.

Immediately Williams and Brown rushed up, but the white guy ran away.

Seeing that the white guy was going to slip, Brown was furious and turned his head and shouted, "Bruce, you bastard, you give me back."

"I'm not a bastard, you are all idiots, I won't play with you anymore." The white guy Bruce ran away without looking back.

With such a delay, Brown did not rush forward immediately, only Horn and Williams were facing Qin Hao and Butler.

Upon seeing this situation, Qin Hao and Butler leaped towards each other with a tacit understanding.

Qin Hao rushed towards Horn, Horn punched him, and Qin Hao flashed over him, stretched out his foot and tripped Horn. Horn thumped to the ground, and he was overturned.

Seeing that Qin Hao was so fierce, Butler relaxed and focused on dealing with Williams. The two were nothing fancy. You punch me, it depends on whose fist is hard and who is more resistant.

In the end, Williams had no choice but to hold his head and scurry around. Fortunately, Brown rushed forward at this time, but the two together had never done Butler.

Butler started ruthlessly, not defending at all. It was a posture of injury-for-injury. Anyway, you don't have to fight against me. If you hit me, I'll be fine. If I hit you, it will hurt you for a long time.

One person fights two people to gain the upper hand.

Here, Horn was so dizzy that he was going to get up. He was kicked over by Qin Hao just as he was about to get up. He didn't give him a chance to get up at all. Qin Hao went up with a combination punch.

Anyway, I've hit it all, and I'm polite with a hammer.

After Horn held his head and begged for mercy, Qin Hao also felt pain in his hands. Then he stopped and looked at Butler's side. Qin Hao couldn't help but be surprised: "Jimmy, okay, two of them were on the ground. Ruthless enough, these two guys almost can't recognize them."

Williams and Brown's faces were swollen like pigs' heads, lying on the ground wailing.

Of course, Butler was not easy. Two blows on his face, his brow bones were broken, and blood was flowing out, but he didn't care, and grinned: "Just like them, I won't be talking about ten more. under."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a group of people running from a distance.

The leader turned out to be the white guy Bruce.

It turned out that he sneaked back, and didn't run very far before hitting halfway to rest for a while, and then chasing Brian and Wells and others who came up.

Now Bruce is no longer persuaded, he can do it again.

Immediately, Bruce raised his arms and brought a group of people back and killed them again, but it was still a little late, and Horn and the three had become pigs.

"Jimmy, didn't you say that you can hit ten one by one?" Qin Hao laughed and teased Butler, "No, it's time for you to perform."

"Run." Butler simply shouted a word and ran away.

Qin Hao laughed loudly, and rushed right away, and in a blink of an eye, he threw away the chasing soldiers. The angry Brian and the others thumped their feet and felt helpless.

Looking at Horn, Williams and Brown again, a group of people slowed down quietly, and couldn't catch up anyway, just just do it.

No one wants to be like Horn and the others.


"Hoo, stop, stop."

Not knowing how far he ran, Qin Hao stopped with his knees and waved to Butler.

Butler also opened his mouth and gasped, and the two looked at each other, then laughed again, laughed out of breath, and coughed together.

"No one has caught up." Qin Hao glanced back.

"Then they have to catch up." Butler smiled proudly.

Qin Hao couldn't laugh anymore. He looked around, in the wilderness, on the road, with a bright moon hanging over his head. There is no village in front of him, no shop behind him, so what's the matter?

It was Butler who played a role. He stopped a car and negotiated with the other party for a while. It was estimated that the other party saw a Chinese guy who was handsome and good-looking with a smile. He was probably not a bad person and agreed to let them get in the car.

They didn't return to the training camp, fearing that Horn and the others would stand by and wait. They talked with the driver all the way, and got out of the car when they arrived at a car bar.

Of course, they don't drink alcohol, they just need something to eat.

The bars were feasting and feasting, and there were rough guys shaking and shaking to the music, and there were also a few women with heavy makeup, anyway, they couldn't appreciate Qin Hao's aesthetics.

Butler obviously didn't like it very much either, which made Qin Hao very pleased. Fortunately, you don't know Hudden, but think about it again, it seems that Clay is also a little nightclub prince.

Well, it seems that you can't get too close to Clay in the future.

It was far away from the training camp. Qin Hao and Butler simply spent the night in the bar. Seeing that they were still high school students, the bar owner didn't drive them away, and gave them a blanket.

At dawn, the two people bid farewell to the bar owner and took a ride back to the training camp.

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