Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 29: Next opponent

At this time it was a break at noon. Qu Yan took Zuo Xiaojun into the fourth middle school campus. They talked and walked, and unknowingly came to the basketball court.

There are many people playing on the court. Even though the sun is hot, they still can't stop their love of basketball, and they are sweating and youthful.

Qu Yan stopped and said, "It's not that I said you. Staying in the sixth middle school is a waste of your talents. The previous sixth middle school was okay. What is it like now? It's smoggy. I asked you to join me in the first place. In the fourth middle school, you didn't listen to it, now you can regret it."

"I regret it a little bit." Zuo Xiaojun smiled: "I'm looking for you now. I plan to transfer to your school next semester. Would you like it?"

"Really?" Qu Yan's eyes lit up with joy, "Haha, of course welcome."

Along the way, Zuo Xiaojun and Qu Yan talked about the match between No. 6 Middle School and No. 7 Middle School yesterday. They talked about the current situation of No. 6 Middle School. The reason why he came today was actually his plan to make a living and leave No. 6 Middle School.

He didn't want to stay in the misty quagmire anymore.

Zuo Xiaojun and Qu Yan grew up in primary school. They grew up together and went to elementary school and junior high school together, but when they were in high school, Zuo Xiaojun chose sixth middle school.

Qu Yan is a few months older than Zuo Xiaojun, and he has always been taller than Zuo Xiaojun, just like his big brother. From elementary school to junior high school, Zuo Xiaojun has been under the care of Qu Yan's wings until he graduates from junior high school. Zuo Xiaojun didn't want to continue under Qu Yan's wings and wanted to face the wind and waves by himself, so he didn't choose to enter the fourth middle school with Qu Yan, but went to the sixth middle school.

This is not wrong, but it's a pity that the sixth middle school...

"Haha, with you joining, our Fourth Middle School will become stronger. We are our golden partners. But I'm done. I'll go to the coach and say later." Qu Yan was very happy and suddenly remembered a question, "Yes. Yes, you said you lost to No. 7 in the game yesterday, and you also lost more than a dozen points. Those tricks in No. 6 were useless?"

"Hey, don't say it." Zuo Xiaojun didn't know whether to laugh, and explained: "We were still ahead at the beginning. We also used a lot of tricks to make Seventh Middle School very depressed. The scorer Yuan Xiaogang was knocked down shortly after he played. At this time, a high school freshman in No. 7 Middle School suddenly broke out. Although he was a high school freshman, his scoring ability was very strong, and he was not inferior to Yuan Xiaogang, allowing him to score again and again. , The score was overtaken."

"Oh?" Qu Yan came interested. "A freshman in high school, not inferior to Yuan Xiaogang, what's his name?"

"It's Jiang Feng." Zuo Xiaojun shook his head and said, "I am not talking about him, but another person."

"another person?"

"Yes, it's also a freshman in the first grade." Zuo Xiaojun couldn't help sighing. "Hey, I have to say that the seventh middle school is very lucky. One Jiang Feng, one Qin Hao, and the two high school freshmen are very good. They found the treasure. After talking, he paused deliberately. Seeing Qu Yan's curious look, he continued: "You may not believe it. The Sixth Middle School originally planned to attack Jiang Feng, but Jiang Feng was replaced and replaced. Qin Hao. As soon as Qin Hao came up, Zhao Liang suffered a big loss..."

The two were standing on the edge of the basketball court. Zuo Xiaojun told about yesterday's game, especially the unfortunate thing about who touched Qin Hao, which made Qu Yan amazed.

After Zuo Xiaojun finished speaking, Qu Yan said with a smile: "Listening to what you said, this Qin Hao is really interesting, it's ‘cunning like a ghost’."

"What kind of metaphor is this?" Zuo Xiaojun laughed. "People are smart. To be honest, I didn't expect him to be so beautiful. It's like the "Way to the other" in Jin Yong's novels. Shi Bishen'. It seems that he has done nothing, but he can always make people who want to harm him suffer."

"Listening to what you said, I am a little bit looking forward to playing against No. 7 Middle School." Qu Yan smiled: "But our opponent in the next round is City No. 1 Middle School, and the opponent in No. 7 Middle School seems to be No. 2 Middle School. Well, they won No. 2 Middle School. There is probably no suspense. When the time comes to enter the semi-finals, there may be a chance to play against them."

Zuo Xiaojun smiled and scolded: "Don't be too confident, the Seventh Middle School is really strong."

Qu Yan pouted and said proudly: "We are not weak either."

At this moment, a basketball rolled to the feet of the two of them. As if to verify his own words, Qu Yan grabbed the basketball and patted twice, then suddenly started and rushed to the hoop.

People on the court stepped aside and saw Qu Yan stepping into the free throw line, holding the basketball with both hands, bending his knees, bending over, exerting his legs, jumping up suddenly, turning his body 180 degrees, and grabbing the ball with both hands. After being sent to the back of his head, he was already in front of the basket, and it was a backhand dunk.


There was an explosion, which caused an exclamation on the court.

Qu Yan let go of the basket and put out a poss that he thought to be chic, and the girls on the side of the court threw a wink, hesitantly.

"Come on." Zuo Xiaojun covered his face, "Just you can pretend to be-force."

"Haha." Qu Yan was not ashamed, but rather proud. He held his head up, and said shamelessly: "Pretend to be like the wind, always accompany me!"

Zuo Xiaojun was vomiting, thinking in his heart that he would be happier in fourth middle school than in sixth middle school. At least there is a guy like Qu Yan, but I don’t know if this year’s fourth middle school will meet seventh middle school. It is said that fourth middle school will be happier. This year's senior freshman is also very strong. I wonder how it compares with Jiang Feng and Qin Hao?


Seven in.

After school in the afternoon, Qin Hao came to the stadium.

Jiang Fangping announced his next opponent. Hearing that it was the second middle school, the players were happy. The second middle school is the bottom of the 15 teams, and it has been like this for several years.

You can lie down and win this round!

"Don't take it lightly." Jiang Fang said with a flat face, "Although there are really no outstanding people in the second high school, it is because of the bye lottery that entered the second round. But the lion fights the rabbit, and uses all the strength, no matter what happens. Neither of us can take it lightly."


"Yes, coach."

Everyone responded with a smile.

Qin Hao couldn't help but was stunned. The second middle school entered the second round by drawing a bye, but he remembers that the second middle school did not draw a bye. He was able to enter the second round after defeating the 14th middle school, which is also the second middle school. For the first time in a few years, I passed the first round and advanced to the second round, relying on a high school player named Lu 㙓.

According to the coach, there are no outstanding people in the second middle school, isn't it Lu 㙓?

"Coach, who are there in the second middle school?" Qin Hao asked hurriedly.

"I'm about to say it." Jiang Fangping smiled and introduced the situation of the second middle school, including the second middle school's lineup, but there was no such person in it as Lu 㙓.

Where did Lu 㙓 go?

Qin Hao frowned. It seems that some things still deviate from the memory, which is not surprising. After all, there is a precedent for the brothers and sisters Jiang Feng and Jiang Xue, but since Lu 㙓 is not in the second middle school, where is he? It's impossible to say that a person just disappeared like this, right?

Also, he remembered that he entered the semifinals after defeating No. 2 Middle School and his opponent was No. 4 Middle School. Since the situation in No. 2 Middle School is different from what he remembered, what about No. 4 Middle School?

Will the semifinals really meet the fourth?

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