Battle of the Third Reich

v2 Chapter 13: Intermission

The counter-charged Germans did not continue to chase down the running British soldiers, but stopped at the edge of the smoke and returned to the smoke. Then after a roar of the engine, everything was calm again.

The smoke began to spread slowly, revealing the bodies of British soldiers everywhere, countless guns were thrown around the ground, and there were also sounds of help from the wounded British soldiers in the distance. The seven "Matilda" type 2 tanks abandoned on the battlefield have been steadily stopped by the German position, with the muzzle facing the original owner.

Colonel Glenn looked at all this with frustration, and felt that his future was as bleak as now.

"Colonel, please allow me to report to you." A military doctor approached.

"Is it about the poisonous gas casualties? How about, how about the casualties, is it serious? Did you find out what the poisonous gas was?" Colonel Glenn asked urgently.

"Colonel, I don’t know what to say. I checked all the burned soldiers before and found no signs of ulcers and burns. All the wounded soldiers felt the same burning pain in their eyes and throat. After cleaning , The symptoms slowly disappeared. So I suspected that the other party used not a poisonous gas at all, but an irritating substance. Later I found this on the soldier’s clothes, and after analysis, I decided that this thing was... ..."

"Pepper, ha ha ha ha!"

Xu Jun laughed wildly in the trenches. "Mixed pepper and smoke in the smoke bomb produced the effect you saw, ha ha ha ha, they will think they are poisoned! The horror of 1915 is still covering the British Army."

"His deputy head of state is really a genius, this way I can't think of." Dao Gen looked admiringly.

"My dear deputy head of state, your tactics made us completely avenge the British, and all the soldiers cheered for you." Randolph clapped to catch up.

"General! We repelled a group attack by the other regiment, killed at least one company of British soldiers, seized seven British tanks, and we only had a dozen soldiers casualties. This is a great victory and can be written into A classic example of Army textbooks." Mueller shook his tail with joy on one side.

"You earned a real medal for yourself. General." Hans said slightly, then saluted a standard military salute.

"Oh, no, it's all thanks to the hard work of all our brave soldiers and the stupid tactics of the British commander. I just suddenly came up with a mean trick. Unfortunately, we don't want to eat the cook again these days The braised sausage is made of pepper." Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"It was your tricks that repelled the British and earned us time, General." Hans looked at the woods beside the position, and a heavy tractor screamed out of the woods under the sunset. "It should be the 78 Artillery Battalion, general."

A terrifying roar came from far away in the British position at this time. "These **** German scammers!" Xu Jun and these German officials who could understand English couldn't help but laugh again. The sun slowly fell from the west, and Xu Jun's first battle in this world came to an end.

The night soon came, and both armies stopped all operations. The British and the Germans thus began to confront each other with a space of more than 1,200 meters.

The German soldiers were holding the broth that was just out of the pan and chewed the fried squeaky sausage with a loud noise. They bragged to each other how many English guys they had killed in the previous battle, mocking the British. The offensive action is more about his new, young, smart, great and noble commander. The soldiers now firmly believe that this big man can lead them to completely defeat the British guys on the opposite side, and then lead themselves to destroy all the enemies, and quickly end the war.

And what is our new young, smart, great and noble commander doing now?

The trenches dug up by the French during World War I were indeed perfect. In addition to the ordinary infantry trenches, there were artillery shelters, field kitchens, and position ambulances, but these facilities are now free of the thick pine tops.

Now Xu Jun is sitting in the former artillery shelter. Mueller found a piece of tarpaulin covering the truck over the open shelter and arranged it as a temporary field headquarters and officer canteen.

Xu Jun was sitting next to a long folding table taken from the field kitchen on an ammunition box where a tree was standing, drinking freshly brewed coffee while looking at the map on the table. The other officers sat around the table eating their dinners and joking with each other easily.

Xu Jun can finally relax and sort out his thoughts now. In general, the current situation has begun to improve, at least the British army opposite can no longer threaten itself.

The 78th Artillery Regiment finally arrived here, and that Srom finally failed to fulfill his vow to get here within 20 minutes. He spent a full half hour on the road. However, because he finally brought the cannons intact, and the British offensive had been repelled, Xu Jun did not embarrass him, but expressed a little dissatisfaction with his lost.

Srom quickly explained the situation. It turned out that in order to speed up the meeting with the large forces, they drove the convoy to a branch that marked the map and extended to the southwest. It should have been able to touch the large forces in that direction. Up. You can't wait until halfway to find that it is not the road on the map. What was unexpected was that this dirt road turned out to have a gentle arc, which was originally to the southwest, and turned to the south in a short while. As a result, they were taken to the southeast of the battlefield.

They wanted to contact the big troops, but they couldn't get in touch. They didn't know what the battlefield was like, and they dared not run around. So they stopped there waiting for instructions.

Xu Jun forgave the dramatic loss of the 78 Artillery Regiment. Since they have become the laughing stock of the soldiers of the seventh division, stop punishing them.

After this incident, the 78 Artillery Regiment has been called the "Lamb" Regiment by German soldiers.
