Battle of the Third Reich

v2 Chapter 4: Forced landing

"What's the date today?"

"What, general?"

"I asked you what's the date today?"

"May 21, 1940, what happened to the general?"

"It's okay."

Xu Jun felt powerless. "Did you catch up? The famous small-scale tank massacre. Bloody and legendary. Where Rommel first hit the iron plate. Want to see Rommel? I had hoped that in a high-end restaurant, I would drink champagne and talk to him about Africa, but I was not prepared to fly a hole-filled plane in front of him on the battlefield of fierce battle."

Xu Jun looked at his watch and it was 2:20.

"The battle has already started. The British attacked at two points. That Wolf is foolishly leading me to the battlefield."

Thinking of this, Xu Jun planned to ask Wolff to find a safer place for him to land. Before he could speak, suddenly, the engine on the right blew out, a black smoke came out of the fairing of the engine, and then the tongue of fire began to spray from every gap in the engine, and the plane seemed to be stepped on. Sinking down with one foot.

"Damn it! Damn. How could something happen here."

Finally, the plane was brought under control again. Xu Jun shouted to the radio: "My engine is on fire, I will land immediately."

"Wait for the general, I see enemy troops in front of us! God, they are attacking the seventh division! We broke into the battlefield, there are many troops, you can't land here!"

"You only found out now!" Xu Jun also saw dense black spots appearing on the ground ahead. There are also groups of tanks and trucks, and there is an artillery position in front of the left, continuously raising white smoke, it seems to be firing artillery. Infantry and various vehicles on the ground dragged the rolling dust, and looked like a long dragon made of dozens of steel in the air. A little further away is the sky smoke and countless black smoke pillars. In the distance, the rumbling explosions and the roaring engine sound could not cover up the past.

Xu Jun secretly cursed his bad luck while replying: "Then we can only pass through the enemy's position. They must attack our army in the direction of their attack. I can't hold on for long, the rudder has no function, I can't change course. My fuel tank is empty and the left engine will stop at any time. Now I can only move forward. I have no retreat. The enemy's position will not be too thick. I hope the aircraft will continue to land on the seventh division. "

The fire extinguisher of the engine on the right has been opened automatically, and white carbon dioxide is spraying continuously. The flame was slowly extinguished. A long white smoke trailed behind the engine.

"Understood, General. We will always cover you," Wolff replied.

Xu Jun pushed the throttle of the left engine to the end, and then began to dive on a small slope. It must maintain sufficient speed, otherwise when the left engine stops, the aircraft will immediately stall and crash, and there is no chance of gliding. The height is slowly decreasing, and the me110s on the side are also closely following.

The British army on the ground heard the roar of the aircraft engine. Looking back, they saw a German medium-sized bomber dragging white smoke and a group of fighters were rushing towards them. At that time, the following was a mess. I saw that the infantry, who had been keeping a neat formation, were now scurrying around in search of concealment. The officers waved desperately with the revolver, kicking the soldiers who were lying on the ground while shooting at the plane, asking them to rise up and resist. Several brave machine gunners set up machine guns and began to shoot into the air. Hearing the fierce sound of machine guns, the infantry finally recovered their courage, and began to shoot at the sky with rifles in twos and threes.

Xu Jun is still descending the height. He can clearly see the figure on the ground clearly. A series of tracers flew by from the machine window, and the rifle shell hit the chassis as a sound.

"Wolf, cover me and clean up my route." Xu Jun shouted.

Wolff answered calmly in the headset: "Understood, everyone comes with me." Then a few me110 swarms began to dive down and fired at the infantry on the ground in front of Xu Jun. 20mm machine guns and 7.9mm machine gun bullets hit the ground dusty, leaving an incomplete body behind the fighter.

Xu Jun turned on the intercom and called: "Han, please come over, I need your help. Others find their own place to fix it, and we will make a forced landing after passing through the enemy attack position."

Hans hurried into the cab and asked, "General, what do you want me to do?"

"You sit on the pilot's seat, yes, that's the one, you just flip it down. Don't forget the seatbelt. When I land, I need you to help me control the ailerons and elevators. Just pull the pole back before touching the ground."

"Understand, General." Hans gripped the side arm of the steering rod tightly, then looked at Xu Jun as if to say something.

"Is there any problem?" Xu Jun glanced at Hans.

"Ah, no... it's nothing." Hans quickly looked away.

At this time, Wolf’s voice came from the headset, "General, I’m already over our army’s position. Just 5000 meters in front of you, there is a large open space where you can land. Be careful behind the woods in front of you. There are enemy tanks and small caliber anti-aircraft guns. That’s the enemy’s front line."


Xu Jun gritted his teeth and leveled the plane again. "Hold on, there are still five kilometers, you will not let me down." Xu Jun said to the left engine. The left engine immediately gave Xu Jun an answer. It uttered a few times and stopped. "Damn, am I really so unlucky?" Xu Jun roared: "Then let you see, I will not admit defeat so easily."

At this time, the aircraft had lost all its power and could only glide barely. Fortunately, the plane still has enough speed, it should be able to maintain a distance. The British on the ground below watched dumbfounded as a German bomber passed silently over their heads, trailing white smoke behind them.

"The height does not seem to be enough." Xu Jun thought, "It seems that this life is almost over, whether it is a failed landing or a captivity by the British. It will be the same, only a fight!"

The plane had already flown over the grove, and was literally flying over the treetops. Xu Jun gritted his teeth and said with the cabin communicator: "Everyone is paying attention, we are about to make a forced landing. No matter whether the landing is successful or not, I am here to thank you for flying with me. May God be with us." There was a cry of "Long live the heads of state" in the back cabin, and Xu Jun was so angry that he almost didn't let the plane land on the ground.

Suddenly the forest at the foot disappeared, and an empty field appeared in front of Xu Jun. Several tanks were burning on the field, and the black smoke billowed out the country. On the other side of the field, Xu Jun saw a small dirt slope, with thick smoke billowing on the slope, burning the remains of a fleet of vehicles beside the slope, and British artillery shells exploding near the slope. At the corner of the dirt slope, Xu Jun found that there was a German flag/38/20 mm anti-aircraft gun in the smoke. The guy was shooting wildly at himself, and the large baseball trajectory flew past the cab. The shadow below the **** was also about to shake the gray-green silhouette. That was the German position.

"Wolf! Tell them not to shoot me!" Xu Jun yelled.

"General, I can't contact them. I have no choice." Wolff replied anxiously.

At this moment, Xu Jun's plane had dropped to a height of only a dozen meters, and it was six or seven hundred meters away from the German position. Xu Jun shouted: "Everyone is ready to collide! Hans, right now, pull!"

The plane was planted on the battlefield under the crossfire of the soldiers of both sides.
