Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 183: Golden helmet (medium)

The leader bomber began to circle around the periphery of the airport, waiting for the subsequent aircraft to join the formation. The entire takeoff process went smoothly. The first team spent ten minutes completing the air formation of each team. ●⌒,

Thanks to the favor of the German head of state, the ju88 bomber has become the absolute main force of the British air battle. As a product of the Germans’ distortion of the technology tree, its speed and maneuverability have surpassed the bulky and dull Heinkel. Survivability is even more outstanding.

Fortunately, Xu Jun took control of the development of the Air Force, which brought back the thinking that the Ministry of Aviation had already taken off in advance. Those projects with brain holes in the sky were cut off mercilessly, and he would only choose to be proven by history. Promising design plan.

Xu Jun’s decision was full of purpose. Now the primary goal of the German army is to expand and prepare for war. Every force must be spent on the edge of the knife. There is no extra resources for the group of genius designers to defeat.

In the early days of World War II, the German Nazi government's attitude towards domestic military enterprises has always been a balance and compromise. Before Hitler completely mastered the national armed forces, he had always shown a fall to the group of blood-sucking capitalists. He needed both their finances and contacts. With the help of the other side, and worrying about being held hostage by the opposing party, he despises those arms merchants who have no morality and bottom line, but if they want to get support from the German military, they must get the support of these military families.

In order to maintain the operation of those enterprises, Germany has been playing a trick of sharing benefits on the issue of arms procurement. Unless it is particularly noticed by the head of state or a real power leader, weapons manufacturing companies that have basically supported the Nazis will be acquired by the Nazi Party. Return. The policies of the Nazi Party were related to the domestic situation in Germany at that time. These companies had actually compiled a huge network of interests. Any broken link would trigger a small-scale social crisis.

The Nazi government’s finances seem to have been profitable on the surface. It seems that Hitler’s economic policy is indeed effective, but what actually works is the push behind the resurgent arms oligarchs. Hitler and his Nazi party have already been bundled into this. system.

Hitler was worshipped by the German people not only because of the Nazi ideas he advertised and his personal charm, but the key lies in his ability to bring benefits to every German.

Looking at the equipment list of the Luftwaffe, it is very clear that a large number of models with ambiguous performance and ambiguous use are the result of compromise between the two parties. Of course, some behind-the-scenes transactions must be involved. From the European and American perspective, this may be a product of free competition, but anyone who understands the nature of the Nazi system can see at a glance that it is greasy.

Now Xu Jun is ready to reverse these deficiencies in domestic military production and procurement. He has enough confidence and strength to eliminate all obstacles. On these issues. He has been fully supported by the armed forces of the land, sea and air. He has more advantages than Hitler. He not only has sufficient contacts and wealth, but also has a large number of advanced technologies and patents to exchange interests with those companies.

Junkers’ restructuring is the easiest by comparison. At this time, the company has been completely taken over by the Nazi government, so it is much more convenient to turn around than Krupp and Rhine Steel. The 501 bomber wing used one of Xu Jun’s achievements in the production of Junkers. In history, this model only produced 10 trial production models, known as the most beautiful model in the ju88 family, and on the basis of her, the ju188 with excellent performance was finally born.

Sitting in the egg-shaped cockpit without angles, Lieutenant Colonel Maike looked at the scenery outside the window leisurely, and now the plane had climbed to an altitude of four kilometers, and he could vaguely see the edge of the English Channel.

"Course 030, turn to 035, in front of the strait, switch to frequency 3, we should be able to contact the Calais navigation station." The lieutenant colonel issued the order through the microphone in the mask. He is used to speaking into the microphone instead of pressing the laryngophone, and the sound quality of the new microphone is clearer than the latter.

"Understood." Lieutenant Firme adjusted the radio FM button and started calling out.

The Luftwaffe has improved their navigation procedures at this time, and no longer continues to use the civil navigation technology that is easily disturbed as in history. The improvement of radar equipment has improved the German ground monitoring capabilities, and the replacement of radio equipment has made it possible to conduct full-scale ground guidance.

The original German Air Force’s long-range radio technology has always had various defects, coupled with the chaos of the Air Force command system, and the wrong understanding of the development of technical equipment, so that most German flying teams can no longer be controlled by the ground command after take-off. Pilots After taking off, it basically became a broken harrier. The reason why the air force behaved like a pan of congee in the early days of the Norwegian battle mostly comes from this.

In the history of the British Air Force, the German Air Force suffered heavy losses for this reason. Due to the limited performance of radio stations, German aircraft can no longer receive any ground commands after flying over the center line of the strait. Both navigation and early warning can only rely on their own eyes, so most aircraft are only slightly injured. But because he lost his way, he was forced to land on the land of Britain.

The navigation problem in Germany has always been criticized by pilots. The number of navigation stations is sparse, and the signals are also susceptible to external interference. It is often intermittent, especially in rainy weather, which is a matter of life. Once the compass breaks down again at this time, the pilot can only follow the fate.

The arrival of Xu Jun exposed these issues to the front of the headquarters, and historically, because Gorin concealed all this, leading to a consistent misjudgment of the headquarters. However, due to time issues, Xu Jun simply had no time to completely solve all the defects, but Air Force pilots could clearly feel that the problem had begun to be alleviated.

A series of navigation stations have been established along the French coast, and some high-power communication base stations have also been established. Pilots can already use the old type of radio station to receive immediate command from the command headquarters. It is no longer the kind of glance after the sky. Under the warning of the German radar, it is impossible for British aircraft to launch a sneak attack as in history.

At the same time, the German Air Force's **** fighters were allowed to freely choose whether to attack when encountering enemy aircraft. With the technical strength of the German fighter pilots, they can easily take the upper hand in air combat after the shackles are lifted. The Air Force fighter unit has become a remote-controlled version of the air killer. As long as they follow the instructions of the radio station, they can easily find the enemy. At the same time, their air combat tactics have also been improved. Pilots who have learned the latest performance information of enemy aircraft are now familiar with the qualities of British fighters. They will no longer be as short-strike as in history.

Near noon, there were already groups of bombers flying towards the UK over the strait. The largest group contained at least three complete wings. The square aviation array of the 53rd Bomber Wing was particularly conspicuous. Their he111 bombers spit out gray, white and black polyline camouflage camouflage. This is the latest paint to be replaced to match the gray steel runway of the field airport.

The ju88b bomber fleet did not join other bombing formations. Their mission this time was a little special, so the aviation team formed them separately.

At this time, a fighter squadron of jg26 has joined them. These 109 have abandoned the yellow nose paint, but sprayed the black and white two-color identification strip on the wing, and the 26 wing white s shield on the side of the cockpit. The sun shone coldly.

These aircraft are the latest modification based on the 109e. If the actual combat passes the test, it may be put into mass production, but there is news that the head of state has new plans. This may also be the last type of Amir. Transition model for new models.

The shape of the engine fairing of these aircraft has changed significantly, and they seem to be more slender and smooth, more particularly their wing ends have been modified to be curved, rather than the full-blown right angles that are used to.

"I don't know how they perform, but they look a lot prettier than Amir." Lieutenant Colonel Maiko looked at the **** fighters dangling at a height of seven or eight meters above his head. He could even watch Clearing the serial number on the auxiliary fuel tank outside the belly of the machine, the guy obviously wanted to show off his control technology.

"Gentlemen, now we are below the UK. For many of you, this is the first actual combat after joining the army, so I hope everyone will be vigilant at all times and accept the instructions of the pilot at any time." On the throttle lever, the engine speed was adjusted to the cruise standard. The bombardier moved to the top of the nose. He knelt on the leather cushion and held the mg81 machine gun on the nose gun frame with his hand. He started to look around. (To be continued.)