Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 228: Behind the treaty

The huge 200-head special plane flew smoothly at an altitude of four kilometers in the English Channel, surrounded by a group of **** fighters, followed by a string of Aunt Junker behind the buttocks. The weather over the strait is clear, only a few broken clouds are floating at low altitude, and the visibility is very good. Xu Jun sat on his exclusive chair, holding his chin in a fool at the documents on the table.

Three months after coming to this world, he finally felt that he was fully integrated into this space and became a part of history. He can be proud of his achievements at this moment, and his efforts have finally paid off. The German Wehrmacht completed almost impossible tasks under his command. Perhaps most of them were due to luck, but it cannot be denied that he It is indeed slowly reversing this history.

The document on the table is a list of secret contracts signed between Germany and France. Of course, Germany cannot be as generous as the outside world sees. It is such an idiot to be kind to enemies. The European nations have evolved a lot of conventional rules in the handling of war losers. Of course, Germany will not be special in this regard, just like the relentless plunder and suppression of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. Of course, the Paris peace treaty will not become an exception.

The text of the official treaty is actually just a guise. If you study carefully, you will find that except for the provisions on the establishment of alliance between the two parties, the other contents are somewhat empty, especially regarding the reflection and understanding of this European War, only a few simple The official language is covered, and the issues of war compensation and occupied zone treatment that politicians are most concerned about are not even mentioned in the treaty.

Only a part of the people who participated in the negotiation knew that the relevant content could not be displayed in the public contract, because if French citizens were to understand the details, the official of the French negotiating party would wear the hat of the traitor, which would be serious Affect the next rule of the Betan government.

These details are divided into dozens of categories and hundreds of secret treaties. This includes all fields such as military, political, business, and industrial culture. The Germans’ rigorous attitude is fully exposed in this detail. In contrast, the French have some rough details. The only thing that this nation can still maintain rigorously is only left. Language.

Although the French-occupied area has returned to the French government in a legal sense, in fact most of the area is still jointly managed by the two governments. French industrial and mining enterprises under German control still have to obey the German government's mobilization. The French boss can only regain some administrative control. Regarding sales and production and the ultimate profit calculation, it must be seen in the face of the German "shareholders".

Under Xu Jun's plan, the Germans' eating habits were not as ugly as they used to be in history. For this war with revenge, Germany prepared for ten years, spent countless money and material resources, and contributed a lot of soldiers' lives, and finally won the victory. If it was just for a good look on the face, generously let go of these enemies who had been lying on their bodies and sucked blood for many years, this kind of thing would not even do the most stupid fool.

This is a war. Since the beginning of the war, it has its political or economic purpose. The purpose of the soldiers who risked their lives to fight in blood was not to let a group of politicians do charity.

Germany spent more than half of its capital and resources in this war than in history. The most important reason is that they changed a head of state. The scale and intensity of the war have expanded a lot because of his arrival. .

The domestic economic operation in Germany is not very healthy, and after this period of time, the level of investment in war has increased, and the already unbalanced economic structure has begun to expose the defects that were masked in the past, and there is a shortage of living materials. Even Mark's currency value showed signs of instability. If it weren’t for the German army’s constant victory on the front line, the pride it brought to the people enhanced their tolerance for real-life difficulties. The political situation in Germany may be affected by economic problems.

The German people also have to eat. They can't chew on the shells and drink the lubricating oil. Obtaining cheap resources from the occupied areas has become the only means and hope for the German government to pass on the domestic crisis.

However, due to Xu Jun's long-term thinking, the Germans did not, as in history, like a beggar who had been hungry for decades, and wanted to grab any garbage when they saw any garbage.

The German commander-in-chief called experts from various industries. Specially analyze and study the most effective and economic loot looting scheme. These generals also want to open up, and since plunder cannot be avoided, then make it as attractive as possible.

In the history of the German occupying army, the food was almost similar to that of a hungry hunger. It is already more polite to say that hungry or not, it can be said that it is like a trash can. The Germans no matter what their purpose is. Whether it is valuable or not, as long as you haven't seen it, you should do something good and take it away. As a result, throughout Europe, the Germans have almost become a synonym, meaning ignorant villager.

It is said that most of these German soldiers come from the German countryside, and they are indeed generally lack of knowledge. When they come to the flowering world of France, it is like a beggar entering the Grand View Garden. Everyone had a stack of French-issued currency in their hands, and wherever they went, they bought and bought. Anyway, the money came easily, and of course it was very refreshing to spend.

They don't care about the quality of the goods or the price. The only thing that restricts their crazy sweeping behavior is their own capacity. It is said that when a German armored force left Paris, even the tank turret was full of French cargo.

After all, the German soldiers had a simple mindset. Most of them were just bought and given to relatives in the country. If they were replaced by American soldiers, they might have established more than a dozen black markets.

The Germans' strong purchasing power does not bring about market prosperity, because the money they spend is all from the French government. In essence, they use a pile of papers that rely on credit to reflect value. In exchange for the substantial labor achievements of the French, because the currency is not exchanged through equivalence, this purchase behavior is actually a kind of predatory disguise.

What’s more serious is that the French economic production has been interrupted by the war, and the production of these goods has basically stopped, so the Germans took away the inventory left before. The entire economic chain has been interrupted at this moment. No one can suppress this artificially-induced inflation before it is supplemented and restored by external forces.

Now Xu Jun has tried his best to control this trend, and the cash of German soldiers is far lower than the amount in the same period in history. At the same time, the headquarters also encourages soldiers to deposit their salaries in the military depository, the interest is very attractive, and guarantees that a dedicated person will be responsible for the operation of these funds. And the German soldiers can also buy short-term valuable national debt, guaranteeing that he will get a lot of wealth when he retires.

Germany's economic plunder to France is also mainly reflected in the control of the French financial industry. Every time the German army enters a French city, it will definitely control the local banks. The large amount of reserves and foreign exchange stored in the bank all became the spoils of the German army, and these things were resolute after the war.

The harvest of precious metals alone has already boosted the morale of the German Ministry of Economy. At least half of the French people’s gold accumulation over the centuries has fallen into German pockets. It also includes a number of reserves hosted by foreign governments in France, such as Poland and Belgium. Before the defeat, they shipped most of their national stocks to France. At that time, France had the name of the first army in Europe. Who can think of the final It was not even slower than them.

Now the money has of course also become the assets of the German government, especially the Poles, who have lost these valuable reinstatement funds, and the so-called great cause is completely over.

Moreover, even their government officials in exile have not been able to escape the disaster. Because these guys miscalculated the French's morality, they were secretly detained by the Betten government and handed over to the German intelligence agency. They are now in the basement of the German intelligence agency. It was a great conversation with the experts waving the Nine-Tailed Cat.

At the same time, a group of "conscientious intellectuals" who ran from Germany to France were handed over. Many people wet their pants when they saw the conspicuous ss sign again. For these people, Xu Jun did not have much thoughts, and he was not Hitler, so after screening, basically excluding those who had substantial treason crimes, the rest were sent back to Germany for short-term labor reform, but Borman responded to this. Some suggestions were put forward. In view of the ability of these people to succeed and fail, even if they came out of the labor camp in the future, they must be controlled at all times. Xu Jun deeply agreed, and immediately responded according to his plan.

Germany's wealth to France is far more than the above. Every day, France has to pay an extra fee to Germany. In history, it was called the occupation fee. Now it has been changed to a name called national defense and administration. The collaborative management margin is actually the same thing, but it sounds relatively high-end, and it does not make the French feel ashamed as straightforward as the original.

Xu Jun also reduced the amount accordingly, but it was impossible to learn from Hitler's lack of a bottom line. Exhaustion and fishing are short-sighted performances. Xu Jun advocated sustainable development.

Therefore, the amount of 400 million francs per day was immediately cut by half, which really made the French feel comrade-like. This amount is entirely affordable for the French economy, and it will not add much burden to the lives of French civilians. Xu Jun also set a time limit for the payment of these funds. In the future, it will be slowly reduced over time. The time for the first burden reduction will be in four or four years. By then, the entire European system should be stable, and there is no need at all. Worried about what money is.

"My head, we have flown across the English Channel, and from here we can already see the coastline of Britain." The captain broadcasted the report through the microphone in the cabin.

Xu Jun turned his gaze away from the file and out of the window. From his position, he could clearly see a white marginal line on the dark green sea in the distance. It was the famous white rock cliff coast and snow-white cliff wall in Britain. In the summer sun, it shines like a glacier.

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