Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 289: searching)

Stepping into the woods, Randolph felt as if he had entered another world. The dense foliage blocked the sunlight, and even blocked the scorching hot air from the outside world. There was only a fragrance of grass and mud between the mouth and nose. The major breath of the SS can't help but take a deep breath.

The troops paused for a while at the periphery of the woods, because when they suddenly entered this dense forest from the bright outside, they needed to adapt their eyes to the dark environment in the jungle. The officers regrouped the search formation, and the guard flag team began to spread out slowly. The teams maintained a visual contact interval and started to advance into the depths of the woods.

The soldiers carried a bayonet rifle and took a firm and slow pace. They watched every plant that appeared in their eyes with vigilance. Every tree that passed by was carefully searched, just like Colonel Dougan As said, no doubt should be let go.

"Pay attention to your feet and keep a distance from each other." Sergeant Valdes shouted loudly.

Valdes served as squad leader in the guard flag team and led a ten-person rifle class. It should be said that the establishment of the guard flag team is somewhat different from that of ordinary army troops, because they mainly undertake the tasks of **** and honour, so they are mainly equipped with light weapons. The guard flag team reduced heavy firepower such as mortars, but at the same time increased the proportion of automatic weapons and machine guns. The number of submachine guns in special teams was much higher than that of conventional army troops.

For example, in the infantry squad of Valdes, not only are equipped with two mg34s, each of the main and deputy squad leader and the two first shooters of machine guns are equipped with an mp40 submachine gun. At the same time as an honor guard, in addition to officers, each guard flag team member is equipped with a bright 98k ceremonial rifle. If you think that the chrome-plated rifle looks like a good thing, you have made a big mistake. All of these guns have been carefully debugged by exclusive gunsmiths. They are equipped with heavy-duty barrels selected by Mauser from Baili. The mechanical operation is smooth and reliable, and the shooting accuracy is absolutely excellent. It is now in combat. Both Valdes and the deputy squad were equipped with mp40s, leaving the rifles in the rear brigade.

"Wolf." Randolph jumped up from behind with a submachine gun.

"You old wolf, did you smell anything." Patting Valdes's shoulder, the SS major smiled like the sun at this time, and the shiny little dog's teeth almost blinded the sergeant's eyes.

"The traces are very chaotic. No wonder the cavalry can't keep track. It seems that the woods are often infested." Valdes reported.

"I asked just now that local French villagers often come here to hunt and pick mushrooms." Randolph adjusted the lanyard to move the submachine gun under his ribs, and then removed his kettle from his waist.

"If the opponent has a wounded person, they will definitely not choose a difficult path. Although this forest is very dense. However, there are still many trails that local people step on to pass. We only need to slowly narrow the encirclement in one direction. Now these people There is no chance anymore." Valdes had been a forest ranger in his hometown for several years and had a very rich experience in jungle hunting.

"Wait a minute." Valdes suddenly raised his right arm high, and the entire team stopped in response.

"Several people passed through from this position." Valdes squatted by a bush and pinched a broken branch with his fingers.

"Looking at the scar within an hour or two." Then Valdes stretched out his hand and twisted a leaf, then sniffed it under his nose.

"It's blood stains." The sergeant showed Randolph his fingers stained with blood.

"I knew that there must be something to follow you, and now I'm counting on you and come up with your housekeeping skills. If I caught those foreign spies, I personally asked the head of state to give you a reward." Randolph said excitedly, I was very proud of my foresight.

"Going in that direction." Valdes pointed to the depths of the woods.

"Report to the superior immediately, we found the trail of the enemy. Whistle, summon nearby comrades." Randolph said to the deputy squad leader.

"Observe, Major." The deputy monitor picked up the walkie-talkie and began to report his team's findings.

"Valldes discovered the traces left by the enemy."

"What? I knew it would be this old wolf."

"His nose is stronger than dogs, hey. Why hit my head."

Several squads nearby heard the whistle from here, and they all gathered around when they learned that they had found the trail of the enemy. I can’t help but be surprised and happy. Many people looked at Valders with a jealous eye, because in the post-war report, they will definitely mention this matter. Lament why you don't have that good luck.

"Now I take a class and take a copy from the left. Gunter you take your class to the right. The remaining two classes are lined up side by side, led by Major Randolph." The team assigned the task.

"What do you think of this arrangement, Major." Lieutenant Herman's expression looked neither humble nor overbearing, but the content was another look. Everyone knew that Randolph was the heart of the head of state. The celebrity in the headquarters, Himmler looked He must be kind to him. Where can I usually find such an opportunity to please the other party, if I pass it in vain, I'm afraid Herman will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Well, your conductor is very good, Herman, I remember you." Randolph patted the second lieutenant's shoulder with a smile.

"Major Randolph, Colonel Dougan ordered us to move on, and other troops will cooperate with us." The deputy squad leader reported loudly.

"Have you heard it? Just follow the plan set by Second Lieutenant Herman, and finally remind you once again, try to live as much as possible. If you encounter the other party's stubborn resistance, then kill it, and start acting now." Randolph stood in front of the team. The command came loudly.

"Follow the order, major." The soldiers responded loudly, and then the teams dispersed.

At the same time, in the depths of the woods, several figures were curling up to rest beside a fallen tree. These people did not know that they had been stared by the Germans at this time, and the danger was slowly approaching them.

"Is there anything else to eat." It is a middle-aged man who is about 45 or 56 years old. At first glance, he looks like an upper class who usually treats himself with superiority, but now this image is really awkward. The waxed hair was in a mess, divided into strands and draped on the forehead and ears, vaguely revealing the Mediterranean that was carefully hidden at the top. A finely-worked evening dress was now covered with grass branches and black soil, right hand The sleeves on the shoulders were somehow torn by something, and a big mouth was cracked to reveal the white lining, and the pair of exquisite cowhide leather shoes on the feet were covered with dried mud.

"Sorry, Sir, please bear with me again. We can leave here after dark. I remember that before the plane landed, I passed a village. From the location, it should not be too far from us. We can get from the French villagers. I needed help there." The answer was a man in a uniform of a French officer, who looked like he was in his thirties. He was leaning on the crooked tree. His right leg was ripped and tied. The rag wound still oozed blood.

"You need to find a doctor as soon as possible, major." A young man in his thirties with glasses said to the officer in French with a serious foreign accent.

"Although I have only taken a few medical lessons, I can see that you have been seriously injured." The man speaking is a man with a bazao, who looks similar to the previous one, but is obviously more mature than the former Many, with the same foreign accent, are obviously with the young man.

"You call that landing, the Virgin Mary." A mocking statement came from the corner of the shadow, and the speaker immediately stood up and walked in front of the officer. This is a strong man, dressed in an upper body A **** shirt stretched by muscles, wearing a brown-green army pants, a pair of leggings of the same color, and a pair of earthy leather shoes.

"Mr. Antonio, please calm down. This is not the time for quarrels." Ba Zihu played the round court.

"I don't have time to fight with him. I'm tired of this place where bugs are everywhere. We are going to leave here." Antonio's left arm was bandaged and his forearm was covered with solidified blood. He was talking while talking Use thick fingers to rub the solidified blood off the skin.

"Now we have no water, no food, no medicine. Thanks to this major, I have no money, and my wallet and luggage are all thrown on that **** plane. But look at it now, Where is the German he said? Hmm? I didn’t see it, I didn’t even have one. What did I say in front, we should bring our equipment and luggage, and don’t leave in such a hurry. See where this coward has taken us to now. How can I be so unlucky, Virgin Mary." The strong man grumbled in French with a strong Spanish accent.

"Shut up," the middle-aged jazz said loudly.

"What are you talking about?" The Spanish turned to stare at the jazz.

"I told you to shut up, shh, you listen." The Jazz yelled at the Spaniard loudly, and then fell to the trunk to do the ear listening.

"What what? Listen what?"

Several people couldn't help getting nervous, they all lay beside the jazz, listening to the sound of him.

"I didn't hear anything."

"Wait, there seems to be some movement."

"Someone, there are many people, God." The face of the young man wearing glasses suddenly turned white.

"It's German, it's German!" the man with the character "Bai Hu" exclaimed in a low voice.

"Quick cover!" Jazz reached out and pressed the heads of several companions beside him.

"It's the SS!" he whispered in one direction. Looking in the direction of his finger, a German soldier in a black uniform holding a submachine gun was slowly approaching where they were hiding.

(To be continued.)