Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 386: The supplication of the prince (middle)

As mentioned earlier, King Alexander was eventually assassinated in Paris, and the name given to this name in the history of Serbia is basically not good.

In fact, it doesn't matter. In the original history, the kingdom of Yugoslavia was finished after his son succeeded to the throne. There will be no king named Alexander. However, with Xu Jun now, this question is somewhat unclear.

Now let's talk about this Prince Paul, this man is also a wonderful flower in the history of Yugoslavia. Paul Karagovic’s father was the brother of King Peter I, Arsen. Since his birth, the prince has not expected the possibility of succession to the throne. His uncle Peter I has had two sons in succession, even if one unfortunately died. There can also be another spare.

Although the prince Paul did not have the opportunity to succeed to the throne, he still had the conditions to receive royal education. When he was in his twenties, he travelled a long distance to study in Oxford, England. In addition to enjoying the prosperity and development of the United Kingdom, this is also an opportunity to meet the traditional British aristocracy.

Since the Berlin conference, Serbs who felt the British "goodwill" began to have pro-British tendencies. Serbians with good nature and bravery worship the world's strong, and they are also willing to believe that the British Empire will help them. Resist all strong enemies.

In general, this study of Prince Paul is indeed a worthwhile trip. Not only did he learn scientific knowledge in Oxford, he also took the British from the mode of thinking and attitude to political ideas, and even learned all the habits and daily hobbies. Be transparent.

The education system of the British is indeed very strong, and it is the British [gentleman] who has educated a prince of Yugoslavia to a standard, in various senses.

The Prince Paul met a group of British noble friends, two of whom had the most influence on him, one was George VI’s younger brother, the British George Edwood. Alexander Edmond, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, and There is a prince's friend Sir Henry Cannon.

Inspired by a group of noble friends, the Serbian prince soon became famous in the United Kingdom, and all Oxford was talking about how the strange king was in the infamous Burlington Club, which is mostly known as a young boy, for those extravagant Banquets and dances cost a lot of money.

In addition, there are more people talking about this prince’s spouse orientation, because there is evidence that he has been bent by two friends, and like the two nobles, he has become a bisexual, but I don’t know. Which side is he attacking?

However, this is the prince's personal privacy, and it is not necessary to investigate it clearly. Anyway, this situation was very common in the noble circles in Europe at that time, and it has not yet reached the point where the tiger's color changed.

Regarding the prince's orientation, Xu Jun currently does not know whether Hitler knows something, but with the intelligence collection capabilities of the German intelligence service at that time, it is very likely that Hitler was unaware. Hitler has a mental cleansing attitude, and he has a very tough attitude on this issue. In addition to the traditional conservative ideas held by the Germans, the death rate of the Pink Triangle in the concentration camp exceeded 60%. Before the [Wanhu Conference], this death rate Even more than the Jews.

Turning back to the topic now, various sources of information show that this Prince Paul is actually an Englishman in a Serbian coat. This can be seen from the series of political reforms he made after he became the regent. His The ruling was deeply influenced by the British government, and the British also knew the prince’s tendency, so he had spared no effort to win him, and even awarded him the Guardian Knight Medal, which is the highest the British royal family can give to foreign leaders. Honor to honor his long-term friendship with the British royal family.

But after all, the Prince Paul was not blinded. He still remembered that he was a Serb, and he didn't have any stupidity to follow Britain, otherwise Yugoslavia would have already perished.

Prince Paul is a rare Serb with a big picture. Instead of confining his sights to the small Balkans, he focused on the situation in Europe as a whole. He saw the crisis facing the Yugoslav kingdom, so he chose to reconcile with the Croats, and even he did not hesitate to infringe on the interests of the Serbian family. This is indeed very remarkable in Xu Jun's view.

However, because of this, he was regarded as a traitor and coward by the Serbs, especially the Serbian army, which has always held extremely conservative ideas. Many officers have been dissatisfied with the regent's performance.

Prince Paul abolished many orders issued by his cousin, many of which were directly related to the concentration of kingship. After all, his schooling experience led him to be very keen on the British constitutional monarchy system. The dictatorship system of the monarchy established by brothers is very outdated, and part of the power should be returned to the parliament and the people.

The problem is that you just return the power to the Serbs. How can the Croatians be treated equally? Let’s talk about losing the family, but he’s going to defeat his own, but now what he abolished is all the power that should belong to his nephew.

Many people began to wonder if the prince's intentions came, whether he had another purpose, and wanted to buy people's hearts from this, in order to abolish Peter II and become his own master.

Speaking of which, this is not impossible. After being regent for so many years, how could this prince not have personal ambitions, especially his wife of the Greek princess, said that she wanted to make her two sons heirs to the throne.

Although it should be the internal affairs of the Yugoslavs, once Prince Paul succeeds to the throne, it will definitely cause a chain reaction in the Balkan countries.

Romania, Bulgaria and Austria are more difficult to say. Without Germany’s approval, they should not act rashly, but Hungary and Italy will certainly use this as an opportunity to seek provocations and even send troops to interfere in the succession of the Yugoslav throne. This is not the case in Europe. There are many precedents to follow.

Holborn failed to explain clearly the purpose of Paul’s coming to Berlin this time, because the prince’s tone was tight and he didn’t reveal much to him. According to the personal speculation of the Governor of Vienna, the prince’s The trend is very concerned, so this visit should be related to the German rapid reaction cluster that is currently gathering along the Austrian border.

At this time, Xu Jun didn't want to guess too much. After seeing everyone, everything would become clear. What he had a headache was how to solve the series of troubles caused by Yugoslavia if he wanted to fall back to Germany. In a stable and unified Yugoslav kingdom, Xu Jun believes that the former is more in line with Germany's current interests than a bunch of Yugoslavia that is torn apart.

A harmonious and stable Balkan Peninsula will provide Germany with a solid flanking barrier and reduce the pressure on the German flanking defense. The traffic and road conditions in these countries are generally maddening, and there is no need to worry about any heavy armored clusters suddenly appearing in front of the Germans through the mountains.

Although many Balkans do not like Germany, they are even more annoying or even deeply hateful. They still face the giant red bear opposite.

When Germany defeated Britain and France and became the new hegemony in Europe, their attitude towards Germany changed significantly. The Bulgarian Tsar is an example. This tsar has always been not very optimistic about the alliance with Germany. Although he once had a good relationship with Germany during Hitler’s administration, he also maintained good relations with Britain and France.

It was not until the three Baltic states were annexed by Russia that the tsar realized that he might become the next victim. At this time, he had the intention to prepare an alliance with Germany. When the news of British and French surrender came, the Czar’s determination was strengthened, especially when the Soviet Union suddenly sent envoys to try to sign a mutual assistance treaty with Bulgaria, the king was immediately scared out of the cold sweat. The giant bear really stared at himself, and the three Baltic states were hitting the same move that year, and the bones were not cold yet. So Bulgaria immediately turned to Germany and asked for German protection. In order to protect his country, the tsar had completely stopped acting. The ruthless Bulgaria that had been reserved had become a German loyal dog in the blink of an eye.

Unlike history, Germany’s victory was a few months later than in history. Because of Hitler’s death, the second Vienna arbitration in history did not appear. Xu Jun is not as quick and quick as Hitler, and he is willing to betray the interests of other allies in order to buy Hungary.

Perhaps because of different times, information circulation and various globalization theories of later generations, Xu Jun’s vision was far broader than that of most national leaders at that time.

Hitler was limited to the education he had received and the world view that had been established for a long time. His vision could not have been long-term. His foreign policy has always been criticized by historians of later generations. The reason is that it is actually here.

Hitler was just an ordinary person from the lower class of Austria. He did not have any higher education. His ideas were derived from various tabloids and anthologies of fanatics. Before the war, he did not even leave Germany. He could only read from history books. Learn here ******.

This led to his diplomatic thinking full of mistakes and fallacies. He often applied the German and Austrian thinking patterns to some countries he did not understand, which also led him to miscalculate the allies and opponents from time to time. strength.

Putting it on Xu Jun now, these problems no longer exist. Few people in this world know the facts of the countries of World War II better than him.

Yugoslavia was listed by Xu Jun as an absolutely inaccessible area because he knew that this ghost place was simply Afghanistan in Europe, and even more chaotic than Afghanistan.

The Croats were close to the Germans, because they were once loyal people of Habsburg. In fact, they did not want to be independent at all, but just wanted to be a group of good people with peace of mind under the protection of Austria. Serbian.

Now that Austria has been annexed by Germany, in the eyes of the Croats, Germany is the heir to Habsburg, so it is generally close to Croatian civilians to Germany.

Now if we want to maintain the unity of the Yugoslav kingdom, then the Croats have become an inescapable problem. How to deal with the contradictions between these ethnic groups in Germany is the key issue to maintain the stability of this country. Or simply support the Croats as in history, and then leave the mess to their own disposal, which is obviously not feasible. Just watching the killing of civilians by several ethnic groups, Xu Jun believes that his conscience will not be peaceful. .

Only after Prince Paul arrives, Xu Jun can make corresponding decisions based on the other party's attitude and opinions.

The FW200 aircraft carrying Prince Paul arrived safely in Berlin. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Xu Jun did not go to the airport to welcome him, and even the luxury convoy of the Prime Minister's Palace was not dispatched. Germany only used a team of Mercedes-Benz cars from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and secretly sent the prince to the prime minister’s palace, and had not yet walked through the main entrance. He sent people directly into the underground garage from the side entrance. People want to kidnap them.

After careful security checks by officers of the Guard Banner, the Yugoslav missions that handed over all their weapons were led into the upper-level Prime Minister’s Palace. When they walked on the legendary huge gallery, looking at the glittering ornaments around them, the guard flag guards standing upright on both sides, and the marble floor under their feet, these Yugoslavs This was finally a relief.

Under the guidance of Disenhofen, Prince Paul alone went into the office of the head of empire cautiously. This is the second time he has come to this place, only things are wrong, this spacious and gorgeous office has changed a host.

"Nice to meet you, His Royal Highness Prince Paul. Xu Jun stood in the middle of the office and waited a long time before seeing Paul stepping forward to the empire's head and reaching out to each other enthusiastically.

"Nice to meet you, Honorable Head of State." Prince Paul quickly shook hands with Xu Jun and bowed slightly.

Diplomacy is a contest of strength between the two countries. Although the Yugoslav Prince sounds incomparably noble, compared with the powerful head of the Great German Empire, the two are not in a heavyweight category at all.

The two parties made a courtesy with each other, and then Disenhofen led the Prince of Yugoslavia to the meeting area on the north side of the office. At this time, tea and snacks were prepared on the table, mostly made according to the taste of the Serbs.

"Dear Excellency, please save Yugoslavia." Regardless of Xu Jun's adjutant, Prince Paul directly put on a sad expression and bowed his head to Xu Jun.

Such a straightforward approach surprised the head of the empire who had been mentally prepared, and it was rare that Xu Jun lost a square in front of his subordinates.