Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 47: SS

Rubbing his swollen forehead, Xu Jun picked up the teacup at the table.

"Dougan, the schedule for the afternoon."

Xu Jun took a sip of tea and frowned.

"My head of state, your schedule for the afternoon is to meet General Keitel and General Manstein at two o'clock. Meet the Japanese envoy at half past three. Participate in the regular headquarters meeting at five o'clock. Meet with the French envoy at seven o'clock and have dinner with him ."

Dogen replied loudly and respectfully.

"Well... change the order and postpone the time to meet General Kettle and General Manstein, I want to see the Japanese envoy first."

Xu Jun poured the cold tea from the cup into the spittoon at the desk, and then rang the bell on the table.

"Change me a pot of hot tea, Eric."

The handsome imperial ducái shook the teacup in his hand at the young adjutant who had entered.

"Please wait a moment, my head."

Major Dizenhofen quickly walked up to the front and walked over the tray by the desk.

"Okay, let's deal with this matter. Tell Himmler that I am very satisfied with his work. The troops have arrived in the Dutch East India. When Marshal Blumberg arrives, they will start to take over protection. Once the duty of the mission is safe, I will first pursue the responsibility of the SS."

Xu Jun handed it to Dougan after signing the name at the bottom of a document.

"Yes, my head of state. His Excellency Himmler is very confident in this plan, and I hope that the SS will change his impression in people's hearts from now on. And, I dare to assure you that the party sent to Asia this time Guard commandos will be the most elite and loyal."

Daogen answered excitedly.

"I believe you, Dougan. The reorganization of the SS has to be accelerated. Himmler has done a great job in this regard. His performance far exceeded my original expectations of him, and he will receive the reward he deserves. . And this expedition will be an arduous test given to the SS by history. I believe they will not fail the inscription on the SS’s sword."

Xu Jun stood up and walked to the window, looking at the Paris city view outside the office window and said indifferently.

"Our honor is loyalty, my head."

Dougen bowed his head respectfully.

Long before the large-scale cleansing started in Germany, Xu Jun had already launched a large-scale cleansing operation in the SS.

Himmler has now become Xu Jun’s most powerful helper and weapon in ensuring German domestic stability and the implementation of the German strategic adjustment plan. The instinct of this SS national leader is keenly terrifying in some respects, and he knows that this is the only chance to save his already vacillating throne. If he can't grasp it, Xu Jun will send him to **** without hesitation. If he grasps it, then he might get the trust of the apostle of God. Moreover, he admired Xu Jun’s performance on the battlefield and the political arena. When Xu Jun overturned Hitler on the ground, Himmler, who was used to respecting the strong, immediately replaced the statue on his altar from Hitler. Reinhardt. He firmly believed that as long as he served the apostle faithfully, he would gain more from the young head of lord than he had lost now.

Himmler’s obedience to orders is the most determined and thorough among German officials. As long as he receives orders, even if he uses the most stupid way, he will try to complete it. Once the SS reorganization plan and rectification order are issued, it must be obeyed unconditionally and fulfilled.

Himmler, the coldest thug in history, stretched the butcher knife to his men without hesitation in this time and space. In just half a month, the dross in the SS was cleaned all over, maintaining the **** and efficient style of the SS in the process.

Xu Jun did not have a good impression of the German Nazi SS, and even was full of disgust. The splendid auras of the SS in history all come from its branches, the armed SS known for their bravery and tenacity. The ordinary SS, except for spreading terror and crime on German territory and the territory of the occupied country, corrupting Germany's reputation, and committing a large number of wars and civil crimes, did not play any role at all. Moreover, as long as one thing is incorporated into the SS, then the proportion of the situation will increase geometrically, which is purely a typical representative of the lack of success.

Now, Xu Jun will no longer allow that bad situation to happen under his nose. If the SS cannot play the role he should play for Germany, then Xu Jun doesn’t mind completely ruining this mouse shit. Pick it up before throwing it away. However, the almost religious-like loyalty and sacrifice spirit of the SS, and the strong cohesion and strength that it derives from it, are what every authority wants to master. This is a huge force that ordinary people can't imagine.

Xu Jun is also unwilling to give up this strength that can strengthen his rule at this stage. Therefore, how to control and use the SS that has begun to rot has become an important issue for Xu Jun.

After all, the SS is theoretically a personal guard directly under his own, and it has not yet penetrated as extensively in all areas of Germany as it will in the future, causing such serious damage to Germany. If it can be transformed and used reasonably, That would be a powerful trump card in Xu Jun's hands. However, the premise is that Xu Jun must thoroughly control the power of this force.

Hitler, who was suspicious in history, did not completely trust the SS. He always worried that the SS would become another assault team, so he did not relax his control of the SS from beginning to end. Himmler didn't clearly understand the head's ideas at first, and he was severely informed by Hitler after a private act. Thinking of Roma's end that year, Himmler put away the ambitions of the SS, and the subsequent performance of the SS did indeed satisfy the head of state.

As one of the national violent institutions, the positioning of the SS is unusually vague. In addition to Hitler's intentional indulgence of his own private guard, Himmler's personal ambitions also played a very important role.

In history, the SS has become synonymous with terror. Under Hitler’s approval, it enjoys all the powers to use violence legally, and its tentacles reach every corner of the Third Reich, any area that it considers to have interests, It will be subject to its ruthless invasion, politics, economy, production, diplomacy, and even the field of scientific research. The SS actually has its own ordnance research institution, specially designing weapons and equipment for them. As a paramilitary unit, it is extremely rare in world history. The SS enjoys the highest level of privilege in the violent institutions of the Third Reich. It is only responsible to the German head of state. They refuse to accept the command of anyone except the German heads of state and their national leaders. They have absolute power of scrutiny and are free to arrest any German citizen whom they regard as criminals. They can even arrest active-duty soldiers, even if it is a general covered with medals. They have their own prisons, their own concentration camps, their own legal systems, and even their own courts and judges.

In the Third Reich, the SS and the National Secret Insights cast together the sword of Damocles hanging above the heads of all German citizens. Any German who dares to step over Lei Chi will learn the iron fist of these two violent institutions. The only national violent institution that can be compared with them in the history of the world is the Cheka, which was famous for its **** brutality. It is now known as the Soviet National People’s Committee, the famous kgb of later generations.

Now, Xu Jun is not ready to let the SS develop as it has in history, he must reposition the SS. Xu Jun’s goal is to transform the SS into a German national internal defense force and make the SS a key force for maintaining social stability in Germany, rather than a disruptor of social order in history.

The SS cannot be a privileged institution, he can only serve the regime. Xu Jun decided to limit the SS's authority, deprive them of part of the power of scrutiny and all privileges that have nothing to do with their duties, and limit their influence to the extent necessary to defend national security. The SS will implement a thorough militarized management instead of the original semi-political and semi-military management model. That model was too confusing, creating too many opportunities for the group of black horses in the SS to use power for private embezzlement of German national wealth.

The SS must also streamline existing personnel and remove those who do not meet the standards, in order to purify the members of the SS. Because Himmler had been too eager to expand the SS, a large number of social casuals were recruited into the organization. From the records of the past few years, the source of the members of the SS is extremely complicated, from the pawns of the traffickers to the hooligans. As long as they are considered to be loyal to the Nazi party and willing to allegiance to the head of state, and can prove that they are pure Yalian Germans can join. Moreover, the nepotism in the SS is rampant, and one person often wins the sky. Once some people have power, the first thing is to pull all his family into the SS.

This has caused the bribery and bribery situation in the SS to become more and more serious. Everyone sees the benefits of joining the SS, so the leaders of the SS at all levels who have the power to recruit have become those who want to get into the SS with various purposes. The guy's prime bribe. The information that Xu Jun saw recorded such a thing. A butcher's shop owner gave a basket of sausages to a SS third-level captain. The next day, people suddenly found out that this man was still chopping meat in the store yesterday. The guy was wearing a sturdy SS black uniform and walked around the street in a big way, and the collar was also hung with a collar flower of a SS leader. This shows that the work of cleaning up and rectifying the internal personnel of the SS has reached an urgent stage.

Xu Jun’s order to Himmler specifically noted this point, and any personnel who did not meet the standards of the SS members will be removed. Anyone who is found to be involved in bribery or false public and private acts will be arrested locally and severely interrogated. Once the situation is found to be true, he must be punished immediately.

The SS will truly become one of the national armed units, and all funds will be provided by the state, rather than previously raised by the SS itself. Once some SS sponsors used the rights of the SS to attack their opponents, which has seriously affected the stability of the German domestic economic development. The SS will carry out complete military training, and the German Defense Force will send professional instructors to give the SS soldiers the most systematic and comprehensive military training, and the SS officers at all levels should also receive systematic military command education. The SS rank is linked to the IDF rank , But retain the original military rank logo. The SS will become a light armed force recognized by the state and shoulder the responsibility of defending the internal security and order maintenance of the country. Before that, the SS had to reorganize its new leadership structure and structure, and build a more systematic and efficient command system using the National Defense Force as a model. The SS also has to establish new rules and regulations, which must strictly abide by German laws and establish a strict supervisory organization to prevent illegal acts.

Moreover, Xu Jun also specifically requested Himmler to try to dilute the ideological dominance of the Nazi racial ideology in the SS, and put the focus of ideological guidance on patriotism and loyalty education, and the most critical point must be established Xu Jun Individuals have the highest leadership in the minds of SS members. The SS will become an internal armed scout force loyal to the country but only responsible to the head of state. This is Xu Jun's new identity customized for this black army.

Himmler deeply understood Xu Jun's spirit. The head of state was slowly erasing the trace of Hitler's existence in Germany, and took the opportunity to increase his strength. He can understand this very well. After so many years of intrigue and swindle for power, Himmler also saw the nature of the Nazi Party. It is not important whether the faith is firm, but only the strength at hand.

Xu Jun now has a huge power that Hitler could not grasp at that time. He won the support and allegiance of all the violent machines in the country. He successfully completed the tasks that Hitler could not complete, and completely controlled the rights of the entire country in his personal hands.

Hitler was not able to achieve complete ducái at the beginning of the war. Most of his rights were shared among his group of comrades. For this reason, he had to devote a lot of energy every month to balance his group of comrades. The relationship between. At the same time, he must also balance the relationship between the Nazi Party and other powerful institutions in the country, and balance the conflict of interests between the two parties. The most important thing is that he has not yet completely mastered the German army. Although on the surface he is the only leader of the German ** team, in fact, the German ** regiments still have the strength to obstruct his orders. Does not have the strength to directly confront the military.

Now Xu Jun has not only won the full support of the military, but also through Hitler’s death, eradicated all the high-ranking Nazis who could threaten him and share power with him, and concentrated all his rights on him and From the point of view of his subordinates, the present God apostle is more qualified than Hitler at that time to be called a ducái.

Himmler now knows exactly what role he should play under the apostle of God. He also saw what he would get from Xu Jun. Although the SS is weakened on the surface, in reality, the SS will be stronger than before.

For the first time, the SS has been politically recognized by the military, which means that the internal friction and confrontation between the SS and the military will no longer exist, and the biggest obstacle on the SS’s development path will disappear. The fact that Xu Jun gave the SS a legal status made Himmler more happy, which means that the SS will be able to step on the political stage as the official administrative unit of the German state from now on, instead of having to hang everything like before Hitler's brand. Since then, the SS is no longer a group of people, but a regular national force.

And what excites Himmler the most is that Xu Jun has given him an important mission, and it is related to the foreign affairs activities that Himmler is most interested in. Himmler sees Xu Jun from him Has reached a level of optimism.

Xu Jun asked him to select the most elite armed men in the SS to form a battalion combat team, and then followed the German mission to China, and stationed there to provide protection for the foreign affairs agencies of Germany and its allies. Himmler has invested a great deal of enthusiasm in this, and 1,200 German SS members have been drawn from various units. They are all veterans or strong young men who have served in the National Defense Forces. They are fanatical patriots, and they adore and respect the current head of empire extremely, and are eager to contribute their loyalty to the head of state.

All of them have received strict 18-week infantry training, and many of them also hold various special technical certificates. After personally reviewing and watching the live-fire exercises of this unit, Himmler felt that the fighting power of these SS members had even surpassed that of the armed SS on the French front.

He is now full of confidence in accomplishing this task. These warriors will not let his heads down, and will certainly win him more appreciation and favor.

Moreover, the chief of the Asian Intelligence Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured him privately after watching the soldiers’ tactical drills that, in addition to not using chopsticks, these soldiers would be invincible in Asia.