Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 511: Offense (1)

The colonial forces did not represent inferior ranks. In the sequence of French troops, the colonial forces once occupied a very important position.

No colonial nation will be tamed from the beginning. Colonial plunder has been soaked in blood from the bones. The Republic needs to obtain endless benefits from the colonies. Colonial forces are an important tool to protect these interests.

France specially designed uniforms and equipment adapted to the local environment and climate for her colonial forces, so that these French warriors can fight in the local area more efficiently. I am afraid that only the British can compare with the French in details. The problem is far away.

This small unit is the second battalion of the 3rd Colony Infantry Regiment. The headquarters of this unit is in Siem Reap. It was transferred to Banteay Meanchey by the superior two weeks ago.

Generally speaking, some local soldiers will be recruited in this type of army. However, the senior officials of the colonial military insisted that the short Khmer people were not suitable for fighting in the army. In contrast, they preferred the Vietnamese, who generally had good nutrition and personality. It is also more offensive, and there are not too many language barriers. After training, they obey the orders of their superiors.

However, the Khmer people are extremely hostile to the Yue people, and they are also hostile to the Siamese. There is hatred and contradictions accumulated in these three countries and nations for hundreds of years. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, most of the colonial troops stationed in Khmer were composed purely of French.

Captain Daniel is the company commander of the second battalion and one company, but now he has only one platoon in his hand, and one of the remaining escorts escorts a group of important ones to Dele, and the other follows the regiment, still far away. Sunbathing in Siem Reap.

Speaking of course, this is still a light motorized infantry platoon, but the actual establishment is not what it was. Because the size of the army is too large, the dress-up and formation are very confusing. The boundaries of the French motorized force have always been blurred in practice. This can refer to the mobile force of the pure motorized march, or the general force that uses cars to transport the heavy load. It can refer to all infantry units equipped with cars.

The 65-strong infantry platoon was equipped with a Citroen half-ton truck. This small truck is obviously not used for manned march, they are not the Indian army, otherwise only a motorcycle is enough.

Now this blue-grey truck is loaded with a whole row of belongings, a variety of ammunition, spare weapons, field cooking utensils, and field rations that can be consumed for three days in a row. Menhaqikais sa34 25mm anti-tank gun.

This small gun was just shipped from the country, and the shield and the barrel were also painted with three-color camouflage paint of the local army. As the first anti-tank gun officially designed by France, this weapon was quite satisfactory in the early stage of the war. Although the effective range is only one kilometer, the armor-piercing capability of forty millimeters is enough to destroy most German armored units.

The French army was equipped with a large number of such artillery pieces, and even supported a batch for the British Expeditionary Force. Eventually, all these artillery pieces fell into the hands of the Germans. In history, the Germans gave it a pak112 equipment number, as a supplementary firepower for the second-line troops, and also sold a lot to allies, such as the Romanian and Finnish troops.

But now that history has changed, the Germans simply don't look down on this kind of small gun, so apart from leaving a few doors for research, all are returned to the French team.

The French army also found that this thing is outdated in performance, and now it seems that the world is engaged in heavy tanks, but this kind of artillery was built in France at that time. Fully six thousand doors, even if it was lost in the war, there are almost the rest. More than five thousand, it would be a pity if they were all abandoned.

As a result, the Germans discovered business opportunities from it. Although the range of this thing was not good, the accuracy was indeed very good. It could be almost anywhere within a thousand meters. It was easy to operate and the rate of fire was high. It also destroyed the world at that time. The power of most light tanks, is this not exactly what the Chinese government needs most?

The total weight of this gun is only 480 kilograms, and two strong soldiers can drag and run, powerful enough to kill all known Japanese tanks, and the explosive shells equipped can also be used to fight the bunker.

The Germans deliberately added sa24 to the arms trading catalog, so when France sent troops to the colonies, by the way, almost half of the guns were installed.

The Chinese are really interested in this French artillery. The first batch of 200 guns was booked. After preparing for a practical trial on the battlefield, we should consider whether to follow up the purchase.

Because this batch of artillery is no longer a German spoil, the French became the supplier this time, and the German side was very cheerful to pay for the franc, so that this business made the Betan government, which was being squandered by the finances, just like to find out A new world.

The French colonial forces also received a batch of these artillery pieces to strengthen the anti-tank firepower of the colony. Anyway, there are still enough ships there.

Before, the colonial forces had been under pressure from the armored units of the Siamese and Japanese armies. Compared with these two countries, the armored units of French Indochina were hardly worth mentioning except the number.

The British armored vehicles of the Siamese Army are the main equipment. The main equipment is the Kaden Royd tracked machine gun car and the Vickers six-ton ​​tank. Although they are all lightweight units, they are not the Renault t17 produced by the French during World War I. The rivalry is not only the gap in quantity, the two sides are not the same thing of an era.

In addition to this batch of 25mm anti-tank guns, the original French army of French Indochina also received a lot of heavy equipment. For example, the anti-tank battalion of the Third Colony Infantry Regiment received a batch of cutting-edge 47mm anti-tank Tank artillery, the artillery battalion of the infantry regiment is supplemented with a bunch of big guys with a caliber of 75 or even 105 mm. This should have been equipped with direct projectile firepower at the brigade level or even the division level, far away from the French Army Department This time, they were generously distributed to colonial regiment artillery.

The Paris side is clearly preparing to do a big fight in Asia. According to unreliable news, the British now have some ideas. According to Daniel, this may refer to the Malay Peninsula.

"Mr. Captain!" The signal soldier stood next to Citroen and called out the company commander.

"What happened." Danielle threw away the cigarette **** in his hand and strode over.

"It's Major Dewar. The Siamese bombed the air station of Shishufeng half an hour ago." The Signal Corps handed the headset to Daniel.

"It's me, Daniel, good afternoon, Mr. Major." Daniel took off the helmet and put it on the hood, buckling the headset on his head.

"Yes, Mr. Major, I understand, Mr. Major. How could this be? Is the situation serious? I know, but my current strength is good. Mr. Major, you know I don't mean that, okay, no problem at all. Yes, long live the Republic, long live France!" Danielel took off the headset and signaled the soldier to turn off the microphone.

"What's the matter? I heard that the Siamese Air Force bombed Shishufeng?" Lieutenant Barr asked aside.

"Yes, half an hour ago, but not in the city, but in the outskirts of the air station. The casualties there were very serious, and the entire base was almost destroyed." Danielel put on his helmet and fastened the belt of his jaw.

"Are the Siamese crazy? This is a war." Lieutenant Barr's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, second lieutenant, we are going to fight. The above commanded us to move immediately to the border and bring my map bag." Daniel said to the standing soldier on the side, the soldier quickly spread his legs Running towards the company commander's army bag.

The company commander took the map from the panting servicemen and laid it on Citroen's hood.

"Our current location is near here. It was this river that we just passed. Now let us rush here." Daniel pointed to a point on the map.

"Osong Sentry, it's less than a hundred meters from the border." Lieutenant Barr frowned.

"I’ve been there, originally an old barracks, with a five-sided masking wall built outside, and a simple runway two hundred meters to the south to allow light aircraft to land. There were originally 30 Khmer soldiers stationed there, but now Know how much is left. Our task is to rush to this post before dark, and then stay there until the follow-up troops arrive." Danielel folded the map, folded it into one, and reinserted the map package in.

"The above meaning, the Siamese will attack there?" Barr asked.

"Now we can't judge what follow-up action the Siamese Army will take. I think it's possible. Let's gather troops, Lieutenant!" Danielel raised his chest and ordered the Ensign.

"Follow the order! Mr. Captain." Barr hit the shoe and saluted the company commander.

At the next moment, the sharp and short assembly trumpets of the French army echoed along the highway.

ps: Yesterday's title should be "sequence", the result is wrong, there is a chance to change it again.

Thank you for your consideration and encouragement. I am very touched. Thank you again. (To be continued.)