Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 63: D-4

"The weight of the soldiers must be strictly limited. The success of the landing and the speed of the assault are very important." Xu Jun passed the 98k rifle in his hand and Disenhofen immediately stepped forward to take it.

"My head of state, the headquarters has conducted many experiments. According to your requirements, to ensure the soldiers' attack speed, and to ensure that the soldiers' tactical movements are not out of shape." Yodel replied respectfully.

"The mission of the first wave of landing troops is to tear a breakthrough in the enemy’s defense line, and then outflank the two wings to completely occupy the enemy’s beach defensive position. Their task is very arduous, and they will be stuck in bunkers and There is a lot of firepower attack in the bunker, so it is very important to keep flexible and maneuverable." Xu Jun walked to the big awning by the cliff.

There are several long aluminum folding tables with white embroidered tablecloths, and a small table on the side is a row of beverage barrels and various small meals. The staff and deputy commanders of the command headquarters were drinking juice and soda around the small table. When Xu Jun came with a group of generals, everyone immediately put down the glasses and stood up. Xu Jun waved his hands to the staff, then walked to the largest table and sat down.

"We still have some specific information that needs to be confirmed. These first tasks must be done carefully and carefully. I don't want to see the beach head of the landing site become the cemetery of the German Army." Xu Jun took off his military cap and put it on On the table, the waiting soldiers on the side immediately took out the cold towel from the heat preservation barrel.

"Navy diving engineers have been equipped with the latest light scuba. They will lurking to the beach of the landing site one night before the landing. When the landing begins, they will use explosives to clear the underwater obstacles in front of the landing site. To be honest, the British did not set up too many obstacles. There were only some large wooden refusal horses and steel rails on the beachhead, and the number was not large. They were now short of supplies." Kettle took it from the serviceman's plate Pick up a towel. Speaking while rubbing the back of the neck.

"Hydrological data has been sent to the battalion level unit. We require that each commander of the commando must understand the location and terrain information of their landing, including water depth, obstacle distribution, and the location and number of firepower points they will face. We I never thought that the intelligence bureau could obtain such detailed enemy intelligence. If this battle is won, our intelligence personnel will be indispensable. If these reports are true, the current level of preparations for our army is complete. It will be as easy as a drill." Yodel took the juice from the adjutant.

"The soldiers who landed in the first wave were all light, only carrying the necessary weapons and special equipment. Is it a little less than one and a half bases of ammunition per person?" Ronde Stede just came back from Paris headquarters last night. Group army commanders also wore white summer dresses.

"Their mission is to attack enemy beachheads and infantry positions. Prior to this, the navy and air force will saturate large fortifications, and the air force will always guarantee air control in the landing area, and provide fire support and destruction to the infantry at any time and anywhere. All the obstacles in front of them." Yodel drank the juice and motioned for his adjutant to get himself another glass.

"The infantry’s ammunition must be replenished in time, and the transfer time of the second wave of troops must also be accurate. Bock is preparing to command himself on the front line. He is preparing the transfer table at the headquarters, when will the second wave be sent, how many people, and how many materials will be sent? . This is related to the victory or defeat of the entire landing battle." Longstad picked up his coffee.

"It is the key to send something ashore. According to the plan, if the first attack wave successfully landed and successfully occupied the beachhead position, then the armored forces of the first assault group should be sent up first, and immediately attack the enemy deep and thoroughly. The defensive arrangement of the chaotic enemy." Kettle said, knocking on the table.

"Tank landing ships will occupy a large part of the beachhead. What to do if you cannot withdraw, you must prepare for both hands. If a similar problem occurs, I think that the landing ship should be turned into a firepower point on the beachhead, so you must strengthen the landing ship. At the same time, you must also consider the loss of the landing craft, so the second wave of landing must prepare enough reserve teams." Xu Jun handed the heated towel to the service personnel.

"The ship already has two cannons installed, and the bow should be out of position."

"This question is handed over to the Navy, they should still have a way. Now that the time is running out, I will immediately report to Rydell and convey my suggestions."

"Observe, my head." The staff standing on the side hurried to the communication car parked on the edge of the mountain.

"Okay, I will talk about the first attack wave now. The British responded very quickly, and they should be able to detect our preparations here. There have been more than a dozen high-speed British reconnaissances every day for the past two days. The aircraft forcibly investigated the port and beachhead. Although some of them were shot down under the attack of the Air Force, many reconnaissance aircraft successfully escaped. I think the British have obtained enough information they want, just like As we expected, the aggression of the campaign no longer exists. This will be a direct face-to-face collision. We have to be mentally prepared to fight a hard battle." Xu Jun hugged his shoulders with one hand.

"Although I also hope that the battle will be as smooth as Yodell said, as easy as an exercise. But obviously some are not realistic, the battlefield situation is constantly changing, and the overall framework that has been developed can no longer be done. What changes, we can only make corresponding adjustments to the plan in real time." Brauchic nodded and said.

"The British should have noticed our movements, but they don't know the specific landing time. However, they have begun to accelerate their defensive deployment and are preparing for war on the other side. So, I have to remind you that before we got The intelligence shows that the British will spread chemical poisons to the landing area when our army landed. On this point, I think we must pay attention to it." Kettle said seriously.

"About this point has been confirmed, and now the UK has taken out all their reserves. The intelligence shows that there are 450 tons of mustard gas. They are planning to distribute it all over the beach at one time. Due to the characteristics of mustard gas, light infantry Even if you wear a gas mask, you will not be able to avoid skin contamination. At the same time, it is impossible to carry laundry. If you are suppressed by the British defense forces at the beach, the soldiers will have no time to decontaminate. The casualty rate may eventually be 100%." , Kettle turned his head and looked at Yoder.

"I always thought that the British would not use chemical weapons, because it would cause the resentment of American civilians and high-level officials. After all, there were many casualties under the poison in the last war. They thought this was an evil weapon, and the righteous side was It won’t be used first. The United Kingdom has been trying to find help from the United States, and it is still negotiating assistance with the United States, so..." Yodel scratched his head.

"You underestimated the terrible character of Churchill's personality. He is an old politician who can use any means to win. He can trample on all laws and ethics without hesitation. It can be said that there is no bottom line for being a person." Xu Jun shook his head. Speaking to Yoder.

"We can only rely on the Air Force to accomplish this. The British have not been able to use chemical cannons fired by artillery. Most of them are barrels of stock solution and can only be sprinkled with air cloth. Beach head cloth poisoning requires special chemical troops to use Professional equipment can only be completed, it is basically impossible to do this during the battle. At the same time, my intelligence personnel have figured out the storage location and number, and before the war I will order the Air Force to store this batch of poisons at all costs Destroy, let the British taste their own products first. In addition. The assault infantry should prepare the gas cloak and gas mask, and the test paper of the chemical poison. At the same time, spread the news that Churchill is preparing to use the poison in the UK, and then I will issue a warning, Once the British first use poison gas, then we will use ten times and one hundred times more power to fight back. Our poison is more advanced than them, and experiments have shown that the current gas masks of other countries in the world cannot be defended at all." Xu Jun is confident. Speaking full.

"In addition. This morning, the Intelligence Service just received news that the British Army is moving their only tank division from the north to the south, according to time. We may be attacked by enemy armored forces in the landing area." Xu Jun reached out to Disenhofen, who immediately took a document from the file bag and handed it to him.

"120 infantry tanks, 150 cruise tanks, the British have gathered all the armored vehicles they can search, and they are still trying to form a second armored division." Xu Jun flipped File.

"It is said that there are more than a dozen of the latest heavy infantry tanks." Xu Jun closed the document and handed it to the nearest Brauchic.

"The Air Force has begun the second phase of its operations. In addition to continuing to attack the Royal Air Force fighter forces, it also began bombing British military enterprises, such as tank manufacturing plants, aircraft assembly plants, and firearms artillery plants, to maximize the disruption of each other’s weapons. Production. However, I am not going to completely destroy those factories. This is just a waste of the Air Force’s attack power. It can be very effective as long as it is hit at some key production nodes." Xu Jun lit a cigar.

"Now coming back to the landing issue, when we dropped the first wave of light infantry landing, the Air Force will take enemy armored targets as the primary target of attack in addition to destroying the beachhead fortifications. At the same time, when the infantry occupied the beachhead, the subsequent armored troops landed It should be dominated by heavy tanks. Their mission is to block and defeat the British infantry and tank forces that intend to hit the beach with the cooperation of the Air Force. At least to insist on the landing of the third wave of follow-up troops. I think my tank drivers Won't let me down."

"I am also convinced of this, my head of state. The British are already very clear that we are about to land, and they are also very clear where we will land. But time is on our side, the Air Force’s previous stage against several British coastal positions. The attack has proved this. Due to the time constraints and the tight material supply, their coastal fortifications are actually very fragile. At present, they have only time to build some simple civil engineering structures, and at most some steel plates are added for reinforcement. They have no time to cast steel reinforcement. The fortress of concrete structure.

The cement bunkers on many beachheads over Dover only built cement foundations, and now they can only build their firepower points with sandbags and bricks. We have discovered on the French battlefield that the fortifications of this structure cannot withstand our army’s aerial bombardment and large-caliber artillery attacks. They will fail after the first round of strikes. "Yordel said proudly.

"Don’t forget that there are hidden firepower points, as well as their shore artillery units, mines and obstacles. They are equipped with traps and minefields at various important transportation hubs in beachheads and deep areas, as well as anti-tank trenches and Longyadun, this will affect the advancement of the armored forces." Brauchic put down the file.

"So, it is necessary to equip some of the combat engineers in the first wave of landing troops."

"The first batch of armored forces must carry engineering vehicles, and auxiliary roads should be laid immediately after landing"

"The fuel and ammunition supply station must also land as soon as possible after opening the beachhead gap, and the artillery force will be included in the third batch of landing forces."

"After occupying the beach head, the naval engineers should be allowed to go out immediately to build a pontoon dock, so that the efficiency of landing heavy equipment will be greatly improved."

"To establish a communication base station and keep communication smooth, the laying of submarine cables will be completed on the first day."

"How about communication with the Air Force, Richterhofen's air-ground collaborative training should bear fruit, and so many ground guides have been trained."

"The navy's artillery guide is in place, and now it has been assigned to the first-line company, and is familiar with the infantry. The navy mobilized all the main battleships this time, and the firepower delivered to the beachhead position will be unprecedented in the history of our army. Since we have never had similar experience before, we must formulate strict regulations. Especially when calling for artillery assistance, the positioning of the troops must be accurate, because accidents can cause accidental injuries."

"The portable walkie-talkie was distributed to the platoon-level troops last night. The communication distance is five kilometers, which is enough for command and communication between the platoons. However, the number of remote communication stations is still not enough. According to the prediction of the combat department, we have to mobilize 50 more. "

"The armored forces also lack communication equipment. According to the head of state's recommendation, the assault group must have sending and receiving stations for each vehicle, as well as a command vehicle for armored vehicles."

"Then mobilize all the reserves and proceed immediately. The installation will take time. In addition, the frequency table of each unit prepared by the Communications Department will have to be overthrown and reworked, otherwise there will be communication chaos."

"Oil and supplies will land with the infantry, will this cause confusion, the landing sequence must be carefully arranged to ease the pressure on the transport forces. The first night is a key, can you withstand the British counterattack, supplies are essential ."

"To establish the beach head command as soon as possible, as well as the gendarmerie, to maintain the landing order according to the situation at that time. We may not have many officers with similar experience and need the assistance of naval personnel."

"What to do with mines, and if there is a minefield on the beach, the mine-clearing vehicle should also go ashore as soon as possible." The officers began to talk fiercely.

"Gentlemen!" Xu Jun clapped his hands. The officers closed their mouths and looked at the dictator quietly.

"You can summarize the specific questions, and then come up at the regular meeting of the headquarters. We will put the entire plan on the sand table tonight to find out all the omissions and deficiencies. The time left for the headquarters is no longer More. Tomorrow the Navy’s warships and transport fleet will enter the English Channel." Xu Jun stood up.

"So gentlemen, now has reached a historic critical moment. Germany needs each of you to contribute all your wisdom and courage at this glorious moment. We will surely win this great battle. The German Wehrmacht will It is the first foreign team to be on the British soil since these millennia. You all will be witnesses of this great moment. You will be the conquerors of the sunless empire. history."

"Hi! Reinhardt! Hi! Reinhardt! Hi! Reinhardt!"

The Marshal and the generals stood up excitedly and shouted long live with the young officers and men around. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!