Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 7: Iron and Fire (Part 2)

In the battlefield filled with smoke, Bleach is fair to every fighter, and it will never favor any party. When the French bombs landed on the head of the German tank like raindrops, the powerful **** gently flapped its pair of dark wings and landed over the German bombardments. It grinned and put its sharp sickle in the neck of the warrior who was offering sacrifices to it a quarter of an hour ago.

This greedy deity never satisfied the amount of blood. The moans of the dying are its appetizers, its broken limbs are its dessert, all life, whether noble or cheap, brave or cowardly , Are the objects of its hunting. The German team shed the first blood in this battle.

"Number 342 was hit, God. Poor Fendic."

When the smoke from the shells exploded, the driver Rawick shouted loudly.

The No. 342 tank was placed in the center of the first row of the formation, and the French must have used it as the command vehicle of the German tank group. It was immediately overwhelmed by French artillery shells, and no one could tell how many rounds of 75-mm shells it hit. The tank and its crew became the dust of history in a flash.

"Pay attention to everyone and spread the formation. One row with two rows to the left wing, four rows to the right wing, and three rows to follow me. Advance in a platoon battle formation, do not go in a straight line, all attack forward! Assault!" Yelled at the communicator.

Now his heart was filled with remorse, and he finally found out what a fatal mistake he had made, and how stupid his command to distance himself from the enemy. He has brought himself and those brave men into a dangerous situation. At this distance, he cannot harm the enemy, and the other party can easily destroy himself. If you do not get rid of this situation as soon as possible, the bottomless abyss must be waiting for yourself and this company.

"Fire! Don't stop! Attack, attack, disrupt the actions of the other party! Don't give them the opportunity to target us!"

Snyder gave orders aloud, and then he pushed the top hatch to stand on the control tower. Now he can no longer care about personal safety. As long as he can save his company, he is willing to pay him any price now.

"Take three rows to my right wing and shoot at the tanks in the middle of the opponent. It doesn't matter if it can hit. Don't slow down, use full power!"

Snyder stood roaring loudly on the command tower, staring at the French tanks opposite him with a telescope in his hand. His company has now come apart, led by their respective platoon leaders to form a small three-car or four-vehicle form, roaring toward the French army.

For Snyder, distance is now life, and it must enter an effective attack distance before French tanks destroy themselves one by one. Although he still does not know how far this distance is, one hundred meters or fifty meters, but he believes that he can always find this answer, but before that he must ensure that he can reach that distance alive.

"One row and two rows, you spread out a little bit and keep your current speed. Their 75mm gun is fixed. Don't give them the opportunity to aim at you." Snyder put down the telescope.

His car was passing by the burning debris of tank 342, and Snyder turned his head to look at the destroyed chariot. The once majestic No. 4 tank can now only be described as terrible. The entire front armor cracked from the edge of its welding line, and the additional armor plate fastened with a nut twisted and landed in front of the front of the car. . The track has been broken, and the escape door on the side of the car has disappeared, leaving only a big mouth that is spitting flames.

Several sturdy load wheels have broken off the shock absorbers and scattered around the wreckage. The car body was squeaked by the fire, the blasted ammunition continued to explode in the car body, and the thick black smoke was mixed. The bright red flames rolled up into the sky, and the air was filled with the stench from the burning of rubber and corpses.

The turret of 342 was thrown away from the body by a violent explosion, and the bottom was upside down in the mud beside the car body. Various debris in the turret scattered all over the floor, and beside it was a scorched half of the body. . Although it is too far away to see the rank mark on the broken armband of the military uniform, but from the blonde hair that can be recognized from the other side, it is Sergeant Fendik, the tank commander of No. 342, which only he owns Beautiful blonde hair.

Looking at the miserable corpse of his men, Snyder couldn't help feeling a pain. This is the third car he lost, and this time it was entirely due to his mistakes, for which he will never be able to forgive himself.

"Attack forward! Don't cease the fire!"

Snyder snarled with bloodshot eyes, and the tank 4 was rapidly charged while pouring the shells towards the French tank group, although these were only roughly aimed and were fired during the process. Words, but still achieved the results Snyder wanted.

The rapidly approaching German tanks and the shells that were constantly falling around left the French tank group in chaos. They were unable to organize organized blocking firepower at a time to block the approach of the German tanks.

The French tankers had just calmed down from the joy of destroying a German tank and discovered that they had encountered a new situation. Looking at the German tanks scattered with crazy charges, the French tankers were a bit at a loss. They did not know which direction to attack the enemy first, and they did not know how to prevent the enemy from approaching.

Their commander, Colonel Jean Devalier, was not a competent commander. He was at a loss as a result of the sudden change in German tactics.

Although this commander is not a coward, he is a complete waste. This point has reached consensus among his men. But what made the French soldiers even more unexpected is that there is an unknown idea in their commander's heart, which is an idea that may ruin all of them.

Although the vanity of Colonel Jean Devalier was destroyed by the destruction of a German tank, he felt a little contented, but it did not alleviate the uneasiness in his heart. The commander believed that the current battle was a mistake from the beginning. The enthusiasm of the battle that was burned by the previous victory in his heart was already extinguished by the crazy bombing of the German Air Force bombers. The strong fighting power of the German ** team gave him a retreat. If the division command strictly ordered him to continue to attack, he must occupy the village, or if he had a trace of fear in the military court, he had already led his tank. The regiment retreated.

Colonel Jean de Valle believed that no matter how many German tanks were destroyed, how many German troops were destroyed, and how many fortress positions were occupied, it was useless. When the Germans rectified their military power and made a comeback, all these efforts will be lost. He even doubts whether he and this unit can survive the terrorist counterattack that the Germans will launch.

The colonel cursed his stubborn boss from the bottom of his heart. If he hadn’t put the **** attack plan on his own, he would not fall into this field. If he could return to the Army Department alive this time, he vowed to use it. All his relations drove the **** out of the army.

Jean de Valère has never encountered this situation. The textbook of the French armored soldiers contains only the tactics of how the tank cooperates with the infantry attack. It does not explain how to fight the opposing tank group. Looking at the group of rapidly approaching German tanks, Jean Devaler could only desperately order his subordinates to fire. He did not think of how to distribute his firepower, nor did he order to switch to a formation that was in his favor. The commander delegated all his powers to his subordinates and let his men choose the targets of their own attack.

The French tanks stopped at the same place and slowly turned the body in all directions, trying to snap those fast-moving targets into the sight of the main gun. But this is really too difficult for their dull tanks. The precise differential rotation can't keep up with the speed of those crazy sprinting tanks. The French tank driver struggled to fire round after round of shells, but all those precious shells fell far behind the German tanks, creating craters one after another in vain on the French land.

Finally, a few sober French officials discovered the problem, and they quickly stopped the messy and futile shooting of their men. The French tank in the center line slowly receded, and its two wings began to slowly expand, the defender's tank was transferred to the front. The French launched a wide artillery bombardment, and under the command of the lower-level officers resumed the artillery bombardment.

The volley of forty medium tanks was terrifying, and the high-density shelling completely blocked the path of German tanks. Snyder began to suffer successive losses, the No. 343 tank was smashed into scrap iron, all the crew members were killed, then the No. 345 and No. 341 were successively shot, No. 345 was exploded on the spot, and No. 341 was paralyzed Thick smoke rose on the offensive road.

Since then, Snyder’s fourth-row formation has disappeared from the German Army sequence, and the German tanks have completely annihilated the French right-wing attack troops.

Immediately after the two tanks in the left-wing attack troops, No. 322 and No. 315 were also beaten to the ground, and the members of the crew were unknown. After successive blows, Snyder entered a state of blast. The tank company commander stood upright on the control tower braving the scattered shrapnel, and issued commands one after another with a loud noise.

He absolutely could not tolerate the destruction of his company so worthless, even if the whole army was annihilated, he would also tow several French tanks to back his brethren.

"Fire a smoke bomb. Re-form the team and assault at full speed!"

Snyder commanded loudly that now they were only about 300 meters away from the French tank, and they should be able to cross this distance before the smoke spread. With his orders, a row of smoke bombs exploded in the French tank group, and in a blink of an eye, the French tanks were shrouded in that thick white smoke. The French artillery shells began to fall farther and farther away from the German tank group, and the shooting began to become chaotic.

Thirteen German tanks that survived the death assault took advantage of this opportunity to quickly reorganize their formation, and then headed into the thick fog. The German armored forces began their final assault, and they were determined to use their lives to defend their honor. But no one noticed at that time that the sound of guns and guns on the distant village position had ceased, and the horizon at the end of the road was filled with smoke. . The highest-level rescue force in German history will appear in front of everyone.

In the next chapter, the long-awaited protagonist can finally appear. The next story will be unfolded by this apostle. It’s time for him to rest for a long time. Before that, let’s play before. Those brave soldiers paid tribute and performed hard. Haha.
