Battle of the Third Reich

v6 Chapter 177: Next to the ancient spring (below)

The pilots did not have the good defensive terrain of Randolphs. They could only rely on the dead camel corpses and retaliated against the enemy. Lieutenant Lehhard was carrying a 7.9mm caliber civilian shotgun, which was obviously not the standard equipment of the Luftwaffe, but a self-defense weapon purchased by the pilot at his own expense.

Because the aircraft may be forced to land in a wild area, the pilot will face the threat of beasts in addition to the enemy. The Luftwaffe allows light aircraft pilots to carry an additional hunting firearm for hunting and self-defense in the wild.

Historically, the German Air Force stationed in North Africa once distributed a special life-saving rifle to the pilot, equipped with two upper and lower barrels, which can fire rifle bullets and shotgun shotguns at the same time. But at this time, the African Army had just been established, and of course it was impossible to talk about any special equipment.

The German pilots were heavily surrounded, and the lives of the German soldiers were at stake, but the two still resisted tenaciously. After discussing the local stakes, they vowed that they would never let themselves fall to each other's hands. Just when Lehhard thought his life might end there, he suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ear.

"Have you heard? Collison." Lehhard turned to his companion, leaning on the overturned camel stand.

"What are you talking about?" Krison raised his hand and fired two shots, knocking over a black slave imprisonment who was intending to approach.

"You listen carefully" Lehhard shouted excitedly: "That's the sound of the engine." The pilot then pulled the bolt off and filled the barrel with bullets.

"It's an airplane? It doesn't seem to be a car!" Collison was also excited, no matter what was coming here, he must be himself anyway.

In recent years, there are not many cars in the country, not to mention that they produce oil locally, but they have not built an oil refinery. All the finished fuel oil needs to be imported from abroad. Moreover, the modern industry in Saudi Arabia is almost zero at this time. Even if it is a hard work to get a car, there is no manpower for daily repairs and maintenance.

Only the directly affiliated forces of the Saudi royal family are equipped with a very small mechanized force, equipped with eight British Vickers ultralight tanks and eight Bren machine gun vehicles, and more than a dozen Rolls Royce Wheeled armored vehicles produced by ES.

The Arab guards also heard the roar in the distance, and they immediately stopped attacking the pilots and began to regroup in the dunes not far away.

The nobleman subconsciously felt that this battle might not be able to continue. This operation must have been cursed. Inexplicably, he encountered a series of accidents and obstructions along the way.

And the slave guards were horrified to find that they could not even do their normal retreat now. This small army is now like a lion stuck in a sand pit, with fangs and teeth, but it cannot change its situation. .

The horses of the Cavalry Cavalry and the logistics camel were all dispersed. Although the Bedouin knights recovered several Arabian horses, it was obviously not enough to take everyone away. Moreover, they lost the supplies and fresh water on the camel, and even if they successfully retreated from here, they could not go far. This desert is simply a demon, and it is not known how many travelers have been devoured on weekdays.

"Master, the sentry saw a lot of smoke, and should be a German reinforcement." Abdul reported respectfully to the nobleman. The Imperial Guard lost a lot in the previous battle, and lost most of its supplies. If they encountered an attack by the enemy reinforcements at this time, their situation would become very dangerous.

"Retreat, retreat into the desert, they dare not catch up." The noble again lost the original calm, he shouted.

He knew he had completely messed up this time, and even if he could escape back to the capital, he would be severely punished.

El Fasher is just an ordinary royal family member, Ibn Shat is his uncle, and the princes in the tribe like him, add up to more than 60 people.

Al Fasher Ben Abdul Ben Mohammed has the title of prince, noble blood and identity, but that's all. Ibn Saudi has a lot of sons, and the Saudi throne has no chance to inherit from the sideline like Fasher.

But Fasher was a motivated royal family member, and at the same time he had a strong desire for power. This time he took the initiative to ask the king to take a trip from Riyadh to this hairless land to prove his uncle. my ability.

But now it seems that everything has been reduced to a bubble. Instead of completing the mission delivered by the king, he has destroyed the soldiers in the mission. The royal family was originally a land of intrigue. Now I don’t know how many people are waiting for him. Rock falling down the well.

"Dear Master, we must leave some people behind the palace." Abdul reminded El Fasher.

Farhill didn't answer immediately. He turned and looked silently at the line of soldiers. Suddenly a small whirlwind was blowing on the sand, and the guards quickly pulled up the turban hanging on the side of the face to block the choking sand. At this time, Fasher found that the army's heart had dispersed, and he had to act decisively.

"Leave the palace of twenty people behind." Fasher glanced at Abdul and ordered Shen Shen.

A guard led the prince's mount, and Fasher grabbed the saddle of the saddle and turned over. After sitting on the horse's back, the prince took out a handful of gold coins from the saddle bag and spilled it on the sand beside the horse. .

"This is a reward for these warriors, at least to stick to the time of a cup of hot tea." The prince pulled the reins hard, the beautiful Arabian warhorse stopped the restlessness, this sensitive animal may have sniffed out the danger is coming.

The Arabs withdrew the siege, and the pilots took the opportunity to escape in the direction of the arrival of the reinforcements. The two men rolled and climbed down the dune all the way, and they encountered the wheeled reconnaissance vehicle coming to explore.

"Hi! It's you!" Lehhard raised his hands and danced vigorously.

"It's great to see you guys," Collison sat down on the sand and said, gasping.

"Which unit are you?" the reconnaissance commander asked, standing in the machine gun tower of the 222 armored vehicle.

"African Legion directly under the air force, I'm Lieutenant Lehhard, this is Sergeant Collison." Lehhard ran to the armored car and raised his head to answer loudly.

"Lieutenant Lehhard, Sergeant Crisson?! It's great to see you safe and sound. I'm Sergeant Schneider, the 21st Armored Regiment of the African Legion. We were just before the command of the Legion Command. Come looking for you." The captain looked really happy, his back molars were almost smiling.

"Thank God, you came in real time." Cresson finally relaxed, and he stood up and walked to Lehhard.

"We happened to see the smoke you made, Sergeant Major." The captain said with a smile.

"Smoke? Hell, you almost forgot. You immediately contacted the large forces behind you. We must go to Hamill Guquan immediately to support, where a group of Arabs are besieging a German army." Lehhard said loudly.

"Are you sure?"

"Sergeant Major and I had a fight with the Arabs just now. Didn't you hear the gunshot?" The pilot was irritated by the suspicion in the other's tone.

"Sorry, second lieutenant, I will immediately contact the superior." The captain immediately chose to give in. That was an officer lieutenant.

"It may be too late to wait for the follow-up big troops to arrive. We should go to the rescue now." Lehhard suggested.

"But we only have this one armored car." The captain hesitated.

"Enough is enough, aren't you still equipped with two machine guns?" Crimson crawled up the body with the mudguard.

"This is a twenty-millimeter cannon."

"Isn't the machine gun more powerful?" The sergeant major sat on the platform behind the turret.

"Okay, I have to report to the superior first." The captain picked up the microphone connected to the headset-

"What tricks are the Arabs doing?" Randolph squatted in front of the window, watching the enemy with his telescope.

There seemed to be a fight just behind the dunes in the distance. The dense gunshots could be heard clearly here. Since then, the Arabs have stopped the endless offensive.

"Maybe they have internal strife. In this country, this kind of thing happens often." Jurgen started to think of himself as an expert on the Arab issue, but compared to other members, the former Gestapo was indeed more confident.

"What sound are you listening to?" Captain Horne cried from the top of the building.

The people listened in a hurry, and they found a series of dull boring sounds in the distance.

"It's a cannon!" Krieger was most sensitive to this voice.

"Gentlemen, that is the reinforcements sent by the head of state!" Randolph stood up and announced excitedly to his subordinates.

"These guys finally found us."

"Long Live Germany!"

"Hi! Heinhardt!" There was a burst of cheering from the station up and down--

"Master, it's an armored car! The German armored car!" Abdullah rode on a dromedary came back and reported to Fasher loudly.

"Retreat immediately. Everyone only carries weapons, food and fresh water, and other things are thrown away on the spot." The prince ordered.

"Master, I must remind you that our fresh water is limited." Abdul said.

"But the Germans don't know that they won't risk getting lost and chase us down into the desert." Fasher inserted the Arab scimitar around his waist into the sleeve of the saddle.

"As long as we hide in the desert for a day, they won't stay here too long. After they leave, we turn to the south, and I am ready to go to Akufaha." Fasher took the sheepskin water bag delivered by the bodyguard. After shaking, it was stuffed into the saddle bag.

Each guard soldier carried a water bag with him. Although some of the water was consumed on the way to here, most of these water bags were still half full. Many soldiers were killed in the battle just now. After pooling the water bags of these war dead, if they save money, they should be enough to support the remaining soldiers for a day or two.

"The warrior behind the temple has already caught fire with the enemy." Abdul said.

In fact, without this confidant's report, Fasher could also hear the gunshots behind him.

"We should go." Fasher pulled the reins and turned the horse's head. He stood immediately on the sand dunes and looked again at the ancient post below.

"Hateful German, I will definitely return from Fasher!" The Arab prince issued a declaration coldly.

ps: Thank you for your support. This month is a new beginning for the author, and it is also a continuation. With your company, you will not feel lonely across the mountains and rivers.

The time difference is gradually being overcome, the author is continuing to work hard, thank you all.