Battle of the Third Reich

v6 Chapter 186: overnight

The German head of state did not live in a luxury hotel prepared for him by the Italians, but lived in a German garrison camp. The head of state and his entourage did not mind this. They were already used to it, because the head of the Third Reich was also one Famous soldier.

Hitler always had some suspicions about the National Defence Forces, but Xu Jun had no such problems at all. He had a historical record of his generals in his mind, knowing who should be trusted and who should be brought to the people’s court. And history has been changed. Even the participants in the July 20th assassination in history, like the thousands of German soldiers, are full of trust and loyalty to the head of empire.

Xu Jun cleaned up only those stubborn rebels, such as Baker and Witzleben and Canaris.

In front of this Major General Vaughndorff, his usual personality is quite straightforward, and may seem a bit reckless in front of outsiders, but everyone familiar with the major general knows that he is actually a very careful man, and a reckless commander is impossible Promoted to major general.

There are strict restrictions on the number of senior officers. Unlike the captain-grade officers, they are automatically promoted after reaching the service life. Some officers with defects in their abilities or resumes often stop at the rank of colonel. The major general relied solely on his personal efforts to climb up from the second lieutenant step by step. He was a member of the 100,000 Army of the Weimar Republic. He once served as a battalion commander under Rondestede and also served as a general Weikes. Chief of staff, although the career path is a bit stumbling, but the promotion of the rank is not very slow.

Before becoming a major general in the army, he served as the deputy division commander of the 28th Infantry Division. At that time, the division commander was the German artillery lieutenant general John S. Semper. The 28th Infantry Division participated in the Polish battle and was stationed in Poland for more than half a year At the beginning of 1940, he was transferred to the Ardennes front.

In the French campaign, Vondorff always commanded the troops on the front line, often leading the soldiers to launch the charge. Although there were suspicions of Yueli acting on behalf of the soldiers, they were loved and respected by the front-line officers and soldiers. Because of his outstanding performance in the French campaign, Vondorff received a Knight's Cross Medal and was promoted to Major General of the Army in August of the same year.

"This is a brave general, he should not be placed in the port of Taranto, this is a waste." Xu Jun struck the match and lit the half cigar in his hand. The soldiers of the guard flag team, who served as waiters, stepped forward and carefully removed the cutlery in front of the head of state.

"The order was issued by you personally, my head of state." Weiller reminded with a cup of coffee and a smile.

"Then I obviously made a mistake. Fortunately, I had time to correct it." Xu Jun answered seriously, and then turned his head to explain to the adjutant: "Eric, remember to remind me about this when I return to Berlin."

"Okay, my head." Disenhofen agreed with a smile, and then put a cup of black tea in front of the head: "The black tea prepared by the Italians is very good, my head."

[Yuan Summit Small and Medium Theater: "I don’t drink black tea, I want to drink green tea. (〃`3′〃)"

"Oh okay, please wait a moment. (# ̄~ ̄#)"

"He just gave a bit of it, did you hear Weierle. Σ(っ°Д°;)っ"

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now. ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ"

"Eric did not treat me like this before, someone must have taught him badly. ∑(っ°Д°;)っ" 】

"Great, thank you, Eric." The head of state nodded slightly and smiled gracefully.

"My heads of state have all been arranged, and we will depart on time tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, and we will reach Alexandria at lunch." Disenhofen reported.

"Everyone has worked hard today, and the duty tonight will be handed over to the base guard to let the soldiers rest early. I expect tomorrow will be a busy day." Xu Jun told the adjutant.

"I will inform you, my head." Disenhofen nodded respectfully, then walked out of the room with the tray.

"Do you have any specific plans? My head." Weiler put down the coffee cup.

"What did you say?" Xu Jun turned back.

"I'm asking, what specific plan do you have after arriving in Egypt." Weiler repeated the question.

"There is no plan, everything is a temporary intention, and I just need to take a short vacation. I heard people say that Egypt is a good place to empty the mind and heart." The head of state replied seriously, but it was obviously nonsense.

"Okay, okay, Weierle, I'm just kidding, don't look at me with this look." Xu Jun raised his hands and surrendered.

"It's hard for the media to cope with the past. The German head of state suddenly visited Egypt. What do you think the outside world will think about. I want to remind you again that the decision you made this time is really a bit improper." Weiler said .

"I understand what you mean, but now we have a great opportunity in front of us. If my estimation is correct, the empire will be able to control the development path of the Middle East for the next fifty years. Weirler, you can't understand The significance of this is because only me in the world knows what value that piece of yellow sand will have in the future." Xu Jun pointed out the window with a cigar in his hand.

"My head of state, I believe your judgment, but this action is too hasty, we should be more prepared, at least you should bring all the guard flags." Weiler said respectfully.

"There is no time to prepare, Weirler, we must rush to complete all the layout before the fall of Riyadh." Xu Jun spit out a cigarette group and pinched the cigar in the ashtray.

"Will the British have any opinions? This is their traditional sphere of influence."

"London has hated this group of Arabs for a long time, and they haven't done anything like this before." Xu Jun wiped off the soot on the shirt of his uniform.

"I don't want to talk about this issue. I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm going to rest. Good night, Weierle." The head of empire stood up.

"Okay, so good night, my head of state." Weierle quickly got up and greeted the head of state, watching the other party out of the small restaurant door.

The chief of staff then wiped the monocle and walked to the window, reaching for the wooden shutters.

"I hope there will be no more problems this time." Weiler sighed softly into the night sky--

"The bath water is ready, my head." Eric helped Xu Jun take off his uniform.

"Is there any new news over Randolph?" Xu Jun took off the collar knight's cross and handed it to the personal adjutant.

"I have notified the telecommunications room and delivered it as soon as there is news." Disenhofen put the medal in the small box on the bedside table.

"No matter how late it is, even if I wake me up." Xu Jun took off the breeches and unbuttoned the shirt.

"Yes, my head." Disenhofen helped Xu Jun take off his shirt.

"Dougan is a stable person, and I believe he will handle everything." Xu Jun sat on the bench at the foot of the bed, and Disenhofen knelt on one leg beside him, pulling down the long riding boots.

"It is true, my head, Colonel Dougan is a fairly reliable person."

"Randolph is completely different from him. It's strange that the relationship between the two of them was so good." The head of state yawned and unbuttoned his pants.

"Although Colonel Dougan usually looks stern, he always treats people close to him gently." Disenhofen folded the breeches he took off from the head and put it on a high-back chair on one side.

"There's nothing else here, Eric, you can also go to rest." Xu Jun picked up the bathrobe on the bed and yawned toward the bathroom.

"Good night, my head, don't fall asleep in the bathtub again." Disenhofen reminded with some worry.

"Got it, good night, Eric." Xu Jun opened the bathroom door and waved at the adjutant.

ps: Thank you for your support, the author will continue to work hard.

Ask everyone a question, do you have any comments on the current update time, is it necessary to restore the previous update time,

It used to be updated at 5 or 6 in the afternoon, and it was already early in the morning here, so you can only set regular updates.

What time period is appropriate, I hope you can give suggestions.