Battle of the Third Reich

v6 Chapter 290: Preparation (continued)

The officer ranks of the Soviet Red Army had rarely taken the initiative to apostate before. On the territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Red Army officers and men have enviable social status and privileges. In particular, the military ranks among them not only enjoy priority material rationing, but also receive generous salaries and social benefits. The corresponding Red Army officer class is loyal to the Soviet regime that gave them all, not only because of personal ideals and beliefs, but also to maintain this quality of life and to think about the future of their families and future generations.

So it is easier to counter a Red Army commander than to buy a senior SS leader. (Xu Jun: I think I should change to a dark green uniform...

There is a prerequisite for maintaining this kind of loyalty, that is, this kind of life will continue, and the House of People’s Committee also understands this very well, so they often take sudden actions without the target being aware of, and fundamentally eliminate the possibility of betrayal of the goal. . When the whole family of the subject is in the hands, it is up to you to want to make a round and flatten. Even a high-ranking general with outstanding merits may not withstand torture more than a coal miner.

The internal cleansing of the Red Army has never spoken of evidence and truth. As long as there is any suspicion in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the fate of the soldier is basically doomed. The middle- and lower-level officers who fell into the hands of the Internal Affairs People's Committee this year had good luck until they were dragged out and were shot. Those with bad luck were directly killed in the interrogation room, and no one was held accountable afterwards.

The large-scale cleaning activities in history had basically stopped in the second half of 1940, but because Toloski was still alive and well, and the German intelligence agencies deliberately helped, the large-scale cleaning activities began to resurrect in the Soviet Union. Among the many joined republics in the west, it is getting worse. As long as the Trotskyists in the Soviet Union are not completely eliminated, Stalin will always feel threatened. It can be said that as long as the founder of the Red Army still has a breath, he will not let Stalin live a comfortable day.

The Eye of Odin had no ambush inside the Soviet People’s Committee of Internal Affairs, because the recruitment conditions of this agency were harsh, and the interior was often self-cleaned, and the frequency of personnel turnover was quite fast. The reason why they can get the list of officers under investigation is purely because of an accidental opportunity.

At that time, the General Security Bureau arrested an officer of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs who had completed an overseas mission and was preparing to return to Moscow through Berlin. The German easily opened the mouth of the national security major. He not only explained what he knew , And even actively requested to work for the German intelligence agency.

At first, Odin's eyes thought it was a trap. This is a double-faced spy who wanted to swindle, because they rarely encountered such soft eggs in their impressions. In the end, General Wehrler personally took pictures, anyway, he already got the confession that the empire wanted, leaving this person might be really useful. So after giving the other party a liaison code, the major was released before the Soviet General Administration of Security noticed the anomaly.

Shortly after time, Odin's Eye tentatively contacted the major and found that the other party actually collected the previously agreed data.

Such an effective internal traitor is really rare, and of course this major has received special attention and preferential treatment from the eyes of Odin. The Imperial Intelligence Agency specifically opened him a secret account in Switzerland, and also gave him the rank of a Major Major SS. His establishment is directly under the management of the headquarters, and all the information related to him is sealed. Only the chief of the Imperial Intelligence Agency and The head of empire is qualified to consult.

In fact, Xu Jun has never seen this person's file until now, only knows that there is such a spy, code-named "Black Knight".

However, this intelligence source also has his limitations, that is, only the intelligence inside the Soviet national security system can be obtained. As for the secrets such as the deployment of the Red Army troops, the deployment of command personnel, the number of equipment and the performance of the Red Army, the current It is difficult to have access to positions.

Of course, it is okay to force the other party to do it, but it will definitely increase the risk of exposure. This kind of behavior similar to killing chickens and taking eggs is very stupid. Of course, Odin’s Eye will not do this.

The General Directorate of Intelligence obtained a sporadic internal investigation report from the Black Knight, and then selected the right person from it, and then sent intelligence personnel to counter the target.

At present, this work seems to be proceeding quite smoothly. From the side, it is shown that the renewed cleansing has indeed caused chaos in the Soviet defense system. It is almost a fancy to change a group of people who want to smuggle a group of people across the Soviet border half a year ago. .

Many of these rescued Red Army officers served in the border guards. These officers provided a lot of information in the field of Red Army border patrols, which reduced the difficulty of many operations for future cross-border operations.

These officers also provided a lot of important military intelligence to Germany. The most valuable ones are the various military maps. Almost everyone brought more than one set of maps, and even only distributed to the Soviet Red Army middle and senior commanders. In the past, it was impossible to obtain the advanced version of the conventional espionage.

After comparing these maps in detail, there was a cold sweat all over the Headquarters Combat Bureau, because they found that the Soviet maps used to formulate the combat plan had actually seriously lagging behind, and most of the details were mostly from the Russian era. In reality, it has already changed its appearance.

The Soviet Union has completed the second five-year plan this year, and domestic road traffic and urban construction have already achieved initial results. Although rural roads are still garbage to the point of incurability, many of them have been built to a high military level. Standard roads are not shown on the German military map. There are also data for various bridges and transportation hubs, which are parameters that are urgently needed in Germany.

The arrival of this batch of Red Army officers also gave the Germans an opportunity to fully understand their opponents. Although there was a honeymoon period between Sud and Germany, the two sides conducted quite extensive military exchanges. The German Command has always thought that it already knows the Red Army very well, but it is not the case at first glance. Obviously, the Soviet Union concealed a lot of important information from the German side in the exchanges. Of course, Germany does not have much in this kind of thing. Honestly, the use of ghosts to describe this relationship is indeed very close to the facts.

In the history of the Germans before the war, they didn't know what kind of difficult opponent they were going to face, and the Eastern Front could finally understand that. Of course, Xu Jun will not let this happen again, but if he doesn’t want to die with a PPK in his mouth, he will have little time to prepare for the Empire.

PS: There is something wrong at home today, and the number of words is a little less. I will make up tomorrow, sorry.

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