Battle of the Third Reich

v6 Chapter 316: Parade (Prologue)

The most recent large-scale international event held in Berlin was the 1936 World Olympic Games. I remember that at the opening ceremony that was loaded with history, Hitler did not make any speeches. He deliberately kept a low profile and stuck to Germany. A peaceful and friendly mask. The gentleness and politeness shown by the Nazi Party paralyzed many European media and politicians.

That Olympic Games was the last glimmer of Europe's glorious years. Only four years later, all goodness was destroyed by iron and fire.

Besides, Hitler really didn’t have much to say at that time, because apart from the bunch of nasty clichés, there was not much stock in the stomach of the former head of state.

Now Xu Jun stands on the review stage, representing the German Empire that dominates Europe. His posture must conform to his role.

Taking into account the identity of some guests, Xu Jun can not be too high-profile and domineering, complacent is the privilege of the winner, but if this hurts the relationship between the alliance countries, this is more than worth the gains.

So Xu Jun deliberately avoided some of the more sensitive areas in his speech. For example, about the battle between France and Britain, he only passed a vague one in his speech, but instead highly praised the loyalty and bravery displayed by the soldiers on both sides. The tone was unusually sincere. The special envoys present were very moved.

Denmark sent a delegation headed by the current crown prince Frederick. The Danish royal family and cabinet are working hard to change their previous attitudes towards Germany, and are eager to seek friendship and cooperation between the two sides.

The problem of Denmark is very simple. They have lost most of their national gold reserves. The war has severely damaged agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries as the mainstay of the economy. All material reserves have bottomed out, except for the full fall to the winner Now they have nowhere to go.

Belgium was personally led by the new Prime Minister Leon de Greer, bringing a huge delegation of 160 people, of course, only a few of them are eligible to appear on the VIP stage.

All members of the Belgian royal family were captured during the war. Although they were nominally released, they were still in a state of semi-house arrest. This grand event was impossible to participate in.

The Queen of the Netherlands returned to the country, and the stubborn old lady finally accepted the defeat, because no country is willing to accept her and her "exile government".

In fact, when the Battle of England was still going on, she and her government in exile had already had several fierce quarrels in succession. The queen wanted to take the royal family and the government to retreat to Canada, and continue to lead the Dutch resistance through the Atlantic.

But her ministers obviously had other plans. They thought that if even Britain could not defeat Germany, it would be an extremely foolish act to continue to resist. They believe that to be responsible for the future of the Dutch people, they should try to cooperate with the Germans.

As a result, in just one week, the Dutch government in exile has successively changed four "prime ministers", losing the constraints of parliament and cabinet, and the queen's power has been maximized "released".

Jane de Gill, who is now the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, was dismissed by the Queen because of the existence of "pro-German ideas", and this Prime Minister’s official reinstatement, in addition to showing the Germans the attitude of the Parliament, is it not to the The stubborn queen gave a slap in the face.

In view of the "bad" performance during the war, the queen's power was locked into the safe again, and it seems that before the natural abdication of her, the Dutch parliament does not intend to allow the monarchy to reign above the cabinet.

For these low-lying countries, Xu Jun's speech did not spend much content on it. He only spoke a little about the tragedy in the Rotterdam bombing and the Belgian countryside, and expressed deep regret for what happened during the war.

The Norwegian King was "guest" in Berlin at this time, so he was kindly invited to the VIP seat. Anyway, there were a bunch of European princes, princesses and princes, and they could basically climb a few relatives with each other.

The US ambassador to Germany had just stepped down and returned to China last month. The new ambassador has not yet been decided. This time, only acting ambassador Wilson will attend the military parade. However, he brought a letter from the new US president Dewey. Greetings to the German head of state, and at the same time expressed full of hope and confidence in the future cooperation and friendship between the two countries.

The Soviet ambassador Dekanozov was very interested. He liked this big scene. The Moscow side attached great importance to this parade and specially sent a team of military experts to hope to find out the current German military in the middle of this parade. Equipment level.

In the eyes of the ambassador, this rally is also a feast for the intelligence industry. So many high-level Europeans gathered together, and casually leaking a few words in the conversation may be confidential.

"So at this moment, we are gathered in this place, where the glory of the German Empire began, Frederick the Great, William the Great, Bismarck, Hindenburg, and countless heroes in German history, they are watching us here And we are pleased with our victory. So, fellow citizens, comrades, you should be proud of your achievements, cheers, comrades, cheers, German people."

The German head of state stood at the festival...waving his arms on the review stand and giving a loud speech, Himmler stood on the side with tears in his eyes, and Goebbel's hand touched the chest and his face was heated. This scene made people feel back to three or four years. On the Munich Square, there was only one fat man under the podium, and a king was replaced on the podium.

"Long live!" "Victory!" "Hi! Reinhardt!" The wave of cheers spread all around, and the streets of Berlin were a fanatical sight.

After a row of salutes, three signal flares slowly rose over the Brandenburg Gate, and the Berlin Parade finally officially opened.

PS: The situation is good and bad, but it is much better than a week ago. I dare not be too tired for the time being. This chapter is to restore the state. The word count is not much. I hope everyone will understand.

In the past two days, I will start to prepare my luggage. I want to take everything away, but the weight is limited and I have a headache.