Battle of the Two Cities: Begins with the Mage

Chapter 239: The "Ascension Ceremony" unique to Noxus

The movement of the Forbidden Forest came and went quickly.

The resulting fluctuations only made Demacia's climate slightly better.

The climate in the surrounding area of ​​Xiongdu also returned to normal, with the warmth of early spring.

In the Crown Guard's mansion, Laxanna looked at the scenery in the courtyard and gradually put down her heart.

She knew that something big had happened in the Forbidden Forest, but judging from the magical fluctuations from there, it was not a level she could participate in.

And the magic that burst out there... made her feel a little familiar.

Looking back carefully, it seems... very similar to the man behind Seraphine at that time.


Laxana raised her head and looked out the window in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, muttering to herself.

Not afraid of the enemy's powerful military force, but afraid of the enemy's powerful political means.

She now deeply understands the meaning of this sentence.

Boom, boom!

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door that Laxana's thoughts returned.

"come in."

Laxana withdrew her gaze, and she knew the person at the door very well.

someone who made a mistake...

"My lord... I'm sorry."

Silas took off the hood that covered his face, and walked through the door in three and two steps. The first thing he did when he came in was to get down on one knee and bow his head to the window where Laxana was sitting. .

"Anivia's egg, where did you get the news?"

Laxana's blue eyes took on an ice-like chill, and she looked down at Silas.

According to incomplete statistics, due to the sudden change of Green Teeth Peak, the temperature plummeted by dozens of degrees, and the number of houses and casualties in Demacia was over 10,000.

And the culprit of all this is the person in front of you!

"The message is from Eldred."

Silas shook things out without hesitation.

When I really think back to the situation at that time, his heart would still beat a little faster. If he hadn't slipped so fast, he would have almost died on Green Fang Peak.

In this matter, to be honest, Silas was truly wronged.

At first, he only knew that the creature in the egg could solve the green tooth peak, but he never thought that it would be so strong.

This incident can be traced back to the origin, which is essentially an order from Tiana, information provided by Eldred, and he is the implementer.

It is precisely because of this that Laksana has a headache.

Demacia will suffer today's disaster, all because of the crownguard's fault.

Now listening to Silas's narration, the thoughts in her heart were completely confirmed, and Laxana fell into a long silence.

How could she not understand what my aunt meant.

Destroy the Dragon Fowl Knights stationed at Green Fang Peak and clear all the power of the Light Shield family.

And because of the vacancy in the northern defense line and the paving of ice, Winter's Claw can directly attack Xiongdu.

According to the plan, as long as she cleans up this army, she can successfully gain enough prestige.

But now... it doesn't seem that much of a hassle...

Laxana gently rubbed the magic book with her right hand and sighed slightly.

In her eyes, the last hesitation disappeared, leaving only firmness:

"In the days to come, I hope to see your atonement, or I will kill you."

"Thank you sir..."

Silas lowered his head even lower, but his heart was relieved.

Although he had prepared for the worst, he had not yet reached that situation.

"Silas, I'm tired of fighting within Demacia."

Hearing the words behind Laxana, Silas was first confused, then startled and raised his head in disbelief:

"Do you want?"

"Go and inform my dear aunt that I will hold the Supreme Council of Demacia, which will be held in the Grand Plaza. Before that, call the other eight officials, and I will wait for them at Dawn Castle."

After Laxana finished speaking, a light suddenly shone from her hand.


The light was thrown out of the window and slowly rose to the highest point in midair.

The Xiongdu people subconsciously stopped their work and watched the light spot drifting towards the grand square, and finally stopped above the stone statue in the center of the grand square.

It is the statue of the first king of Demacia. Whether it is the replacement of the king or the eight officials, he will be appointed to the thunderous cheers of the people in front of the stone statue in the magnificent square.

The Demacian Supreme Council was held there, and Laxanna's mind... has been revealed quite clearly.

"Okay, my lord!" Silas couldn't hide the joy on his face, turned and left without hesitation, and started to organize the upcoming event.

Shortly after...

Demacia, will have its first queen, and the owner of magic!

Laxanna calmly stood up, took the magic book and walked out.

She knew what she was doing, and it might cause a lot of upheaval, and it might have bad consequences.

But as she said, she was really tired of this hypocritical infighting among nobles.

What's the point of such a fight, is it able to resist the invasion of Noxus? Or can the family last forever?

No, none of these can.

At this moment, Laxana suddenly had an aura of a superior.'s time to eliminate all strife.


After obtaining the world rune, Ryan's figure suddenly appeared in the floating castle in Freljord.

At this time, Ryze had already broken the magic and retreated, but it was directly below the floating castle...

Ice sheets shattered, mountain peaks collapsed, land cracked... a scene of extinction.

He smiled and nodded at Syndra, and threw the two world runes that Ryze treasured to him.

When Syndra grabbed the research, Ryan glanced in the direction of Demacia in surprise, as if he had noticed something.

He was silent for a while, and then hooked up to Rewi Alley, who was at the side.

Alley swayed his little tail and floated into Ryan's hand, and a magic power was transported from Ryan's palm into its body.

Immediately afterwards, Allie hiccupped and dived into the space with a satisfied expression.

Seraphine, who was far away in Xiongdu, put down her work and watched Alli emerge from the space beside her in surprise.

"Goo!" Allie gestured.

Then through its magic, Seraphine received a message from her teacher:

"Noxus belongs, fully cooperate with Laxana."

Hearing this sentence, Seraphine looked at the light on the magnificent square not far away, as if she understood something.

After explaining a few words to Xin Zhao next to him, he hurriedly put down the little wizards who were distributing relief supplies and left in the direction of the embassy.

In the library of the floating city, Ryan, who was all this, saw that Syndra was still immersed in the study of the world's runes, and his figure floated out of the floating castle and fell to the ground.

"Commander, how do you feel this time?"

Not far from him, Swain and Darius were standing there.

Darius' body armor was tattered, and he could only stand leaning on his battle axe.

Swain's image is slightly better, but the hairstyle is also slightly embarrassed.

"Strength, we are still some distance away from them." Swain said calmly.

He is not as good as Ryze now, and even a little behind Kyle, this is a fact that has always existed.

Fortunately, he did not need to support the entire empire alone.

In the current empire, there are Syndra, Morgana, and Ryan. If he has really fought against these worlds, he will be glad that the empire does not have nothing.

"Given the commander's time for a thousand years, he should not be weaker than him." Ryan said with a smile.

Swain has only controlled the demon in his body for a few years. In the future, due to the existence of the empire, he will only become stronger.

But Ryze's strength has been fixed because of the loss of the world rune.

"Only relying on the power of 'It' will not reach that level in a thousand years." Swain is very rational, "If the empire needs me to have strength, I don't mind doing some taboo attempts."

Ryan naturally knows what taboo attempts Swain is talking about. In the current immortal fortress, there are still some creatures and objects that are in a sealed state.

Swain is someone who sees the empire as supreme, and when it comes to that moment, he will definitely do crazy things.

"It's not necessary, everything is in our plan. Ryze's future is also doomed." Ryan said lightly.

After he completed the acquisition of the world runes, Syndra took the initiative to withdraw the magic, which allowed Ryze to leave.

Otherwise, with Syndra's magic, it would not be a big problem to hold on to his arrival.

For Ryze, the Empire had no intention of destroying him from the very beginning.

The smell of the world runes on Ryze was too strong, and he could easily locate the opponent's position.

Instead, he expected Ryze to find the remaining world runes faster in this high-pressure environment.

When it comes to mastering the world's rune data, even if it is backed by the empire, Ryan does not dare to say that he is better than Ryze.

Beyond that, the Empire and Ryze are nothing more than a battle of ideas.

There are no world runes, but he wants to see what choices Ryze will make in the upcoming events.

"Meredith!" Darius on the side said suddenly, "According to the method you suggested earlier, how strong can I become?"

He is not Swain, and this battle made him very dissatisfied with his combat effectiveness.

In a higher level of war, he can hardly get involved.

If it wasn't for Swain's help, he would have been knocked to the ground by Ryze.

He hates this feeling.

Ryan saw the desire for strength in his eyes, and after thinking about it, he said:

"This matter still needs to be studied. With the energy of 3 world runes, it can at least make you stronger than Kyle."

After studying the power of the world's runes, demons, protoss, and darklings, Ryan and Syndra had a crazy idea.

Imitation of the sun disc of ancient Shurima, to create a ritual of ascension belonging to Noxus.

According to their research on Protoss and Darkspawn, the power of the Ascension God should be some kind of source power from the celestial realm.

This power, through the means of the Protoss, can completely change the human body, making an ordinary person become a powerful ascendant.

They have no celestial source of power, but the world rune is also a magical energy that can work miracles.

In this case, why can't we use the world's runes to create a magical ascension ritual belonging to Noxus.

It is difficult to make ordinary people have the power to ascend to the sky, but if it is only to promote Senator Trefary, then this matter will be much easier.

"Is it comparable to Kyle..." Darius had eagerness in his eyes, "How long will it take? What else do I need to do? I can be the first devotee."

He had seen the mighty power of Kyle at that time, and he had also played against each other at that time.

The two seemed to be able to have a short confrontation, but in fact he knew in his heart that his strength and Kyle were still one level worse.

And if there are no unexpected circumstances, it is impossible for him to reach that level in this life.

With martial arts...

It was a path that Ryan had mentioned, and Darius was one of the furthest along the path.

But at the moment, he also deeply understands where the limits of the human body are.

At this level, it must need some kind of external force to stimulate, just like that Atris.

Without the power and blessing of the Protoss, even if he has the highest will in the world, at most he will only grow to his current level.

"The Demacia thing is coming to an end, and you have plenty of time and opportunity to dedicate yourself to Magic Leap." Ryan chuckled.

He could understand Darius' thoughts, but this matter was only a conception now.

How to put it into practice requires a series of planning.

"The clowns in the west are restless, don't they need me to take action?" Darius grinned.

According to the intelligence of the Empire, the Shadow Isle in the west of Noxus seems to be a little unusual recently.

This abnormality even spread to nearby Bilgewater, which is the most famous port city in Runeterra. Many merchant ships from Noxus were affected there, and the ships were destroyed.

Ryan shook his head slightly and said indifferently, "I'm expecting him to come back from the spiritual plane. The power of Shadow Island alone is not worthy of the Trifaris Council."

Shadow Island...a magical island where matter and spirit coexist, born out of a well-planned "accident" over a thousand years.

Speaking of... it's still where Ryze was studying, and he was one of the victims of that incident.

Matter and spirit coexist, and Noxus knows what that means.

Swain said calmly: "Shadow Island is the place where he most easily interferes with the material plane."

Generally speaking, it is difficult for the existence of the spiritual plane to interfere with the creatures who live on the material plane.

Even if it is a powerful existence, at most, it can only produce some raving-like sounds in the ears of creatures who study the spiritual plane.

Only by truly opening the door of material and spiritual connection can we communicate with each other.

Generally speaking, the material plane is the world of the living, while the spiritual plane is the destination of the undead. There should be a clear boundary between the two.

But unfortunately, the original owner of the Immortal Fortress changed all of this.

The original owner of the immortal fortress is also "he" in Ryan's mouth.

"I don't know his current strength and power, but the star spirits of Giant God Peak are not in a hurry, so why should we be in a hurry." Ryan didn't care.

Their future enemy, a lunatic who used to be only a mortal body but has the will of a god, this man's extreme will, death can't erase his soul.

According to LeBlanc, in the spiritual plane, "his" soul did not slowly die, but instead became stronger.

Although "he" used to be the owner of the immortal fortress, he has a direct connection with the current Noxus and LeBlanc who betrayed "him" thousands of years ago.

But in the face of the impact of the spiritual plane, the first to feel threatened are those protoss, each of which relies on the material plane to exist.

If they are defeated, the Protoss will be with their constellations... utterly dead.

"Protoss chose to use this test to train the next generation. If "he" does not appear, we can do the same." Swain suggested.

According to the information Ryan got, the 'mortal' named Atreus seemed to have the breath of some kind of spiritual plane.

The death of the 'War Protoss' contained the far-reaching plans of the Protoss.

When witnessing death, Atreus' soul should have entered the spiritual plane and seen or heard something there.

"Let the next generation try it first, Protoss is a good idea." Ryan shook his head, "Atreus hates Protoss in his heart because of the war Protoss. But if you want to resist, it comes from the spirit. The imprint of the world requires the help of the power of the Protoss."

Once he accepts the gift of the Protoss, Atreus is no longer just a human with a transcendent will.

"The gift of fate was clearly priced at the beginning." Swain's voice was calm, "According to the plan, shall we stay on the sidelines?"

"Leave it to me, we promise not to intervene in Atreus' future. But if our enemy makes a move, it won't count against us." Ryan smiled.

Shurima...Ionia...Shadow Isles...are now on the board.

A play sweeping Rune Land is about to kick off.