Battle of the Two Cities: Begins with the Mage

Chapter 259: Black alley, long time no see

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The little girl with the tall pointed hat slumped on the ground, staring in horror at the mechanical wheel that was barely close to her feet.

If it weren't for the fact that she was sitting in the middle of the road, and the sidewalk lights were still red, there would be a sense of sight that the poor girl was almost hit by a car.

"Hey!!! What are you doing!"

Beside the girl, the little man with a cannon slammed on the hood of the mechanical car, his face full of dissatisfaction.

"Wonderful... ah, no, I mean how can this machine stop so quickly!"

A little old-fashioned, the little man wearing goggles muttered words and looked up and down the machine.

Beside him, a small man also wearing goggles, wearing an army green hat, looked innocent and sluggish.

Judging from his demeanor and inner voice, he must have been frightened...

Seraphine, who got off the mechanical car, looked around and came to her own conclusion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't scare you."

Seraphine's slightly apologetic voice was like a girl's hand caressing her heart, and all the negative emotions of the people in front of her were calmed down in an instant.

She controlled the stage to float to the side of the little girl, and gently picked her up and stood firm:

"It's more dangerous here, let's talk about it on the other side."

Several people had no objection, and the signal light just turned green, and a group of furry little guys subconsciously followed Seraphine across the lane.

Before getting off the bus, Seraphine had already paid 5 gold coins. After leaving, she smiled and nodded to the driver, watching him drive away.

"Eh? Shorty over there, where did you come from?" the guy in the cuckold said suddenly.

He was pointing at Poppy at this point, looking surprised and curious.

"Short???" Bobby's face darkened, and he put his hand on the top of his head and gestured twice, "You're short! You're not as tall as me!"

"Hahahahaha, I'm taller than us! But look at you, no one is taller than you on the road!" The other party puffed out his chest and said with a smile.

Although he has a smile on his face, it always makes people feel that there is an inexplicable ridicule hidden in this smile.

Poppy looked at the other party with a mean face, and wished to smash the other party's head with a hammer:

"Hmph, I'm sorry. I'll just be taller than you."

"Wait, I think you look familiar, what are you... Bo?" The slightly old-fashioned short man seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was excited.

"Poppy! Poppy! Chiku, how many years have it been, and you don't even remember my name?" Poppy looked displeased.

See, it makes sense that she doesn't like yordles!

This group of people is not disciplined at all, and likes to do some noisy things.

The point is, I haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, so I forgot my name.

"Hahaha, Poppy! Yes, Poppy! But...I'm not Chiku."

"Ah?" Bobby's face stiffened slightly.

"Poppy, are you also a yordle? My name is Tristana, and his name is Kutcher!" The yordle with the artillery introduced himself.

"Hahaha... Kookie, yes, Kookie!"

Poppy was a little embarrassed, but fortunately she didn't say anything ugly before.

Otherwise, this face can be lost.

In order to cover up the embarrassment in his heart, Bobby turned sideways and pointed to the girl with pink hair and blue eyes behind him:

"This is Seraphine, from Noxus."

"Wow~ Noxus!!!"

Da, da, da, the little girl in the purple high-pointed hat stepped forward quickly, looking at Seraphine with surprises in her eyes:

"Are you really from Noxus? I've heard that people there use magical magic. And I just heard people say that the houses are flying in the sky. Ooooooo! That's pretty cool!"

She had forgotten the horrific experience of being almost hit before, and her lips fluttered up and down, like pouring beans, excitedly saying what she heard about Noxus from this side.

At the end, looking at Seraphine smiling and listening, she didn't look impatient at all, but she was a little embarrassed:

"I have too much to say. My name is Lulu and this is Pixar. Nice to meet you!"

When introducing herself, she also introduced the butterfly-like pet on her shoulder.

After Lulu finished speaking, the others finally had a chance to speak. Tristana also surrounded Seraphine with her eyes shining, and asked in half confirmation and half surprise:

"Poppy, Poppy, are you serious, she's really Noxian?"

"Yeah, it's not just her, I just came from the immortal fortress." Poppy snickered in his heart as he nodded.

Look, these same clans have never seen the soil in the market.

Sure enough, she is still Bobby well-informed!

"Oh, God! I heard there's a ten-meter cannon there, have you seen it?" Tristana gestured expectantly.

"Ah... I don't think so." Poppy felt a little guilty.

"No, no, I also heard that the soldiers there have gun barrels ten times larger than mine!"

"Impossible, how can this normal person move."

"It's true! I've also heard...they have those super cannons on boats and cars, bang, and the whole city is gone!"

"This... no way."

Poppy twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly.

Damn, she never saw any of what the other party said.

The point is, what Tristana said about the nose and eyes sounded exactly like the truth.

Is it...

"No, no, no!"

Kuchi walked over, just when Poppy thought he was here to refute, he blushed and said excitedly:

"The most powerful thing in Noxus is their plane, ah~ that kind of super plane like a giant dragon, it must be wonderful to be able to fly him!"

"What, obviously artillery is the romance of the yordles!"

"Airplane, it's an airplane!"

Bobby listened to the quarrel between the two, and only felt his head buzzing.

How could the Noxus in their mouths be completely different from what she saw...

As a last resort, she turned her head to the cheap guy wearing a cuckold: "Little dwarf, what's your name?"

"???You're short! My name is Teemo! The tallest yordle in the future!"

"Just you?" Poppy sneered, "I'm afraid you've already passed the age of being a long man."

Saying that, she also walked up to the other side and compared her height with her own.

Hmm... The pure height is 1cm taller, plus the double ponytail behind it, it's a complete victory!

Poppy nodded contentedly, but she didn't know why, listening to Teemo's voice and looking at Teemo's smiling face, she always had the urge to hit him.

But who made her a yordle who obeys the rules and is the most righteous, just compare her height like this!

"What! Just wait, in a few hundred years, I will definitely be taller than you." Teemo shouted in dissatisfaction.

Coupled with Bobby's high double ponytail, the height of the two was pulled apart at once.

Even if he wears a fluffy green hat, he is a little worse than Bobby.

On the other hand, Seraphine, while listening intently to Lulu's excited description, also sent away the police officers who came to investigate the violation.

Zaan now acts according to the rules of the city, and if he commits a crime, he accepts the punishment that has been set long ago.

Like running a signal light, the punishment is not heavy, just pay some fines.

Seraphine handed it over without hesitation, sending the police officer away.

"Sister Seraphine, those are Trefary gold coins just now? They're golden, they look so beautiful!" Lulu was full of surprise.

"Uh..." Seraphine choked on the title of "sister", and she refused in her heart.

Gu Lai </span> After all, don't look at Lulu's appearance as a little girl, maybe she is older than Ms. LeBlanc.

But looking at the innocent appearance of the other party, and thinking of the students in the academy, she also retracted her thoughts of correction, so she nodded and replied:

"Yes, Trefary gold coins, gold coins issued by Noxus. These gold coins are used to buy things."

Seraphine lowered her body, took out a few gold coins from her pocket, and handed them to Lulu.

"Wow~ Thank you, Sister Seraphine!" Lulu took the gold coin carefully, not even wanting her own small wooden staff, and threw it aside, playing with the gold coin lovingly:

"They're so beautiful! Can we not use them... um, don't you just take things directly? Everyone is happy to give each other." Lulu's face was full of confusion.

How could such a beautiful gold coin of Cui Fari be given to others casually?

"Uh... When someone gives us something, we usually give it back. One Trefary gold coin is more precious, but with 100, 1,000, that's it," Seraphine said patiently.

"That's it!" Lulu nodded in understanding.

But Seraphine couldn't help laughing at the tangled miser figure.

She has long heard that the yordle people have always maintained their childlike and innocent, and they do not understand many things in human society.

But by comparison, Seraphine liked them.

Because compared to ordinary people with complex minds, the souls of yordles are unusually simple.

They express their intense joy in the things they love.

For things they hate, they will also look at them with disgust.

Emotions are put on the face, it is completely a rectal image.

Being able to encounter this group of yordles by chance, Seraphine also has the intention to let the other party join her team.

A fun expedition...

Enough to attract yordles.

The sharp-horned purple hat Poppy-Lulu is good at some magical magic and can be used as a powerful support.

The green hat Bobby Teemo, a scout of the yordles, has magical stealth and the ability to grow mushrooms, and it happens that the team needs a person to detect information.

The plane Poppy-Cutch, capable of piloting various types of flying vehicles, is very suitable for air combat.

Artillery Poppy-Tristana, uh...great artilleryman!

Seraphine blinked, leading the unhappy Poppy and the small team forward.

Just now, when Seraphine suggested whether to go on an expedition together, the yordles agreed without any hesitation.

Oh, what yordle could refuse an invitation to an unknown expedition.

Well... Poppy doesn't count!

The group was noisily, walking behind Seraphine, walking towards what used to be the dark alley and now Zaun Square.

Walking on the road, looking at these quarrelsome little guys, Seraphine always had a strange feeling.

The previous little mages were really younger than her, so her feeling was not bad.

But the group of yordles in front of them should be older than her in terms of age.

But whether it's her height or her mind, she has a feeling of standing out from the crowd... Well, that's not right, it should be a sense of sight that a kindergarten teacher takes the children out on an outing.

She is very familiar with this feeling, and she usually brings the little mages like this.

But... she herself needs someone else to carry her.

Seraphine chuckled suddenly, shook her head, and led the yordle team to Zaun Square.

She raised her head slightly and looked at the completely changed place.

This was originally a dark and chaotic dark alley. She still remembered that when she first came here, although the freshener covered the chemical fragrance on the street, it was still hard to hide the old and dilapidated.

Today I revisited the old place, only one impression left...

Brand new!

A new symbol of the future.

The sculptures of Vander and Sirke stood in the center of the square, and Seraphine could see a lot of people around there.

Below the sculpture, the exploits of the two Zaun rulers are recorded.

Whether it's good or bad, it's recorded there.

The two of them who loved and killed each other, now the statues are standing there side by side, giving Seraphine an indescribable sense of harmony...

Around the statue, there are beautiful buildings that are not very high.

This is not a prosperous commercial area. Since the reform of Zaan, Black Lane has become the political and technological center of Zaan.

The Police Department, the Hex Institute, the Executive Office... all located here.

"Long time no see, Miss Seraphine!"

Seraphine hadn't stayed long when Sevika, who was still resolute, came over.

It's just that compared to the previous her, the mechanical arm seems to have been changed, and it has become more powerful.

The shimmering purple light that once flowed in the robotic arm also turned into the dark blue of Hex.

"Ms. Sevika, long time no see!"

Seraphine smiled and bowed. When she came to Zaun before, she had a good impression of Sevika.

This is a person who is willing to give purely to Zaun in his heart, and it has also been proved that he did an extraordinary job when he was the police chief.

"This time, I heard you are going to Bilgewater?"

Sevika led the way, Seraphine and her party followed.

Looking at the majestic Sevika, the yordle team's noisy voice was much quieter, and tremblingly followed behind Seraphine.

Sevika's murderous appearance did not look like a kind person.

"Yes, the boat to go over there is ready. I want to come here to see after a day's rest."

Seraphine looked around at the smiling people and said with emotion:

"If people here used to have hope in their hearts, now... in less than two years, their hearts have turned into pride."

"This is all thanks to Mr. Viktor. Compared with Shirko's meeting, I am much more relaxed." Sevika didn't care, "Now I just use the office to read the newspaper and drink tea. Life isn't much different."

Seraphine pursed her lips and snickered: "Ms. Sevika, you have inherited Shirko's position."

"Che, I'm not the material. He is in this position, what else can he offer. I'm really just like a vase, sitting in this office and don't know what to do." Sevika Self-loathing grumbled.

"Mr. Victor relies on the Blitz intelligent system to manage the city, and I'm superfluous." After speaking, she suddenly turned her head and asked, "By the way, when will Ike and Jinx come back?"

"It's about a year away, they're good now," Seraphine said.

"It's still a year... Well, forget it, do it for another year." Severka waved her hand, looking a little disappointed, "When they come back, Zaun will be able to compete with Piltover fully. already."

Seraphine followed Sevika, listening as she recounted some of the recent events in Piltover and Zaun.

This time, she came here just to see her old friend and the city that was once full of hope.

Facts have proved that the seeds of hope planted by the have slowly sprouted.

At the end of the street, it happens to be a high slope, and you can see Piltover not far away.

Sevika looked at Piltover, who had also undergone a lot of changes on the other side, and took a deep breath:

"Zuan wants to compete with Piltover, and it's not for the sake of you. We just want to prove to the punks on the other side that Zaun will be 10,000 times better than before without them!"

Her fists were slightly clenched, and the robotic arm was a little tensed. Severka's eyes were hot, and she muttered to herself:

"When the two boys Ike and Jinx come back, we will put a lot of competition on the bright side. Up and down the city, we Zaun people will always remember this name!"

Seraphine stood beside her, looking across the bank with a smile.

Piltover and Zaun...

Growing together in competition...Innovation in collision... this the pomp you want to see...

Such twin cities will be really beautiful...