Battle of the Two Cities: Begins with the Mage

Chapter 329: Ionian Winds

"The wind... calmed down..."

In a forest in Ionia, Yasuo raised his head and glanced at the land occupied by the Empire.

The turmoil caused by the Empire has subsided, which on the other hand means...

His battle is about to begin again...

sulfuric acid!

The long knife at the waist was quickly pulled out by Yasuo with a blank expression, and it collided with the ushering knife.

"Your knife is slow, Yasuo!"

Yasuo raised his head and looked at the familiar face in front of him, his hand holding the knife was slightly harder.

It seemed that there was a rhythm in the wind, and his blade was entangled in the breeze, and the man in front of him bounced out.

Seeing the opponent landed smoothly, Yasuo did not have any surprises, but said calmly:

"Yon, I won't go back with you now, I need to find out."

"Check it out?" Yone snorted coldly, "Didn't you kill those people?"

Yasuo fell silent, and Yone knew the answer when he saw him.

Those Ionians who died in the temple were not framed by anyone, but at the hands of Yasuo.

"Do you remember the oath you made when you were studying with Elder Soma?"

bass! ! !

The other long knife around his waist was pulled out by Yong En. He held two knives and killed Yasuo one after the other.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The three katana swords collided with a crisp sound, and Yasuo sighed softly while passively defending:

"My oath will never be forgotten."

"So what if you violated it?"

boom! ! !

Yone's left-handed long knife block blocked Yasuo's knife, and his right-handed long knife slashed fiercely, and a scarlet knife slashed towards him.


Yasuo didn't dodge, but he was attacked abruptly. A huge bloodstain appeared on his chest. The samurai uniform was chopped open, and the blood soaked the shattered clothes.

He didn't care about the injury on his body, but cut out the wind wrapped around the knife with a blank expression.


Yasuo shouted loudly, and a violent wind shot out from the knife.

The wind tangled together as it traveled, forming a small tornado.

Yong En, who was unusually close to him, was just about to take out the knife, and the whole person was enveloped in the wind in an instant.

Yong En groaned, the whole person was hung up by the tornado, the wind like a blade cut his body, and the clothes on his body were cut to pieces, and there were small blood marks on his body.

Looking at the flying Yone, Yasuo subconsciously wanted to draw his sword to keep up, but in the end he hesitantly put down the knife, watching Yone being thrown to the ground and falling heavily on the ground.

He knew... Yone had actually just shown mercy.

If the other side didn't show mercy to that knife, he wouldn't have the strength to stand up at all at this moment.

Yasuo calmly looked at the opponent who was struggling to get up, and said indifferently:

"According to the oath, whoever kills a companion shall be punished with a thousand knives piercing the heart."

After all, he turned around and took advantage of the neutral position, disappearing into the jungle.

He has always remembered his oath, but it is not yet time to fulfill it.

He couldn't argue with killing his comrades, but that wasn't his intention, and if he left behind the scenes, more innocent people would be killed in Ionia.

He had thought about telling Yone about it, but it was an indisputable fact that the man was murdered.

He couldn't face his dead comrade, and he couldn't face Irelia who trusted him.

Just let him do it all alone...

Like a gust of wind, it comes in a hurry and goes away in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, Yasuo disappeared without a trace.

Yone on the ground slowly got up, and instead of chasing Yasuo, he stood there silently.

"You're still as impulsive as you used to be, and like to keep everything in your heart." Yone looked up at the direction Yasuo left, "but you never knew that swords wouldn't lie."

Yes, even if Yasuo admits that he killed those Ionian companions, Yone knows there must be something in it.

Wind kendo, the kendo that melts itself into the wind and drives the wind.

The only people in Ionia who can do this kind of kendo are Elder Soma and Yasuo, and Elder Soma is already old and has been affected by Riven's incident. It is impossible to go to the temple to kill those people.

Whether by inference or according to Riven's account, Yasuo must have killed the man who stayed at the temple at the time.

But after confronting Yasuo's sword, Yone denied it in his heart.

Compared to the wounds of those people's swordsmanship, Yasuo's sword was as immature as a child.

With his eyesight, he could see at a glance that the gap was not a disguise, but that Yasuo didn't have the strength to create those stab wounds on Riven and others.

Yasuo's current strength is difficult to beat Riven, let alone hurt him easily.

"Interesting... The person who realized the wind controlled you, or is there something ulterior in your body?"

Yone muttered to himself, pressing his hand lightly on his chest.

He could feel that the life that Swain had shot into him at the time was slowly awakening.

But it was a pity that he could only watch him wake up, but there was nothing to do for him.

Even if he stabs him with a sword, he can't kill him, he can clearly recognize this.

"Yasuo, I'm running out of time. If you can't prove your innocence, then I can only use death to open the way for you."

Yone looked in the direction Yasuo left and muttered to himself.


Trenton tribe.

The Trenton tribe is a large vastaya tribe in Navori province, which has always believed in peaceful coexistence with humans.

But the atmosphere that has recently flowed among the vastayas will obviously also drive and influence here.

The impetuous young people gathered in groups of threes and fives, arguing fiercely with the older Vastaya people.

The older generation still believed not to provoke the Ionians if it was not necessary. They had gone through too many years and deeply realized that only peaceful coexistence with human beings was the only way to save the vastaya.

But the difference is that young vastayas always have new These people surround a bird-like, well-dressed vastaya behind his lead He described his experiences in Noxian territory, and said he wanted to join the rebel army founded by the vastayas there.

This is the news from Port Lane. It is said that under the leadership of some big men, this rebel army has swept through the three provinces of Ionia.

They occupied much of the territory that once belonged to the Ionians and divided it among the various tribes of the vastaya, only requiring them to provide a certain annual tax.

For the Vastaya clan, who lived a difficult life, this condition was like giving away territory for free.

Because of these reasons, many large tribes began to sit still, especially the voices headed by young people.

In their view, only by going out now will they not fall behind other tribes.

When the argument got heated, the young bird-like leader shouted enthusiastically:

"The wind of Vastaya has been blowing in Ionia, and this is our time!"