Battle of the Two Cities: Begins with the Mage

Chapter 402: Manipulate Shurima's hand

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Nerima Jie Council.

Sivir walked into it, nodded to the person who greeted her casually, jumped over the registration crowd, and walked into the hall.

Inside is a slightly large office space, there are about a dozen people, each of them has a device with a screen in front of them, and they are struggling to operate something.

Seeing the middle-aged man in red and black clothes walking towards her, Sivir asked casually:

"How did they learn?"

"His Royal Highness Sivir, they study very seriously, but they are limited by their knowledge and knowledge, and it will take some time to get used to it." The middle-aged man stood straight, and did not feel inferior to the other party because he saw Sivir.

Sivir didn't care about the other party's attitude either. If it was replaced by her ascension, the other party probably wouldn't even look at him.

The tutor of the magic department of Noxus War College, this kind of person is not a small person, even in the Empire, he is outstanding.

If it wasn't for Cassiopeia's family to invite people, she would have spent a lot of money to invite people of this level.

Now it's possible to prostitute such a mage for free, and she doesn't have to pay a penny. Anything with a bad attitude is a small problem.

However, after listening to the middle-aged man, Sivir frowned slightly:

"Mr. Farr, according to your estimate, how long will it take for them to fully learn this system."

She looked around at the rest of the group, looked at the group of Shurimans scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks, and shook her head in dissatisfaction.

With the savvy of these Shurimans, the government system she got from Noxus is estimated to have a lot of time to use.

The middle-aged man Farr's voice was also helpless: "This system created by Orianna-sama has been simplified by His Majesty and Victor, although the operation on the personal side is extremely simple. But the operation on the terminal is extremely simple. ..."

He shook his head, wondering: "Not only do you need magic power, but you also need to have a certain amount of knowledge and memory, otherwise there will be no way to complete the work efficiently."


Sivir pouted.

The place with the largest number of people known to possess magical powers is Demacia, but the place with the most magical powers is Noxus.

If it weren't for the fact that these two places are now very well protected for the mage, she would have wanted to kidnap people now.

But for her, this system bound to the identity bracelet must be promoted.

It is foreseeable that there will be more and more people in Shurima, and she does not have the time and energy to keep track of how much everyone owes her.

She also wouldn't trust someone else to manage it for her. She had seen too many corrupt people, and no one would want to deduct a penny from her.

People in the entire empire should earn rewards while their living conditions gradually improve.

The specific amount of these rewards will be recorded in this system in detail.

The empire can always bring her a lot of surprises. Before, she was still worried about how to separate her income from the expenses of running the country. She didn't want Azir and Aatrox to pick the peaches they planted.

With the system that Cassiopeia bought and provided to her, anyone who wanted to do something would have a detailed record in the system.

She has tried violent disassembly, and it is not difficult to destroy the equipment, but even she can't do it if she wants to modify or tamper with no trace.

She went straight to the seat in the center of the inner hall, put her hand on the console, and the magic poured into it.

This system comes from Noxus and is naturally controlled by magic.

Although magic and ascending energy are essentially the same, they are both types of energy. It is not difficult for the empire to design a common version of ascending energy.

But it was clear that Sivir didn't want to do that.

A system that cannot be used by Ascension Gods is a good system.

As for herself, she who has won the 'Book of Ascension' award, is not low in terms of magical attainments.

With the input and control of magic, lines of data appear on the central control screen.

【Shurima Empire Management System】

[City under its jurisdiction: Nerima Jie (can be added)]

[Empire Population: Nerima Jie (33275)]

[Total points issued: -3575312]

This is an aggregated interface, and the population of the Empire continues to grow as new personnel are added to the system.

The total number of points issued is also decreasing as the population increases.

But looking at the negative points, Sivir looked rather satisfied.

These points are all gold coins that others owe her.

These days, the Kekao family has delivered tens of thousands of tons of food, meat and wheat from Demacia, fish from Bilgewater, and fruits and vegetables from Ionia.

The variety is extremely rich, and under the magical preservation conditions, it is still freshly picked when it is transported here.

Due to the relationship of the Kekao family, Sivir does not have to pay extra costs.

Even because Cassiopeia owed her a lot, she didn't have to pay a penny herself.

And these benefits that are released will eventually be converted into real benefits and flow into her pocket.

Use magic to open the list of points details, in which more than 30,000 names are arranged in descending order of the points owed.

The person hanging on the top has the famous name "Cassiopeia" written on it impressively, and the negative points are as high as 3 million, which is more than 30 gold coins in Trefary gold coins.

Of course, this is not Cassiopeia wearing a bracelet to access the system, but when purchasing the system, the other party's name is already on it.

Through this point, she can intuitively know how much money she has spent these days.

The cost of purchasing the system is 5 million points, which is 500,000 Trefary Coins.

Although this figure made Sivir feel distressed, the 1 million arrears were for nothing after all. Compared with the future benefits, she did not think it was too expensive at all.

A few days ago, in addition to the daily deduction of material costs, Cassiopeia's points rose by more than 1 million.

From negative more than 4 million to negative more than 3 million.

At that time, she already knew that what Cassiopeia did in Noxus was done.

A little cost, but it is not in her eyes.

On the contrary, seeing more and more total points being lost, and more and more newcomers entering the file, Sivir showed a happy smile.

In her setting for the Shurima Empire, 10 points have the purchasing power of 1 Trefary gold coin.

However, only the labor that yielded 10 Trifarian Gold Coins would give Shurimans 10 points.

She doesn't feel that she has a black heart. The channel of the empire is unique to her, and no one can even replace it.

The Shurimans want to live in the barren continent of Shurima, and the Ascension God wants to restore the glory of Shurima.

These, without Noxus, without her Sivir can not!