Battle of the Two Cities: Begins with the Mage

Chapter 8: Zaun Victor

With that said, the corners of Ryan's mouth were slightly upturned, and when he turned his palm over, a dark blue crystal bead appeared in his hand.

"Hex Crystal? How is that possible!?" Victor exclaimed, as if he saw something that shouldn't have appeared.

"It's no surprise that the Hex Crystal was not created by you and Jace. Although you have gone further on this road, you still can't control it." Ryan said meaningfully.

"But... the council should have controlled the production and use of all crystals." Victor hesitated.

Ryan handed the crystal to Victor indifferently, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "So, you are a scientist."

He pointed to the group of nobles who sang and danced, and said, "They are politicians."

"And I..." He finally pointed his fingertips at himself.

Seeing that Ryan was not talking, Victor answered tentatively, "Mage?"

"No." Ryan shook his head and replied with a smile, "It's a Noxian!"

"It seems that Lord Ryan has a strong sense of belonging to the Noxian Empire." Victor thought of Zaun, and inevitably felt a little sad.

"It's not just about belonging, but the Empire gave me the confidence to speak. To be honest, I don't have the outstanding military force of General Darius, and I can't compare to Professor Heimerdinger in terms of technology, and even less in terms of mana. Karma, the Apocalypse. But I am standing on the land of Picheng, but no one can say no to me." Ryan said calmly.

Victor stared deeply at Ryan, noncommittal to his words.

Noxus is powerful, but it is precisely because of the gathering of a group of people as powerful as Ryan that it is strong. Ryan can represent Noxus because he is one of the strongest people in Noxus.

He is different, he has Zaun in his heart and wants to change Zaun. But the identity is only a research assistant, and the reputation and prestige are far less than that of Jace.

If this goes on, how can he transform Zaun...

Victor was silent for a while, and some unexpected thoughts suddenly appeared in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, he looked around, except for Katerina's erratic eyes that seemed to be doing nothing, no one paid attention to them.

He hesitated for a while, and finally said with a bewildered expression:

"Your Excellency Ryan, I want to ask something."

He didn't know why he would ask the people in front of him for advice. They were obviously the same age, but he felt that he had nothing to hide in front of them.

"I'm happy to answer your questions." Ryan showed a friendly smile.

He was delighted to see the genius in front of him open up to him, and the doors of Noxus were always open to each other.

Victor had a distressed look on his face: "You said before that we can't control the hex crystal. Actually, Professor Heimerdinger said something similar a few hours ago. But I can hear the difference between the two of you, Professor Thinking that the re-development of Hextech will have extremely serious consequences. But in your tone, I can hear something else."

"I agree with Heimerdinger, but my position is a little different from what he sees," Ryan said.

"We just want to apply it to people's livelihood, so that the lives of the people of Zaun can be completely improved." Victor was slightly excited.

"I can understand your feelings, it's consistent with my feelings for Noxus." Ryan reached out and patted Victor on the shoulder, and the words changed, "But have you ever thought about it, you can control it ?"

"They are already very stable and will not cause accidental damage." Speaking of professionalism, Victor's face is full of confidence.

Ryan shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I'm not Heimerdinger. I don't think about the harm caused by accidents. I just want to ask you, what would the Zaun do if they mastered Hextech?"

"they will..."

Victor wanted to talk about the manpower savings they use technology to save, and talk about the Zaun people out of poverty.

But when he saw Ryan's half-smiling face, he realized that this was not what the other party seemed to want to hear.

Ryan suddenly turned his head to Katarina next to him, and asked casually: "100 warriors guarded by Lesser against 1,000 ordinary tribal warriors of Freljord, in the absence of leading intervention, this battle will be What will be the result?"

The Lesser garrison is the most elite army under the Emperor Noxus, while the Freljord is located in the far north of the Valoran continent, where most uncivilized tribes live.

Katarina sneered: "Don't say 100, as long as 10 Reese guards can slaughter all the enemies."

"The reason." Ryan smiled.

"The equipment gap is too big. Even if Freljord's stone spear breaks, it can't break the armor of the Raiser garrison, not to mention that the Raiser garrison still has a lot of special alchemy equipment." Katarina curled her lips. Said, "If you really want to be evenly matched, you have to fight against the warriors of the Avarossa tribe, and the number must be five times more than that of Reese's garrison."

Ryan focused his eyes on Victor again and said earnestly:

"I think this metaphor should be able to answer your doubts, scientist!"

He re-read the last three words, as if deliberately trying to wake up the other's innocence.

Victor smiled wryly, lowered his head, and struggled to explain:

"As long as there are restrictions, UU Reading Hextech can't be used in war."

After he finished speaking, he felt that what he said was so pale and powerless. Just like Ryan can get hex crystals, they are just Picheng researchers, and it is difficult to have a way to limit them.

"I always thought that this sentence of yours would come from Jace's mouth." Ryan said somewhat surprised, "Do you remember the environment in which you were born?"

"deep impression..."

Victor's face was filled with reminiscence, how could he forget what he saw and heard in Zaun. That's why he wants to use technology to change Zaun.

"Think about your original intention and why you stayed in Piltover. You're a smart person, but you've been in Piltover for a long time."

Out of the corner of the eye, Mel and Jace came out of nowhere. Ryan stood up and said with a smile:

"The conversation with you today was very pleasant. If you need any help, you can come to the Noxus embassy to find me."

"Today, you helped me solve my doubts. I should thank you." Victor's face was embarrassed.

The moment Ryan finished his last sentence, he had already figured out all the problems.

The other party was right... I stayed in Piltover for so long that I forgot that I was a Zaun.

Looking at the back of Ryan's departure, Victor's eyes were filled with a little gratitude and the firmness of wanting to accomplish something.

At night, the most important moment of Piltover's Evolution Day comes.

Evolution Day speech, today's speaker is Piltover's most famous Jace Tallis.

In the Piltover Lecture Hall, everyone watched the tall boy on the podium with anticipation, expecting him to describe what new inventions in Piltover this year.