Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 2044: other plans

"So you guessed that this ghost has a disease that can't see the sun?" Yelena frowned, "Is this change too fast?"

"Of course not, I wasn't completely sure at the time. "Le>Wen" Because everyone has preferences, maybe night action is just a personal preference of ghosts, and I don't know. So I checked the abnormal actions of ghosts a few times. The only few times he was active during the day were found to be rainy and cloudy. So I wondered if he liked to be active at night, maybe out of preference, but out of some kind of compelled circumstance, like fear of the sun. So I called again Call Zhao Jianfei and get it from him, they were attacked at night." Lin Rui said slowly. "It can never be a coincidence. At least it can't be explained by coincidence."

"So you guess that this ghost is out of its own problems, so it must act at night or in weather without sunlight?" Yelena said. "However, the doctor said a lot about various diseases just now. Why do you think he may be albino?"

"Because he deliberately concealed his actions, he never left any photos. So I concluded that this person must have obvious features, and those features that can be seen at a glance. We have to hide our appearance. It's easy, you can dye your blonde hair black and wear glasses to shape your face. I can have a pointy beard so I don't see the outline of my chin. So unless a person's features are too obvious, they don't need to be so concerned about their appearance. The image is not known." Lin Rui replied. "Albinism just makes him fit this too obvious feature."

"I found that I really underestimated you. You are so smart. I thought the smartest among us should be an actuary." Yelena smiled.

"I'm not smarter than him. If Jiangan was still there, I would have guessed all this." Lin Rui shook his head, "Who made him seriously injured when we needed him the most. I'll do it myself."

Sergey applauded, "You know, boss, I've already begun to admire you very much. This time it's true, and I'm pretty brainy, but I didn't expect to find it on this half-page paper of the Federal Security Agency. After so many things, I even judged the basic characteristics of the other party. To be honest, apart from the silver wolf boss, I have never had such an evaluation of a person that I admire very much."

"Stop flattering. Contact Cobain. After so long, he should have checked out the shoe print we provided him." Lin Rui turned his head and said.

"His encrypted email has been sent. He has analyzed it, and the shoe print you sent him has been confirmed to be military boots. The military boots of the famous German brand adidas. But they should not be sold on the market, there are almost no on the market. Opportunity to buy. The object of their supply is gsg9, that is, the ninth brigade of the German border guard, or the ninth anti-terrorist brigade of the German border guard. The special police boots produced by adidas have become gsg9 and many other military, law enforcement units such as seals, df delta Standard equipment for troops and SWAT Los Angeles SWAT." Sergey whispered.

"Military boots, that is to say, these shoes have batch numbers on them. And the batch number code can know some basic information, such as the origin." Lin Rui nodded.

"Yes, although this pair of shoes is a German brand, the origin is Croatia and sold to several countries in Eastern Europe. It can already be concluded that this ghost is indeed Eastern Europe." Sergey replied.

"Well, this news is better than nothing." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "Originally, I didn't have much hope for this. We have to be careful, especially at night."

Sergey nodded and said, "How about we change Jiangan to a ward?"

"No, not for now. This is a bait to attract ghosts. But for the time being, he doesn't have a good chance, so he won't act rashly. After Zhao Jianfei comes over, I have a good plan to deal with this person." Lin Rui whispered.

"You asked Zhao Jianfei to come over?" Sergey frowned. "This is not good? This is our business, and it is necessary to involve him?"

"It's not that he was involved, but there are not many people we can rely on here. Do you think these federal agents are more reliable than Lao Zhao? Stop kidding." Lin Rui shook his head. "Besides, this person is the murderer of Zhao Jianye. Lao Zhao has been looking for him for many years. If we don't want the relationship between us and Lao Zhao to become more and more difficult, I think it is best to leave this opportunity to Lao Zhao to solve it himself. ."

Sergey sighed. "Well, I think you're right. What are you going to do? What are we going to do with this ghost?"

"The ghost has always been a loner. It will reduce his chances of being discovered, and yes he is difficult to track down. It is one of his characteristics, but this characteristic of him is also his greatest weakness. We It is different, we have always been a team. Acting alone can reduce the probability of being discovered, but because he has no one to help him, it also increases the probability of him being captured. As long as we arrange it reasonably, he cannot escape us. palm." Lin Rui whispered.

"But, boss. Think carefully about what the consequences will be if we kill him here." Sergey frowned, "This time we are here to negotiate with the Russians about the future development of the company in Russia. It is definitely not good for us to make too much noise at this time. Those who oppose us will take this to think that we private military companies have not really entered Russia, and they have made a **** storm. This is a pair of There is no benefit to our trip.”

"That's why I asked Zhao Jianfei to come. He's not from our company. At that time, many people will prove that we didn't kill this ghost at all." Lin Rui smiled slightly.

Sergey suddenly realized, "So you have all planned."

"Of course. In this case, we can neither make the Russians think that we are too incompetent, nor let them think that we are too dangerous. If we want to develop a foothold in Russia in the future, we must make them feel that we are useful to them, and They can control us so that they can feel at ease. So this time I let Lao Zhao come over, killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, let him take revenge, and stop hating Yinlang so much in the future. On the other hand, we also use his hand to get rid of it Drop this ghost." Lin Rui smiled.

"The Russian Federal Security Service has long wanted to catch this ghost. If it can catch him this time, the Russian side should be very happy, even if it doesn't stay alive." Yelena nodded. "And we have done such a big favor for the Russians, so they will definitely reconsider their cooperation with us."

"Yes, this is the result I want, everyone is happy." Lin Rui smiled.