Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1172: Corporate image

Lin Rui and Michelle Silver Wolf followed Long Zhengwu to leave the venue and walked behind. .

"How do you feel?" Long Zhengwu said.

"You are a born businessman." Lin Rui nodded.

"There is no way to stabilize these birds and beasts, you have to feed them meat. All alliances in this world are unreliable, except for one, which is the alliance with common interests. We can use this to bring them to mercenaries. The alliance is truly tied together and advance and retreat together." Long Zhengwu patted Lin Rui's arm, "Come with me, I have something for you

Long Zhengwu took Lin Rui and Michelle Silver Wolf to the office and handed them a copy of the information, "Hey."

"New mission? What about Joe and Morningstar?" Lin Rui turned through the information, "They are always ready to calculate us."

"Qiao is not worth worrying about. He is just a thug. What we really want to worry about is the master behind the scenes-the Mercenary Career Management Committee. They currently control dozens of military companies, and there is no shortage of them like Sanye Jungle In addition, they have a very close relationship with the upper echelons of the US military. They are still our strong enemies." Long Zhengwu said slowly.

"Do I just forget it?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Of course we can't do that, but we must also be clear. When we were fighting with the management committee. They suddenly used Joe to make trouble with us, and the purpose was to try to attract our attention. Transfer to the direction of Joe and Morningstar Company." Long Zhengwu said slowly.

Silver Wolf Michelle nodded, "It is true, they know the personal grievances between Joe and us, so they want to try to hold us back."

"Are they going to take any further action?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Not yet, and there are some differences within the management committee. The US military has an agreement with us, and the management committee will not act on us for the time being. They are now busy stabilizing their positions." Long Zhengwu thought. "I am calling you back this time because of the task you are currently holding."

"This is the task?" Lin Ruili frowned.

"Yes." Long Zhengwu nodded, "Because recently, in order to restrict our development, the US military passed a plan to restrict retired special forces from joining private military companies. This made it very difficult for me to recruit personnel. . At present, as the initiator of the International Mercenary Alliance, we need a large number of military personnel to expand our strength."

"You mean the'key combat capability maintenance plan'" Silver Wolf seems to know this better.

Long Zhengwu nodded, "The United States once publicly stated that it invested more than 100,000 troops in the Iraq War, but in fact it used far more manpower than this number because the US military contracted many military tasks to private security companies like us. .

After the Cold War, the number of US troops plummeted by 30%, and a large number of veterans were transferred to the private sector. For the government, there are many benefits to the military and civilianization: it can get rid of the burden of military personnel while maintaining regional influence. As a result, the business of military hire companies was once very prosperous.

Silver Wolf sneered, "Using high-quality mercenaries in the United States can not only overcome the shortage of soldiers, but also avoid widespread criticism due to excessive casualties of the regular army.

In particular, the existence of mercenaries can save the US Department of Defense a lot of money, because they do not need to pay for the Department of Defense. Once the mercenaries encounter an accident on the battlefield, the Pentagon does not have to pay insurance money for their families. "

Long Zhengwu sighed, "But there are two sides to everything. Ironically, a large number of special forces have retired to join private security companies for money, which has led to a massive loss of talent in the US special forces. US military veterans have always been private security companies recruiting employees. The first choice, the few retired special forces are regarded as the most sought-after goods in the mercenary market.

Compared with ordinary soldiers, they are not only proficient in various advanced equipment, foreign language proficiency and actual combat experience are also superior, and can adapt to the customs of the Middle East or other regions more quickly. Therefore, US special forces have become the number one victim of private security companies digging walls.

In fact, the treatment of active military personnel in the United States is already quite good. In addition to a considerable amount of income, there are special concessions in housing children's schooling and social welfare, but this is still not on par with the surprisingly profitable security industry. Some big-name security companies have employees earn thousands of dollars a day. Coupled with the relatively loose management system within private enterprises, many US special forces with special skills have abandoned their military posts and rushed to join the mercenary team.

At present, the U.S. military has realized the seriousness of the problem and has reported to Congress to support the resolution of the serious loss of special forces. Otherwise, maintaining the combat effectiveness of special forces will become a major problem.

Therefore, the US military has introduced a "key combat capability maintenance" plan, investing hundreds of millions of dollars to retain those special forces veterans who are about to leave, hoping to alleviate the crisis of brain drain. At the same time, it also limits the excessive development of mercenary companies and becomes difficult to control. "

"In other words, it is very difficult for us to dig people out of the military in recent times." Lin Rui shrugged.

"Theoretically, this is the case, but we can think of ways from other places." Long Zhengwu said to Lin Rui, "This is the information you have now."

Lin Rui said, "It's like a list of personnel."

"It's the list of missing persons." Long Zhengwu said, "These are some of the mercenaries who have disappeared during the Libyan operation in the past year. According to intelligence, at least 40% are still alive because they are the best. Soldiers can survive the most difficult circumstances. They are included on the missing list because their company does not want to admit that these people have been captured."

Lin Rui was silent for a while, "Because of the money?"

"Yes, if these mercenary companies admit that they have been captured, they will have to bear the responsibility for rescue in accordance with the contract, and even if necessary, pay a high ransom to the militants who captured them. No one wants to do this because of this. It's just business, no one wants to do business at a loss." Long Zhengwu said.

"You want me to rescue these people and use them to solve our manpower problems." Lin Rui nodded.

"Smart. There are two advantages to doing this. First, it will win the hearts of these mercenaries. Second, it will have a large enough impact to establish the real status of the international mercenary alliance. It shows that we are different from other companies: we We also pay high salaries, and we value every employee and have the courage to take responsibility.” Long Zhengwu said. "If it can cause such an impact, it will not only solve the problem of manpower resources, but also establish a corporate image, which will kill two birds with one stone."

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