Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1178: Ambush

Just as these patrol members passed by, Lin Rui quickly flashed out of the shadows. . Covering the mouth of the last patrol, the combat knife suddenly cut open the throat and trachea of ​​the patrol.

The patrol team that heard the movement immediately turned around. Lin Rui had already tumbled on the spot and approached the two team members in front. The combat knife suddenly penetrated through the neck of one of the patrol team members. Use this person to stand in front of you, and pull out the pistol equipped with a silencer with the other hand backhand, and shoot continuously. Two more patrol members were shot.

Killing four people in an instant, this speed is already his limit. However, the remaining patrol members did not have the opportunity to raise their guns and fire. "Puff puff" several soft sounds in succession, these armed men on patrol seemed to be pushed hard and fell to the ground on both sides.

Lin Rui let out a sigh of relief and pressed the earphones, "Damn it, if you start slower, I'm afraid I will have to hang up."

Snake-eye's voice came from the earphones, "Then don't be too heroic. Although we are taking care of you, don't try too hard. People always miss their hands."

"Don't talk nonsense, act." Lin Rui whispered, while crouching down, dragged the corpses into the relatively hidden darkness.

A few minutes later, Crazy Horse and others also came out on one side and made a standby gesture to Lin Rui. Sergey, Guns and others on the other side also appeared. Now the entire team, except for the sniper group, has entered the camp.

Yelena was about to step forward, but was caught by the snake's eye. "Don't move. We are attackers who provide long-range strikes. Don't rush up. We must stay on the periphery to cover these people! This is the plan." Snake's eyes solemnly said.

Yelena's gaze was staring at the snake's eye like a knife, but she still obeyed the order. He continued to choose an angle and squatted down and set up her gun.

Snake Eye nodded and said in a low voice: "We must believe them, Lin Rui is fine. But the premise is that we must implement the prescribed tactics."

Yelena nodded silently. I don't know when, she has gradually paid more attention to Lin Rui than the task itself. This is a dangerous signal for the sniper. Because the strength of the sniper comes from a strong heart, a firm and stable heart.

She and Snake Eye's two sniper rifles, the crosshairs are moving and scanning, like the eyes of death.

After Lin Rui and others gathered for a short time, they were divided into two groups. One group followed Lin Rui and was responsible for the rescue. The other group followed Crazy Horse, clearing all obstacles and armed threats on the evacuation route, and both sides must conduct silent operations as carefully as possible.

Lin Rui led the rescue team to move outside the dungeon where the hostages were held, and found that the guard at the door was a little lax. There are only two guards at the entrance of the dungeon. Because the previous patrol team had been cleared by Lin Rui, the existence of these two guards seemed very helpless. And they didn't have enough defense at all.

"Boss." Sergey made a gesture to Lin Rui, indicating that he was ready to go. Lin Rui hesitated and nodded.

Sergey was like a black cat, approaching along the root of the wall silently, and successfully eliminated the two guards with a knife. He was born as a thief and was very experienced in such sneaky things. Sergey's frontal combat capability may not be as good as Crazy Horse and other mercenaries from genuine special forces, but no one is more adept at stabbing people behind the back.

After eliminating the two mercenaries, Sergey made a gesture to let Lin Rui and others approach. He squatted down quickly and checked the lock.

Lin Rui, Gunpao Rose and the others followed, and whispered, "How's it going?"

The lock on the dungeon is a very ordinary padlock, and the door is locked with a thick iron chain. Sergey took out the unlocking tool and whispered, "Small, just give me two minutes."

But when he was speaking, suddenly there was a lot of light around him. The intense light irritated them almost unable to open their eyes, a sirens sounded, and a large number of militants surged like a tide, surrounding them.

Lin Rui secretly said: Not good!

There was a roar of engines above their heads, and two helicopters shining on them with lights, plus the surrounding lights, illuminating it as bright as day. The original huge searchlights were hidden, draped in military tarpaulins, and disguised as piles of supplies.

At this time a large group of militants came out and tore off the camouflage tarpaulin. Lin Rui and others found huge lights all around. Everything came so suddenly, they all carried night vision equipment, but this sudden bright light made their eyesight unbearable for a while. When their eyes adjusted to the light, they realized that they were completely surrounded.

Not only are people around, but guns, there are helicopters staring at him. There were also several armed pickup trucks outside, turning around and aimed at them with heavy machine guns behind them. At the entrance of the entire dungeon, only Lin Rui and a few people stood alone.

Lin Rui's heart sank in an instant, "Danger, disperse!!" Lin Rui suddenly shouted.

However, it was too late when he yelled out. With a "bang" shot, Sergey, who was picking the lock, rolled his arm to the side. On one of his right arms, blood spurted out like a fountain, even his face was stained red by his own blood, which looked terrifying.

"Russian!" The eyes of Lin Rui and others were bloodshot.

"Oh, Mr. Rick, it's been a long time." A man came out from the crowd and laughed loudly. "I didn't expect us to meet in this way. Don't move, you move again, your team Will be dead."

This person is a little thin, with a weird smile and reddish-brown hair that makes him quite weird. Lin Rui recognized this person, Red Baron's subordinate, Conan, the auctioneer who was in charge of the arms market.

It's just that he didn't expect this person to appear here, let alone that he and others would fall into such a trap. Conan walked over to the fallen Sergey with his pistol. "You better not provoke me."

But this Conan obviously underestimated the bravery of the Russians. Sergey jumped up suddenly and yelled: "Retreat! Get out of here." Then he did something that no one had expected. He grabbed Conan's pistol with both hands, and he immediately oozes blood from his arm.

Sergey looked like a ghost, with a fierce expression on his **** and twisted face, and his voice was extremely low: "I want to threaten my comrades with me, no way." He even wanted to die with such an action.

"Don't move!" Lin Rui shouted suddenly, "Russian, don't!"

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