Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 121: Stubborn warlord

"A bigger gain?" Alberta said suspiciously. % し

"Yes, the Red Baron of the Secret Society. It is very likely to participate in this assassination. If we can kill or catch him, then it will be a heavy blow to the Secret Society." Zhao Jianfei said slowly.

Alberta nodded and said, "Well, it would be the best if this is possible. However, I want to remind you that protecting your employer is the number one priority. I know the personal grievances between you and the Red Baron, but the best Don't hinder the mission."

Zhao Jianfei was silent for a while, and said slowly, "I can tell the priority."

"That's good, take your people. I will arrange everything for you." Alberta nodded.

Before nightfall, Zhao Jianfei and all members of the UFO team were placed in the building of the Santujak military government. There, Lin Rui saw a black man in military uniform, who seemed to be very young, no more than forty years old. His name is Harlott, the younger brother of the late president, and the commander-in-chief of the Santoujac government is currently the young leader of Santoujac with sole authority.

After understanding the purpose of Zhao Jianfei and others, Harlot shook his head, "I have no problem with my security and defense work, and you do not need to take over at this time."

"Commander Harlott, I think you haven't figured out the situation. You have to face not only the rebels of the Liberty Liberation League, but also another professional mercenary with powerful strength. They are good at penetrating assassinations, and At present, you are their target." Zhao Jianfei said slowly, "Our protection for you is based on our contract, and we are trying to ensure the interests of employers to the greatest extent."

"It's better to guarantee your own interests. Morningstar takes a certain share of our defense budget every year, and General Denby is still alive today, and his rebels are getting more and more powerful. I even Can't see what you did?" Harlott said with a sullen expression.

"You and your family still control this country. This is what we did for you." Zhao Jianfei said slowly, "and we will maintain this."

Harlot was silent for a while. What Zhao Jianfei said was also the truth. A small country like them is indeed easily subverted. Especially after his brother was attacked and killed, if it weren't for a group of loyal subordinates and Morningstar's mercenaries, he quickly controlled the situation, pushed him to the foreground, and helped him firmly grasp the military initiative. The consequences have long been unimaginable.

Zhao Jianfei looked at him slowly and said, "Of course we are not unconditionally supporting you, and we clearly write the conditions in the contract. We may be profitable, but we are at least upright. Then since the contract between Morningstar and you is still outstanding. Now, when we protect you, we are protecting our own interests. I don’t see any concerns about you."

Harlott's face was uncertain. After a moment of silence, he shook his head and said, "I can't accept this kind of imprisonment protection. I still have a lot to do! There is war ahead, and I can't hide behind a group of bodyguards. I must show up publicly to inspire our soldiers and people. And I must conduct various public foreign affairs activities. I want the whole world to hear my voice and let them understand that the war we are in is fighting against the international Terrorist forces. For the people of Santujac, the situation is difficult. In order to prevent them from starving to death, I must ask for international assistance. I have to do all this, do you understand?"

"Understood." Lin Rui nodded, "It's like a confrontation between two boxers. As a challenger, General Dengby. He doesn't care about his image at all. He is extremely vicious and hideous. And you, the defending champion, What I thought in my heart is not only to defeat him, but also to win the beautiful. Because in your opinion, you are the defender, and you must win the beautiful to look good.

However, you seem to have overlooked one point, and you may lose. No matter how cool your movements are, how handsome you look, and how noble your blood is, the one who is knocked to the ground is the loser. The loser is not qualified to talk about the so-called beautiful victory. "

"Are you saying I'm bragging?" Harlott's face sank.

"You are not bragging, you are trying to create a positive image of you, whether in Santujac domestically or internationally. After all, you have just taken the stage. In order to gain a foothold and work hard to manage your image, you must increase your exposure. We fully understand. You want to show that you are a tough guy, that you have the courage and the ability to protect your country. These are understandable, just like a new product withdrawal, advertising is absolutely necessary. But you must be clear, once you die Now, these are meaningless, but will become a laughing stock." Jiang An said slowly, "Trust us, you can have a better future."

Harlott's face became a little ugly, and Jiang An's words were like a knife, dissecting all the images he tried to maintain without mercy.

He wanted to get angry, but he sighed deeply, "Then what do you want me to do? Let Yi be the leader, hiding behind your protection, and live without dignity?"

"There is no need at all. You can do whatever you want. We have no intention of interfering in all your activities. You can continue to show up, give speeches, hold press conferences, meet with international aid organizations and foreign ambassadors. We have no opinion at all. What we have to do is, while you are doing all these activities. We are by your side anytime, anywhere. Make sure you don't lose your life because of the assassination." Zhao Jianfei said slowly.

"No restrictions on movement, no interference in freedom. Is that simple?" Harlot said suspiciously.

"It's that simple. And we have to know all your itinerary and activity details in advance. Then you will find that we have almost no influence on you. You don't even feel our existence. Although we are in yours By your side, but you can hardly find us." Zhao Jianfei said slowly.

"You said so nicely, but why should I believe you? Many of my activities have a certain degree of security. I don't think it is a good idea for you to stare at me like this. Besides, I don't believe you are better than my personal guard. Keep me safe." Harlot shook his head.

"Your personal guard? Is that the big guy I saw outside just now?" Lin Rui said with a smile.

"They are warriors with many battles and are absolutely loyal to me and my family. The most important thing is that they have the ability to protect my safety. So I don't need you at all. Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it." Ha Lott shook his head firmly.

"Then Commander-in-Chief, how about we make a bet?" Lin Rui smiled as he looked at the stubborn warlord leader.
