Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 1260: FireWire Rescue

"What kind of doctor, what's the matter with this person?" A heavily armed secret agency in the emergency tent asked the doctor.

The doctor looked at Lin Rui, who was in handcuffs and fetters on the hospital bed, and frowned, "He was seriously injured, with multiple bruises on his body, and rib fractures. Judging from his coma state, the condition may be a little serious. It may be that he was injured. The hypoglycemic coma caused by long-term lack of food after the capture may also be caused by puncture injuries to the internal organs due to fractured ribs."

"That said, you can't figure out if he is really unconscious?" The secret agency armed personnel frowned.

"I just said, I don't know what kind of coma was caused by him. But it's not as if you can pretend to be in his condition. The blood pressure, heart rate and other physiological data will not deceive. He should be in a coma." The doctor nodded.

"Then find a way to save him. The Baron personally explained that this person is very important. Gather all your emergency medical teams and perform an operation on him, give him an electric shock to the heart, or breathe in some oxygen. Damn it! Anyway, you **** deserve it. Do something, we can't let this guy die." The militants in the secret society were a little annoyed.

"This is just a temporary emergency room for war wounds. There is not so much inspection equipment. We don't even know how he was in a coma or how to treat him. The best way is to send him away and go to places where conditions permit. "The doctor frowned.

"This is in Africa." The militant of the secret agency shook his head. "And he can't go anywhere without the baron's order." The militant shook his head.

Although Lin Rui closed his eyes, he was not unconscious. Through traditional Chinese Qigong and meditation, he can adjust his physical state to the greatest extent, making people feel unconscious. However, he listened to the speeches of these people around him without missing a word. Without everyone paying attention, he gently pushed the heart rate measuring instrument on his finger outward.

The doctor who was staring at the testing instrument on one side soon became nervous, "His heart has stopped."

"Then you quickly help him rescue." The militant roared.

"Damn, he has a sudden cardiac arrest. Untie the chains on his body and come and help me with a ventilator. Prepare a cardiac defibrillator and 0.25-0.5mg adrenaline for intracardiac injection. Hurry, hurry." The doctor said nervously.

"Unlock the chains?" The militant hesitated while holding on to the breathing apparatus.

"Nonsense, I'm going to give him an electric shock with a cardiac defibrillator to restore his heart rate. What are you waiting for? He will hang up after waiting." The doctor took the defibrillator from the assistant and prepared for the shock. In desperation, the militants could only untie the chains that bound Lin Rui. The doctor's assistant on one side also ran over with a syringe.

Lin Rui was waiting for this opportunity. He took advantage of the doctor to pick up the electric shock defibrillator and was about to give him an electric shock to resuscitate him, his body straightened up suddenly, turned around with the help of waist strength, took the electric shock defibrillator from the doctor's hand, and wrapped the wire around the guard with his backhand The switch was pressed on the neck. The instant pulse current stunned the guard.

The doctor and his assistant on the side were dumbfounded. Lin Rui grabbed the syringe that the assistant was holding. The sharp needle was against the carotid doctor, and said in a low voice, "Don’t say anything, doctor, you are an expert. If this You know what the consequences will be if the air in the needle tube goes down."

The doctor raised his hand helplessly, "No, I'm just a doctor."

"Me too, then be your doctor, don't expect to be a hero." Lin Rui shrugged to the doctor's assistant next to him, and said in a low voice, "Tie this guard up and keep silent. If someone asks outside, just Saying that they are in the rescue, they need help, let them come in for a help."

The doctor and assistant were trembling. They had never seen such a person. They were obviously injured all over, and they were still so alive.

"Is there anyone out there?" The doctor could only follow Lin Rui's words. But after he shouted, no one answered. Lin Rui couldn't help but wonder, there should be at least five guards outside, how could no one answer? He winked at the doctor and forced him to call again.

"I need help here, somebody." The doctor called again, but no one responded.

Lin Rui originally wanted to lure in one or two guards from outside, and then get rid of them in this tent, so as not to face several armed guards at the same time when he rushed out. But there was no sound outside, which surprised him.

Did the movement just now arouse their alertness? Lin Rui was secretly alert, he stunned the doctor and assistant with a punch. A pistol and a carbine were found from the guard. Pinch it in his hand, staring at the door of the tent.

A figure quickly flashed in, and Lin Rui smashed the opponent across the butt. As a result, the guy reacted very quickly. A crouching and rolling man had already raised his handgun.

"Russian?" Lin Rui was stunned.

"Hey, boss, you almost killed me." Sergey got up on the ground and said, "It seems you really don't need help, don't you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, are you alone?" Lin Rui frowned.

Sergei whispered, "We have a reconnaissance team outside, mainly to find you. We must leave immediately. There will be a big battle in this place soon. I have solved the guards outside."

"What's the matter?" Lin Rui asked in a low voice while walking.

"We will launch an attack on this command in a few hours. Most of their people have gone to outflank Wollman's back road, and now is the time for them to be empty. But we have to try to get out before talking." Cover the low voice. "Walking here, when I came, I had already cleared the guards on the other side."

Lin Rui nodded and walked behind Sergey with the gun in his hand. He is indeed in very bad condition, with multiple injuries on his body, especially serious injuries to his ribs. The outbreak just now was just a charge of fighting once, and the others knew better than anyone that he was the end of the battle. There is not much combat power.

Sergey trot all the way, pressing his earphones and said, "All team members, move closer to my position. I have found Rick, and he is still alive. We need to cover him to leave."

"Great!" The Crazy Horse and others in the headquarters of Naryi City slapped them on the table, "This Russian guy, did a great job this time."

Jiangan nodded silently, "They succeeded, and we have to do all the boarding and launch the helicopter. We set off within ten minutes. Tell Rose and Sergey to signal us after leaving their camp. Action. Let's go!!!"

The three teams of o2 all finished boarding, the roaring helicopter engine and the high-speed rotating rotor, carrying the smelly air of the Naryi River, carried the three teams gradually upward.